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Dare To Be Loved

Page 10

by Stacy Lee

  “I’m going to finish what I started.” She states bravely. I chuckle drawing her gaze.

  “Do you seriously think this tie is going to hold me here?” Her expression doesn’t change a single bit.

  “There’s not a chance in hell I think it will hold you. I couldn’t find any handcuffs.” She smirks then leans in closer wrapping a hand around my member. My breath catches, her touch burns as it has every time we have touched skin to skin. “However, it might give me a few minutes to accomplish my goal.” Her head sinks between my legs taking my shaft more than half way. My head drops forward on a ragged moan.

  “What is it you want to accomplish exactly?” I bite out as she pulls back then sinks further down than she was to begin with. This is about all the time I gave her last time. With the sparks from her touch and her innocent explorations she would have lost me in a matter of minutes, maybe seconds. I couldn’t allow my control to slip with her. I couldn’t hurt her like that man tried to do. I had to keep my wits about me because I knew what I liked, what I wanted, what I craved, but I couldn’t have that with Marnie. Not yet anyway. Not without hurting her, she was too new to sex.

  “I want you to lose your precious control.” That was the last thing she wanted. She states this so quietly I don’t believe it was for my ears. Her tongue swirls over the tip before she sinks down again. My hips unconsciously rise to meet her. She hums in approval gaining a surprised gasp from me. By the fates. I grit my teeth to her ministrations, trying my best to ignore what she was doing to me. That was truly an impossible feat.

  “Marnie.” It is a clear warning. She does it again. My arms tighten to rip the tie to shreds when her small hand lands on my chest as if she could hold me there. “Marnie.” This time it’s a plea. “You really do not want this.” I hiss out the last word because she unsheathes her teeth and scraps them up my length. My head falls back on the wooden high back chair and my ragged breathing stops completely.

  “Yes I do. You have been holding back every time. I can feel it. The first time I understood. The second you were humoring me. The third and fourth just aggravated me. I am not a fragile china doll. If I have to surrender completely to you, then I want you to surrender your control to me. Or you can stop me and hope to force my surrender before midnight.” She sinks down once more, this time taking all of him. A strangled moan is ripped from my throat and I feel her smile. But it was me who should be grinning.

  I didn’t have to force her to do anything before midnight. The Change had already begun, her bruises were almost gone. She had already surrendered according to The Claiming, she just didn’t know that.

  There was more than one way to bring on The Change. My mother had explained to me once that when the human willingly accepts the blood of her chosen mate that’s when she fully accepted her fate. She surrendered her humanity for immortality. This made The Change in her possible.

  The second way was if a woman wasn’t accepting to the idea and refused to drink on her own, her verbal surrender was acceptable. I had always thought you would have to be a particularly cruel mate to force a woman to drink your blood four times then demand or manipulate her into a verbal surrender in order to force The Change to happen and her fangs to drop for the fifth. However, now that I knew they died at the end of forty-eight hours this way makes a little more sense to me and the mate a little less cruel. This is the only time the surrender is required to be spoken. By her saying the words it gives the blood that has been forced into her system permission to begin The Change. I didn’t need Marnie to verbally surrender to me, she had already accomplished it with her actions.

  “I cannot promise I will not hurt you if you do this.” She stiffens. “I don’t mean like that. I mean…. Dammit Marnie, I like it rough. If you force me over this edge I will not take it easy on you. Four times in one night for the first time, you have to be sore already. I don’t want to hurt you. Let’s do this another night.” The last word is a groan as she takes him fully once more, her shaky hand cupping my sac like I instructed earlier.

  Unconsciously I note that she has not touched me in any way that I did not tell her to the second time we made love. The third and fourth she kept her hands to herself just as she did the first. Almost like she was afraid to touch me anywhere I did not specifically tell her. She pulls back only to drop down again. Later, I’d figure this out later.

