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OMEGA Rescue

Page 24

by Stephen Arseneault

  I replied, "I hope you're right, Colonel. We have tags all over this sector. If any AIs show, we should be able to handle them in the same manner as what we just did. It's a great day to be a member of the AMP. Perhaps I can now work on getting my wife released."

  The colonel thought for a moment. "That might be a task we take care of right now, Mr. Beutcher, while we have leverage."

  I shook my head. "I would prefer to do it through a legal means. Anything else will just anger the Council more, and I know my wife wouldn't want that."

  The colonel replied, "Suit yourself, Mr. Beutcher. If that's your preference, it's your call."

  Before our final departure, an agreement of peace was signed with the Grunta Council. A similar deal was sealed with the Tamarin and the Kergans. No members of the Yallux galaxy were at war with the AMP. We returned home to face the normal problems that came with reconstruction.

  Celebrations were few and far between. Most species in the AMP had little involvement with the AIs and as a consequence didn't much care about their defeat. Few chose to celebrate the return of the AMP as most were leery of change without seeing immediate results. The return of freedoms and reduction of taxes would take time to flow down to and have effect on the common citizen. Most just continued on with their daily lives.

  The colonel and Frig desired to be returned to Gratis. The colonel would claim the old residence of Don Grange while Frig returned to the compound he had constructed two millennia before. The Earth's Rise was decommissioned and parked on the planet's surface, and the Earth gate was returned to its place of origin, buried underground. Jack stayed on Gratis as the Earth's Rise caretaker. If the AI were to again show up in the Yallux galaxy, the portal ship would be resurrected.

  Go returned to Omega. He wanted to see his family, after which he would decide upon a direction for his life. The possibilities open to him were almost limitless.

  Joni, Garrett, and Raptor set up house on Alpha Prime with their primary function consisting of overseeing the confinement of Harden Salton. Because of his assistance in restoring the AMP, Harden received a pardon for his millions of murder charges. A sentence of life in confinement for conspiracy was passed down with all other charges dropped. Joseph Salton received a sentence of five years. Joni would see to it that both men served their time.

  After much consideration, I enlisted Harden's help with a propaganda campaign as I fought for the release of my wife. The Council frustrated my every attempt, but their popularity was falling precipitously. The constant negative news stories about cronyism and corruption had already seen two members resign. I hoped to have Getta's freedom within months.

  The new governor of Alpha Prime restored my position of detective along with all my stars. A sixth star was offered, along with a position overseeing the entire security force of the AMP. I declined. My commitment to the AMP had already been fulfilled. I took my old inspector position on SS5.

  Captain Paq Wendell stood, scratching his head as I walked into his office. "Beutcher, I'm shocked, but I'm not shocked that you came back here. I guess I don't really know what to say or where to begin."

  I laughed, "Don't worry, Captain. I'm not looking for any special treatment. I just want to exist for a while without the worries of the universe surrounding me. When Getta is released, I fully expect to be asked to come home. Until that happens, I'm yours to command."

  The captain took a deep breath as he shook his head. "You're a mystery, Beutcher... a mystery for sure. Oh, I don't know if you've been told or not, but they shipped in the Daunte this morning. I hear it took some tracking down. Some admiral was using it as his personal transport. Anyway, she's down in Bay-17 if you want to see her. Let me know when you're settled, and I'll have dispatch send you something to chew on."

  For the first time in years, I felt at home.


  What's Next!

  * * *

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  (Vol. 8)


  Chapter 8.1

  * * *

  After a week back on the job, I was going nuts. The ultra-slow pace of traveling through space at standard speeds, the interaction with captains who were irritated about having their ships inspected, and the monotonous details required in the inspection reports, were all far less satisfying than I had envisioned. After a run-in with a particularly frustrated captain, Paq Wendell ordered me to spend some time at my desk reviewing reports. He placed no expectations on my productivity.

  A comm came in from Harden Salton. "Mr. Beutcher, I have some good news. Our campaign on Jorus has gone better than expected. Public sentiment for the release of Getta is up to 56 percent. Sentiment for the Council sits at 38 percent, a historic low. The people are working hard to build their homes and businesses and I've taken every opportunity to make it appear as though the Council is meddling in the affairs of the common citizen. Most just want to be left alone."

  I said, "What does that mean for her release?"

  Harden smiled. "My sources say we may have a vote on the subject in as little as a week. It turns out the new Council is just as political as the councils before it. Some people were just not meant to wield power."

  I nodded. "Present company included."

  Harden pursed his lips. "Touché, Mr. Beutcher. Anyway, we may only be weeks away from her release. And if that happens, there could easily be a full reinstatement to the Council."

  I replied, "I'm not sure she would want that job back."

  Harden again smiled. "She should. My sources, along with my gut tell me that she would almost be a shoe-in for Council lead. We've been broadcasting scenes of her fighting against the Grotus and others, spectacular stuff. She is quite the warrior. By the way, how's the detective work coming?"

  I slowly shook my head. "Boring. I feel as though everything is moving in slow motion."

