Trust No Bitch 2
Page 16
JuJu was the first one out of the truck. Isaiah and Isaac got out and strapped the special hardware over their backs. Kiam slid out last. He glanced up and down the block and saw no pedestrians moving about at this hour of the night. In a few long strides he caught up with JuJu and 'em.
Together, with their tools out and their backs pressed against the side of the house, they crept silently. When they reached the backdoor Kiam knocked lightly then stepped to the side in case Kato had pulled a double cross.
A minute or so passed then someone called out, “Who is it?”
“It's time to eat.”
“Who sent you, Bleed?”
“The devil.” Kiam smiled demonically.
On both sides of him his assassination squad stood ready to air shit out. The door opened a crack and Kiam's foot sent it flying inwards. A big Debo-looking dude stumbled back and raised his arm. The overhead light in the kitchen bounced off the chrome whistle in his hand. Kiam squeezed the trigger of his fo-fo and sent something lethal all up in big boy's chest, sending him flying back into the refrigerator.
Boom! Boom! Boom! The fo-fo roared angry and loud.
JuJu dashed around Kiam and ran into the living room spraying niggas, tearing wood off furniture and paint from the walls. The twins were on his heels joining in the rat a tat tatta. An older gray-haired man bounced up off the couch and tried to grab a Glock .50 off the cocktail table. As soon as he rose up Isaiah opened up his chest with a sudden blast from his Desert Eagle. Pops staggered back like a Saturday night drunk. The Glock slipped from his hand and fell to the floor as he put his hand over his heart. Blood seeped through his fingers and he sat back down heavily.
Kiam stepped in the room and shot the old man in the face. Boom! Pops slumped over on his side with half of his crown missing.
“The next muthafucka to move is gonna join him,” Kiam barked.
He looked around the living room. Including old dude, three bodies were sprawled out. Half smoked blunts, dirty glasses and half empty Ciroc bottles littered the end tables and Lil Wayne's The Carters III CD played from an iPhone that was plugged into a 60” flat screen. A dark skinned pretty female and a little stocky dude with shoulder length dreads sat on a loveseat side by side. JuJu had his banger shoved against the broad's forehead and Isaac had li'l man guarded.
Kiam walked over and smiled at them menacingly. Li'l man threw his arm around shorty and glared up at him defiantly.
“I know all about you Ty,” said Kiam evenly. “You 'bout it, huh?”
“You muhfuckin' right so do what you came to do.”
“Oh I'ma handle mines, that's a given.” Kiam aimed his gun down and shot him in the stomach. Boom!
The girl screamed.
“Shut her up!” Kiam told JuJu.
JuJu slapped her across the face with his steel and she whimpered against Ty's shoulder.
Ty clutched his stomach and winced.
“Just remember you ain't running shit,” Kiam said.
“Fuck you, bitch ass nigga!” Spittle flew out the corners of Ty's mouth splashing over Kiam's forehead.
When Kiam wiped his face Ty pushed the girl forward and reached under the loveseat for the choppa that he kept stashed there. Kiam reacted quickly, he kicked the AK-47 out of Ty's hand and fired a shot in his side.
The chic was on her knees scrambling after the assault rifle. She grabbed it but Isaiah dived on top of her and wrestled it away from her. She fought him tooth and nail, biting down on his forearm with the vicious lock of a red nose pit. Her teeth cut through the sleeve of his hoodie and dug into his flesh.
“Bitch!” yelped Isaiah, drawing back and punching her in the jaw.
She grunted but wouldn't release the lock on his arm. Isaiah flipped her over on her back and pounded her in the face with his gloved fist until she unclenched her teeth. “Fucking ho bit the shit out of me!” He stood up and aimed the choppa down at her. “You're gonna pay for that,” he spewed.
“Not yet!” Kiam cut in.
Isaiah eased his finger off the trigger and calmed his breathing. Five minutes later they had Ty and the girl duct taped and bound. Kiam gave a nod and the twins unstrapped the large backpacks from off their backs and sat them down at their feet. When they went inside the backpacks and brought out chainsaws the girl's eyes grew large with fear.