  “No. I feel fine, actually. I am asking you for this. You won’t hurt me and if you do then it is my fault for asking, for pushing, you’ve warned me. This is what I want, Dare. I chose you. I let you claim me thus far. I have given myself to you, complete with my virginity. I drank your blood for heaven sake. Give me your control. I want you to completely lose it. Let me see you. The you no one else will ever see. The you that is completely wild. You use control as a shield to hide from everyone around you, I suspect you do it even with your brothers. If I am to be your mate then I should know what I’m facing with you. I want the real Dare. Now.” With her last word she becomes merciless.

  Her pace, which has been slow and purposeful, becomes rushed and frantic. It’s exhilarating. My hips begin to pump with her rhythm forcing him further, deeper. I think of breaking the bonds to grab her head but change my mind. For some reason she felt she needed power over me right now and by doing that I would take her power away. If I thought I could be unbound and not control the situation I was even more insane than she was at the moment.

  I understand what she is asking for, what she needs to know. Can she handle me in the future when I do lose it? She is worried I will snap and hit her, take her unwillingly, hurt her. This is a test to see what I will do to her when she upsets me. If she understands me enough to realize how much I rely on being in control then she is smart enough to know by tying me down she would make me very unhappy. But how unhappy? That’s what she is testing.

  The only problem with her reasoning is I won’t snap and hurt her but I might snap and dominate her more than she wants. The woman hasn’t seen control yet. I keep myself very carefully tempered. In everyday things I watch myself to make sure I am not being obsessive, commanding or dominating to a point of extreme. If she takes that resistance away she won’t like what she’s left with. Even out of control I am in command. It’s a more intense kind of power than my normal restraint on life, but it is rewarding and satisfying where life isn’t. And something I do not indulge in often.

  She is right. She needed to know what would happen when she made me angry. What would happen when she pushed me. What would happen when I snapped. She needed to know me. So I clasp my hands tightly together and give her what she wants.

  “So be it. Remember, you asked for this, Marnie.” She hums her approval and unsheathes her teeth. My back arches off the chair. A low guttural cry that comes from somewhere deep down bounces off the walls to return to me sounding like an animal in pain. I was not in pain. Her hands grasp onto my hips to help steady herself. Her nails dig into my ass as she begins to pound against me, taking me so far into her throat I can feel her tonsils. Her lips tighten down to almost painful before she lets out a long low hum that resonates through my entire being. Oh Fuck!

  “Marnie. Pull back.” I gasp out the only warning I can manage. She buries my shaft in the back of her throat before once more baring her teeth to drag them roughly to the head, ending a rough nip before shoving her way back to the hilt. That small bite does exactly what she wants and I detonate deep in her throat. My moderated control is ripped away leaving a starved raging animal in my place.

  She was mine. She had dared to tie me up. Challenge me. Control me. I own her. She is mine. I needed her obedience. I needed to claim her as mine. Show her who she belonged to. I needed her complete surrender. And I would get it --the tie falls to the ground in shreds-- right now.


  I felt the change in him even before I heard the tie rip. A low animalistic growl reverberates through the room as I swallow his semen rapidly. In one fluid motion hands grasp my upper arm
s and yank me from the ground to toss me to the bed. I land with a bounce. I look up as soon as the momentum stops carrying me, needing to keep my eyes on the animal I had unleashed. He isn’t in the room.

  My heart beats rapidly as I scramble back against the headboard. Did he leave? He wouldn’t have left would he? Surely I didn’t make him angry enough to leave me without finishing The Claiming. This has to be completed in….I look to the bedside clock surprised at how short an amount of time had passed since I crawled under the bed. It had only taken me fifteen minutes to break him. We still had fifty-eight minutes before time was up.

  Heavy footsteps draw my attention to the cracked open door. It swings wide permitting me my first real glimpse of Dare not in control, only he looked more so now than he had been before. Except there was a difference to him now. Where before he had seemed very tightly wound like he was always holding himself back, keeping himself from everyone and only showing what he thought they could handle, he now seemed natural and almost free. He was still terrifying.

