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The Dragon's Virgin Bride

Page 2

by Cat Wilder

  He cocked his huge, triangular head. That doesn’t work for me.

  “I didn’t think it would,” she said.

  Cassandra looked around the dark chamber. It was huge. The floor was packed sand and relatively flat. The light came down a shaft that looked too small to allow the dragon to pass, but was close enough to straight up to allow a nice amount of sunlight in, even at dusk. There was a small waterfall on one side, falling into a pool. There was no stream draining it, so she guess the water was slowly draining down through the sand. So no opening for escape.

  She glanced back at the opening through which they entered. It was about five man-heights above the floor, and the wall was utterly sheer there. Indeed, it looked like the dragon had breathed fire on it, melted the rock, and turned it slippery smooth. So no escape there, either.

  What she didn't see was any treasure or any human bones. No bones of any kind, in fact. The floor was devoid of anything but her and the dragon.

  "At least you keep a clean house," she said.

  He snorted, a puff of black smoke rising up.

  Cassandra dropped down to sit. Deepest despair threatened to consume her. She saw no way to escape. She was doomed to spend the rest of her life there. How long the dragon chose to "play" with her, she didn't know. But she suspected he would tire of her quickly, and eat her. A dragon that size must need to eat a lot of virgin princesses.

  "What now?" she said, not really wanting to know the answer. "Hungry yet?"

  The dragon didn't answer, but walked to the middle of the chamber and began to walk in a circle, like a dog preparing to lay down and sleep. As he circled, his vast wings encircled him. After a few seconds, she swore he was shrinking. And he began to blur. Cassandra blinked, figuring the excitement of the day and fatigue were messing with her eyes. But no, he was definitely shrinking, faster and faster. He blurred until he was almost a smudge.

  "What are you doing?" she said, rising to her feet and backing away. A static feel filled the air, warning her of magic. Only the most powerful magic could be felt. "What's happening?"

  "Shhh," he said, out loud this time.

  Suddenly the dragon came into focus, except now he was a tall, powerfully build man. A golden-hued man, but a man none the less. Cassandra's eyes widened, blinked, and widened even more.

  "How did…You turned into a man?"

  He moved closer, setting her heart to racing. She considered retreating, but where would she go? What use was it to back all around that chamber? Cassandra had no delusions that she could outrun him or escape him.

  "No," he said. "I am a dragon, and I could never be a mere man." He grinned, with a roguish glint in his yellow eyes. "I am Drake. You are?"

  She just gawked at him a moment. It was dark, and getting darker fast, but there was enough light for her to see that he was naked. And that he was completely hairless — everywhere.

  "I-I-I am Cassie…Cassandra," she said. She tried to avoid looking down between his legs, at that huge display of virility. The sight of it made her body ache in a scary good way that she was told never to succumb to except with her husband. "Princess Cassandra."

  "Of all the princesses of all the kingdoms of my realm, I chose your sister to be my bride," he said, taking a step closer. "Imagine my surprise when it was you put out for tribute. I was even more surprised by how beautiful you are. More beautiful, more desirable than even Alexandra." He cocked his head. "Have you just come of age?"

  "Y-Yes, last week."

  "Ah, that is why my magic failed me," he said. "I searched only for virgin princesses of age." He looked her over with animal hunger. "I am quite pleased, but why wasn't Alexandra given to me?"

  Cassandra felt her face heating up, whether it was from shame or anger, she didn't know. Both emotions consumed her when she thought of Alexandra's terrible betrayal. "She didn't want to die, so seduced a young man last night. Unbeknownst to me, I was the backup virgin bride."

  "Ah! I've never heard of a princess failing to do her duty before," he said. "Considering her willingness to betray an entire kingdom, I am quite happy she is not my new bride."

  Cassandra wished she could say she was happy. She was afraid to ask what was next, because she knew. And then she saw movement, down there. Her eyes dropped before she could regain control of herself. His manhood was rising, growing longer, thicker.

