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Men of Anderas II: Dak the Protector

Page 19

by Cheryl Johnson

  Drawing a deep breath, Dak aimed the key at the door, smiling when he remembered his first attempt at opening the fortress and how Kierin’s laughter warmed his heart. Holding the memory of her laugh in his head, Dak willed the door to open and walked toward his future.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Dak wanted to rush into the cave and confront Kierin but he knew the horses had to come first. He pushed them way past their limits and they gave him everything he asked of them. Without a little special treatment he just might come out tomorrow and find them dead. Unloading the supplies in the barn, he led each horse to a stall.

  “Bet you’re glad I added more room to this barn.” He spoke softly to Kierin’s mare. “You’ve got company.”

  It took longer than he thought to brush, feed and water his animals. Part of him wanted to hurry. Another part feared what would happen when Kierin realized he was here. The part between his legs hoped he wouldn’t be sleeping alone tonight.

  Dinner will be on the table in about five minutes.

  Kierin’s voice in his head, after so long without hearing her, dropped him to his knees in the middle of the barn floor. By the Beard of the Prophet, she’s back. Tears burned behind his eyes and Dak swallowed hard around the lump in his throat. He didn’t know how long he squatted in the dirt before a nanny goat gently butted him in the chest.

  “Don’t push. I’m going. She just took me by surprise.” Stumbling to his feet, he made a quick survey of the barn, making sure all the occupants were down for the night before closing the door and heading for the cave. He knew he had a lot of talking and begging and apologizing to do--but she hadn’t zapped him. He’d take any scrap of encouragement he could get.

  * * * *

  Oh, I can’t believe I opened up to him! Why? Why? Why did I do that?

  Between the vault room and her mental wall, Kierin never knew he left Cypriana and headed back to her. Until, he opened the gate and stepped through the security field. She didn’t have to deliberately make the connection. His intense emotions swamped her, destroying the fragile wall she worked so hard to maintain. Wild, insane hope battled her insecurities and fear of more heartache. Why did he come back? What did he want? Why did her heart beat hard enough to explode? How could she sit and talk when all she wanted was to drag him to bed?

  “Enough.” She mumbled. “Feed him. Talk to him. And if you don’t like what he has to say, send him away.” She ignored the voice in her head that snorted at that last comment. It wouldn’t take long for him to reach her and she had to find a way to stay strong against him. The tremors in her hands were not a good sign. “Dinner first. Bowls for stew, spoons--done. Goddess, help me through the next few minutes.” Smoothing her hands down the front of her skirt she wished she had something pretty to wear just for him. She turned as Dak walked through the doorway.

  Now that he was here, he was afraid to move. She was so beautiful. The heat from the fire made her face glow. Damn! He wanted to touch her so bad he ached but if he did they would end up in bed with nothing settled between them. This was more important than physical gratification despite what his dick thought.

  “May I come in, Little Witch?” He asked softly, smiling when she wrinkled her nose at his pet name for her.

  “Dinner is ready--if you’re hungry?” She fidgeted, twisting the fabric of her skirt, barely looking at him.

  I’m hungry for you, baby. He knew she heard him when she gasped and turned toward the fire.

  “I’m starving.” He answered, keeping his voice soft and soothing. “Nine days on the trail eating dried meat and stale bread leaves a man craving something … hot, soft and fragrant.”

  The color deepened on her face and Dak knew damn good and well it wasn’t from the fire. Every small change in her body language called to him but he had to regain her trust first. He felt like a pubescent boy at his first dance but she was as nervous as he was so he took another step closer. When she tensed, a blinding pain stabbed through his heart, stealing his breath.

  “Are you afraid of me, Kierin?” He whispered when he could finally draw air into his lungs. If she answered yes he’d have to leave and never come near her again. Seeing that fear in her eyes every day would destroy him.

