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Wind: The Quinn Brothers Story 5 (A Quinn Brothers Story)

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by Casey Clipper

  “One of the actors is hugely famous in Europe and blogs for one of the fashion magazines. He asked me to do an interview for the magazine while I was there and managed to convince me to do a photo shoot. On one of my days off, I went to their building and spent the day being photographed and answering questions.” Chelsea’s distant, unfocused gaze drifted to the sparkling midnight Toronto skyline beyond the floor to ceiling window. “You see, I didn’t have personal security. If I was going to a place or event where I might need a bodyguard, I would hire one out. Like a lot of actors do. But with pay-to-hire companies, the employees aren’t invested in you, the person. They don’t know your movements or your actions or your choices. They don’t know that I’d prefer to take the stairs as opposed to an elevator ride. They don’t know that I can become distracted by a painting or an outfit someone is wearing and veer off course.

  “Anyway, I hired a service to have a bodyguard bring me to the magazine building, where stars consistently come and go. In England, the paparazzi is well known for being aggressive and camp outside the building, hoping to get a money shot. I had gone through my day of the interview and photo shoot, saying goodbye to my actor friend. The bodyguard didn’t realize that I was climbing onto the elevator until it was too late. I had pressed the button and the doors started to close. A man slipped into the elevator with me. The bodyguard had been stuck among the lingering throng of people who worked for the magazine.”

  Oh fuck. He didn’t want her to continue. Aaron’s mind went to where the story was possibly leading.

  She sighed, looking back at him. “When I got hired for the show for the television show in Atlanta, I had to immediately start training. My character was married to a Navy SEAL. It’s the zombie apocalypse. My character has to move and fight as if she’d been trained by her husband. So the show put me in contact with a group of retired SEALs, who trained me. Except they refused to show me the moves. They insisted that I actually learn how to defend myself. To fight like a SEAL would. They kick my ass daily. I bitch and moan every single day. It turns out they saved my life. As soon as the elevator doors shut, he attacked me with a hunting knife.”

  She pulled the sheet down to her stomach, revealing a scar that he hadn’t noticed before slicing across the right side of her mid-section. He skimmed the faint purplish line with his finger. Her stomach twitched at the contact.

  “I fought for my life in that enclosed space,” she said quietly. “Those men I owe. When I got to the bottom floor, the doors opening and both of us spilled out into the lobby. Security got to us, containing him. But I had a deep wound and needed to go to the hospital. My retired SEALS were the first people that I called. They hopped on planes, closing up their small gym and training center, and became my security for the remainder of my time in England. My people managed to keep it under wraps, afraid of copycats. The entire time I fought that maniac, he spewed hate toward me. He said I must die. That I was too much of a distraction and put on earth to manipulate men. That I am the reason guys do dirty deeds. It was that moment that caused me to really open my eyes. I had been trying to live like a normal civilian in a world that either idolizes or demonizes celebrities, especially women. This guy couldn’t make the distinction, and wanted me dead.” She shrugged like it was a sad truth.

  “Where is he now?” Aaron feared for her safety.

  “He’s in jail. He tried to plead insanity, but a psyche eval revealed he knew that trying to kill me was illegal. He was obsessed, not psychotic.” She took his hand and threaded her fingers with his. “Even though you know who I am and how famous I am, you still treated me without kid gloves. You are the first person in a very long time that has made me feel grounded.”

  She kissed him hard, pushing him onto his back and mounting him. If Chelsea needed a temporary reprieve from the world she resided and wanted to use him as that escape, so be it. Aaron wouldn’t turn his back on her. No matter how short of a time they had together. Because when it came down to reality, Aaron knew his days with Chelsea were numbered. How could they not be?


  Aaron pulled up to the mansion home on the outskirts of Atlanta. He glanced at the clock on the dashboard and checked it against his phone, irritated he ran twenty minutes late. The flight he’d piloted had taken longer than expected because the executive on the plane had decided to have his own mile high experience, with three women. Aaron had been caged at the hanger, lingering in the cockpit with the crew, while the CEO finished his sexcapade in the back of the aircraft. He wasn’t allowed to leave the plane until all passengers exited. He refused the job to return the CEO home in a week.

  He climbed out of the car and approached the door, ringing the bell, hoping Chelsea would still see him. It was after eight in the evening and she had an early set time, which meant early lights out. One of Chelsea’s security guards answered and ushered him inside.

  He spun on Aaron as soon as the door was closed. “I’m not sure what’s going on between the two of you. You’ve been the only man in her life she’s wanted to see since I met her. I’m surprised you’ve lasted this long because she’s hesitant to commit. But since you are sticking around, keep this in mind. If you hurt her, I’ll be sure you never walk again without a limp. We clear?”

  Aaron rolled his eyes. “I have an older brother like you. He annoys me, too. Yeah, we’re clear. And who says that she’s the one who’ll get hurt?”

