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Battle For The Womb

Page 1

by Chelsea Chaynes

  Battle For The Womb: Book 1

  An Erotic Short Story


  Chelsea Chaynes


  Copyright 2014 by Chelsea Chaynes

  **All characters are over the age of 18 years old**

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses or establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.


  Revolution, Evolution

  A Thorough Examination

  Brought To Ecstasy By A Memory

  Genetic Revelations

  Bumps Along The Space Highway

  Revolution, Evolution

  Veronica grasped Quinn’s back as he penetrated her silken flesh, her nails digging into his skin, all but drawing blood. She couldn’t help it, it was impulse and that impulse was scratched into his back like a tattoo.

  Veronica gave herself to him, both inside and out, mentally and physically. It was love; an all encompassing, soul devouring love that set fire to their lives like a meteorite streaking through the sky.

  “I love it when you are inside of me,” she said, whispering into his ears as he moaned, her tight pussy grasping him like a vice. This only made him work harder and thrust deeper, loving every bit of friction he could get.

  Her toes curled with each divine thrust of his pelvis, it was a pleasure that only he could provide her, all other men in her past paling in comparison. His manly presence was around her, inside of her. She felt helpless underneath his rock hard body and wished she could stay their forever.

  She squeezed him, bringing him closer, tighter, feeling his sweat drenched body press against her breasts. Her hard, taught nipples beamed with pleasure at every stroke.

  “Veronica my love, I’m gunna cum, I’m gunna cum inside you,” he said.

  “Ok, baby, do it, I want you to, I want to feel your cum in me,” she said.

  Veronica felt his cock getting bigger and harder as a crescendo pleasure made its way through his body. He moaned out of control as a burst of warm fluid exploded inside of her, streaking into her womb like shooting star. She loved this feeling, but she loved the promise of it more.

  A family, soon enough they would have one.

  But those were just memories now, fleeting neuronal impulses that fired in an attempt to grasp at the past, only to find at present an empty physical and emotional void.

  It was the year 2169, the human race was dealing with the effects of exponential technological advancement; most recently, the discovery of interstellar travel had transformed the power structure of the global economy causing rapid societal and political change.

  Able-bodied men headed into space, lured by the promise of the quadrillion dollar Outer-Earth mining industry, leaving a void of virility and power on Earth. Trips into space were long and arduous, the work of mining ore on distant planets a brutal and punishing task, but it was rewarding. With the right mineral claim men could become billionaires over-night. It made the gold rush pale in comparison.

  Most men left semen samples with cryogenic banks before taking to the stars; afraid they would never come back, leaving their future heirs and beneficiaries without a claim to their prospective fortunes. This created a boom for fertility doctors who were called on to seed the wombs of earthly women.

  It became commonplace for women to forgo men completely and raise families on their own; this was the desire of Veronica Bell, whose own husband, Quinn Pace, disappeared near the Oort cloud not more than four years ago in what the US government claimed was a mining accident; he vanished without a trace, something Veronica had always found suspicious given how far advanced space technology had become.

  She hoped he was still alive, somewhere, but she knew the odds were stacked against her and relied on her memories of their time together to get her by, but even they began to fade.

  After his disappearance she moved out of the city and sought solitude in one of the few rural farming communities still in existence.

  Veronica looked upward at the pinpoints of light in the sky from her balcony; a view like this wasn’t possible in the city. Weighing most heavily on her mind was her empty, barren womb which refused to sprout even the smallest embryo, refractory to the advances of medical science.

  Veronica’s physician, Dr. Raul Martinez, was world renowned at treating even the most stubborn of wombs. She often thought, “If he can’t impregnate me, who can?” This reality hung thick in her mind, torturing her with a future that she didn’t want to comprehend; a future of emptiness.

  All she ever wanted was a family, a place to call home. She felt that the Earth had slowly revoked those hopes and dreams, her endearing optimism reversing into pessimism; fate took over and there was no deviation from its destructive path.

  A brilliant streak of light fired up from the ground toward the sky, a contrail of white heat trailing behind it as a rocket full of men sped violently into space, penetrating the darkness and disappearing.

  She felt a sadness ache in her bones as she watched yet another group of prospectors leave the Earth in search of monetary gain. She wondered how the other women of Earth who were having similar fertility problems were coping. The precipitous drop in fertility coinciding with interstellar travel was a well-known phenomenon. Something had changed, evolved; humankind faced a new threat, one they couldn’t control and refused to admit: evolution.

