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Making of the Atomic Bomb

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by Richard Rhodes

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  Abelson, Philip M., 274, 348, 349–50, 5

  liquid thermal diffusion experiments of, 550–53, 580–81, 602

  Manhattan Project and, 551–52

  Oppenheimer and, 552

  Academic Assistance Council, 193

  Académie des Sciences, 41, 161–62

  acetone, Weizmann’s fermentation process for, 88–90

  Acheson, Dean, 619

  actinium, 45, 235

  actinium-lanthanum experiments, 253–55, 260

  Adamson, Keith F., 314–15, 317, 332

  Adler, Edward, 494, 495–96

  Adler, Felix, 119

  Advisory Committee on Uranium, U.S., 315–17, 331–33, 338, 360, 365, 367, 373, 380

  Aioi Bridge, 722–23

  Air Force, U.S., 478, 480–81, 582–86, 589, 591, 594, 597–98, 600, 650, 667, 737

  Akers, Wallace, 495–96, 522

  Alexander II, Czar of Russia, 180

  Alexander III, Czar of Russia, 180

  Alexandra Feodorovna, Czarina of Russia, 183

  Alexandrov, A. P., 502

  Allied Expeditionary Force, 629–30

  Allier, Jacques, 327, 330

  Allis-Chalmers, 490–91

  Allison, Keith, 566

  Allison, Samuel K., 373, 379

  Compton and, 401

  Los Alamos and, 465

  pile studies and, 401, 411, 438, 559

  Trinity and, 667–69

  alpha rays, 42–43, 45

  scattering of, 47–51, 66, 130, 135–36, 151–52

  ALSOS Mission, 605–10, 612–13

  Alvarez, Luis W., 143–46, 150, 273–74, 349, 759

  detonators invented by, 654–55

  Hiroshima bomb run and, 709

  implosion experiments and, 547, 574–75

  Kistiakowsky and, 574–75

  Neddermeyer and, 547

  Oppenheimer and, 453–54, 467

  pile studies and, 399, 439

  Amaldi, Edoardo, 240–41

  neutron-bombardment experiments and, 208–9, 211–12, 216–21, 231

  Amaldi, Ginestra, 219, 249

  American Association of Scientific Workers, 381–82, 446–47

  American Physical Society, 146, 297

  Amidei, Adolfo, 205

  Anchor Ranch, 541

  Anderson, Carl, 199

  Anderson, David, 655

  Anderson, Herbert, 268–70, 273

  Fermi and, 280–81, 288, 291, 298–301, 333–34, 395, 397, 433, 436–37

  Libby and, 428, 437

  mass spectrographic isotope separation and, 298


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