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Black Diamond 3: Lucky Chance (Urban Books)

Page 7

by Brittani Williams

  Reed laughed to himself as Lucky disappeared into the house to gather enough things to last a weekend. She made sure to grab sexy underwear and smell-goods. Reed was patiently waiting for her when she returned to the door with her bag in hand.

  For most of the ride the two rode in silence until Lucky initiated an inevitable conversation. “So, Mr. Reed, I’ve never seen you around before. Where were you hiding?”

  “I wasn’t hiding, I was locked up,” he answered honestly. “Got locked up on a drug charge but that’s the past, you know. I’m home now, back on top where I need to be.”

  “I see. I was about to ask how you can just come home to a fly-ass car, clothes, and money to throw around like there’s no tomorrow.”

  “Well, I have good friends.”

  “What about a woman? Do you have one of those?”

  He laughed. “I was waiting for that one, actually. I have a wife, but when I came home she served my ass with divorce papers. Soon as I was away she jumped on the next thing smoking, shipped my daughter off to her relatives, and rolled out to live the glamorous life.”

  “Wow.” Lucky shook her head in disbelief.

  “Yeah, wow is right. That’s what I said when I came home and found out. That was my welcome home gift. But it’s all good. But enough about me, let’s hear about you, Miss Lucky. How did you end up dancing for a living?”

  “Money is the root of that evil of course. I needed money for college. I wasn’t blessed with parents who could send me to school or a man who had the funds to assist so I had to get it on my own. I’ll be done with school in eight months and I can say that I don’t have any student loans to pay back when I graduate.”

  “Do you like your job?”

  “Of course not, but it pays the bills,” she said with attitude.

  “Don’t shoot me, I was just asking an honest question. I mean, there are people out there who actually like what they do. No disrespect, you do your job very well, so usually when women take the job that serious, it’s because they like it.”

  “Well for me, anything that I decide to do I make sure I am the best at it. If I’m not going to put my best foot forward then I’m not going to do it.”

  “I respect that. I respect that one hundred percent,” Reed responded.

  “Good, ’cause I didn’t wanna have to shoot you,” she said before they both burst into laughter.

  Soon they were pulling up in front of Reed’s home and parking in the driveway. While Lucky had expected going out to a nice restaurant for dinner she wasn’t surprised that he’d bought her here instead. She shook her head, thinking, why the hell did I think anything different in the first place? She went to exit the car and Reed stopped her.

  “I’m just going to drop off your bag, grab some money, and then we’ll be on our way.”

  “Okay,” she replied, caught off guard but in a good way. She was immediately excited and anxious about what he was planning. Here she was giving up on him before he had a chance to show and prove.

  Reed returned to the car a few minutes later and began the drive to their next destination. A half-hour later they arrived at a beautiful restaurant in Rittenhouse Square in downtown Philadelphia. The small, cozy restaurant was just the atmosphere that they needed to tip off a romantic evening. The night had been going well so far and both of them were looking forward to ending it with a bang, both figuratively and literally. The restaurant was sparsely filled with couples of all different ages and nationalities.

  The couple was seated and immediately served a bottle of the best champagne. Lucky wasn’t a huge fan of champagne but she figured she’d make an exception for the special occasion. She was very interested in finding out more about him. To her, he was mysterious and she’d always wanted that in a man. She watched his every move and listened to his every word as they went through the three courses of their meal. Though she’d enjoyed the dinner and conversation she was excited to move on to the next portion of their evening.

  Soon the two were on their way back to Reed’s house, both anticipating what was next. Reed was planning on giving her every bit of the energy that he’d had backed up for the past two years and Lucky, well, she was planning on receiving it.

  Chapter Nine

  Foolin’ Around

  “So what did you find out?” Black asked Tommy as he sat down in the plush leather chair, which sat behind his large cherry-wood desk. Three days ago he learned of Reed, a man who was on a mission to come up in the drug game. He wasn’t scared but he hated to be blind in any situation, especially one that threatened his life. He couldn’t rest easy until any potential threat was eliminated.

