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Legend of the Great Dragon

Page 5

by J. F. Jenkins

  “He created you and you were a miracle.” She finally turned to look up at him. “Sometimes the great things we do aren't recognized by many.”

  Ichi stepped back, stunned, and uncertain of what to think of her words. He was far from being anything special.

  “Is there a point to telling me all of this?” He tried to keep his tone from sounding too harsh, but that was easier said than done.

  “Yes, and it's an important one.” She grabbed his face with both of her wrinkled hands and pulled him in closer to her. In a low voice she said, “With all of the Touched dead, a great trial is going to befall all of humanity and dragonkind. No matter what happens, whatever temptations you may face, you must keep true to your heart or all will be lost.”

  “I don't understand,” he whispered. “Why is this so important to tell me?”

  “It was something Darien saw before his death. He said I had to find a way to warn you. I don't know the importance of it, but he was told you were one of the keys.”

  “Got it.” Ichi nodded, wanting to keep being polite, but by then he was convinced she had fallen off the deep end.

  The Lady Oceina smiled and he could see a deep sadness in her eyes. She pulled him in for a tight hug. “You two will be fine. I don't know why he worried so much.”


  “Let's go join Mikko and Teo, I'm sure they're hungry by now. I'm certainly starving.”

  “All right.” Ichi's brow furrowed. What just happened?

  Chapter Eight

  “You should have said something!” Mikko had been lecturing Teo off and on the entire train ride down. Even while they shopped, she refused to let the issue drop. Not until he admitted that he had done something stupid.

  Teo rolled his eyes and browsed some jewelry, rings to be exact. “Fine, I shouldn't have gone up to a place that makes me so ill. Happy?”


  “But I still want you to try and see it from my perspective. Yes, heights frighten me, a lot. Understandably, since I don't have the option of sprouting wings and not splattering on the concrete. However, Dad has always said the best thing to do is conquer your fears. Remember?” He waved for a sales clerk to come over. “How do we overcome the things that scare us? We have to face them.”

  She gave him a doubtful frown. “I still don't like it.”

  “I don't care,” he stated.

  “Sass,” she mumbled. “Why are you looking at the rings?”

  “Don't you think it would be something else if I proposed to Rashanna with one of these? She's been my girlfriend for a long time, and I think it's time. You know? Oceina jewelry is so much more exquisite than what we have in Terran. There's a certain elegance to it, like it's artwork.” He practically glowed as he grinned. “And since we're here, there won't be crazy shipping costs or middle men to deal with. They shouldn't be any more expensive than normal.”

  Mikko's gaze wandered over the rings in the case. “You have a point there. I like this one the most.” She tapped the glass over one specific ring. It had an emerald-cut diamond set in white gold. The metal looped around the gem created a flower, but there was something vintage about the design as well. Three smaller diamonds were placed on each side of the larger one.

  “You always have the best taste with this stuff,” Teo said. The sales associate came over. “Can I see this one please?”

  The ring was pulled out so he could examine it better. Mikko's heart soared with happiness for her friend. Getting engaged was a huge step, and she loved Rashanna just as much as Teo. They made a wonderful match. My little brother is growing up.

  “It's even more beautiful up close,” Mikko marveled.

  “Would you like to try it on?” the associate asked her.

  She gasped. “Oh no, I mean, I couldn't. It's not—”

  “Go for it. Your hands are about the same size and I don't want to have to worry about resizing it too much,” Teo said. He took the ring and slid it on her finger with ease. “Seems about right!”

  “It's nice,” Ichi said from behind them. She spun on her heel and saw him staring at her, his face expressionless and difficult to read. Mikko felt her cheeks grow warm, as if she'd just been caught doing something she shouldn't. Why was she so embarrassed and worried about what he thought, though?

  Teo glanced back at him as well and focused his attention on the ring she wore. “I love it. Go ahead and wrap this up for me.”

  The sales associate took the ring from Mikko once she slipped it off of her finger and she was more than happy to be rid of it. A weight lifted from her shoulders and she could breathe easier. Stepping away from the counter, she bumped into Ichi who had moved in closer to her. She mumbled an apology, her cheeks becoming even hotter as she side-stepped around him so she could stand next to her grandmother.

  “Teo, I did not know you had a steady girlfriend,” Tai said. The Lady Oceina held Mikko's hand gently, much like she remembered her mother doing back when she had been alive.

  “We've been together for almost eight months,” he said. “I've never felt this way before about anyone.”

  Mikko laughed. “And he has had his share of girlfriends.”

  “Don't talk about me like I'm a player. It's not my fault that I used to have a tendency to attract crazy-and-or-flighty girls.” He rolled his eyes. “It turns out the love of my life was right under my nose the whole time.”

  “You haven't kissed any of these other girls have you?” her grandmother asked with a teasing smile.

  Teo snorted. “Father raised me to uphold the traditions of my people. I only plan on kissing one woman, and that's if she accepts my kiss.”

  “I don't see why she wouldn't,” Mikko said. “She loves you, obviously.”

  “I hope so,” he whispered.

  Ichi cleared his throat. “I'm starving.”

  “Same, now that my stomach is settled.” Teo paid for his purchase. “Do you like seafood, Ichi? The Oceina are known for it, and it's amazing.”

  “Can't say I've ever had it since there aren't a lot of fish where I'm from,” Ichi said. “My diet is pretty simple. I'll try anything once, though.”

