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Meant to be (Contemporary Book 1)

Page 3

by Roselyn Smash



  James invited me to his wedding, I was hesitant but I decided why not, somethi ng was making me fell aways, I overhead Mr Joe talking happily about his gran dbaby and to my knowledge he only had one child and if that child had a child I just don't know how I feel about it, I knew this day was coming, I mean I was e ngaged but I didn't have a fucken' kid with someone. I was livid she came back and made sure she hid herself because she managed to get herself knocked up by some loser who clearly is a dick because she is not married or ever been. I h eard Joe say that his wife was coming by with the kid to pick him up to go dress shopping because Mel was busy with bridesmaids things , he got curious he w anted to see the kid so he monitored Joe the whole day and it was easy becaus e he was at the office nowadays , when he went down I followed him and ther e she was a girl with light curly hair and bright smile when she ran to Joe , I we nt over and Joe and his wife were acting weird almost terrified, which was sur prising , why now all of a sudden , the little girl was hiding behind her Granma, I said " Hi , I am Michael m what's your name? " , she perked up and looked me straight in my eyes that look exactly like hers and said " hey I am Angel" an d Joe saw that I was coming to terms with what was going on , he told them to get in the car and that he was coming , he let me be for 5 minutes and finally s aid " I know it is a astonishing , we also did not know m but she must have a re ason for what she did , you clearly need to talk " Damn right we do!

  And apparently she was with Sophie tonight since tomorrow will be the weddi ng, I decided that I need to deal with her without distraction, I got my lawyers on the phone immediately, I went to the wedding and wished them all the best

  , and when I saw her walk up in the church, my heart beat so fast, she was still a knockout even though I was angry I could still appreciate her beauty, the mos t beautiful girl I have known well that was before I saw Angel yesterday. I can't believe I contributed to making such a masterpiece... After wishing the couple well I went over to Mel , she was talking to some guy and he ran off the minute he saw me , she turned and said " hello Michael, nice wedding huh?"

  I took out my phone and gave it to her, she looked at me, I was not in the moo d I told her " write down your numbers I am not in the mood to hash it out wit h you in front of people" she put them in and I walked away.


  He called me two days after the wedding I was actually surprised he waited for that long, told me his driver will come at 8 to pick me up, When I got to the apa rtment building he was outside talking to the door man and smoking a joint he only ever smoked when he was stressed or indulging in heavy drinking. ..I got o ut and went over to him and just blurted out " someone would think you will o utgrow that habit" he just snickered at me at me and let me to his place it was a corner apartment, top floor through the windows you can see the city and p ark and Lake on all the sides you just had to decide , it was amazing " you did w ell for yourself Michael" just by looking at his face I could tell he owns the whol e building, how is someone that rich and blasé about it. Which is one of the rea sons I also was not intimidated about his money ...well sometimes I wasn't but it was hard not to be he lived like a king all his life, and just generally looked ex pensive.

  He cleared his throat and asked if I wanted a drink , I accepted one because I w as nervous as fuck, he sat down told me he would need a paternity test , I nod ded and he put papers on the table between us and told me to look them over with a lawyer and sign them . So I put the glass down and was about to leave h e stood with me and followed me to the door before I could open it he came u p behind me and locked the door and pushed me against it , I was wearing a dr ess and some ankle boots which were the highest heels I owned , high heels al ways gave me confidence and right now thy gave me height to be almost as tall as him , he pulled my dress up and tore my favourite lace thongs , that annoy ed me I asked what he was doing and he replied by opening me with his fingers and just when I was getting warmed up he thrust in to me over and over and o ver again , it felt like a reunion, a coming home even though he was rough , it f elt amazing , I came and I couldn't stand anymore he pulled me up and contin ued fucking me like a rag doll my legs were dangling and going all over the plac e when I came the second time he came with me and whispered in my ear with a growl "I hate you so much right , so much" and pulled out of me and let me g o . I fell on the floor and he apparently was not done with me , he followed me to the ground and pulled my ass up and fucked me merciless I was done my kn ees were giving out I hadn't had sex like this in a long time , actually since I was

  with him "stop please m Michael I can't take it no more " , He came again and slid in slowly and deeply this time about four times just when I was about to co me he pulled out and went to the bathroom and locked it , I was on the floor b ody flushed with my ass out when it snapped in me that I was fucked like a che ap whore and was left to find my way out , I pulled my dress down , picked up my thong and took out wipes that I always carry with me and wiped my body , fixed myself up and let myself fuck Michael St John he was lucky I came back f or my parents because otherwise this would be the last time he ever saw my as s, tears fall down in my face for whatever reason because I did not give a Damn about him, I got home and showered because he made me feel like whore an d put on pyjamas and just before I got into bed with my Angel the bastard calle d me , I denied the call , he called again , I denied again , he sent a text "Grow t he fuck up" and I decided to show him that I was good in life and I had somethi ng he did not have , I took a photo of my Angel and texted it to him "I am tryin g to fall asleep next to MY daughter so whatever you want will have to wait till tomorrow" .