Kiam looked from the girl to Ty to see if the sight of the chainsaws had diminished his gangsta. Excruciating pain shot through Ty's body as blood poured from the gunshot wounds. His body was weak but his heart remained strong.
“Where does Money Bags Carter rest his head?” Kiam asked. He bent down and ripped off the strip of tape that covered Ty's mouth.
“Nigga suck my dick,” he spat.
Kiam kicked him in the face. “Learn how to talk to grown folk.”
He stepped over to the chic and asked her the same question he had asked Ty. When he removed the tape from over her mouth he got the same response. “Suck my dick too,” she echoed Ty.
Kiam chuckled. “Cute. But watch how wickedly I play the game.” He nodded his head and the twins plugged the chainsaws in an outlet and powered them on. The loud gnashing of the metal teeth sent shivers up the girl's spine but Ty remained stoic in the face of impending torture.
“I'ma start with you first tough guy,” mocked Kiam. He placed the tape back over Ty's mouth then took the chainsaw out of Isaac's hand. “It's like cutting up chicken,” he said dementedly as he began severing Ty's arm from where it connected at the shoulder.
Ty's muffled cries damn near blew the tape from over his mouth. The girl turned her head away from the gory sight as the contents in her stomach threatened to come up. JuJu stepped forwarded, covered her mouth with a fresh strip of tape in case she screamed, and forced her to watch Kiam dismember her man limb by limb.
By the time he was finished Kiam was covered in blood and body parts were laying at his feet with ligaments hanging out. The girl had fainted and had to be slapped awake. This time when Kiam removed the tape from over her mouth she told all that she knew. She didn't know where Money Bags Carter rested at but she told them about several of his top men and the location of the stash upstairs.
Isaac got ready to head upstairs. Kiam grabbed his arm. “Fuck that nigga's little bit of money,” he spat. He turned back to shorty and said in a low frightening tone, “Bitch you could've saved yourself all this pain and torture you're about to experience.”
“Please, I gave you what you wanted,” she cried as she looked at the darkness in Kiam’s eyes.
“Nah, you want me to suck yo dick,” Kiam reminded her. “Next time stay in your fucking place. Do this bitch dirty,” Kiam barked. He handed the chainsaw back to Isaac and turned and walked out of the house.
Kiam felt no remorse as he climbed in the truck and waited for JuJu and the twins to leave a message that would reverberate all over the city when the dismembered bodies were found in the house. He drummed his fingers against the dashboard as he waited for his ruthless young boys to carry out his instructions.
When they were finished with the mutilations JuJu and Isaac picked up an arm and a leg of each victim and placed the severed limbs in a black plastic garbage bag and tied it tight. They gathered up the chainsaws and slung the bags over their shoulders and headed out to the truck.
Kiam was waiting behind the wheel when JuJu and them reached the vehicle. They hopped and he pulled off to carry out the last part of tonight's mission. He was about to deliver something to his victim's people's doorsteps that they would never forget.
The chic had given him several addresses on the same side of town. Kiam parked at the end of each block as his henchmen delivered the body parts one by one. After they had dropped off the last bag of gruesome contents they rode back to the twin’s apartment in silence. Kiam was confident his message had been sent. From now on niggas would scramble like roaches to stay out of his fuckin' path.
It was almost three o'clock in the morning when Kiam walked in the ho
use. He was all cleaned up and he wore no signs on his face of the atrocities that he had committed an hour ago. Faydrah met him at the door with a relieved smile on her face and Trapstar in her arms. As she stroked the puppy's back she stared up into Kiam's eyes lovingly.
“I told you I was coming back,” he said as he took her in his arms and kissed her, squishing the little dog between their bodies.
Trapstar barked.
“Shut your little ass up before I turn you into a pair of house shoes,” said Kiam.
“Leave him alone,” Faydrah said setting Trapstar on the floor.
As Kiam led Faydrah back to bed she tried to pretend that she hadn't seen the specks of dried blood on his face.
