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Starting the Slowpocalypse (Books 1-3 Omnibus)

Page 54

by James Litherland

Pushing the Limits

  3:40 p.m. Thursday, May 22nd

  ANTHONY finished dressing, then grabbed a few of the paper masks from one of the other drawers in the metal cabinet where the sisters had stored away his clothes. He wished that they had hung them up properly, but at least he looked presentable. And he only needed something to wear until he could make it back to his quarters at Security.

  Glancing over at Miles, lying in the hospital bed and looking like death warmed over, Anthony wondered if he looked so ill himself. He felt great. Well, his head felt as if it were packed with wool, his nose was running, and his muscles were weak and sore—but other than that he felt fine. He certainly felt a lot better than yesterday morning. He had been so delusional from fever that he’d tried leaving while still wearing his hospital gown and barely able to stand. He would do better this time.

  He shook his head at his friend. “They actually sedated me, Jon.”

  Miles merely nodded. “I heard. I wish I’d been awake to see them carry you back to your bed. And I’m glad they didn’t try dealing with you conscious—it seems Sgt. Carruthers did plenty of damage without your help. Besides, you needed the rest. That’s why we’re both feeling so much better—because we got sufficient sleep.”

  That sounded suspiciously as if Miles had had a hand in Anthony being sedated, improbable as that seemed. It still chaffed to think about how they had treated him, after he had just saved the sisters from the sergeant, but it was even more annoying to hear Miles shrug it off like that. Particularly when it was the director who was responsible for making him go through all this in the first place.

  “You could come with me, Jon. Ms. Belue is apparently doing just fine without your interference—people might get the idea they don’t need you at all.” On the other hand, it sounded more and more as if things were falling apart at Security without Anthony in charge. Certainly there were plenty of reasons to justify him returning to work, even if he was still recovering. And contagious. Thus the paper masks he was stuffing into his jacket.

  Miles just smiled. “I’m sure Verity is managing things just fine on her own, and surely everyone has more than enough to concern themselves with without worrying about me. So I’m happy to simply stay here and rest until I am fully recovered.”

  Anthony thought it more likely his friend didn’t want to face the music—the angry noise of residents unhappy about the way the administration had kept so many secrets. “Well, they let Ken leave, and with Carruthers still sick and now Sgt. Rose out as well—I’m sure Kat will be glad he’s back on the job.”

  “I’d appreciate it if you would watch out for her, Anthony. As much as you can.”

  Working to keep his face expressionless, he just shook his head. “I’ll be awfully busy as it is, but I’ll do what I can for Kat.” Even if that meant following Caroline’s advice.

  But he had enough on his plate without dealing with that question, so it could wait. What he needed to think about was how he’d handle Salazar himself, as well as the situation with Sara, and whatever else had been going on during the few days Anthony had been gone. Not fifteen minutes ago, Dr. Harker had come to inform him that Officer Kirkland was one of the latest to be laid low by this blasted virus. Losing one of his supervisors had been the last straw.

  He glared at Miles. “While everyone may manage fine without your presence, I’m going to have to cover for Kirkland and try to keep everything going smoothly at Security at the same time. And we were already short-staffed before all this.” Violent altercations were on the rise, and things would definitely get worse as the election approached. Anthony just hoped Kirkland hadn’t spread the virus to any of his other officers. He couldn’t afford to have any more taking ill right now. “I’d better be going.”

  The director dared to grin at him. “Well, I’ll try to explain the situation to Dr. Harker so she understands. But it would probably be best if you weren’t still around to be stopped.”

  Anthony just nodded and slipped one of the paper masks over his face. He wouldn’t be irresponsible. He’d take every reasonable precaution, to keep from spreading this ‘cure’ of Miles’ until they found out if it was safe, relatively speaking, and if it would work. And how long will that take? He didn’t know and couldn’t guess, but Dr. Harker had told him he was still contagious, that he might remain infectious for another week or more. So he wanted to be gone before she knew he was leaving. Once he was out of the clinic, they couldn’t drag him back if they tried—and hopefully Miles would see that they didn’t.