  Harden laughed. "Yes, a common feeling by those coming back from the battlefield. Normal life takes a little getting used to. Imagine my dilemma while trapped on the Ares. All this action going on around me, action that I was previously a big part of, and suddenly, I wasn't even allowed to participate or watch. Hence my futile attempts at escape."

  A comm attempt came in from Go. "Harden, thank you for your efforts with regards to Getta. I have another comm. Will check in again in a few days."

  Go's face popped up on my holo-display. "Mr. Beutcher, was just checking in to see how things were."

  I replied, "I'm starting to think that every time I look away from the clock, time has come to a standstill. The pace is disheartening."

  Go nodded. "Tell me about it."

  I asked, "The visit with your family, how'd that go?"

  Go winced. "They are exactly as they were. Everyone has their own little version of a scam running. Always near creditless and unwilling to work a regular job, even though jobs are plentiful."

  I said, "Have you zeroed in on a career?"

  Go half frowned. "No, that's kind of why I'm calling. Does your security team need any detectives? I'm more than willing to start at the bottom or even to attend the academy."

  I sighed. "I don't think this job is for either of us at the moment. That is, unless you like watching the fresh paint dry in Bay-17."

  Go said, "I heard you got the Daunte back. Is she in good shape still?"

  I nodded. "She's as good as she ever was. Only now, without a porta
l gate, she somehow seems to be less than she was. Dispatch is again stingy with the portal sweeps, so every assignment takes days of monotonous space travel to complete."

  I chuckled, "It's funny, that was one of my favorite parts of the job before. You were free to do as you wanted, knowing that what work you had was hours or days away. Now I just feel like banging my head against the console."

  Go half smiled. "What we need is an adventure. Something to absorb some of the adrenaline our bodies are overproducing."

  I pulled up a news feed and watched the news ticker as it went by. "I don't know that there is much adventure to be had in the AMP. Everyone is busy trying to make their station in life better. I will say this; I don't think there has ever been a better time for the common citizen to pursue their dreams."

  Go laughed, "Yeah, common dreams maybe. I don't think the adventure we need would fall under those types of dreams. How's Garrett and Joni?"

  I said, "They are well. Very much enjoying each other's company. Joni likes giving him menial tasks and Garrett seems content with doing them. They've become homebodies."

  I continued my chat with Go for another half hour. The conversation ended with an invitation for him to come to SS5 for a visit. He readily accepted.

  After slowly browsing a report, I decided it was time for lunch. A quick comm had Ogu meeting me at Betty's restaurant, Sam's. Other than a few more years of age, neither of my friends had changed.

  As I entered Sam's, Ogu welcomed me with a hearty hug and a slap on the back Betty with a smile from behind the bar.

  Ogu was first to talk. "Must have been a wild ride. How’s it feel having your feet back on the ground?"

  I spent the next five minutes talking about the woes of being in the general workforce.

  Ogu responded, "Well, at least you had a job to come back to. I heard they gave you a full reinstatement with back pay. You do remember that hundred credits you owe me from those arm pads don't you?"

  I half laughed. "Credits are something I haven't thought about in a long time. With all that has happened, they almost seem meaningless."

  I held out my arm pad for a credit transfer.

  Ogu waved his hand. "Forget it. It was a joke."

  Betty said, "Has there been any news with Getta?"

  I nodded. "We're hoping for a vote on her release in the coming weeks. There's been nothing official set, but Harden seems to think a vote is coming."

  Ogu shook his head. "Harden. Who'd of thought you would be the one who toppled him."

  I half smiled, "Certainly not me. Even now, it's difficult to fathom all that has happened. I sometimes wonder if it was all a dream."

  A comm from Frig interrupted the conversation. "Mr. Beutcher, we've cracked the code."

  I replied as I stood, "I'll be there as soon as I can."

  Ogu asked, "So that's it? You just rush off at the first call now?"

  I placed my hand on Ogu's shoulder and squeezed. "I need some new material for our discussions here."

  Ogu laughed. "New material? You haven't even filled us in on what's already happened!"

  I nodded to Betty. "I will be back. And I will fill you both in on everything I've seen and done. I hope you live long lives, because it may take that long to tell it."

  I hurried out of Sam's, heading back toward the office of Paq Wendell.

  I raised Go on the comm. "How soon can you be here?"

  Go replied, "If the gates are all open it should only take about twenty minutes. Why?"

  I looked into the comm camera as I walked. "Frig has the code."

  Go's eyes lit up. "The Earth gate code?"

  I nodded. "He's expecting me there as soon as I can travel. Come to Bay-17 here on SS5."

  Go grinned. "I'm on my way."

  I opened a comm to Joni. "We have the gate code."

  Joni turned away from the camera. "Get your bag, they have the Earth code."

  Garrett stood, poking his face into the camera view. "It's about time!"

  I said, "Meet me on SS5 and we'll go out together."

  Joni smiled. "Give us fifteen minutes. We have to get to a gate. Have you spoken with Go?"

  I nodded. "He's meeting us here. When you arrive, head to Bay-17, we'll be riding out in the Daunte."

