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Dare To Be Loved

Page 8

by Stacy Lee

  “So I would become a Patronus? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of me being human to begin with?”

  “I didn’t make up the rules, I only follow them. You wouldn’t be completely Patronus. You would have the fangs but not the use of the small magic. You also would not be able to shift, you wouldn’t produce our venom or use the others talents in a fight. You won’t be fighting to begin with. You would become immortal like me. Also your hearing would increase as well as your eye site.” I rattle off the changes and watch her eyes grow with each one.

  “Healing and the speed that you run?” A smile tugs at my lips. Being a runner she would enjoy that little gift.

  “Yes, you would be able to run with me and heal yourself, my blood will also heal you.” With the running a quick flash of interest jumps in her eyes before it’s gone with the mention of blood.

  “And drinking blood? How often would I have to do that?” Her nose crinkles at the thought. I’m sure once she has experienced it she will change her mind.

  From what we know from our mother drinking your mate’s blood is not required after The Claiming is done but most never again have sex without sharing this intimate bond with each other. Mother had even mentioned a few times that some mates, our grandmother being one of them, never eat real food after The Mating is complete. After being mated to our grandfather for a hundred years she stopped all solid intake of food and lived only off his blood. It wasn’t required but a personal choice. It is said that the act is so intimate and fulfilling the mate craves nothing but her lover’s blood. I don’t divulge this information just yet.

  “The same as me. When you find it necessary to heal or for pleasure when we have sex.” I wait for several emotions to cross her face. Indecision being the most prominent one.

  “And if I don’t want to drink it when we have…you know….you won’t force me to, will you? I mean, you can do it without me, right?” My brow cocks sarcastically and she stutters to correct herself. “The drinking blood part not the sex! I don’t want to do that.”

  “The Claiming requires it.”

  “Yeah, but…if I say…yes…um…afterwards…?” She bites her lip, hard.

  “Your choice, always.” She breaths out a relieved sigh, the sound an exaggerated raspberry, and nods before that lip disappears between her teeth once more. She chews on it a minute while obviously debating on what she wants to ask me. I wait patiently knowing this was a lot for her to take in.

  “Dare, will you answer a question before I make up my mind?” I nod. If it will make her want to stay alive for me then I would answer anything. “Do you really want a mate? I mean, you said you felt something in the forest while we ran but yet you said nothing. You completely ignored me, actually. You haven’t paid much attention to me other than to threaten, scare, drug or command me since I chose you. Do you really want me or do you think you have to do this just to save me or because you are expected to because fate, or whoever, said I was yours?” The question actually startles me. It was so far from what I was thinking she would ask I wasn’t prepared for it.

  “Well, I hadn’t thought about it in that way. I guess fate had a hand in this chance meeting of ours. I mean our mates are predestined for each of us so that makes sense.” Of course the fates had a hand in it, the fates ruled our lives from birth to death but now wasn’t the time for that conversation or for her to think me insane, well, more insane.

  “Am I doing it because I think I’m supposed to? No, I could care less what I’m supposed to do. I have always done what I wanted. To save you? Yes, I want to save you. I want you, you are mine. The minute I saw you in the forest I felt a pull towards you even if I didn’t realize what it was. When I did it took everything I had not to act on how I was feeling. Dammit, Marnie, just you in a towel made me want to drag you into this room and have my way with you. I haven’t lost control like that since I was a teenager. That’s a very long time to be in command of myself to lose it over a woman in a towel. If it wouldn’t have been for the Morp this would be done already. I have been hard on you because if I wasn’t I would have lost it and possibly hurt you with the Morp in your system. I couldn’t have that. It has taken every ounce of restraint I possess to keep my hands off you since you made the choice. Even before that but once you chose I knew you felt the same pull I did and I want you in every way I can have you. So, to answer the question. No, I don’t want a mate. I want you as my mate. Only you.”

  I drop my voice to the deadly calm whisper I know makes most men tremble in fear. Manipulation was not below me in this case. “So? Will you let me claim you as my mate or are you willing to die from your fear of men, your fear of me?” I wanted to make an impact with the question.

  I did.


  His voice sends shivers down my spine. He was using it on purpose to instill the fear of death in me. I didn’t like being played. I slap him hard across the face then smirk at his shocked expression.

  “That is for not telling me all this while we ran through the woods the first time. Or the second time after I chose you. I might be scared of you but honesty goes a long way with me, Dare. I believe in fate and destiny and all that crazy romantic crap most men don’t. The moment I saw your eyes in the forest I knew you were special. That might not be the right word but it’s the one I’m going to use. I have never been attracted to a man before. Never.” I think about that for a moment then explain, sort of.

