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Meant to be (Contemporary Book 1)

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by Roselyn Smash

  What is meant to be will be?




  When I was 14 my life got flipped upside down, I was Melanie a happy pre-tee n nerd that everyone at my school except my bestie since infancy and damon who one day just started hanging out with us at lunch and we just kind of let hi m be because he was a little bit weird like us, in a good way .My life was basica lly wake, school, library sometimes gym and mall for the movies or the arcade on the weekends. School felt weird today or rather the whole day felt different my bestie Sophia or Soph as damon and I called her was MIA today and it was just damon and I for lunch it was kind of uneventful because damon went on a bout the school cheerleader and how hot she was and how he’d like to be “All up in dat” and he knew e bored me because the laughed and sad I can’t wait fo r the day you finally meet someone you like , Then he went on about how he w ondered how the guy would look like and blah blah blah I zoned off till the bell rang to back to class. I walked home afterschool instead of waiting for the bus l ike a normal person because the neighbourhood wasn’t that safe and I knew m om would be livid , I got home the minute I opened the door my mother Wend y who was a stay at home mom ,But according to her she was a home body tha t happened to take care of two humans, she was funny like that but today she wasn’t in a laughing mood she got on me about how reckless I was and about how worried she was about me , I apologised told her I wouldn’t do it again an d gave her a hug the started with the kisses and telling me how much she loved me her one and only precious doll and my father came out of nowhere becau se I wasn’t expecting him for another week gave me a look that said we will tal k about my walking home alone later also gave me a hug and we looked like a sappy bunch but that was how I raised we were an affectionate bunch. My fath er Joe was a factory worker he made sure that everyone was safe and all the pr oducts were done correctly, he worked in meat processing firm which maybe ki nd of explains why we only eat meat when he’s away on business trips and I w

  as kind of looking forward to wings tonight and actually said it out loud he laug hed and said okay tonight we shall feast on wings which he actually went out a nd bought together with my favourite ice-cream and ate them with mom and I

  ,It was bliss till I woke up in the morning and found my house busy with movers taking things into trucks I ran down to the kitchen to ask mom and dad what w as going on that’s when they dropped a bomb on me that we were moving and dad got another job that he will start on Monday , I was so angry at them I pac ked my room crying mom tried to talk to me I gave her the silent treatment all the way up to our new house which was big and the neighbourhood was clean

  , quiet and the houses were cute all in the same earth colours , the horrible thi ng was that it was 9 hours away from my best friends , when I called them Sop h and I were crying and damon just sounded sad , we promised each other that we will keep talking no matter what . on Monday I finally came out of my roo m to wish dad all the best with his new job, and spoke to my mom and we wen t to the mall to buy a few things and passed by the school that looked like fanc y and huge and I looked longingly at it and mom laughed then proceeded to m ock me ooh darling you are such a nerd, teens would be soo happy to be out sc hool but noo not my daughter. When papa j came home that night he told me his boss is having a welcome thing for new employees and that he made calls f or Mel to go school with his son who was around the same age.

  The day of the luncheon came it was a garden thing at his boss house , to say t he house was huge would be an understatement , when we got there I was tak en to the “kids”section and there was a boy and a girl with pink frills and blond e hair I introduced myself and found out that they are also not from here and t hat their dad also moved and he works in accounting , the girl Joann tried to “g irl talk me” but I wasn’t that pink I got on with the boy James we liked the sam e movies and games and dare I say I made a new best friend In a minute JoAnn went to the salad bar to get food we followed her but we got real food she was bothered with her “figure” , I mean who cares about that at 15 , well I will turn 15 tomorrow and I found out that James and I will be at the same school starti ng Monday , we exchanged numbers and carried on talking we included JoAnn every now and then but she had already written us off , we were almost leavin g when we were called over top the grown up side I introduced the long kids to my parents we met theirs and my dad’s boss came over with an elegant lookin g woman who looked neat like she just finished bathing and not entertaining g

  uests the who day and a sullen looking boy who oozed boredom like he did not want to be there they introduced him to us , his name was Michael St John an d he was going to be in James and I’s class and JoAnn fell in love and was basic ally drooling over her future husband and as for me I felt uncomfortable his gaz e was intense and I shifted in my boots and he looked at me and sneered I look ed at James and JoAnn to estimate if they saw it and turns out they didn’t whic h made his smile , That was when I decided I detested Michael St John.

  James and I had an okay day at school and JoAnn had a tremendous day she jo ined the cool kids which we found out basically ran the school and she got to b e closer to her hubby Michael as she got into the cheer squat. It was like that f or two years and in those two years Michael and his friends got more and mor e unpleasant, I was bullied but it never got physical just messing with my locker and throwing papers or making boorish comments about my body which was f illed out at my 17 years of age I wore a double D bra and my ass was big not hu ge like they said, maybe to them it was huge they were skinny girls.