  A loud crack of thunder shocked Veronica, causing her to jump out of her seat. Her gaze shifted; there was something unfamiliar in the sky and it was winding its way to the ground, quickly.

  She concentrated on the phenomenon but couldn’t pick out just what it was. As it drew nearer it became clear. A tornado of light and wind touched down, it was not more than 30 yards away and moving toward her at a blistering pace. It ripped the farmlands in front of her house apart, sucking up corn stalks and other debris into the vortex of light and wind.

  Veronica felt panic explode inside of her. She froze, looking outward, trying to remember what to do when confronted with a tornado. All of her training was lost in a memory fog. The light and wind drew nearer as she fought her fear, racking her brain for a solution.

  She ran, off her balcony, through her bedroom and haphazardly down the staircase. She slipped and fell on the final stair, tumbling across the wooden floor as she heard the wind ripping outside, getting closer, getting louder. Her knees were scraped and bleeding. The windows began to shake; debris from the winds pelted the glass, cracking it like misfired BB’s.

  There was no time for fear. Veronica pushed herself to her feet. At that moment a tree branch crashed through her living room window, scattering shards of glass everywhere, some into her skin as she began to bleed from her face and arms.

  Adrenaline pumped through her body numbing the pain before it could even be realized by her frazzled nerves. She heard a ripping sound, as if a crack of thunder emanated from inside her house.

  She looked upward. Her ceiling began to splinter as the force of the vortex pulled against it. Cracks began to trace down her walls, meeting the floor, eventually splitting slabs of sheetrock with ease; a loud, deafening, ripping sound overwhelmed her senses. The top of her house began to shake loose, barely held to the walls with nothing more than a few crooked nails.

  In awe she stared upward as she watched the roof of her house violently rip into the vortex. Wind blew her tar black hair into a frazzled mess; debris from the gusts smacking her face and body, entering her mouth and eyes.

  She tried to run once more. She took one step, then another, and as she took the third she was sucked violently into the sky, the power of
the vortex too intense to escape. Her body was thrust upward into the center of the whirlwind and she began to accelerate, a sonic book echoing behind her as she breached the speed of sound.

  She looked out and over her town, through the clouds. She felt nauseous as her fear of heights overcame her, watching the Earth quickly disappear below.

  Veronica noticed her body getting warmer, a huge bulb of light now visible above her. She looked to her side and noticed that she had been sucked into space. The moon was bright and satellites that orbited the Earth glinted in the light of the sun before disappearing behind the Earth once more.

  The bulb of light began to flash like bolts of lightning, the heat in the whirlwind increasing with each pulse of light. Her ascent ground to an immediate, bone jarring halt. She was directly below a large spaceship. A large bay door of the ship opened in front of her. Dry heat poured out of it, searing her throat and lungs.

  Her chest heaved up and down in a rapid, panicked state. She did not know what to expect and fought her fear, understanding that whatever was going to happen was impossible to stop.

  Organic debris were sucked inside the ship; inorganic debris were discarded, descending backwards toward the Earth, burning up in the atmosphere like small meteorites. Left alone she stared at a vast and massive spaceship, nothing floating between her and it.

  Inside the vortex she felt comfortable, insulated from the frigid, radiation filled void of space. She looked upward to find a being of some kind floating downward in the vortex, easily maneuvering himself toward her.

  She was disgusted; his face was that of a reptile. He was covered with thick, reflective scales. His beady red eyes analyzed her like treasure. He floated around her in the void, mesmerized by her body. His long tongue pushed outward as he took in the scents of her body like a snake.

  She was scared to move. He ripped her shirt, exposing her breasts, her nipples as hard as rocks, fear and tension causing them to constrict as tight as humanly possible.

  He moved to her jeans, a small laser-blade being used to cut them off. She could feel the warm tip of the blade run down her legs as he sliced her Levis off of her. A red line on her skin was left in its wake. He pulled them furiously, throwing them outward as they too sucked into the ship above.

  His arms were strong. Well-formed biceps, triceps and pectoral muscles flexed as he pulled her naked body to his scaly chest, his strength all but crushing her bones. He propelled them upward with a swimming like motion as they ascended slowly up the vortex and passed the bay door of the ship. She was his.

  Her heart slammed like a jackhammer, threatening to burst out of her chest at any moment; the emotions racing through her mind were so poignant she struggled to breathe. A mix of physical exhaustion and panic racked her body. She went limp and lifeless in his arms, but her eyes remained open to her interrupted destiny.

