Page 53
"Bruce... listen to me ... leave it man... just leave her be." Paul had said.
"What? What are you talking about? Leave what? Leave who - her? What'ya'mean? No way... did you hear her?! Are you mad!?"
"I know her Bruce. I know her husband. You've heard of her husband before... from me."
Bruce stopped and looked at him.
"You knew of Sylvia McPherson before tonight? You sent her here?"
"Yes I know of her-..."
"I'm gonna wait outside, don't be long." His wife, Diane interrupted to inform him, choosing to leave them to talk. The last thing she felt like doing was sitting through a session with Sylvia McPherson as the center focus while resounding her praises, hearing how possessive and obsessed Shawn was with her. She'd heard enough of it from her husband during the week, she was not about to sit through more of it regardless of how well she sang. It irritated the hell out of her that she was married to Shawn, and then to see another reason he no doubt worshipped at the alter of her ass - wasn't something she needed large doses of.
"All right, won't be long." He assured her, then turned back to his brother after she'd closed the door. "As I was saying, yes... I know of her, but I didn't send her here. She came on her own. However, let me just tell you now... the most you can hope for, from her, is the promise of another good performance, her husband's looking for her."
"Wait... she's having marital problems?" Bruce heard and took hope.
"Not the kind you can depend on. I've talked about her husband before, you may not know him, but you've heard me speak of him. Bruce, do not try and come between them for this, its not gonna work. He's not gonna let it work."
"Did you hear her or not!!" Bruce demanded in disbelief.
"Are you hearing me?!" Paul shot back.
"Who the hell is this moron anyway!?"
"Shawn McPherson is not a moron. Don't cross him Bruce, I'm telling you now. I've known him for years, from when we lived in L.A. He's not the kind you want to come up against, especially with her. I've seen them together, he's head over with her. The way I see him with her, he was never that way with his first wife. Trust me on this."
"Is he black?"
"No... white guy."
"AH hell! I'm not worried." Bruce blew him off. He'd come up against a few black men in his time, not too many that he wanted to mess with but a white guy, he wasn't too concerned.
Paul shook his head, "Why'd you look different when you asked was he a black guy, than now that you know he's white?" Paul knew why, but he still had to ask.
"Because I'm not worried about another white man... Black... that's different - too much political ramifications and all the other bullshit to deal with. White man... different story. Plus, if its one thing I know, it's black women. Few black women let white men control them. It's usually the other way around. I'm calling it, she'll put this career I'm gonna build for her first, and he'll follow along like a little grateful puppy learning to be led with his leash... he may protest a bit - but he'll give in... like I said, a moron." He repeated sure of himself.
Paul threw his head back and laughed. "Brother of mine, heed my warning, you couldn't be more wrong. You know I'm right pretty much about everything I've ever said or warned you about. Take this with the same level of seriousness you have everything else I've ever told you. He - is not the one. Let me say it again... Shawn Everett McPherson, is not a man you want to cross. Discarding what I'm telling you can get you hurt Bruce... he will hurt you... with no hesitation, no mercy - my brother or not. Leave this one alone."
Back to the here and now, Bruce threw the remote on his desk.
"Shawn Everett McPherson... hmph... he's a moron. Doesn't even know where his wife is." He stated petulantly. This came out later in their discussion as he asked him why then was she there. He gave some cockamamie excuse that she'd taken off on him. That told him right there he had no control over her. No... he would wait and see what that night brought to him, and then make his decision, one thing was certain... he wanted that talent under him. He'd waited a long time for it - there was no way he could just let her slide through his hands without making the effort to keep her. Besides, once she heard the words, 'Recording Contract' that would alter things - regardless of Shawn McPherson.
* * *
Sylvia missed living in Chicago sometimes because she simply missed being with Sheila and Vivian. She had stayed by Vivian's a couple more hours, all of them talking about her future with the property now that Sylvia brought it to her attention what risks she was running just leaving the house behind and moving on. Dennis had come by there with the boys, and again Sylvia became melancholy for the old times when they'd all been so close. Close back in the day when she was always needing because of Armundo. Seeing Dennis and Sheila together always brought a smile to her face, they were to her, an absolutely perfect couple together. Further taking her by surprise was to learn how deep into Jake, Vivian was. To hear what had been going on since they first met stunned her. Sylvia loved Vivian and could not leave her home without cautioning her. Sheila had to leave and promised to return a bit later, so it had been just the two of them. They sat on the sofa, with the t.v. playing in the background, neither of them listening to it.
"Baby girl... we go way back don't we?" Sylvia started out.
Vivian smiled, "I've missed you. Why does life have to pull real friends away from each other?" She wondered out loud.
"I'm partly to blame, moving away as I did. But - I just wanted a fresh start."
"As much as I've missed you, I'm glad you did - it put you in the right place to meet Shawn, and then me... to meet his brother."
"Speaking of whom..." Sylvia started.
Vivian sighed. "I know what you're going to say." She put in before Sylvia could get started.
"And that is?"
"Be careful with him - you don't trust him - right?"