  “No!” She declared strongly. “I’ve never been afraid when you’re here.” She busied herself with the pot of stew so he couldn’t see her face. “I’m just a little nervous.” She whispered softly. “Please, sit down and eat. I used the last of your dried meat from when … before you … it would ….”

  “It smells wonderful.” He tried to ease her discomfort. By the Ancients he hated seeing her so unsure of herself in her own home. He did this to her. Cursing himself for a fool--again--Dak pulled a chair out for her and waited until she settled before moving around the table to his. His hands itched to stroke the soft cloud of hair she wore pinned at the top of her head. A few stray wisps feathered against her neck, calling to him. She wasn’t ready for that but he silently prayed she would welcome his touch soon.

  “Is this clover tea?” He asked more to break the uneasy silence than any real interest in the liquid while he filled his bowl with the thick stew of meat and vegetables. He really was hungry.

  “Yes.” She didn’t look up from her meal.

  I knew this wasn’t going to be easy, baby, but please give me something--anything--that I can cling to while we work through this.

  Her head jerked up, her eyes flashing with anger. He wanted to shout YES! But wisely kept his face clear and open.

  “Why, Dak?” She demanded, tossing her spoon into her nearly full bowl. “You left. You refused to talk to me. Did it ever occur to you that I might have had questions, too? That I was as confused as you were? Do you want me to say that all of this,” she waved her arm around the room before placing it against her abdomen, “is my fault? Fine. Yes. It’s all my fault but you know what? I don’t give a damn how you feel about it. It wasn’t a great plan but it was the only one I could come up with at the time and I do not regret one minute of it.”

  He waited while she visibly calmed her ragged breathing. She was magnificent. He would happily spend the rest of his life making her feel like a princess. An emotion that he’d never felt before hit him like a body blow to his chest.

  “I love you, Little Witch.”

  The only sound in the room was the occasional pop and snap of the fire as the logs settled. Dak didn’t know whether he wanted to throw up or slink from the room. Had his actions killed any chance for them? Why didn’t she say something?

  When the first tear slid down her cheek, he couldn’t sit still. In the handful of seconds it took him to circle the small table and scoop her into his arms and onto his lap, the tears flowed steadily but she still hadn’t said a work.

  “Don’t cry, Kierin. Please, baby, you’re killing me. I can wait for you to love me again--forever, if I have to--just give me a chance. Let me stay and take care of you and our daughter. I’ll never give you reason to doubt me again. Please, don’t send me away, baby.” Dak stroked her back and arms, any place he could reach trying to comfort her. When she struggled against his embrace, his heart shattered. How in the world would he survive without her in his world?

  “Say it again.” She whispered, swiping at the flood of salty tears. “Please, oh please, say it again.”

  Dak took her face between his hands, stroking his thumbs along her soft skin, and looked deep into her aqua eyes. “I. Love. You.”

  Her smile could light the universe and it was all for him. His heart no longer threatened to stop beating. It swelled with love for this tiny woman until he feared it would explode.

  Her hands slid around his neck and into his hair. Dak placed a soft, gentle kiss against her mouth but she wasn’t interested in gentle. Sliding her tongue into his open mouth, she took control of the kiss. Deep. Demanding. He was lost in his need for her.

  Some small, rational cell in his brain screamed at him to slow down and he finally listened. Breaking the k
iss, he pulled Kierin’s head to his shoulder and held her close.

  “We have to talk, baby.” His other brain jerked in protest.

  “Tomorrow.” She mumbled, placing small kisses against his chest.

  “No, now.” What the fuck are you doing? She’s crawling all over you and you want to talk? “I need to explain about the woman ….”

  “Absolutely not! I will not listen to you discuss bedding another woman!”

  Dak struggled to keep her in his lap. “Kierin, stop. I never slept with her. I didn’t even know she was there until I woke up with her on my chest.”

  She stopped struggling and looked at him. He took that as a positive sign. “My boss, Jamison, thought I needed to get … umm … he paid her to sneak into my room and seduce me. She made my skin crawl so I threw her out, bare-assed naked.”