  I did not sleep a wink I was satiated, last time I had sex like that was with Mel, I felt ashamed at how rough I was with her, I was angry, all the anger from her leaving me and hiding my daughter just came out even though I smoked two jo ints before she came I was still livid and it was the mint shit she made me buy a ll those years ago because she didn't wanna fucken' kiss me after I had smoked joints. I was up all night researching about 8 year old girls, what they liked, and how to communicate with them, from the picture Mel sent me I saw she was wearing a cartoon characters pyjamas I went to the store and asked the store l ady to find me something that an 8 year old will like that has those characters, I showed her the picture and she smiled and said " your daughter is beautiful " and I smiled because she was, It choked me up.

  I sent Mel a text at 10 and told her I was on my way, I mean little girls don't sle ep till late right? , when I got there I got in a lambo SUV that has the latest car s eat in the back, all the best for me and my baby. Mel's mother led me to the kit

  chen for breakfast where I found Mel and Angel and I decided to be fearless a nd I spoke to Angel like I already knew her she opened up and I could she saw t hat I looked like her and she asked if I was her daddy? and we all were silent a nd Mel answered her "yes baby this is your daddy and he actually gave you the name Angel " I drank my cold coffee just so I don't cry in front of my child and Angel looked at me and smiled and said Thanks I love my name , I couldn't hold it anymore I picked her up from her chair and hugged her , she hugged me bac k and I whispered in her ear "I love you my Angel" and surprisingly I meant it , t he first time I tell anyone other than my parents that I love them and it is to my daughter, she patted my arms and told me I was squishing her and I laughed a nd let loose she didn't move away to her chair I felt like I won a war and I realis ed I wanted this every day of my life, Mel cleared her throat and I looked up a nd saw that her mom had left and she was wiping tears from her eyes , I looke d down at Angel who fell asleep in my arms , Mel wanted to take her but I said I’ll put her down , she led me to her old bedroom it looked the same except no w it had a lot of baby stuff in it, I kissed Angel 's face and closed the door. I said goodbye to Mel's mother and went outside and took a huge ass breath that w ent better than I could have hoped.

  I turned and looked M
el in the eyes and asked one question "WHY?" , she shru gged , "that's not good enough Mel I want an answer , my child had to go years without a father's love , I missed all the milestones and you just shrugged? " y ou really test my patience Mel you really do and I will never forgive you for wh at you did , I am going to tell my parents about Angel and they will want to me et her , I will send you date and time .

  When I got to my parent's palatial dwelling I found them in the garden, I told t hem and dad had no expression and mom was crying and clapping her hands a nd asking to see photos and when she was going to meet her, I told her in thre e days’ time here I the garden since it was my mother's favourite place and An gel can run around. When they came through , I opened the door and took Ang el out her seat she surprised me with a tight hug I kissed her precious face and she was telling me how she enjoyed the toys I bought her and we were making promises to build doll houses and her being a good girl when my parents came around and Mom Shocked all of us by hugging Mel and saying thank you and c oming over to me and saying hello to Angel I persuaded her to let my mom hol

  d her , good thing mom was fit because angel was big for her age unlike her mo ther who was a little on the short side. Lunch went amazing for me and Dad wh o has become putty was doing whatever Angel wanted , I never thought I'd see the day , I turned to Mel and told her that her and Angel will have to stay with me because I wanted my daughter with me she started to argue but eventually gave up and agreed that we should look at a house that she was insisting on p aying half , like I didn't own half the city , sometimes I wonder if she knows I a m a billionaire because she acts like she's with an average John. Mel was the o nly woman I have been with that ever made me green with jealousy I mean I b ecame an angry devil whenever I feel like some asshole is sniffing around my te rritory I remember I gave some asshole a concussion whilst we were still in uni versity granted I was fucked up on drugs, she was angry at me and I promised I would never do heavy drugs again, I only smoked weed and drank because the y mellowed me and it didn’t have me hyper like the march rabbit. We got marr ied as soon as I could arrange it in my parent’s garden , our parents who were l ike best friends nowadays especially my dad and Mr Joe , they adore Angel and keep hinting at another child and were unaware that Mel is actually pregnant r ight now she was four months along , I remember the night she told me , she w as scared I was going to be mad because I found her crying in the bathroom “I am pregnant , here are the tests , All six of them show two lines, I am sorry I did not know it would happen again , it has just been a while since I was with someone and you don"t use a condom , it totally slipped my mind I have just been so busy” I stopped her mumbling by hugging her and rubbing her back . I smiled at her to assure her that it was okay, I was actually happy; I’ll get to see her swelling with my seed and be there for every milestone.

  When she was a week before giving birth , she woke me up with slaps on my fa ce , I woke up disorientated till I realised it was time , the baby was on its way , my boy is on his way … I rushed her to the hospital she was screaming the wh ole way there „I hate you , why did you do this to me , I will never let you touc h me again" I was kissing her sweaty forehead and holding her hands as she pu shed and stopped to breathe till we heard a cry and we both joined the baby and I whispered in her ear “ I love you my angel , well done baby , you did a g ood job Mel , I love you so much” and she screamed like she was in pain I look ed up at the doctor to say do something , the doctor then announced that ther e’s another baby coming , we have twins!.