Sylvia paused in thought to that. Having spoken to Jake now, her feelings of negativity against him weren't as strong as they had been. As far as being her brother-in-law, she was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. However, as for him being a love interest for Vivian... she couldn't see that as being a good thing for her.
"Well?" Vivian gave her a nudge with her shoulder.
Sylvia chuckled, "Be careful with him..."
"I knew it!" Vivian bubbled up laughing.
"Vivian... it's just so complicated... JAKE is so complicated. He's restless and impulsive. He doesn't always think before he acts. You don't need to give someone like that your heart. I remember when I first met Shawn, girl, I couldn't stand him. Yet - secretly... I was thinking about him all the time if I'm to be honest. He had this insufferable grin on his face all the time. By the way, Jake has that same grin."
"I know he does... oh Sylvia - he's so beautiful to me."
"It's all on the outside though Vivian... I'm sorry, but... I don't see much on the inside."
"I do! You only see what you see, as well his family, because that's all he shows you! They expect him to be the trouble maker, the one always causing conflict and so they have gotten into the habit of seeing him only one way. He's gotten so use to it, that he behaves exactly as they expect him to. It's like, he doesn't want to disappoint them or something by showing there's more to him than the stupid things he's done in the past." Vivian stated, feeling her chest tightened with defending him. Often she'd wrestled with herself, calling herself all kinds of fools for falling, so deep, so fast. Problem was, she couldn't stop herself from falling. There was nothing to reach out and grab hold to put the breaks on this descent. While she played tough and un-affected in front of him, on the phone with him, in truth - she was riddled with the essence of Jake. His voice, his eyes, his grin, his mischievousness, his bad boy image, his sexual prowess, his devil may care attitude, his hands... she was in love with his hands. The way they felt in hers, the way they felt on her body. The solid towering power of his body, the color of his skin, the hue and texture of his silky ha
ir... everything... even the fact that he was 11 years older than her - sang through her system like some demon's spell put on her. Even in her sleep, a voice male and hypnotizing sang his name as if a litany... Jake ... Jake ... Jake... setting up within her, one mighty itch... and only he could scratch it.
Sylvia sat beside her listening, watching - and saw the signs, she had it bad... really bad.
"Baby girl... you bitin' the big one - do you know that? I thought Shawn was someone to be weary of when I realized just how tenacious his pursuit of me was. I know he loves me, yet there are still times when I have to pinch myself." Sylvia sat thinking about him, then looked back at Vivian, who was watching her, listening and waiting.
"For whatever reasons there are, I've been blessed. As for you, as always Vivian... I just want you to be happy. You are so smart. Such a fighter. A strong and outstandingly beautiful black woman - outside of the doctor that is..." Sylvia paused for inflection of reproach, making Vivian look away with the bite of feeling contrite. "... outside of that, him - you've done so much right. I don't want to see everything you've done, be undone because of him. I don't think you're going to find your peace with him sweety - I'm sorry."
"I've said that to myself so many times Sylvie trying to get myself back on track to stop thinking about him, but nothing's working. Nothing! And if I see just a bit of progress, he goes and calls me. The minute I hear his voice, my body, my system, my stomach and everything inside of me, grips me so tight at the sound of him - that - I would hate to see him and imagine what that's going to do to me. Just hearing him puts me on the verge of being sick. And... lately... well - I've been thinking."
"About what?" Sylvia asked, seeing a look come into Vivian's eyes that shook her a bit.
"I'm not getting any younger and before I say it, just so you know it, this was on my mind before I ever met him. Anyway, I - I wanna have children Sylvia. I envy you being pregnant... it must be so wonderful."
"What are you talking about? What are you thinking?" Sylvia asked cautiously.
"I'm thinking, that once I get this whole matter settled about where I'm going to live. This house, I'm thinking about accepting this new job that's going to be made available at the latter part of this year. Which allows certain ones from the bank, to work for them, from home. It's been circulated and talked about for sometime now - it would be perfect you see - for me if I were to - let's say - get pregnant."
"Please tell me you're not considering trapping him?" Sylvia asked with dread.
"Noooo - of course not! As if that would work today anyway. Right now, we're friends... we talk... we're starting to have regular, nice little conversations. When I get settled, and I get free of this..." She gestured outward indicating that house. "... I'm going to go for that work at home position, and if I get it, then I'm going to ask Jake to be the father of my two children. All he has to provide is the sperm. Even if we should never come together as you and Shawn have, I know for sure... that it's him I want as father to any babies I have."
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah... I am. I'm ready for that, there are many single mother's out there, voluntary and forced. Nowadays its not necessary for a father to be present and I make enough money."
"Don't do this Vivian. Don't. Believe me when I say, children... girls or boys... they need a father. There's a reason, God made the requirement to reproduce only possible by a man and a woman. Because the rearing of a child should be done by both. Whether you believe me or not, kids need a father... just as much as they need a mother. Don't start your babies off without one."
"Oh Sylvia why do you always have to be the voice of reason!" Vivian complained petulantly, falling forward putting her forehead to her palm.
"Okay... ask Sheila and see what she says."
"No way! And don't you dare tell her! She'll never shut up about it!" She shot up to order.
"Then don't do it Vivian."