  All the air was sucked from her lungs.

  "Let us…finalize this," Drake said, voice dropping an octave as he again moved towards her.

  Cassandra swallowed hard, unable to pull her eyes from his erection. "Finalize?"


  "Oh," she said, and then it really sank in. A vision of him on top of her, thrusting into her, flashed before her mind's eyes. "Oh!"

  She started backing up, and he followed, moving just a bit faster. When she sped up, so did he. Cassandra looked around with wild eyes, trying to find a place to hide, a way out, anything. The idea of mating with him was frightening. It was not what she expected.

  "Would you rather I eat you?" he said, that roguish grin coming back.

  "What? Oh my," she said, and turned to run.

  Drake lunged forward, grabbing a fistful of silky dark hair. He yanked her back into his arms, which encircled and held her tight. Cassandra froze, heart thundering in her ears. She struggled to breath, to even think.

  She grabbed his forearms, trying to pry herself loose. Something was different. She stopped struggling, and stroked his arms. They felt…different. So cool and smooth. Almost like…scales. His skin was covered in tiny scales, not unlike that on a snake.

  He shifted her in his arms, and she felt his erection poking at the back of her gown, pressing between her butt cheeks. Drake had started to go limp during her attempt to run, and his need to capture her. And now with her secured, his ardor was rising again. She felt him rising.

  "Oh. Oh," she said, eyes wide, heart racing. Her insides changed, getting hot and tingly. She felt warm moisture spreading between her legs. Drake lowered her lips to the crook of her neck, and started kissing and nibbling. Her eyes closed as a thrill raced up her spine. "This is not how I expected to become a woman."

  Drake chuckled. "Cassandra, I cannot make you a woman. You already are a woman, a very beautiful and desirable woman."

  He nuzzled her ear, his actions and words making her skin goose-flesh.

  "I don't think I — "

  "Shhh. I am your mate, your lord and master," Drake said, his arms tightening around her. Then his right hand came up, and cupped a breast through her gown. It was the first time anyone had touched her there. It felt good. "You belong to me, and will obey."

  He deftly untied the two knots atop her shoulders, let go of her, and her gown quickly cascaded down her body to puddle around her waist. Drake pushed it over her flaring hips, and her breath caught as it flowed to the floor. Cassandra felt her insides turn to mush, and her sex began to throb. She could not believe how achy and needy she felt down there.

  "You are mine."

  Cassandra looked back and up, and was caught by his fierce gaze. She was a woman of her time, and knew what was expected of her. She knew her duty.

  "I am yours."

  Huge wings erupted from his back. Drake turned her around, burying his face in her cleavage. Cassandra cried out, gawking at the wings slowly flapping behind him. He sucked hard on a nipple, while his hands squeezed and caressed her boobs. The most amazing sensations filled her body, pulsing through her body with every stroke. Soon she was panting, squirming. His wings beat faster as his excitement rose.

  "So beautiful," he whispered. "And mine. My beautiful treasure."

  Drake kissed his way up her neck, nuzzled her ear again, and then kissed his way across her cheek. Cassandra waited, panting, lips slightly parted. Her first real kiss was about to happen. She couldn't wait. Her body ached. Her mind sang.

  "Mmmm," she groaned as their lips finally touched, and slowly melted together. His kiss was passionate, deman
ding. It frightened her and thrilled her.

  Cassandra clutched at him as their lips caressed, their tongues danced. She bowed her back, pressing into him. His arms tightened around her, squeezing the last shreds of resistance out, and leaving her a needy mess.

  "Please," she whispered, tears flowing. "Please, Drake. I've never done this before."

  "Just relax," he said, grabbing her butt.

  The dragon lifted her off the ground, maneuvering her body above his painfully large erection. She looked down between them, seeing his length and girth. Cassandra felt fear blossom, fearing it was too big for her petite body. And then he started to lower her.