  I guess at the end everyone got what they wanted, Angel wanted a girl to play with, Grandparents wanted a boy because you know legacy must continue and Mel and I just wanted a happy baby and we got blessed with two, a fat Boy whi ch is maybe why we never saw his sister in all those scans because she was so t iny but the doctor emphasised she was healthy and okay. We have been home with the babies for five months now and everyone just dotes on them, Mel dec ided she will go back to work when turn a year old, well that’s if I don’t get her pregnant even though she wears her contraceptives are strong, I have faith in my swimmers, Another Angel might happen, I just kept hoping .Tonight I was p reparing a special dinner for her and giving her the engagement she deserved. I played her all our photos and videos I took over the years without her knowle dge and she looked at me with such a loving expression, I found myself asking what I did to deserve her, I got down on one knee and looked up to her warm e yes “My Angel I am so lucky to have you, thank you for giving a 16 year old p unk a chance, I will love you till the end of time, will you please remarry me? ” “Yes!!! A billion times yes and I gave the 16 year old a chance because he w as hot and I loved him the moment I saw him , I probably … NO I am sure I lo ve you more than you love me babe” I got up and hugged her because no way she loves me more I love her.


  Michael and I were in our 50s , sometimes we fight over who’s the oldest beca use we were born the same month , same day but I was born in the morning a nd him at night , I often tease him that he’s clearly trying please his elder by be ing so perfect, It pisses him off but he gets over it , over the years we fought , made up and created marvellous memories along the way with our babies , his main focus now was an economics consulting firm that Angel works at and is d oing an amazing job I was off this week from the hospital and I got to go see th e twins in New York , they were thriving and clearly did not need me because t hey called their father to order me back home , I got the office and greeted the receptionist who told me that My babe and My Angel are in an executive meet ing with the other partners , Today Michael was making a tough decision and I got first-hand how that went with Angel who flounced out the boardroom and passed me by her dad’s office without saying a hello , I got out and was about t o reprimand her when I heard “ I expect the best from all my subordinates An gel , play time is over daddy’s girl” “You go to hell Axel , I won’t be reporting to an ass like you” and saw Axel the young man that tried to rob Michael one night and actually failed , so Michael set him up with college and a job at the fir m , he was like family but Angel and him never saw eye to eye , they were alwa ys up each other’s throats and competing on who was „smarter" , my hot babe came out the boardroom with a stressed out and annoyed face screaming “Sto p it both of you , you will work together or you will be both fired!, Axel stop b aiting her and Angel no foul language in my buildings, you are fined a thousa nd dollars” My darling Angel tried to argue “But dad..” but my husband had alr eady shoved me inside his office and was hugging and carrying me to the sofa , we made out for a while till he came down , “ aww baby they are really stressi ng you look at your hair , I’m used to be with a younger man” he laughed and said “it’s your damn daughter she’s so stubborn” I wonder where she got that from , I get up and he holds on to me and I pry him off , “I need to go check on my baby , stop acting like a baby and let me up , the faster I deal with Angel , the more time we will have together” he lets me go and gives me a don’t be lo ng look.

  I knock on Angel’s door and I give her a you fucked up look, she acts contrite bu t the goes on about how dad is unfair and that Axel is outrageous and she’s goi ng to quit ,I look her in the eye and tell her no daughter of mine is a quitter. I t ease a little after hugging her, “Axel is hot, I bet the women in the building lov e him” she bites her lips and looks away and mumbles and tells me I am a marr ied woman but I saw that she likes him, Aww Angel be careful, Men like that ar e trouble, I guess I’ll warn her when she’s ready to admit it to herself.

  I go back to Michael’s office and I sit on his lap he tells me that Axel told him th at he was leaving at the end of the year for London, I tell him I think he’s runni ng away from Angel and he reluctantly agrees. I think both of us will like Axel t o be in our family officially, we will just have to wait and see. That night Axel ca me over we celebrated his promotion , we invited our friends and Angel invitin g a guy I work with , he is gay but I don’t think Axel know
s because he kept givi ng the guy death glares the whole night and at some point him and Angel disap peared to God knows where , and when they came back ,Axel ‘s left side of the face was red and Angel’s hair was out of place , they got in through the love se at area and were both startled to find Michael and I near the door. Axel gave a remorseful look, he was such a good guy and Angel looked mortified. I Asked if Axel was okay, touching his face, the doctor in me jumped out but from close i nspection I could see his lower lip had a small hint of blood like someone bit it and he saw what I realised and excused himself so fast he almost tripped me o ver the sofa but he righted me and thanked us for a lovely evening and left and Angel slid away after him towards the stairs faster than fast before we could a sk what went on. Michael shook his head, he liked Axel but Angel was still his b aby, I looked at him and smiled he said “that was a mean left hook. Axel is goi ng to have a black eye for days, I taught her well, and I think she’ll be okay”

  I hugged him and agreed “yes we did well babe”.




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