  “Probably because I stay away from them like they have the plaque. But there was, no, is, there is something about you that draws me in. I don’t want to think about you, but I haven’t stopped thinking about you since peeking out from behind that tree. I don’t want to have sex, but every time you touch me it’s all I want. I don’t want to drink your blood or you to drink mine, yet my body thrums at the mere thought. So whether it be fate or destiny or whatever you want to call it that brought us together I think it did it for a reason. I don’t want to be your mate, not because I don’t want you, but because it terrifies me that you will be able to control me just like Uncle did. If I agree to this you have to try to be less cold and hard around me. You scare the shit out of me, Dare and I don’t want to be scared of my husband, mate, or whatever you want to call it, especially if I am going to live hundreds of years with you. I’m not asking you to love me, just try to be….. I don’t know, less scary?” I throw my hands in the air not sure if I know exactly what I’m asking him. I know I want him, I want him bad, and if this is the only way I get him then so be it. I didn’t want to die. A smile slowly replaces his shocked look.

  “Is that a yes then?” Humor laces his voice.

  “You didn’t answer the question.” I huff. He stands and places the chair back under the desk then stalks towards the bed predatorily.

  “What question was that? Can I be softer? I can try, but you have to work with me because I have never been a soft man. Can I be less scary? Again, I can try but that is something you have to work on to. Being less scared of me. I can try to be what you want but until you decide I am not going to hurt you nothing I do will matter. So do we have a deal to both try?”

  He gracefully removes his sweat pants, his large erect shaft bounces happily in front of him. How the hell was that supposed to fit inside me? I gulp noisily. His left knee hits the bed, then his right. His hands fall forward and he crawls towards me stalking his prey. Muscles ripple across his back as if he is getting ready to pounce. I scramble back till the wooden headboard stops me.

  “Deal.” I squeak. He stops in front of me, lifting up on his knees he leans forward placing his hands on the headboard on either side of my body caging me in.

  “Is that a yes, Marnie? Will you be my mate?” His lips gently graze mine, his warm breath tickling as he speaks. One hand leaves the wood and slides under my hair to cup my neck then tilting my face up to his, his touch sends sharp sparks of need running rampant through my body.

  “Yes.” The whisper is far from the scream I hear inside my head,
Oh hell, yes! His lips crush down on mine. I gasp from the intensity of it and he takes full advantage running his tongue over mine, caressing it. His hand tangles and tightens in my hair readjusting me to where he wants me, holding me there helpless to move. Sparks fly from his lips straight to my core forcing a whimper from me. He doesn’t give me any mercy as he takes the kiss deeper and deeper. So many emotions are conveyed through that single kiss my eyes begin to prick with tears.

  Oh, holy hell, for the first time in my life I wanted a man. No, I wanted this man. I wanted Dare. And I wanted him now.

  Chapter Six

  I let my hand fall to the hem of her shirt then pull back from the kiss to rip it over her head revealing her perfect naked body. The only thing marring her creamy skin is the yellowish green bruises from her attack. Before I can take her lips again her hands dart up to cover her body from my view. A low growl emanates from deep within my chest as I catch her wrists and pull them away.

  “Mine. I want to see you.” I meet her eyes, fear flickers with desire and innocence in the hazy blue depths.

  “Dare, I haven’t done this before.” She whispers in a shaky breath. I lay a kiss on her jaw line followed by another and another as I work my way to her ear. With a quick nip to her lobe I whisper to her.

  “I know.” Her body stiffens in surprise.


  “I could taste innocence in your blood. No man has been inside you.” Her body trembles when I continue to lay feather light kisses down her jaw then take her lips with mine. Wrapping my arm under her back I slide her down in the bed to where she lays under me. I keep my weight off of her with my elbows, trailing kisses down her neck then moving on to her breasts. A low moan escapes her when I suck first one then the other pebbled nipple inside my warm mouth. Her back arches off the bed enticing me to grasp the perfect breast in my hand.

  Adjusting myself to lay on my side I skim my other hand down her stomach barley touching her skin. When I reach the mound between her legs I lightly palm it only wanting to get her used to my touch. She gasps and lets her legs fall open inviting me in. The invitation is more than I can resist. I slide one finger through her slit to her opening then very slowly insert it inside of her. Her body goes rigid, her fists grip the sheets and a small whimper escapes her lips. I raise my head from her breasts to see fear etched across her face. Not backing off I apply pressure to her clit with my thumb and gently work my finger in an out. Leaning up I meet her eye to eye.

  “I will not hurt you on purpose. The first time will hurt but it will be over quickly. Let me get you ready for me and it will ease the pain. When it is time do you want me to do it fast or take my time easing into you?” Maybe giving her the option wasn’t a wise choice but so much had been taken away from her in the last few days I wanted to give her this choice.

  “Just get it done. Better to rip off the Band-Aid quickly than to pick at its sides gently.” I chuckle lightly at her tersely spoken answer.

  “If that’s what you want.” Her head bobs, her lip disappears between her teeth as she bites down on it hard. I run my tongue over where her teeth enter her lip tasting the blood she has drawn. My body jumps with pleasure at the taste of her. “You taste like brown sugar and vanilla.” The edges of her eyes crinkle as if she is smiling but she doesn’t release her lip to complete the action.

  During the short distraction her body has relaxed just as I hoped. I dip my head to run my tongue over her neck. “When the time is right this is where I will taste you.” Her head tilts in submission inciting my inner animal to purr with delight.

  While I have her distracted I slide in a second finger and begin to move my thumb in circles over the sensitive bundle of nerves. Her back flies off the bed in a tremendous arch, her eyes flutter closed, a low throaty moan pours from her and she bites that lip harder.