  Easing the door open a crack, Anthony checked that the way was clear. He saw no shadow, heard no sound, felt no vibration to indicate anybody outside in the hall or coming this way. Slipping through the door, he walked down the corridor at a casual pace. He moved steadily and more silently than a whisper past the nurses’ station at the corner—wearing civilian clothes and the mask, he would appear as if he belonged. As long as he didn’t draw anyone’s attention and they really looked at him. But moving and breathing and even thinking in a way that kept people from noticing him was second nature to Anthony. It ought to be.

  The head nurse sitting at her station didn’t even look up. His passing didn’t register with her or with the nurse who bustled out of one room and into one of the others farther down the hall. He reached the stairwell and had to use his FURCS pad to override the security lock. Then he was padding softly down the steps and emerging onto the first floor. There in the clinic proper he crossed paths with Dr. Harker—she had her head bent over her workpad while she walked, far too absorbed in her work to notice him. Thankfully.

  The sun was soft in the sky as he strolled out the main doors and into the fresh air. But he strode off across the grass and waited until he was away from others to pull his mask down and take several sweet lungfuls of freedom. Having no need to rush, he enjoyed breathing deeply and walking slow.

  Anthony ambled around the north end of Fielding Hall and circled wide around the Green, to avoid coming into contact with anyone and having to pull his mask back up. But when he reached the back of Security Headquarters, he donned it once again before going in. He used his FURCS pad to unlock the rear entrance and slipped into the short, dark corridor that led to the back door to his office. Stepping into the room, he saw the back of Michael Salazar’s head as the man sat at Anthony’s desk, with Officer Courdray standing before him and glaring with her hands on her hips. Then she lifted her eyes and saw him standing there.

  He had purposely timed his arrival at change of shift, so he wasn’t surprised to find his two remaining supervisors, though he’d hoped he wouldn’t find them there in his office. Since she’d noticed Anthony already, he addressed Lisa. “What’s the problem now?”

  At the sound of Anthony’s voice, even though it was muffled by the mask, Salazar leaped out of Anthony’s chair and spun to face his superior with appealing alacrity. But both of his veteran officers just stood there and stared at him, instead of answering his question. It must be the flimsy paper shield over my mouth.

  “Don’t worry. It’s just a precaution. As long as I don’t sneeze or cough on you, you’ll be alright.” In his clogged head, his own voice echoed oddly hollow and distant. He hoped he didn’t sound as strange to them as he did in his own ears.

  Lisa nodded. “It’s good to see you back, sir, but are you sure you’re feeling well enough?”

  Anthony tried not to be irritated by the question and failed. “I’m fine, Officer Courdray. And I’m still waiting for one of you to tell me what’s going on.”

  Salazar lifted one corner of his mouth. “Sara, of course. It’s Sara.”

  “Not still this thing about her having a relationship with Paul everybody has been gossiping about? You settled that, didn’t you?” Caroline had sources unavailable to most people, so Anthony hoped such rumors weren’t really in wide circulation.

  This time Michael was quick to respond. “Yes. I don’t know what you heard, but Lisa uncovered that Trainee King and Offi
cer Macklin were romantically involved. Deciding it was inappropriate for them to continue as partners, particularly with Paul responsible for Sara’s training, she split them up and made Paul her own partner.”

  Anthony winced. While nothing had ever really happened between him and Kat, he’d been her boss, and the point hit uncomfortably close to home.

  Lisa interjected to make her own point. “I was temporarily without one, between David falling sick and then being assigned to work with Michelle.”

  Salazar continued with a grin. “All of which I of course had no problem with. The problem is, Sara’s still without a proper partner. And she needs one to continue her training, so it has to be somebody with experience. But Lisa refuses to take her on, and why should I have to take the responsibility, when it was none of my doing? I already have a partner. But if I leave Sara here in the office, she complains.”