Chapter 25
Mad Confusion
Just as Kiam predicted, as soon as the dismembered bodies were discovered and it was reported on the news, the streets went wild with innuendos and rumors. Niggas that were not in the know speculated that the murders were a message sent by the Columbian Cartel or maybe Jamaicans because both nationalities had reputations for committing brutal drug related killings.
Money Bags Carter knew exactly who had committed the gruesome murders and Kiam's message rung loud and clear. Inside, Money Bags Carter was shaking like a stripper but outwardly he swore revenge. He ran to Wolfman and Dontae pleading that they pool all of their resources together to eliminate Kiam immediately.
For the second time in little more than a month, the three men and their lieutenants had a round table to discuss what to do about Kiam. Also in attendance was Xyna, she sat at the head of the table on Wolfman's right to serve notice to those present that he now had a boss bitch on his team who was more than a pretty face.
Before the discussion could begin Money Bags Carter looked from Xyna to Wolfman and asked, “Why is she here? This is men's business. With all due respect can't you send her shopping or something?” He looked haggardly and stressed as he rubbed his forehead and pulled on a Newport.
Wolfman was about to reply when Xyna put her hand up to stop him. “Baby let me answer that?” she said.
Wolfman nodded his consent and Xyna turned in the swivel chair and looked Money Bags Carter straight in the eye. “You want him to send me shopping?” she repeated his question, pausing while her stare burned like hot coals on his face. “A'ight nigga, what size casket should I get you while I'm out?” She brought out her pearl handled .380 and placed it flat on the table with the business end aimed at his chest.
Money Bags Carter stared at the tattoo of the deadly Black Mamba snake that wrapped around her entire wrist. Feigning calmness he blew smoke towards the ceiling while wondering if he could whip out the Nine on his waist and do her before she could do him.
“Play pussy and get fucked,” spat Xyna, reading his mind.
Crispy Jay, Money Bags Carter's personal protector, had already slipped his banger off his waist. The air in the room became thick with tension. “Everybody just calm the fuck down,” shouted Wolfman.
“I'm calm baby,” replied Xyna sliding her gun back and resting it in her lap but keeping her eyes locked on Money Bags Carter who started going the fuck off.
“You just gonna let her disrespect me like I'm some lame ass nigga with no name in this game? I don't give a fuck how loyal she's been to you I'm not bitch ass nigga, she needs to know her muhfuckin' place,” he railed.
“You disrespected her first,” Wolfman pointed out but Money Bags Carter wanted an apology.
Tempers flared up again because Wolfman refused to command Xyna to do that. The argument became very heated and turned to the real reason everyone was so unnerved. Kiam was murking muthafuckas in an unmerciful manner that gave them nightmares.
Money Bags Carter had been the one to discover the dismembered corpses in the house. The ghastly visual of all that blood all over the living room and the mutilated torsos lying on the floor had him afraid of his own shadow. He lit another Newport and pulled on it hard.
Wolfman was livid; his newly clean-shaven face twitched as words spewed from his mouth hot as acid. “If y'all muthafuckas would've taken this threat seriously when I first brought it up we wouldn't have this got damn problem. Now Kiam is really feeling himself, running around cutting people up and shit, making it hot for everybody, and I got a feeling he's just getting started.” He used a handkerchief to wipe the sweat that had beaded up on his forehead.
From the door where he stood posted Chino noticed Wolfman's uncomfortableness. He walked over to the control panel on the wall and turned the heat down.
Money Bags Carter frowned at Wolfman. “It sounds like you're blaming everybody but yourself, but let's not forget that it's you that Big Zo suspects of putting the heat on him to get it off yourself. That's why he unleashed Kiam on us in the first place,” he accused.
“You calling me a snitch?” gritted Wolfman.
“I'm not calling you nothing,” Big Zo called you that.”
Dontae hadn't uttered a single word the whole time. His head ping ponged back and forth between Wolfman and Money Bags Carter. This was the first time he had heard the accusation.
“Little punk ass boy, I've been in this game since you was on titty milk and my reputation stands for itself. Don't let your mouth get your ass killed up in here,” Wolfman threatened Money Bags Carter who shot up out of his chair.