  Because the reality haunted Aaron lately, keeping him up at night for weeks, wondering when his end time would come. He’d been seeing Chelsea as much as possible while he worked for her. It was difficult, but somehow they managed. They slept together almost nightly, except for the overnight shoots. They enjoyed movies and dinner together, in either a hotel room or the house she rented. Never out in public. They worshipped each other’s bodies for hours at a time and then curled up against each other to fall asleep. Their conversations ranged from deep to mundane. He found her intelligent and so self-aware that he was sometimes caught off guard when she referred to one of her nuances. And she had many. Which she attributed to being a perfectionist when it came to her work and the roles she chose. He wholeheartedly believed her.

  Aaron was completely in love with her. But he knew she didn’t feel the same way. And that stung, deeper than he wanted to acknowledge. He knew it was only a matter of time before she chucked him out. Probably at the end of filming the movie or the television season. He desperately kept reminding himself of that, so the pain over the loss of her wouldn’t be so devastating. But he wasn’t exactly succeeding in that department.

  The security guard looked at him sympathetically and slapped him on the back, but didn’t reply. “She’s out back in the pool.”

  “Thanks.” His head slumped on his shoulders as he made his way to the backyard of the luxurious home. Chelsea rented the six-bedroom house while she filmed in Atlanta instead of living in a hotel for months at a time. It was located in a gated community with security. Her bodyguards approved. Aaron loved the place but only managed to see it in the evenings. Another hitch in their relationship. She only asked him to come over at night, when it would be hard to see who comes and goes from the house. Making it difficult for photographers to get a snapshot of Chelsea Tyler’s rumored boyfriend. She never said a word, but the routine hadn’t gone unnoticed by him.

  He stepped out the French doors to a large deck that overlooked a backyard oasis of bushes, well-placed trees, a privacy fence, tables with umbrellas, overhangs, paver stones and a dimly lit pool. Chelsea, in her barely-there bikini, was swimming laps, her head trainer hovering at the side of the pool.

  Aaron leaned against the railing, watching her form. She was stunning in a nontraditional way. She had a gracefulness about her that was overlooked, probably because of how she’d been trained to fight and protect herself like a military man. Her motions were fluid, never a wasteful movement, protecting her energy. Her muscles glided her through the water, under her direction.

  She surfac
ed, a goddess rising from the water, her dark red hair cascading down her back as the moisture ran off her.

  “Good job,” her trainer said.

  She floated onto her back, closing her eyes. “The water is so warm. Probably too warm for a pool.”

  “You’ve got company,” the man who answered the door yelled down, shooting a glare at Aaron.

  Yeah, her guys didn’t like creepers.

  Chelsea stood and waved. “Come get naked and take a dip.”

  Both bodyguards groaned in disgust. Nothing like announcing to the neighborhood that the Hollywood actress would be in the pool with a naked man. He shook his head, chuckling as he made his way down the stairs. Her trainer slipped past them, disappearing into the house. Aaron snatched a towel off the rack and held it out for her.

  “I’m not getting into a pool that feels like I’m taking a bath.”

  She grinned. “Heard that, huh?”

  She climbed out of the pool, walking straight into his arms. He planted a sultry kiss upon her full, berry lips, lingering. He relished every second she gave him with her. What would she want with a pilot long term? He didn’t fit into her famous world. She would end up with a man as equally famous who understood her lifestyle and the demands of her job. Never in his lifetime of dating had he experienced such bleak thoughts and self-doubt when it came to a relationship. He hated himself for the insecurity and resented her for fueling the emotion.

  Aaron dried her off, loving the fact that she allowed him to take care of her in such a simple manner. When finished, she spun and wrapped her arms around his neck. “What’s on the agenda for tonight?”

  “What do you want to do?” He knew one of the tasks. His girl was insatiable and he had an equally heavy appetite to fill her needs and wants.


  They watched a lot of movies. Or half a movie before the sexual heat turned up between them. He wondered if they had anything in common besides great sexual chemistry. He took a step back, realizing that he’d hit the nail on the head. They had nothing relatable that he knew of. Chelsea never asked questions about him. She only ever answered his inquiries about her, but with deep contemplation first, as if deciding whether or not she should answer him.

  “Aaron?” Her features became concerned.

  “Tell me something, Chelsea. When we’re together, what exactly do you see?”

  She blinked, surprised. “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “What do you see when I’m with you? What do you see in me?”

  She took a quick glance at the top deck, as if searching for answers from her security who lingered about in the shadows. She looked back at him, a small frown making an appearance. “What do you want, Aaron? I see a handsome man who sees me for me. Not the actress. I see a guy who makes me smile, inside and out. I see a man who turns women’s heads when he walks into a room but has eyes only for me. I see a man who gets my job and doesn’t question my late or odd hours or days and weeks out of town. I see a man who doesn’t make unreasonable demands upon me.”

  Her eyes held a hopeful look, like she addressed exactly what he wanted to hear. Except she didn’t. The entire speech was about her and how she felt. There was nothing in there about him. She didn’t know how hard he worked or how much he loved his job, most of the time. She didn’t know how much he loved his brothers, missed his mother, and adored his niece and nephews. She had no idea he lived in an apartment building with his family, each having their own condo. She had no clue that he was named after his maternal grandfather. She knew nothing about him, except for what she had perceived, which wrapped around her. That was his mistake, because he had basically made the relationship all about her, knowing one day she would leave him. In the back of his mind, he had hoped that she wouldn’t.

