Star Force: Veracious (SF48)
Page 10
“Getting kind of crowded in here,” she commented, staying a few steps back but joining in on the battlemeld, making it a three-way and getting up to speed with their plans quickly by drawing off the others’ thoughts. A moment later she broke contact and left, knowing what she needed to do.
Kara walked out of the nexus nook and jogged across the command deck, smelling fresh and clean and knowing that wasn’t going to last long. As soon as she got outside into the hallway she jumped up to the ceiling and flew over the heads of the people passing through, zigzagging and running on the walls as she hung from her left wrist. She kept that up until she eventually got to an exterior exit, then flew up into the open air above the city, but keeping under the hemi-spherical bubble shield now covering it.
She glanced to the west, seeing the gap near the surface where it didn’t touch the ground, and flew off over there, relishing the wind blowing through her wet hair until she got down to the barrier and ducked underneath, then she donned the red scales and shot up high into the sky like a missile, joining the skeets already coming out of their hangars and assembling in holding patterns.
Kara held there for some time, seeing the first of the mechs start to walk outside the shield barrier as well, then through the battlemap she saw the Scionate fleet descend to low orbit well outside the range of the Sentinel, but they did have to go through a smaller defense platform that had a single cleansing beam.
They sent several dozen warships after it, firing the first shots of the battle without hesitation. The defense station responded in kind, skewering one of the warships on the first shot, but unable to slice it in half before it had to recycle. Mauler cannons opened up at shorter range as the Scionate warships swarmed it, getting many of them killed before they managed to eliminate the platform and clear the sky for the transports that began heading to ground while the rest of the attacking fleet spread out to cover them and engage the Star Force drone warships that were now coming in from multiple angles…with the larger controlling jumpships not far behind.
Kara could see the approach the transports were making through the battlemap, and realizing it wasn’t near the city she was hovering over she took off, flying through the air slowly at first but gaining speed rapidly as she left the skeets and mechs behind, intent on getting to at least some of the transports before they made it to ground.
Back in the command nexus Morgan released Paul, physically and battlemeld, and headed out as well, knowing that he had the naval engagement well in hand and that the battle now was going to occur on the ground. The defense platform that the Scionate had destroyed had been unmanned, but the kid gloves were now coming off regardless. They were firing live weapons at them and there was no indication that they were here to do anything other than harm to Star Force and the Humans living on this planet.
With that thought foremost in her mind she headed off to grab her armor and some more senzu beans before catching a dropship out to wherever the fighting was about to go down.
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