  “Nothing really. I really don’t see him as a threat. He isn’t really making any noise. He’s trying to come up but not takeover nothing that we own,” Tommy replied while sitting down in the chair that sat opposite Black.

  “So you ain’t found out nothing in three days? That’s all you have to tell me?” Black asked, visibly annoyed.

  “I asked around, man, nobody knows anything. Dude is pretty low-key, he doesn’t cause too much noise.” Tommy leaned forward in the chair.

  “I hope you’re right. I really do.” Black shook his head. “You know niggas are constantly trying to move in and attack. I have a family, man. I need to be here for them and I can’t watch my own back. That’s what I have you for. I feel like you’ve been slipping lately.”

  “Now I’m slipping? I’m the one who brought this shit to your attention. I know this shit is stressful, man, but come on—there is no need to start throwing unnecessary jabs. I’ve always had your back.”

  “I’m just saying, you should be up on this shit. There shouldn’t be any room for mistakes if you cross all your t’s and dot all your i’s,” Black yelled.

  “There won’t be any mistakes, Black,” Tommy responded, raising his voice. He was frustrated with Black’s tone. Not once did he ever think Black would doubt his ability to handle business. Regardless of the situation, he had always come through. He wanted to just chalk it all up to stress but something inside of him wouldn’t allow him to. Honestly, he felt like his time with Black was almost up and, soon, he’d have to do his own thing. “I don’t understand you, man. Who was the one who saved you and your wife? Me! I have always been there to shield you from harm.” Tommy was now standing as his adrenaline began to pump through his veins.

  “Yo, sit down, man, you taking this shit too personal. This shit ain’t about no friendships or any other shit like that. This is about my life and my family. I can’t allow a nigga to move in and take what’s mine. Yes, you were there in the past but back then you took your job more seriously. If I’m wrong then, okay, I’ll be a man and apologize, but right now this shit is business. I need to know more about this nigga and his master plan. Now you can either help me or keep bitching, one or the other,” Black said, pounding his closed fist against the desk.

  Tommy stood on the opposite side of the office and stared at Black. His stare was direct and his eyes were piercing. It was almost as if he could see right through Black. So many thoughts were running through his head. He was growing angrier by the second, but he tried as hard as he could to conceal any obvious signs of it. He stood steady in the same place for a few more minutes before walking back over to the chair where he’d originally been seated, and flopped down in it.

  Black shook his head as he wondered what Tommy was thinking. He was sure by the look on Tommy’s face that it wasn’t something positive, but it didn’t scare him or ruffle his feathers in the least bit. He had to worry about himself and his family—babysitting wasn’t an option.

  Tommy was still quiet, trying to figure out what to say next. He didn’t want this to turn into a war but he didn’t want to seem like a bitch either. Though he worked for Black he wasn’t a servant and wasn’t going to bow down like one either.

  “So what are you planning on doing?” Black asked, restarting the conversation that had sat dormant for the past five minutes.
  Tommy shook his head before speaking. “I’m going to do the best that I can to find out what’s going on.”

  “All right, well, I’ll get up with you later. I need to go take care of some other shit,” Black said before walking around the desk and giving Tommy dap and heading toward the door.

  As he walked toward his car he noticed a Black Mercedes near the corner with tinted windows. He watched the car as he got inside of his car. He refused to move and be followed if something was up. He wanted to make sure they knew he wasn’t afraid or running scared. After a few minutes the car pulled out of the parking and sped off down the street and around the corner. Because of the dark tinted windows, he couldn’t see who was inside. After all of the shit that he’d been through the previous year, shit like this instantly put him on edge. A few moments later, his cell phone rang, breaking the silence and startling him. Looking down at the caller ID, Diamond’s name flashed across the screen.

  “Hello,” he said dryly.