  Cassandra bit her lip when his cock pressed against her hot, wet folds. She felt pressure building, and then her sex began to spread open. She sucked in a sharp breath when he penetrated, and then thrust up into her. Drake felt even larger inside her than he looked.

  "Oh! Gentle!"

  His first thrust took him right up to her maiden head. He lifted her slightly, pulling almost out of her. Drake caught and held her gaze, their connection so intense she trembled. The virgin princess held her breath, and Drake pushed her down harder, his hips thrusting forward. His erection spread her wide, so wide. Pushed her to the point of pain, and then he ripped through her hymen. Deflowered. Cassandra cried out, though the pain was little more than a brief, sharp burn.

  She was filled with the most amazing feelings. Cassandra had never felt anything like it. Nothing ever felt so right as that cock thrusting up into her. He continued to hold her gaze, and felt her mind and insides both turn to hot, messy, mush.

  "Oh, gods, yes," she gasped out, wrapping her legs around him. "Yes."

  She tilted her face up, offering him her lips. Drake smiled as he lowered his lips to hers. She savored the feel of their lips together, tongues wrestling in her mouth. The princess tightened her legs around him and started thrusting her hips forward in rhythm with his thrusts.

  "It doesn't hurt?" he said.

  "It's all good," she said, head rolling back as something stirred deep inside that she'd never felt before. "Please don't stop."

  It felt as if something was gathering, getting ready. A tension. Drake's thrust became more frantic, faster and harder. A divine hot tingle suddenly flowed into her belly and thighs, and she felt as if her body was rushing towards something. Cassandra's eyes widened when she realize what was about to happen.

  "Oh Drake! Oh Drake," she cried, back bowing and nails digging in. "I'm going to…Aaaggghh! Oooooh. Aaagggh."

  Drake froze, his full length deep inside her. He released a gusty sigh as his whole body shook. The princess gasped, feeling her dragon coming inside her, filling her with his seed.

  "We are mated," Drake said.

  "That's an understatement," Cassandra said.

  She watched as his wings quickly retreated back into his body. Cassandra was just a bit disappointed. For a moment during their lovemaking she thought he might lift off the ground.

  He smiled at her. "For a dragon, the first mating is most significant," he said. "We mate for life. I will never know another woman, even if something happens to you."

  "Truly?" she said. She'd never heard of a man that didn't bed any willing woman he could find, married or not. Her father, good as he was, had a dozen bastards spread around the kingdom. It was expected. Oddly enough, she found the idea of him being exclusively hers, that no other woman would enjoy his company, quite thrilling and comforting. "I don't know what to say."

  "It is our way," he said. He pulled her off his erection, still amazingly stiff and ready. The princess was gently placed back on her feet, before he took her by the hand and led her to a small alcove. There were pelts and blankets arranged in an acceptable bed. "Come, you've had a long, trying day. Let us sleep."

  Drake laid her in the middle of the bed, and then pressed up tight behind her. She found herself wrapped tight in his thick arms, warmed by his body. He fell asleep quickly, and she felt herself being pulled into slumber as well.

  This day did not begin or end as I expected, she thought. The dragon didn't want me to eat, but truly as his bride. She placed a hand on her belly. Will I be the mother of another dragon?

  Princess Cassandra woke with a start. She sat up, discovering she was lone.

  "Drake?" she called. No answer. Cassandra crawled out of bed and left the small alcove. The vast chamber was empty, and dimly lit for the early morning rays. "Drake!"

  Cassandra was not used to being alone. Ever. Princesses has ladies in waiting and servants, who constantly hovered around her, attended her every need and want. She did not like being left alone. Plus, she really had to relieve herself and didn't know where to go.

  She just decided on going across the chamber from the pool, when she heard a distant roar. Drake. Soon orange firelight lit up the entry cave. She smiled to know her dragon was home. Seconds later Drake in dragon form burst out of the cave above her and landed in the middle of the chamber.

  He did his little transformation thing and soon Cassandra was looking at his smiling face.

  "Good morning, my beautiful bride," he said.