  I don’t believe I have ever seen him when he wasn’t tense and rigid in some way, not even in our bed did he fully relax. He was always ready to spring into a fight. Now he stood completely at ease for the first time. Not relaxed, not tense, just comfortable in his body. His chin is tilted and intimidating, but once again this looked perfectly natural on him. His eyes were raging but not with anger, with desire, passion, possessiveness and determination. His hands were resting at his thighs but they weren’t empty. A long piece of rope was stretched tight from one hand to the other. My eyes widen, a scared little whine escapes me and I press further into the headboard.

  “Oh, no. That scared act is not going to work this time. Remember, you asked for this. You wanted to see me, the real me. The Dare no one else sees. The Dare who will come out to play when you piss me off. Because isn’t that really what this was about Marnie? You wanted to see how I would react to you making me angry? To you defying me? And you thought by taking away my ‘control’ you would see once and for all if I would hit you or not? If you could push me over the edge you would know how I would react and then you could make up your mind what happened next, mate or no mate. Am I correct?” Damn, how did he figure that out? Would his reaction even matter now? He wouldn’t strike me if he knew I was pushing him for that exact reaction. I straighten my shoulders and lie my ass off.

  “No.” His brows shoot up and a cruel smile curves his lips. He was definitely still in control of himself but this was different. He wasn’t toning it down, he was letting me see him just like I asked. And I was going to pay for that lie.

  “Lying now are we? I warned you, you did not want this. Because now you are going to get me. The uninhibited version. You were correct about the way I use control as a shield but you were wrong also. What you failed to understand is in life I keep a very tight leash on myself. Only I know what I’m capable of. I’m obsessive, possessive, demanding, unforgiving, controlling and I have a very bad temper, but it isn’t like what you have experienced before. I don’t use my hands to hurt but I will use them to drive you to the point of insanity to get what I want or need from you. I might even punish you sexually with them, but I won’t hurt you.” His grin is mischievous and slightly unnerving. What exactly is a sexual punishment?

  “I know what I like. I like you. I like your humor, your sarcasm, your bravery, your strength. I like all of this, when it is called for. I also like obedience, submission, order, truth and of course, control. I do not like to be challenged. I do not like to be pushed. I do not like to be disobeyed. I do not like to be lied to. And I certainly do not like being tied to my own chair.” Pushing off the door frame he grabs said chair and returns it back under his desk. Upon turning he rests back against the desk, ankles and arms crossed in a leisurely way. He keeps his intense green eyes locked with mine while he finishes his speech.

  “If I was still the Dare who was in control of my actions I would restrain myself and move on with maybe a verbal warning. I gave you this warning and you refused to listen. So far you have seen me in moderation mode. You have seen the control freak who can restrain himself. But now you have broken that restraint to smithereens. You see Marnie, by taking away my very tight hold on my need to control life around me, you created a new need in me.” He pushes off the desk, snaps the rope taught between his hands, then runs his taunting gaze from my head to my feet, stopping on my eyes. “A need to control you.” Oh shit. I didn’t like the sound of that.

  “Lie on your back and stretch your arms above your head.” He stalks toward the bed coming up on the right side. I don’t move, I’m still too stunned by his confessions. “Now!” He shouts commandingly and slaps the rope against the bed with a resounding ‘thud’. I hurry to obey. When he drops the rope beside my head I realize it isn’t one, but two. He roughly grasps my wrist and ties the end of one piece securely around it. With the other end in hand he stands, ties the end into a slip knot then threads it through a small hole in the headboard, somehow securing it to the backside where I can’t see it. I realize then that this is not the first time a woman has been tied to this bed. He repeats the action with my other hand securing it through the same hole to the backside of the headboard.