  “Where are you? I thought you were coming straight home, Black. It’s been three hours since I last spoke to you.”

  “Diamond, I’m a grown-ass man, okay? Stop clocking me like a fucking child.”

  “What the fuck is your problem lately, Black? Is it that bitch you’re cheating on me with?” she screamed into the phone.

  “Good-bye, Diamond,” Black said, attempting to end the conversation and avoid the inevitable conversation. He knew it was only a matter of time before Diamond would figure it out but he wasn’t in the mood for the discussion at the moment.

  “Oh so you’re gonna hang up on me? That’s real mature, Black. I know what you’re doing and I don’t deserve it. I haven’t done anything but try to be the best wife I can be and this is how you repay me,” she yelled as her voice began to quiver.

  Black was quiet, not knowing how to respond. She was right, she didn’t deserve it, and the reason that he was wrapped up in an affair didn’t have anything to do with her. She had been a good wife but for a reason that he couldn’t quite explain he slipped again.

  “Cat got your tongue?” she asked with evident pain in her voice. She wanted to burst into tears but her pride wouldn’t let her show him how this was affecting her.

  “Diamond, I’m really not in the mood for this shit right now. It doesn’t really matter what I say, you still won’t believe me, so what’s the point?” he responded.

  “You know what, Black, fuck it! Have a good night!” She hung up the phone and screamed. She was furious. Deep down she’d hoped that he would respond differently and reassure her that his heart still belonged to her. Unfortunately, the conversation went left and she felt even worse than she did before she called.

  Black looked at the phone and shook his head. Instead of going home, he made a U-turn and took the on-ramp to I-76 to head to Kiki’s house for the evening. He pulled up in front of her house twenty minutes later and dialed her cell phone to be sure she didn’t have any company before ringing the doorbell.

  “Hello,” she breathed into the phone.

  “Did I wake you?” Black asked, noticing the harshness in her voice.

  “Yeah, but it’s okay. What’s up?” She perked up after hearing the sound of his voice. She was always happy to hear from him.

  “I’m outside. I don’t feel like going home tonight. Diamond’s in bitch mode.”

  “Okay, I’m coming down,” she replied before getting out of bed. She walked downstairs and opened the door wearing only a T-shirt and a red thong. Black smiled when he saw her. It was almost as if she’d taken Diamond’s place keeping a smile on his face. As she backed into the house he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her close to him. Her skin was soft as silk as his large hands caressed both of her exposed cheeks.

  “I see somebody missed me.” She laughed.

  “I definitely missed you,” he replied, feeling a relief from all the drama at home.

  “How much?” she asked, backing away from him. “This much?” she asked, holding her arms apart, creating a space with her hands.

  Black took off his jacket and set it down on the chair near the entrance of the living room. Gently, he pushed Kiki back so that her butt rested on the arm of the sofa. In a swift motion, he got on his knees and pulled her thong to the side, revealing her perfectly shaved pussy. His thick tongue licked her clit with just enough pressure to send her into an instant orgasm. She’d never erupted so prematurely but her feelings for Black mixed with adrenaline made it almost impossible to hold it back. She rested her legs on his shoulders and nestled his head in place. He sopped up all of her juices and French kissed her lips, making a loud smacking sound. Slipping his right index and middle finger inside of her, he continued to suck on her clit while massaging her G-spot with his fingers. She rocked her hips and used her hands to brace herself as she pressed her pussy harder into his face.

  “Right there, baby, that’s it,” she moaned, letting him know that he was in the right spot. She leaned back and lifted her cheeks slightly to give him more room. He removed his finger from her wet tunnel and used his hands to wrap them around her thighs and pull them farther apart. Hearing her delight only fueled his fire and he used every trick in the book to give her exactly what she was yearning for. “Oh shit, Black,” she screamed as she reached yet another orgasm and her body began to shake uncontrollably.