  Returning back to her perky breasts I work her into a frenzy, alternating between my thumb and the palm of my hand, all the while stretching and shaping her to receive me. My member aches from the need to be inside her but knowing her body had to be ready first stops me from plunging and plundering. By the fates I hoped she was ready soon. By the time I took her I was only going to be good for five minutes, if that.


  The electrical charge flowing from his touch and the actions his hands are performing set my body on fire. I’m biting my lips so hard I can taste my own blood as it trickles into my mouth. The pressure building low in my belly is clawing to be released but I have no idea how I am supposed to let it go. I want to let it go. I moan loudly when he trades his thumb for his palm setting off little sparks of pleasure behind my eyelids.

  I feel his body shift, mine tightens in response but he doesn’t lay over me as I expect. Instead I feel his shoulders widen my thighs and he settles between them, a finger caresses my birthmark. My eyes fly open to look at him. What the…?

  “Your mark is green? Mine is blue.” His tone is curious as he continues to lightly caress the slightly raised mark. I had been wondering about the color of my mark. It was exactly the color of his eyes. If his was blue….

  “The color of our eyes.” It’s only a whisper as he continues to slowly drive me crazy with his light electric touches. His brow arches then he nods sharply.

  “You’re right. This ‘D’ makes you mine. All mine.” He kisses the mark softly before meeting my gaze. I catch his grin right before he dips his head and licks the length of my core.

  I scream, birthmark forgotten.

  Oh, holy hell. What is he doing to me? His tongue begins to flick over where his thumb had been, his fingers inside move rapidly, stretching and pulling me, sparks erupt throughout my body coalescing at one vibrating point directly between my legs. The sensation is too much. I arch my back trying to hold in the next scream clawing to get out.

  “I want to hear you, Marnie. Do not hold anything back from me.” He pinches my nipple with the command. I oblige him with a loud groan. I feel his smile down there! Then in one combined movement his hand reaches up to twist my nipple just beyond painful, he sucks hard on that spot and his fingers ram deep inside me then curl to apply pressure to my inner walls.

  I explode.

  “Dare!” I cry out, my vision blurs, my body tightens, and every neuron in my brain shuts off.

  His body shifts again just before pain rips me apart. This time the scream is not one of pleasure. I have a death grip on the sheets beside me as he lays his body over mine and holds his position, his hands tangling tightly in my hair.

  “It’s done. Give it a minute. The pain will subside.” He says in a low husky voice. It is then I realize his body is trembling with mine not because of mine. He buries his head in my neck while he waits for me to adjust to him. It doesn’t take long before my breathing slows with the reduction of pain. I wait for him to move but he doesn’t. Except for his trembling I would think him content just to lay here. Hesitantly I speak.

  “It’s better now.” It’s a whisper only but he hears me. He lifts his head and meets me, sapphires to emeralds. What I see there floors me. Raw unadulterated need.

  I nod my head to him and give him a shaky but reassuring smile. He searches my face for a moment longer before he returns the nod much sharper than mine. Lifting himself on his quivering arms he watches my face when he pulls back gently. I flinch but the pain is minimal. He pushes forward in one thrust burying himself hilt deep in a slow but forceful motion.

  I gasp despite myself. It isn’t from pain. I fight to keep my hands at my sides. Could I make myself touch him? A lifetime of insecurities, memories and indecision keep my hands firmly wrapped in the sheets.

  ‘No man will ever want your touch….. You are a klutz, a damn menace!..... If I didn’t think you would somehow find a way to hurt me I would take you to my bed…. You’d be so rough you’d break it off….. Never will you be a good fuck, never!’ Uncle’s words flit through my head keeping my hands firmly in the sheets and away from any vital body parts.

bsp; “Okay?” He asks on a breath. I push thoughts of Uncle far away.

  “Yes.” I groan out. His lips tug into a playful smile. He repeats the action just as slowly as before. Then he does it again and again and again. Oh hell, the man was going to kill me. “Dare, faster please.” I beg him after several minutes of his slow steady thrusts. He chuckles and repeats it once more. My head falls back, my hands grip the sheets tighter and I barely control the aggravated scream that wants to burst forth.

  That’s when he begins to really move. He picks up speed with every fifth thrust driving me completely insane with the methodical rhythm of it all. I wanted him to move faster, but I wanted him to do it out of need not with a controlled rhythm. I remind myself this is my first time and maybe he is taking it easy on me so I keep my mouth shut and let him drive me any where he wants to just as long as he didn’t stop.


  I keep the rhythm up for as long as I can stand it. If I was to let myself go like I wanted to I might hurt her. I would leave fast and forceful for another time, this time I had to be easy. Finally she begins to pants and whimper. I can feel her begin to quiver around my shaft and I breathe a sigh of relief. I pick up the speed and the strength, pounding into her as hard as I dared.

  My fangs drop on their own and I let them. Running one over my wrist I slice it open letting the blood run freely down my arm. Knowing I only had seconds left for both of us, I shove my wrist forward placing it at her lips. She clenches her teeth. I knew this was going to bother her eventually.


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