  "Good morning," she said, feeling suddenly shy. "There are some things I need to know, Drake. Like where do I go…relieve myself."

  "Not in here!" he said.

  "Ah, there lies the problem," she said. "I can't get out."

  He stared at her a second, and then nodded. "I will give you a chamber pot."

  "And what about food? I can't hunt like you, plus I need my food cooked," she said.

  Drake waved dismissively. "My magic will provide all you need."

  To prove it, he held his hands out and started chanting a spell. Within a dozen heartbeats a bright golden ball appeared between his hands. That glowing ball slowly morphed into a large clay pot. Cassandra's chamber pot. She gratefully accepted it, took it over to the far wall, and used it. Drake watched. Since her ladies and servants had always watched and assisted, Cassandra didn't give it a second thought.

  "Before you break your fast, I suggest some vigorous…exercise," Drake said, wagging his brows.

  "Oh," Cassandra said, glancing back at the sleeping alcove. Then she looked down at his erection. "Do I have a choice?"


  "I do?"

  "Of course. If you say no, it is no," he said. "I am not cruel."

  Cassandra just stared at him. In her kingdom, a wife gave her man what he wanted. When he wanted it. How he wanted it. No arguments. Women were not allowed to deny their men anything.

  "I could get used to this," she said, and smiled. Warm moisture spread between her legs, and she felt a little tingle inside. Smiling, she said, "I suddenly find myself in need of some…vigorous exercise."

  Drake moved up close, lifted her chin, and kissed Cassandra.

  "Come, let's go have some fun," he said.

  Before she knew what was happening, Drake transformed back into a dragon. She looked at him, and then back at the alcove, wondering if she misunderstood. And then she was seized by a massive talon and lifted off the ground.

  Drake took her through the entry cave, and took off flying once outside. He quickly climbed so high even the mountains looked small and she shivered from the cold on her naked body. And then he began morphing back into a man.

  Halfway through his transformation, his huge taloned foot vanished and left her to freefall towards the rocky mountains below. Cassandra screamed and screamed.

  "Got you," Drake said, back in man-form with his wings spread out.

  His arms wrapped around her, holding her belly to belly. Cassandra wrapped her arms and legs around him, holding on desperately.

  "Are you trying to kill me?"

  "No, of course not," he said, laughing. "Thrilling, though, isn't it?"

  She glanced at the ground far below, feeling her skin goose-flesh. "Kind of."

  "Only kind of?"

  "Okay, it's thrilling, and scary at the same time," she said. "I'm not used to flying.
I don't think I'll ever get used to it."

  He kissed her. Then kissed her again, more deeply and passionately.

  "Can you get used to this?" he said, and guided his erection into her.

  Cassandra cried out, suddenly impaled upon his girth. Stretched out wonderfully, as he pushed in deeper and deeper with every thrust. That was the last thing she was expecting while flying. Could he do both at the same time?

  “I love it when your body shudders like that,” he said.

  “I love it even more,” she gasped out, breathless as his efforts sent ripples of pleasure throughout her body. “Will it always be like this?”

  “I’ll make sure it does,” he said, and kissed her.

  As they kissed the static feel of magic washed over her, and then a strange warmth washed through her body. Drake tensed and grunted, and then threw his head back laughing. She’d never heard such joy before.

  “You’re carrying my baby!” he cried.

  “What? But, we only did it once,” she said. “How do you know?”

  “Magic,” he said, and kissed her passionately. “It’s a girl! There hasn’t been a female dragon born in two thousand years!”

  “I’m scared,” she said. “How can my small human body give birth to a mighty dragon?”

  “She will be born in human form, and later be able to morph into a dragon, when she’s older,” he said. “This is glorious. Our baby with be Dragonkind’s greatest treasure. She will reign as Queen of Dragons!”

  Drake claimed her lips again. They laughed and cried and held onto each other, soaring through the sky even as their hearts soared with the joy of their unborn child. And a new age for Dragons.


  * * * * *

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