“Who the fuck you think you're talking to?” he snarled. Next to him his lieutenant Crispy Jay rose up. “Y’all muthafucka ain't runnin' shit,” he continued to rant taking the temperature in the room way past boiling. When his hands went inside his jacket he got the back of his cabbage blown to pieces and the front of his chest wet up at the same time. He crashed down on the table face first sending glass flying.
Chino stood over his body with his banger poised to bark again. “Didn't I tell you to sit your ass down the last time you were here?” he snorted.
“Bitch ass nigga!” added Xyna, popping two more caps in Crispy Jay. She turned and looked at Money Bags Carter as if to ask did he still question her presence.
“What the fuck?” he cried, looking down at his second-in-command sprawled across the table with his brains leaking out.
“You brought that on yourself,” said Wolfman. “Don't come up in my place talking disrespectfully. Now have a seat.”
Money Bags Carter could feel Chino breathing on the back of his neck, and he now knew that Xyna wasn't that bitch to underestimate. He knew that there was no chance of him winning if he pulled out so he let his whistle remain on his waist and sat back down. But murder was prevalent in his mind as he watched Chino drag Crispy Jay's body over in a corner and discard it like an old rug.
Xyna stood with her gun firmly in Money Bags Carter's face praying he would make a move. When Chino returned she slowly sat back next to Wolfman and crossed her legs, resting her gun on her knee.
Dontae still hadn't uttered a word, he looked at Money Bags Carter whom he had lost all respect for and felt like snatching those little punk ass diamond money bag earrings out of his ears and squashing them. A nigga didn't deserve to floss if he allowed another man to handle him like a bitch. As for Wolfman, Dontae didn't respect him either. I don't know if this nigga is the folks or not.
Dontae had already decided what he was going to do and it damn sure wasn't going to be joining forces with them. The way he saw it they didn't stand a chance against Kiam.
Wolfman said exactly what Dontae was thinking. “I don't have time to protect anyone but my own people. From this point on it's every man for himself.”
Dontae and Two Gunz stood up to leave. “Good evening gentlemen,” Dontae said and they headed out the door.
Wolfman looked at Money Bags Carter trying to decide whether or not to stack his ass over there in the corner with his dead lieutenant. Chino was anxiously waiting for the signal.
Money Bags Carter stood up and walked towards the door on shaky legs, half expecting a bullet in the back. Wolfman called out his name. He stopped and slowly turned around read
y to face Chino and Xyna's guns.
Wolfman saw the expression on his face. “I'm not gon’ have you killed nigga, but if you try to come for me you'll regret it,” he warned.
Money Bags Carter turned back around and walked out without replying.
“Send somebody back to dispose of your trash,” Wolfman called out.
When the door closed behind Money Bags Carter, Wolfman pulled out a cigar, lit it and put it to his lips. Chino took a seat at the table only inches from the pool of blood and brains. “You know we gonna have to take care of that nigga right?” he said, ready to strike with force.
“It’s already taken care of,” Wolfman replied blowing out smoke and pulling Xyna onto his lap. He looked back up at Chino and added, “Money Bags Carter is weak. I left him alive to give Kiam somebody else to gun after. The one we have to watch is Dontae. A quiet man is always plotting.”
Chino nodded.
Wolfman looked at Xyna. “Your job is to go after the bitches that are down with Kiam but don't sleep on them because they'll bust their guns, that's a known fact. Especially Treebie. Try to touch that nigga where it really hurts; every man has some woman that he cares about. Find out where Kiam's heart is and cut that muthafucka out.”
Xyna smiled. “I'm on it baby. I'm going to show you how a real bitch operates. Watch me give that nigga a funeral to attend,” she promised.
Wolfman grinned wickedly. Soon it would be Kiam's turn to mourn.
Chapter 26
Put that Shit in Check
Kiam was laying low, letting things cool down before he struck again because the Jakes were everywhere, questioning everybody. He took this time to do things with Faydrah and she was loving it. He had been so sweet and attentive to her needs lately.
Faydrah knew that it wouldn't last forever but she was enjoying it while it did. The night that he had come home with traces of blood on his face were all but forgotten as she got caught up in his tenderness.