  Anthony nodded and looked at Lisa. “You made a good call. Where are Paul and Sara right now?”

  Lisa frowned. “They were together in the break room a few minutes ago.”

  “Well, your shift is over, so you and Paul can go home. Tell Sara to come in here, and Salazar and I will handle her.” Sara’s shift didn’t start for several hours yet, so apparently she’d just dropped by to be with her boyfriend.

  Casting a casual glare at Michael and sending a curt nod Anthony’s way, Lisa turned and walked out of the office. Salazar waited until she had left to say anything. “When Officers Wellman and Laskey got back from their last patrol, Susan went into the conference room to write up her reports, and Ben went up to the Resource Room. What do you want them to do next?”

  Anthony motioned the man to get out from behind his desk, then strode forward and plopped into his own chair with a great sense of satisfaction. He had reclaimed his territory. “This is still your shift to supervise. What do you think?”

  Salazar stood before the desk now, looking not at all penitent. “I think I should grab Gabe and begin our first patrol, as there’s no one out there right now. And since you’re here, Susan and Ben ought to head out on patrol again as well. Though you might have a hard time tearing them away from their pads and pushing them out the door.”

  “Alright. I’m covering for Kirkland until he gets back on his feet, but I’ll be here to handle anything that crops up while you’re all out on patrol and having fun.” And it would give him time to rest up for patrolling in the wee hours with Grace as his trainee partner. Perhaps Ken would lend him Sgt. MacTierney to drag around as well.

  “Fair enough. But there’s something else I need to tell you—” He broke off as Sara stormed into the room.

  She raised her voice and talked right over Salazar as she ignored him and focused on Anthony. “It isn’t necessary for anyone to interfere in my personal affairs anymore. I just broke it off with Paul, and I don’t care who you partner me with, or what shift you put me on, but if you think you can keep me—”

  Anthony raised his hand and stopped her in the middle of her tirade. “You need to get more experience so we can make an officer out of you. I’ll train you myself when you come on shift.” That took the wind out of her sails.

  Sara shifted her eyes to Salazar and grinned triumphantly at the man before returning to Anthony. “In that case, I’d better get some rest so I’ll be one-hundred percent for tonight. I’m looking forward to getting some proper training.”

  “Since you’re here already, and so eager for experience, why don’t you go out on patrol with Susan for a bit. I’m sure you can learn something from her while you’re at it.” And Ben had plenty of work yet to do getting the FURCSnet ready for the election—he shouldn’t have to do it all in his off hours. “She’s in the conference room.”

  Sara stood there for a moment, with her mouth open as if she were about to argue with him. Thankfully she closed it and nodded without saying something she’d regret, then flounced out of the office.

  Watching her leave, Michael then turned to Anthony and shrugged expressively. “She’s all yours.” He started out of the office himself but paused and turned back again. “Things are really getting rough out there, Nelson. Are you sure you’re up to dealing with any trouble? Especially taking a trainee or two along with you?”

  Anthony squinted at the man. “Don’t you worry about me. I’m up to handling anything. Or anyone. And you had best remember that.”

  Lifting one corner of his mouth in that wry grin of his, Salazar gave his superior a mock salute, then left Anthony to enjoy a moment of solitude.

  Leaning back in his chair, he knew only too well the quiet would not last, but he would enjoy it while it did. It would’ve been nice if either Salazar or Lisa had seemed more pleased to see him. Perhaps he’d have been better off coming in the front to be greeted by Hope and her beaming smile, but the desire to surprise Salazar sitting in Anthony’s own office had been too great to deny. It had, at least, achieved the intended effect.

  With a sigh, Anthony turned his mind to thinking how he might turn Sara into a good officer, and what kind of training would be best for Grace. Then he heard Kat’s voice preceding her down the corridor and through the open office door.

  “Salazar, I just wanted to let you know—” She’d cut off what words would have followed—though he could imagine what they would’ve been—as soon as she’d entered and seen him sitting there behind his desk.