  He reached up and wiped a stray droplet of water than ran down her cheek. “Why do you only see me at night?”

  She blanched, opening her mouth and closing it. “That can’t be true. We’ve seen each other during the day.”

  He shook his head, his heart cracking, knowing what he had to do.

  “Chelsea, how old am I?”

  She looked at him, horrified.

  “Aaron,” she whispered, her eyes glistening. “Please don’t do this.”

  He gave her a small, sad smile and kissed her forehead. “You know, I’ve fallen in love with you.”

  She gasped.

  “I couldn’t help it. You’re amazing and wonderful and intelligent and sexy as sin. And I’ve been waiting for the ax to drop. Waiting for the moment you tell me that we’re through because you’ll move on to another film or when the series wraps up for the season. But I’ve hung on, hoping that I’d be wrong. It just now hit me that I’m not wrong. You haven’t gotten to know me for several reasons, haven’t you? To protect yourself from heartbreak. Or that I’m a fun fling.” How ironic that he’d been the playboy for years. Karma was a bitch.

  “You have never intended on staying with me,” he said.

  “That’s not true,” she said hoarsely. “Aaron, that’s not true.”

  “But it is.” His crack opened up wide. “I’m sorry, Chelsea. I love you, but I can’t stay with you.”

  He kissed her lips and turned to walk away. She grabbed his arm. “Please, Aaron, don’t leave me. I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize…”

  His mouth turned up in a painful smile. “That you didn’t care enough to find out more about me?”

  Her mouth popped open as tears streamed down her cheeks. A gargled choke bubbled up from her.

  Aaron pried her hand away from his arm. Turning his back on her, he did the hardest thing he’d ever done in his life. He walked away from the woman who he had handed his heart to.


  Aaron stared out his brother Shane’s apartment window, cup of coffee in hand. He’d been too lonely in his own place, the silence crushing his soul. He’d taken a bit of time off work, needing a mental break. From life. And his destroyed soul. At night, all he saw was Chelsea’s face. During the day, all heard was her laugh. He saw her in everything. A piece of candy she would covet but couldn’t eat. A sexy dress that she’d model for him. A kitten on a YouTube video that she’d gush over and state she wanted one but couldn’t commit to taking care of because she was never home. He’d gotten to know her and her little quirks to the point where he could predict what her next statement or movement would be. She was unapologetically predictable. But she couldn’t even tell him his age.

  He sipped his coffee, the hot brew burning down his throat.

  Jack raced through the apartment with a dinosaur in hand. “Unka Shane!”

  All of the brothers found themselves keeping their apartment doors open recently. What was the point in closing up their homes? They each walked into each other’s place without knocking or invitation. It had become like a weird community living arrangement. Shane even had plush carpet put into the hallway and had the walls painted a tan color to make the apartments feel more homey and connected. It only worked because to gain access to their floor, a code was needed. They didn’t have to worry about strangers making sudden, unwelcomed appearances. And the maintenance guy in charge of that system happened to be related.

  “What do you have there?” Shane asked from his apartment office.

  “Another honkasaurus,” Jack replied.

  Aaron choked on his coffee and grinned. Shane hated the dinosaur species Jack had created.

  “There is no such thing,” Shane argued. “Let me pull up the species.”

  Of course his brother would try to logically argue with a preschooler.

  “How are you doing?” Liam was suddenly beside him, Reilly asleep in his big arms.

  “Fine.” He didn’t want to talk to his brothers about his breakup. Could he even classify it as a breakup when one half of the couple didn’t consider them a…couple?

  “Liar.” His brother went to the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee.

  Aaron glanced at his ol
der brother, that awful pit of jealousy threatening to make an appearance. Seeing Liam with the daughter he loved so damn much in his arms only added to the heartbreak.

  “Want to hold her?” Liam asked, holding her out.

  He nodded, setting down his cup, taking his beautiful niece into his arms and placing her on his shoulder. He kissed her soft head and rubbed her tiny back. She resembled the Quinn family with dark brown hair and dark blue eyes.

  “What happened?” Liam boldly asked.

  Aaron shook his head.

  “Aaron,” Liam said, his voice low. “You’re the one who’s never ruffled. Nothing gets to you. You’re the one who allows everything to roll off his back and takes life in stride, no matter the situation. What the hell happened that has you so upset that you took a vacation? You never take time off work.”

  Aaron swayed with his niece in his arms, the motion comforting to him and her.

  “I broke up with her,” Aaron admitted, an indescribable pain and emptiness ripping through him.

  Liam scowled. “With who?”


  His brother held up his hand. “Wait. You were dating her?”

  “If that’s what you want to call it.” Aaron slid his brother a side glance. “I would have labeled us a couple but she probably didn’t.”

  “Probably? You mean you don’t know? Did you ask her?” Liam came to stand in front him so he couldn’t avoid eye contact.

  “Not exactly. But it was obvious. She only saw me at night, when cameras would have a hard time getting a picture of me coming and going from her place. She didn’t know my birthdate or my age.”

  “I don’t know your birthday or age, ass.” Liam took another sip of his joe.


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