  Kierin didn’t speak, just stared into his eyes. Dak swore she was seeing into his soul. He prayed there was enough left of the man he was raised to be still there for her to find. She finally leaned against his chest and sighed.


  Good? What the fuck? Was he the luckiest son-of-a-bitch in the universe, or what?

  “Just like that?” He mumbled against her hair. “No argument? No demands? Just good?”

  “Oh, I’ve got a few demands and I’m positive we will have more arguments; but, yes, just good.”

  Pulling the pins from her hair, Dak spread the soft strands across her shoulders. “What do you say we get comfortable and discuss those demands you mentioned?”

  “I’d rather get naked and discuss our mutual demands.”

  Dak didn’t need a second invitation. He gathered her small body close to his chest and carried her to bed.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  After sitting Kierin on the edge of the bed, Dak quickly placed scented candles on every flat surface. The golden glow brightened the chamber and filled it with a faint floral bouquet.

  “We don’t need all the candles, do we?” She asked, blushing to the roots of her hair.

  Dak dropped to his knees at her feet and took her hands in his much larger ones. “The last time we were in this bed it was dark and obsessive and over way too soon.” He stroked her wrists with his thumbs, smiling when her pulse jumped in response. “I want to see you--watch you come apart in my arms. When you look up at me you’ll know there’s no one in my mind or heart except you.”

  Releasing her hands, he smoothed her hair behind her ears before sliding his fingers into the silky strands and pulling her lips to his. When her lips parted on a sigh, Dak used his tongue to tease hers into joining their dance. When he pulled back, she followed.

  “You’re driving me insane. Make love to me, Dak. Now.” Kierin pulled his hand from her head and placed it on her aching breast.

  With a groan, he pulled away. “Not this time, baby. I’m going to love you all night long. I’ve dreamed of your soft skin sliding against mine; your legs wrapped around my waist--or my head.” Dak grinned at her shocked expression. The blush was back and brighter that before. “Little Witch, between my dick, my hands and my mouth, you’ll wake up tomorrow knowing you have been well and truly loved.”

  He stood and pulled her to her feet. When she gathered her hair and started twisting it up, stopped her. “Leave it down.”

  “I can’t do that,” she grinned, “or it will be tied in so many knots in the morning you’ll have to shave my head.”

  “I’ll comb your hair for you. I want it spread across the bed. I want to create a tent around me when you ride me.”

  “I hope you enjoy tonight because I can just about guarantee you won’t repeat this after you see the results in the morning.” She released her hold and her hair flowed around her slender body.

  “Thank you, Kierin.” He whispered. “It will be worth every knot and tangle.” After another bone-melting kiss, Dak slipped buttons from their loops across one shoulder and eased the material over her head before dropping it at their feet. When he reached for the skirt, he had to ask. “Is there anything in any of these pockets that will break?”

  Kierin giggled, remembering their trip together. “I only use the pockets when I travel.”

  “Good. I wouldn’t want to shatter a bottle of something that would turn me into a toad or make my manhood drop off.”

  Laughter filled the room and wrapped around Dak’s soul. “I don’t even know what a toad is and if something should happen to other parts,” she stroked him through his pants, “you did mention hands and mouth, didn’t you?”

  “Woman! Don’t even joke about a man’s dick!” Dak grabbed her to his chest and spun her around and around before they collapsed on the bed laughing. When their humor calmed he traced her lips with his fingertip.

  “It scares me to love someone as much as I love you, Kierin. There are so many reasons why we shouldn’t be together and, by all the Ancients, I fought against what was happening to me--to us. I don’t want to fight this anymore. You’re mine, Little Witch, and I don’t give a damn what anyone else thinks.”

  “I wanted you the minute I saw you at that horrid slave market.” Kierin snuggled against Dak’s chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. “I never dreamed ….”