  This was his opportunity to give Caroline’s suggested tactics a try, as painful as that might be. “Lt. Miles, what brings you to Security Headquarters?”

  The look she gave him was carefully expressionless. “A better question would be—what are you doing here?”

  “Well, it is my office.” Whatever others had begun to think. He was glad the mask helped hide his expression.

  Kat snorted. “You should be in the hospital, recovering. Or if they couldn’t stand having you there any longer, then you should be up in your quarters, resting in bed.” She spoiled her remarks though, by blushing at the end.

  It reminded him to be tough. So he tried giving her a disapproving glare. “Is that any way to talk to me in my own office? Perhaps you’ve forgotten I’m the chief of Security, your superior, and a great deal your senior?” That surely sounded stern enough.

  Kat squinted at him for a long minute. “I’m not working as an officer in Security anymore—so don’t claim to have any authority over me. And don’t tell me you’re fully recovered. Since you’re wearing that mask, you must still be contagious.”

  Anthony had to try to be harder with her. “You might not be under my direct command, but technically you’re still considered an officer in Security as well as a lieutenant in the Guards. So I expect some respect, that due my position if nothing else.” Considering their history, he had reason to expect more from her, but to bring that up would be treading on dangerous ground.

  “If you were acting responsibly, then maybe I’d not have to remind you to take care.”

  Feeling his blood pressure rising, Anthony took a long, deep breath before responding in a cool tone. “Speaking of acting irresponsibly, haven’t you been going out, patrolling on your own though you know it’s against policy? As if you were working for Security?”

  Kat leaned forward and placed her hands on the back of one of the chairs in front of his desk. “Am I not free to walk around the compound at night, just as I’d please? If you want to call it patrolling so you can assert authority over me, try telling me what to do and see how far that gets you.”

  “When you’re looking for trouble and finding it, you’d better be acting as an officer, and be prepared to take responsibility for flouting regulations.”

  She shoved the chair forward, slamming it into his desk. “Don’t you dare take that tone with me. I know perfectly well that you looked the other way as I ‘flouted’ your policies time and again. Those same regulations you never bothered to follow yourself. I know what you’re trying to do now. It won’t work.”

  Anthony kept a careful grip
on himself. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. If I was too casual about enforcing the rules around here in the past, it doesn’t mean I can’t see you tow the line now.” Certainly he had run this place too loosely. That had to change, and it might as well start here and now with Kat. And Salazar. And Sara.

  Kat’s eyes flashed with anger. “Don’t think you can make me do anything. If I want to stroll around the community at night, I will—and if I run into any trouble, I know how to handle it.”

  “No. Your solo night patrols are over. I can’t allow it—it’s getting far too dangerous out there, even for you.” And with those words, he worried that he had slipped and given himself away.

  “Nonsense. And you need me out there to help keep a lid on things, precisely because it’s so bad out there. Salazar was willing to take whatever support I offered. You’re just being pig-headed.”

  Anthony flexed his hands and gripped the arms of his chair as he leaned forward. “I’m in charge of Security, and I’ll tell my officers to haul you in like a criminal if they catch you out, alone and acting as if you’re looking for trouble.”

  Kat tossed her head with a snort, then gave him a look of withering contempt. “They wouldn’t catch me if I didn’t want them to, as you well know. Even if I let them, do you think they’d really take me into custody? So stop with the pretense already. Admit that you need me.”

  He stood suddenly. “I could find you myself, of course, and haul you in if I had to.”

  “That’s more like it. I’d like to see you try. And what would you tell my father, then, if you managed to catch me?”

  Anthony realized he was trembling. He couldn’t maintain such a hostile attitude much longer, especially if she was starting to see through it, as he suspected she might be. He needed her to leave before he betrayed himself more openly. “This is my office, and if you’re going to talk to me like that, I’ll have to throw you out of here.”

  “Are you going to pick me up and carry me?”


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