  The bay door closed beneath her. To her right was a giant machine, the organic debris from Earth funneled into it. Other Aliens were running the machine; it created some kind of goopy, nutrient dense food source.

  They moved higher up into the ship. Three levels up was a fogged glass door, its bulbous shape protruding outward as the alien took one of his hands and placed it on it, opening it.

  “Stop!” Veronica yelled, “What do you want with me! I demand to know!”

  She looked into his determined red eyes seeing a beast of purpose. He ignored her, holding on to her as he entered the ship.

  Her eyes were blinded as he dragged her into a brightly lit room. Other women from Earth could be seen strapped into metal contraptions which splayed them wide open. Their bodies were nude, their arms and legs stretched outward, easily allowing for the aliens to poke and probe.

  They were wrapped in tentacle like creatures as they screamed; she couldn’t tell if the cries were from fear or pleasure.

  Veronica caught only a glimpse of her imminent future before the alien took her to her own metal rack. She turned to look at him, in his eyes and asked him, “Why?”

  He held out his hand, placing it on her head. His hand and arm began to radiate with an electric blue glow, it traced through his body and into his brain. Veronica was frozen still.

  She felt an electric shock and an undefinable sucking sensation in her mind, fleeting thoughts and memories from her past flashed like a slide show run too fast, the pace of her memory flow matching the intensity of the blue electricity shooting through the alien’s body.

  He removed his hand from her head, successfully copying her mind into a small portion of his.

  “Veronica,” he said, “My name is Grear, and we are the Ghoma. I can feel your fear. Fear not, I understand. We only wish to study you, not to hurt you.”

  Veronica pointed to the others, “But they are screaming!” she said, placing her hands to her ears, hoping that if she could block the sound she could block the reality.

  “They don’t understand their importance,” he said, “It hasn’t been explained to them like I will to you. Their memories of this experience, like yours, will soon be erased. They will only remember the extreme weather. They are important to the future of humanity. That is all I can tell you right now.”

  Veronica had no choice but to trust this tight lipped reptilian creature. He walked to her, placing his hand on her neck.

  She looked at the metal rack in front of her, every inch of her body fearful for what was to come next. There was a thick, clear substance on it.

  “Hold out your arms,” he said, picking her up by her throat. He placed her back on the metal, her skin instantly attaching to the adhesive. He moved to her arms, stretching them out and pressing them against adhesive metal. He then moved her legs into place, splitting them wide open and attaching them. She looked like an apparition from Leonardo Davinci’s worst nightmare.

  Grear came up close to her face, “There,” he said, “It’s not so bad is it?”

  A Thorough Examination

  “Grear,” she said, “Get me off of this contraption at once!”

  “It’s not time,” he said, “We aren’t done with you, we haven’t even started.”

  She heard a slithering noise behind her. She looked down to see a large, thick creature moving across the floor. It maneuvered its way up her legs, tightening itself against her skin like a boa constrictor, lighting up in bursts of neon light with each thump of her pulse.

  She could feel sweat pouring out of her glands; she looked like she just climbed out of a shower. Grear came up beside her, stroking his finger against her skin and tasting her sweat.

  Another slithering creature slowly ascended her other leg. Two more encircled around her arms, weaving in between her breasts. Another coiled around her neck, entering her mouth and descending into her throat as she gagged and choked before it pulled out, covered in mucus. A smaller creature crawled over and around her waist, aiming for something more private. It traced down her lower abdomen, tickling her stomach and pubic area. She clenched her pussy with all her might.

  She looked at Grear and panicked, trying as best she could to talk, the tight constriction around her neck making it difficult. “What is this,” she said, “where is it going!?”

  “Your womb,” he said, “And I would advise you not to fight it. Relax, these creatures mean only to study you.”

  Her kegel muscles gave way as the tentacle pressed her vaginal opening which was dry and inhospitable. The tentacle began to stroke her clit, rubbing it softly.

  Veronica began to moan, her vagina beginning to moisten and flood. The tentacle tried to enter her again, this time using her lubricant to ease its way inside.

  She felt her pussy being stretched open as the creature slithered its way inside of her and expanded. She felt full, the skin of the creature stroking her insides like some devious vibrator. She could feel its muscles flexing and relaxing as it moved around inside of her vagina, analyzing her womb and related organs.


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