  Black pulled himself away and stood up from the floor with a huge smile and a rock-hard dick trying to make its way out of his boxers and jeans. Kiki still had her eyes closed, trying to regain her composure. He laughed a little at the sight of it, which turned him on even more. He quickly loosened his belt and unzipped his pants, allowing them to drop to the floor. With her legs open wide he moved back in close to her and touched her lips with his before grabbing hold of her neck and ramming his long dick into her pussy, causing an instant release of juices from inside of her. He fit inside of her like a glove as he maneuvered his way around her insides like a well-lit racetrack. He pulled himself in and out of her slowly and made sure to push every inch of himself inside of her. She continued to moan as he remained focused on reaching his sexual peak. From the floor his cell phone began to ring but both of them ignored it. He figured that it would be Diamond and he wasn’t going to let her ruin the nut that he was anticipating. He pumped harder and with each stroke Kiki moaned louder. She wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him closer and used her tongue to lick his left ear.

  “Oh shit,” he moaned, feeling all of his energy rushing to the head of his dick.

  She continued to suck and lick on his ear as he fucked her as hard as he could. Within minutes he was releasing what felt like eight ounces of cum inside of her. The head of his dick was instantly so sensitive that he didn’t want to back away. She laughed, knowing why he was still holding on to her so tight.

  “What’s so funny?” he asked, keeping as still as he possibly could.

  “You, sir.” She laughed, moving her hips and forcing him to quickly pull his semi-soft dick from her pussy.

  “That’s not funny at all,” he replied before sitting down on the chair.

  His cell phone began to ring again. He grabbed his pants from the floor to retrieve it. Looking down at the caller ID he wasn’t surprised to see Diamond’s name flashing across the screen.

  “Is that who I think it is?” Kiki asked curiously. She could tell by the look on his face that he wasn’t happy and figured that it could only be her.

  “Yeah, she keeps calling back and I swear I don’t feel like fighting with her.”

  “Well, turn the phone off then,” she suggested.

  “I can’t turn it off. You know I get business calls at all different times of the night.”

  “Well, answer it then, Black. She’s not going to stop calling so you might as well get it over with.”

  He took a deep breath before answering the phone with an obvious attitude. “What?” he yelled.

  “Is that how you answer the phone for your wife?�

  “Yeah, when you’re getting on my nerves,” he replied. “What do you want, Diamond?”

  “Are you coming home?”

  “No, Diamond, I will see you tomorrow. I need time alone tonight.” Click.

  Diamond looked at the phone, hoping that he didn’t just hang up on her. Realizing that the call was ended tears began to drop from her eyes. She realized that she was losing him and she wasn’t prepared for that.

  She went upstairs and looked in on her sleeping daughter. How can he do this to us? The situation was turning out to be a lot harder to figure out than she’d expected. Either way, she wasn’t going down without a fight. She closed the door and walked to her bedroom, where she crawled into bed and soon fell asleep clutching her cell phone in her hand, hoping that he would call.

  Chapter Ten

  Breath of Fresh Air

  “What’s on your mind?” Reed asked, looking at Lucky as she lay looking up at the ceiling.

  “Nothing really,” she replied. “Just happy that’s all.” She smiled. Being with him the past few weeks was turning out to be more exciting than she’d expected. She’d never met a man like Reed who was so strong yet so caring. He always made sure to keep a smile on her face and she could appreciate that. Even in his thug state he was gentle.

  Reed sat up from the bed and stared her in the eyes. He was trying to read her mind, knowing that there was more to her silence than she was letting on. She was beautiful both inside and out, unlike his estranged wife, Raquel. He saw something in her that he hadn’t seen with any other woman. She wasn’t afraid to let him in, almost as if she’d never had her heart broken. Most women would resist, especially with a man like him, who could have almost any woman that he wanted. Lucky was almost the perfect woman and he didn’t plan on letting her go anytime soon.

  “So what are you so happy about?” Reed finally asked, breaking the brief silence.

  “Everything. My life is going great now and it’s all because of you.” She smiled.


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