  “It’s no dream, baby. This is as real as it can be as long as we’re together.” His gentle kiss to seal his pledge quickly ignited. Pushing her to her back, Dak made quick work of her skirt. He pulled back long enough to remove his shirt but left his pants. She was too tempting and he wanted tonight to be unforgettable for her.

  The candle glow burnished her translucent skin. He stroked the soft skin from her throat to her small breasts to her still-flat stomach. Leaning over, he placed a soft kiss just below her belly button.

  “Hello, baby girl,” he whispered, “I’m here now so you and your mama can relax and just be happy. I’ll take care of you both. I promise.”

  Kierin’s gasp brought his attention back to her face. “She heard you and she’s smiling.”

  “You can talk to her?” Dak asked, stunned.

  She shook her head. “More like feel what’s she’s thinking.”

  “Wait!” Dak rolled away from Kierin and struggled to understand. “When I make love to you will she know what we’re doing?” That possibility was wrong on so many levels.

  “Of course not.” She rushed to calm his panic attack. “She has no knowledge, Dak, just emotions. Her emotional beacons are nothing more than mirrors of mine.” Dragging her nails through the hair on his chest, Kierin nipped his earlobe. “If you do everything right, she’ll know her mother is a very happy woman.”

  “Is that a challenge, Little Witch?” Dak growled softly, reaching for her again.

  “Only if you think you’re up for it.” She grinned. “I wouldn’t want you to feel pressured.”

  Flipping her on her back, Dak clamped her hands in one of his and held them above her head. “You are about to discover exactly what I’m up for, my lady.”

  Dak stroked his lips across her mouth, barely touching, denying them both the pressure and heat they craved. Keeping his eyes locked with hers, he ripped the silky panties, tossing them over his shoulder. Kierin gasped, lifting her hips in invitation.

  “Not yet, my sweet. I’ve dreamed about this for months.” Pushing her back against the bed, he trailed his fingers through the soft waves covering her secrets. “I’ve never seen a woman with hair like yours.” He whispered. “Some had no hair at all, but without fail, the others had tight, springy curls. You’re silky and wavy.” He looked back at Kierin and grinned. “I could play here all night.”

  “If you don’t stop comparing me to other women I may rethink that potion.”

  Her threat would carry more weight if she weren’t arching into his touch. “Point taken, Little Witch.”

  His stroking fingers slid deeper into her dampness before gently pushing her thighs apart. Drawing erotic circles against the inside of her legs, he moved closer to her center, never quite touching,
building her need and straining his control.

  “Dak, please.” She begged, her breathing ragged.

  “What do you want for your first explosion, Kierin? My hand,” he pushed two fingers deep into her center. She groaned and gripped him with her inner muscles.

  “My cock,” he flexed his erection against her hip. She rocked against his hand seeking relief.

  “Or my tongue.” He gave her no chance to answer before grabbing her hips and rolling to his back pushing her to a sitting position on his chest. With her knees spread wide across his chest, she was right where he wanted and open for his pleasure.

  “Dak! You can’t … we can’t … how?” Kierin struggled to move.

  Dak reached around her legs, holding her in place and open to him. “I can. We’ve done this before. This is how.” He pulled her hips forward to meet his face, plunging his tongue as deep as he could go. She tasted like the finest wine with a hint of spice and as addictive as any drug. Her hands, fisted in his hair, no longer tried to push him away. She pulled him closer, riding his tongue. With one swipe of the tight knot of nerves hidden in her slick folds, she shattered, screaming his name. Taking every drop of her release, he stroked the soft skin of her bottom and thighs until she melted into his embrace.

  Rolling her to her back, Dak wiggled out of his pants before gathering Kierin’s limp body close. “Any complaints so far, baby?” He whispered against her throat before nipping her shoulder.

  “I think I’m dead.” She mumbled when she could finally draw a breath.

  He chuckled, settling between her quivering legs. She was so wet from her release he struggled for control. Her hands, stroking his face and shoulders still shook with gentle tremors.

  “You’re so beautiful and I’m drunk on the taste of you.”


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