  Soph and damon visited in those two years and Soph has a thing for James and I think the feeling is mutual, I was on the phone with James when Soph called a nd told me damon was shot and killed I cried soo hard I got a headache and a p anic attack I didn’t go to school for two day It was horrible.


  Mel did it come to school for two days, I bothered me that I noticed. She bothe red me, on the third day I finally cornered the loser she hung out with where s he was and he told me she was at a friend’s funeral not that I gave him a choic

  e. I took his phone and copied Melanie’s Numbers on my phone and then drop ped it in the toilet I was an ass like that and I did not care.

  I was done playing nice, Its time to act Dante told me that he overheard the los er James tell the other losers they sometimes hang with that he planned to ask Mel out and be her first apparently she was unkissed which meant she was a wholesome virgin and he was going to take it all, he texted her on Sunday after a week of her being MIA that she better come to school on Monday and that s he better not try him and signed it Mike aka Your worst nightmare. I slept with

  a smile on my face and woke up extra early and went down stairs to have “bre akfast with the family” which he noticed was pretentious rich people shit when he was 15 and since then he’s been taking his breakfast and sometimes lunch from his housekeeper before school but today he was in a good mood and his parents were pleasantly surprised and relished and milked for they knew it mig ht never happen again in his teen years. He went outside and got in his Pick Up truck and drove to school and he knew he’d be seeing Mel soon with boots sin ce it was a bit chilly today in second and third class and the bitch did not come to school she was really trying his patience . He sent her a text “looks like I will be making a house call, I told you to not try me bitch”

  He was infuriated all day, after school he drove to her neighbourhood and stop ped before her house, he called, she did not answer, and he actually laughed b ecause she was not getting rid of him that easily, he was a persistent motherfu cker. He knocked on her door and her mom lovely looking woman with
glowing skin like hers answered the door and he spoke before she asked him who he w as, lied and said he was her friend and had been worried about her she smiled and led him to the kitchen, the house was small compared to his but smelled ni ce and there she was, He almost forgot how hot and beautiful she was, Almost

  She had been the star of his jerk off sessions since he was 16 she replaced porn

  . She swung around saw him and dropped her spatula , Good .The mom said sh e’d leave them to it and she quickly said no they’ll go outside , he followed her towards his car she was hot as fuck in leggings and jersey with puppies on it . S he had the gall to look at him and ask what was wrong with him.



  What"s wrong with you? You can"t just show up at my house, are you crazy? ac tually I know it, you are! You know what I am not in the mood!!!

  I looked back to see if my mother was watching and thankfully she wasn’t , he unlocked the car and told me to get in , he looked at me like he was gonna pick me up and throw me in the damn monster truck . I got in he went to the driver s and started the car I touched his hands to stop him and immediately regrette d it, I felt a current shoot up my arm and he just looked at his hand and his face

  was just stern no expression , I cleared my throat and spoke. I told him I need t o go back inside because I was still cooking; he just looked at me like he cannot believe that I had the audacity. I asked him what he wanted and he kept eyein g me I think we sat in the car silent for 5-10 minutes straight till he said, I will b e back tonight then and started the car before I could say anything and he look ed at me like he was asking if he should drive off with me or not, I opened the door and got out, I did not look back and I wasn’t gonna look at anything anyw ay because he swivelled off.

  When I got back in the kitchen I could finally breathe, what the fuck was up wit h him, what did he want? , we never spoke before and even when we were intr oduced he never even said “hi”. he was bizarre, that was when my mom got ba ck in the kitchen with a big grin on her face talking about “aww baby he’s so go od looking, where did you get a hottie like that” I blushed and she said aww yo u like him don’t you, and before I could say no she hugged me and started a les son about sex education, to say our dinner was uncomfortable was to say the l east she was a free flowing parent, but it was still awkward. After I showered a nd was about to get in my pyjamas Michael sent a text “ I’m outside” , I decide d to fuck with him and texted back “sleeping” he replied immediately “do you want me to knock? “I put on jean and a jersey with uggs because I definitely w asn"t going anywhere with him “coming!”

  I checked my parents’ room and mom was out of it and even snoring, I got out and he was on the phone I had to knock his window and he opened the door a nd dropped the call, I got in and for the first time ever the bastard said hey Mel



  She looked stunned by my greeting , I smiled because she was about to be mor tified, I got down to business , I want you so from now on you are mine and wh en I call or send you message you will answer and from now on you are MINE u nderstood?.

  She looked at me for a minute and laughed and said okay Michael I get it, you played your joke, now what the hell do you want?

  I want you, all of you I looked at how rigid she sat in my car and I decided to let her know I am all business, soo Melanie you know your father’s boss Rita? An d she nodded her head, I told her about Rita’s fetish with young men and that i f I were to take her up on the offer and tell her to discredit her father she woul d be homeless and her father would probably go to jail for something he never did. She sat there shocked, her beautiful brown eyes wide, she took a huge bre ath and asked why her .Why her? Why her? I did not know I just said what I wa s feeling and told her because I want to fuck her and have her crazy with him a nd that her body is the best thing he’s ever seen.