  Joni grinned. "I've been dying to get back aboard her. See you there."

  I walked into the captain's office. "Mr. Wendell. I'm in need of a favor."

  Paq shook his head as he laughed. "I thought you said no special treatment!"

  I nodded. "I did. But this is urgent."

  The captain leaned back in his chair and gestured with his hands. "Give it to me."

  I said, "I need a portal sweep out to the planet Gratis."

  The captain sat forward. "Gratis?"

  I nodded. "It's back in Omega."

  The captain asked, "What in the blazes would you want from out there?"

  I set my balled up fists on his desk. "I can't say other than it's extremely important."

  The captain moved back in his chair with his hands raised. "Whoa, OK. I was just busting your chops. You do know that I've been told repeatedly to authorize just about anything you want, don't you? Repeatedly... I've been told. If you want a sweep to Omega, you've got a sweep to Omega."

  I nodded. "Thank you, Captain."

  Paq Wendell smiled. "Well, I hope you find whatever you're looking for out there. This is the first spark I've seen in you since you got back. Not that I'm looking for you to burst into flame or anything, but a spark is a good start."

  I thanked the captain again as I turned toward Bay-17 and the Daunte.

  As I walked up the ramp-way, I heard the sound of paws tamping on the steel deck as Raptor ran toward me. I turned, going down on one knee for a meeting with my favorite Human dog. As a Grunta, I rather enjoyed the slobbery licking I received. Garrett shook his head in disgust.

  As I sat in the captain's chair, Go came through the bay doors at a sprint.

  As he topped the ramp, he attempted to talk while out of breath. "I... ran the whole way... from the gate... to here."

  Garrett slapped him on the back before encircling him with a hug. "Glad to see you. You've been missed! And why the huffing? I would have thought those prosthetics would do all the work for you."

  Go nodded as he clutched his thighs while leaning over. "You... too. And... you have to remember... I only have half a lung... over here."

  Joni followed with a kiss to his cheek and Raptor with a strong nudge.

  I looked around the cabin as the ramp-way pulled shut. "I can't say I thought I'd ever see the lot of you on this ship again."

  Go held up his hand. "My first time. You talked about her a lot, but she was taken away before we met."

  I half smiled in thought. "Yes, I guess you're right. Welcome aboard the Daunte, Go."

  Go sat back in a chair in the cabin. "Glad to be aboard!"

  Joni asked, "The code, tell us about it!"

  I shook my head. "You know as much as I do. We'll find out the rest in a few minutes."

  Joni sat in the copilot's chair. "A few minutes? You arranged a sweep?"

  I nodded. "I just have to check in with the dispatcher."

  I powered up the Daunte's drive, taxied out a half kilometer from the station and opened a comm to dispatch. "This is Knog Beutcher; I need a sweep out to the planet Gratis in the Omega sector."

  Hela Gruend replied, "Hello, Mr. Beutcher. I've been waiting to catch you on dispatch. Welcome back."

  "Hela?" I said. "Well, I'll have to say that it's nice to see you and hear your voice."

  Hela smiled. "Likewise, Mr. Beutcher. I seem to be having trouble locating the colony you requested. Is that Gratis with a t?"

  I laughed. "Hold on. I'll send you the coordinates. This one is not on the charts. And please do me a favor and don't try to add it."

  Hela again smiled. "Wouldn't dream of it, Mr. Beutcher. The coordinates have been accepted. The sweep should happen in about fifteen seconds.
And, Mr. Beutcher, it is good to see you."

  I smiled back as the comm closed. A small but familiar portal window opened in front of the Daunte. Seconds later, we were looking down on Gratis from high orbit.

  I opened a comm to Frig. "We're here. Where would you like us to set down?"

  Frig replied, "We'll be waiting just outside the entrance to the Grange bunker."

  We touched down on a field of grass as the ramp-way lowered. Raptor was the first down and immediately squatted in the field to take care of much needed business.

  Garrett laughed as he shook his head. "That dog. I just took him for that a couple hours ago."

  We joined Frig, Kerba Skol, Jack, and the colonel, following them inside. A broken wall had been pushed back, revealing a once-secret passage down to the portal gate, the same passage the bots had used during their attempt to take it. After moving down a kilometer of stairs and walkways, we came to the gate room.

  Frig walked over to the control console. "We have yet to test this code on the gate. There is a slight possibility that it will not work."

  The colonel stood in front of the gate in anticipation. "It'll work. Your schemes always do."

  Frig smiled as he entered the pass-code. "Gate power should initiate followed by a request to open on the other end. If that request is granted, the portal to Earth will open."

  Kerba stood behind the colonel, almost shaking. "I can't believe this is happening. Earth of all places. Most on Ankor believed it to be a myth."

  The gate came to life with a string of red lights lining its exterior. Seconds later, the red lights turned to green and a portal window formed. As the colonel and Frig walked forward, the rest of us stood still. We were the first people to look upon Earth space in nearly two thousand years.

  The colonel stopped and looked back. "Come on. Nothing on this end to be afraid of. Most things are probably shut down."

  One by one we followed our ancient friends through the portal.


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