"I'm not gonna sneak this on him. I'm going to talk to him about it. I'm going to get him to agree on it."
"And if he says no? Then what?"
"Well... its just something I'm thinking about right now... its too soon anyway, I don't have that job, and I don't have this house situation sorted out. I just wanted to run it by someone, since it was on my mind."
"Well promise me you won't do anything until you've given this whole thing you feel about him some time. Let at least a few months go by and see if you still feel the same as you do now. In a few months, you'll also know which direction he's going in. Do that at least okay?"
"Oookay - I know you're right. But doing what's right is not always that easy... especially for me, you know how I am."
"Ohhh yes I do. On the other hand, I will shine a bit of light on your little plan. Fact is, that no child would be more loved than if you did have his son or daughter. Mama Gert, Bart, me and Shawn, especially Shawn, he's baby crazy right now and the rest of the family... that baby would be swallowed up by so much love and attention, it mightnot need Jake." Sylvia admitted.
"SYLVIA! Why'd you say that! You just flushed, all my sensible re-directed thinking, you put so much effort into, right down the toilet... now I'm back to square one!"
"Sorry." Sylvia appealed gently, smiling she pulled her in close for a sisterly hug. They both laughed and sighed at the same time.
"Look at us here. Two black women, in love with two white men... brothers at that! Who would have ever thunk'it!" Sylvia stated.
"Well, at least yours in is love with you. Jake just wants to be my friend. He calls me lil'girl... lil'girl!" She repeated with disbelief.
"We call you baby girl." Sylvia pointed out.
"That's different - that's because I'm like the baby sister of our triad family. He calls me lil'girl because I think he's trying to put me off of him... or himself off of me."
Sylvia thought that was interesting, and the look on her face showed it.
"What? What'yah looking like that for?" Vivian asked.
"I - I hadn't figured Jake to be that way. If anything, I'd expect the opposite from him. That he'd be trying like crazy to get into your bed."
"Well don't forget things have changed because of that woman he was in a relationship with who killed herself. He probably doesn't care to be with another woman again for awhile."
"I wouldn't bet on it. Especially when it comes to Jake. Just take things slow and try not to think about him."
"That's easy for you to say... you have your perfect match. You two are married and having a baby. What's it like Sylvia? To have somebody like that, love you so much?"
"Like I said, sometimes I have to pinch myself. Other times he's overwhelming. I'm back and forth from thanking God for him, to needing to be away from him. He's like, a much needed heavy blanket in the cold night in the winter when the house can't hold the heat, so you cuddle under and find your comfort there, warmth, safety. Then, somewhere in the middle of the night, you find that you're too hot, uncomfortable and sweating, and you end up kicking the cover off - then you feel that cool draft again, and you try to find that perfect happy medium, but you're either too hot, or feeling the cold. Sometimes, its just like that."
"I guess... but imagine if you didn't have the option of that blanket. At least you can stick a leg and an arm out or something, because I'd rather be a bit too warm, than freezing my ass off with no means of relief from the cold. Know what I mean?"
"Yeah... I know exactly what you mean. That's why I keep that blanket, well within my reach."
They were leaning slumped on the sofa now, blindly watching the t.v. both were quiet and lost in thought when Vivian asked, "What if you slept naked under the blanket, would that help?!"
Sylvia burst out laughing, slapping her thigh. "You are crazy girl! No that don't help... it's even hotter then!" Sylvia shook her head still laughing at Vivian. "I missed you so much! I better get going. Hey... don't forget, Thursday night... you, Sheila and Dennis! I want you guys to be there." Sylvia reminded her standing to leave.
"Are you kidding me? We wouldn't miss it for the world! I'll be there for sure... and you know that Sheila and Dennis will be." Vivian stated walking Sylvia to the door, they stopped there and hugged each other. "Please come back more often Sylvia... please? If I had a car, I'd be up to Wisconsin all the time."
"I promise to be by more and you gonna have to get a car girlfriend... so you can come up on the weekends! Shawn and I are gonna be turning the house I have into a bed and breakfast... at some point... maybe after I get home he'll get started. Anyway, there will always be room for you. Get - a car."
"Oh that car note, that car note - girl... I hate the thought of that!"
"You talking about having babies and you don't have no car? If you gonna ever have one... then you most certainly need to get the other. Think about it. Gotta go... I love you baby girl!"
"I love you too Sylvia... bye!"
Chapter 114
Sylvia stayed with her mother up until Tuesday - the day Meribel called her to pick her up. While there, she spent time doing whatever Lydia wanted her to do. She'd mentioned what took place at the club, that she'd won a contest in singing and that she would love for Lydia to come and see her Thursday night. But as usual, Lydia hemmed and hawed to make excuses not to show up. Sylvia gave up the notion right away. She refused to give any more thought to why her mother wanted nothing to do with supporting anything that had ever meant anything to her, ever. So instead, she took her around in her new car, shopping and buying little things for the house she wanted, but, had had to wait on to get, due to money. Sylvia got those little things for her. Her reward, she was criticized from the moment her mother stepped up to the mustang, the complaints began. With one deprecating comment after another.