  She gulped and looked out the window and breathed in and her breasts were g oing up and down causing havoc on his libido. He took out his phone and answ ered some IT emails his dad had him do for the business .He looked at the time and she had been quiet for 20 minutes straight and even though he was highly aware of her he felt comfortable he wasn’t on guard which surprised and ann oyed him . He put his phone on the phone handle and looked at her, she nodde d and said okay.

  He could have jumped the he told her to come over because they have to seal i t with a kiss.


  I panicked and he saw because he laughed and said “I know it’s your first kiss I will be gentle”

  The louse! She went to him and he touched her face and brought his lips closer to hers , she could not take the suspense anymore and she went forward and he took over she felt soo gooey and electrified at the same time he bit her low er lip she gasped and he delved in her mouth with his tongue and destroyed he r , she didn’t know how long they kissed she felt him unhook her bra and raise her jersey up touched her nipples palmed her breasts and held them like he wa s weighing them , he left her mouth and put his mouth on his nipples and suck ed on her nipples she was massaging his head and he sucked hard on her left ni pple she screamed soo hard , she didn’t even know what happened , he let go of her nipple with a pop and laughed , he kissed her mindless and unbuttoned

  her jeans she tried to stop him but not strongly enough because he took her ha nds away and put his hand in her undies , she felt mortified because she was w et and he looked her straight in her eyes and touched her like how she touched herself but better she tried to close her eyes and he stopped and told her to o pen her eyes , it was too much she felt herself building and all of a sudden she was screaming and she came so hard he laughed but it was a bit shaky he took his hand out of her jeans and sucked on his fingers and moaned and she moan ed with him he kissed her hard again. And he finally stopped and moved to his side, and started the car which now meant “bye!”

  She ran into the house and stood behind the door and breathed in hard twice, went into the bathroom and wiped herself and texted Soph and told her everyt hing.

  The following week at school Michael cornered her twice and made out with h er and she got the hang of kissing now she was contributing, on Thursday he sa id she should wait for him after school she told him she did not want James to f ind out he will find her at a library she went to afterschool she gave him directi ons .He found her reading and asked why she did not answer, she looked at he r phone and sighed, it was on silent. he pulled her up from the ground and kiss ed her hard she lost her balance , she stopped her from falling and left which meant he should follow her , she got out and saw that he had a different car a muscle car , she liked it , the purr of the engine was glorious. They stopped by a mall and she followed and he went to the Istore and the sales guy ran up to h im and they chatted she was trying to be as invincible as she can, he looked aro und and saw her looking at the laptops, he called her over, and asked which col our she wanted, she looked at him like she didn’t hear him, he repeated and sh e said why? And he said because she needs a new phone and that he android was shit , she shrugged and he told the sales guy to give them two glass black o nes and she was surprised he didn’t say pink to spite her.

  He went to the grocery shop and got a few things on the list and not just any st ore those overly priced stores and she was kind of relieved because her mothe r did not frequent this mall .She followed him and got into the car and drove th e opposite side of her home and after knowing him for a week she knew to just keep quiet he did whatever he wanted. He stopped by a house and got out an d opened the door for he to help with the groceries and he unlocked the house

  and put them in their places, the house had pictures of an elderly black couple I asked and he said it’s his housekeeper’s house and they send him to the stor e, I mentioned that this house was nice for a housekeeper and he said “marlin probably earns most executives, she just like the comfortable life”.

  He drove to my side of town but went to a spot where you o
verlook the city , t here were cars there but he parked further from them and he took the phones out of their boxes and he worked on them she was busy texting Soph telling he r how weird he was and them laughing about it when he took her phone and lo oked at it and scrolled through their chats and smiled and took out her card an d put it In the new phone and gave it back to her then took her “old” phone an d got the car and threw it in the ocean beneath the hill, she ran after him screa ming at him and punching his back and walking back to the car and folded her arms and telling him to take her back when he got back to the car he typed a fe w things on his phone. Looked at her and told her she needed a new phone for what he wanted to do with her. He leaned over to her and kissed her neck and she was so weak she was like putty in his hands , he unclasped the seat belt an d got he over to his side , reclined his seat and was kissing her and she was wea ring a dress that had a zip in the from the unzipped it and took it off her and to ok off her bra and devoured her breasts she was they continued and this time s he felt his dick better than all the other times she was gyrating against him and he swore , he tore her thong from her and lowered his sweat pants and his un derwear and they were gyrating skin to skin, she wanted more “please mike , I want more” , next thing she knew her legs were thrown apart back against sea t leaning back Michael’s head between her legs torturing and pleasuring he ca me so fast but clearly he wasn’t done this time he drove his fingers inside of he r and sucking on her clit at the same time she came so hard she was shaking fo r a while and he got up and righted himself and drank left over juice from the meal thy shared whilst going to the housekeeper’s house , Mel got back to eart h and got her dress on. He opened the windows and drove her back home, she tried to leave the phone he told her sternly not to try him.


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