  There is a lot of length between where it is secured and where my hands rest. I wonder if even with his speech he was taking it easy on me. Till he grasps my ankles, flips me nimbly to my stomach then yanks me down the bed till the rope is painfully tight. Nope, he’s not taking it easy anymore. I suck my lip in between my teeth to keep from telling him to stop. He was right, I had pushed him, I had asked for him, now I was getting him.

  He doesn’t join me on the bed. Instead he paces from one side to the other, his eyes never leaving my body. On his third trip he pauses by the edge of the bed and caresses my left butt cheek. “Did you enjoy your game?” He asks in a menacing voice. I nod. He smacks my ass, hard. I yelp. “Speak. Did you enjoy your little game?” He repeats harshly.

  “Yes.” I bite out. He caresses my cheek again then stealthily moves to the other side of the bed. His hand glides over the right cheek, I flinch, he strikes. I bite my lip to keep in the cry this time. I drop my head to the bed and wonder what I have done? This wasn’t like Uncle, he wasn’t hitting me to hurt me. Dare could hit much harder than that, I was sure of it. I believe he was only showing me this was as bad as he got. I had been waiting for him to strike me, so he was giving it to me in his way. A spanking. A mild one at that. ‘Sexual punishment’ now made since.

  “Are you enjoying it now?” He asks on a chuckle. His hand traces circles over my stinging skin.

  “No.” I whisper and wait for the slap. It never comes. Instead he caresses the cheek firmly. I feel the bed dip but don’t raise my head. I didn’t think I could look at him without the tears falling. I would do this, I asked for it. He knew I wanted to know how he would handle me if I made him angry. He was showing me.

  He grasps my hips and lifts me to my knees then spreads my legs wide, so wide my thigh muscles stretch and pull painfully. He shoves me forward just enough to loosen the ropes a bit, then instructs me to rise up on my elbows. I do as I’m bid. His body lays over mine his breath hot at my ear.

  “You wanted to break me. I warned you it would be rough. Do you want to back out now and let me calm down? We will still have time.” His voice gentles at the end giving me an option for retreat. For all of his talk he was still worried about hurting me. That in itself told me much about the man Dare was.

  I don’t want retreat. He used the words ‘I like it rough’. This wasn’t only to show me what to expect. It wasn’t only to show me him in this state of being. He liked this. If this is how Dare likes it then I will need to learn to like it too. Forever is a long time.

  “No. I want you, Dare. If this is you, so be it.” I throw his words back at him and feel him jerk behind me in surprise. His hand tangles tightly in my hair and his body lifts off mine. Without warning he slams into me. I cry out from the force.

  “Do you still want me?” He asks in a hoarse whisper.

  “Yes.” He pulls back and crashes into me again knocking me forward with his momentum. His guttural bellow covers my whimper.

  “And now?” He ends with a groans.

  “Yes.” His hand tightens to painful then he pushes down and forward on my head holding it to the mattress, holding me still. His other hand grasps my waist. He pulls back and smashes into me once more, this time pulling me backwards to meet him. My cry turns to a moan and that now familiar pull begins to grow low in my belly. He repeats the action. I gasp with the intensity of pleasure this gives me. This should not be doing this to me. For all the power behind his thrusts this should be painful. It wasn’t.

  “And now? Is this what you wanted Marnie? Me? Like this?” The low husky tone of his voice sends tingles down my spine. After the first time he had shown little emotional reaction and even less verbal, directing me on what to do with little to no pleasure of his own hinting in his voice. That’s how I knew he was holding back. He held himself in check before, he wasn’t now. He might think he is in more control than he was and maybe he was, of me, but of himself, he was completely over the edge. He was enjoying himself more with the last five strokes than he had the last four times we were together. If this was him then the answer was easy.

  “Yes!” I shout wanting more, needing more. He obliges. With an inhuman speed he pummels me harder and harder, all the while keeping me motionless in front of him. It is this motionless state that makes it all the more intense. It was only by his hands and his movements that I was allowed to enjoy myself. If he was to stop I would be shattered. He held all the control over me but none over himself. That was the turn on.


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