  Mikko watched as Ichi walked up to her grandmother and offered his arm to her. She couldn't help but smile at the gesture. There was no rule saying he had to escort the woman around town, but he stayed close to the Lady Oceina as if he was one of her sons. It seemed strange to Mikko because he didn't strike her as the social type. There was an awkwardness about him that was endearing but curious. She didn't know much about the Aero people, only that they still lived an old-fashioned lifestyle that caused them to stand out from the rest of the world. Something told her that even for an Aero he would still be considered strange.

  Chapter Nine

  Sight-seeing had been a lot more enjoyable than Ichi had expected. Oceina City had a lot of different sides to it. The giant buildings were only one piece. They took him to the pier where he got a closer look at the ocean. After that, they returned to the street where the Lady Oceina lived. It was referred to as Old Town. While the city had developed around it, Old Town was the area where the old culture of Oceina still thrived. There were many small, privately owned shops.

  At the end of the day, the women had several purchases. Even Teo had done a significant amount of shopping. Ichi was the only one who hadn't bought anything. He was saving his money for food and lodging only. The Lady Oceina had insisted on paying for all of his meals and snacks.

  The sun was going down, and the buildings around them lit up one by one.

  Teo stopped and watched them. He yawned. “I think I've finally adjusted to the time difference. I feel a lot more tired than I should for this hour.”

  “It's not that late here either,” Mikko teased. “But we have had a busy day. I wouldn't mind going back to the condo for the rest of the night.”

  “Back home it's close to my bed time,” Ichi said in an effort to encourage an end to the excursion. He needed a break. There w
as so much to absorb.

  The Lady Oceina sighed and hugged him close. It reminded him of his mother. “Stay with us. I like having you near.”

  “I don't—” I don't have a real excuse not to. He sighed, knowing he couldn't decline. There were only so many ways he could say no without being rude. With a sigh, he nodded. “Okay, I'll get my things and come back. The hotel was kind of boring and stuffy anyway.”

  “Wonderful! Mikko can walk back with you and help you carry things,” she said.

  “Mikko?” Ichi raised an eyebrow. Interesting suggestion. Why wouldn't she offer up Teo since he's a man? Maybe it's a cultural thing. He shrugged. “Okay, but I don't have that much stuff. I can do it on my own just fine.”

  Lady Oceina laughed. “I have to make sure you come back somehow.”

  “I see how it is. You think I'll bail and run.” He teased. “I would never do such a thing to you my lady. You have my word. I will be back.”

  “All the same, please, let her accompany you.”

  Ichitaca glanced over at Mikko. “If you think it necessary, then yes, I will. We should leave now, then.” He gestured for Mikko to follow him.

  He waited to see if she would say any long farewells to Teo or her grandmother, but she only exchanged a small wave. Odd, because he was positive she was only hours away from becoming engaged. Hadn't he caught her ring shopping with Teo? Which seemed stupid to him since now she knew the proposal was coming. Where was the element of surprise? Teo might as well have just given it to her in the store and been done with it. The two were already living with one another. It would only be a matter of time before their lust took over and they broke one of the most important Holy Commandments in the dragon religion — waiting until they were married to be as one.

  Every dragon knew how important that commandment was to keep, or they should have. The consequences were just too great to do otherwise. Not wanting to hurt a woman by passing on his magic to her was the only thing that had ever stopped Ichi from giving in to his hormonal desires. He'd had opportunities, but he refused to mate with a woman he didn't think he'd be able to stand for the rest of his life. Because he would be stuck with her, for better or worse, in one way or another.

  On the plus side, Mikko hadn't seemed too enthused about wearing the ring in the first place, so there was still time for Ichi to stop her from taking the wrong step forward in the relationship. Her lack of interest in a proper goodbye to Teo had Ichi rather optimistic about the possibility of wooing her properly. I just have to figure out what she's thinking before I make any final decisions.

  Together, he and Mikko walked through the streets of Oceina City in silence. Fine by him, because it gave him some time to enjoy the ambiance properly. The people passing by them didn't do so in a rushed manner. Everyone seemed relaxed — even the cars weren't speeding. It encouraged him to maintain a relaxed pace as they walked to his hotel.

  “It won't take long,” Ichi said as they stepped into the lobby. “If you want, you can wait here.”

  “I'll join you,” she said.

  “All right then.” He shrugged and made his way to the elevators. They rode up to his floor and then walked to the room. This time, their silence was more awkward than that which they shared on the street. Most of the discomfort was because Ichi was not looking forward to her reaction upon seeing his things, or rather, his lack thereof.

  Ichi unlocked the door and went straight to his backpack, with his dirty clothes shoved inside. “I'm ready,” he mumbled.

  “That's it?” she asked. “You pack light.”

  “My father taught me the KISS method.”

  “Keep It Simple Stupid?” She placed a hand on her hip, a smile playing on her lips. “I could have sworn you were wearing a suit the night of the funeral.”

  He nodded and pushed his way past her so they could leave. Hopefully she'd catch on and follow instead of standing around while she asked her questions. “I rented it and returned it first thing this morning.”

  “I've always been envious that you men can rent your formal wear,” she said. “Then you don't have to worry about spending so much money time and time again for clothing you'll probably only wear once. I suppose you could get more run out of a suit than a dress, but unless you're wearing it frequently, I can't imagine the cost being worth it to own one.”

  “Women can't rent dresses? I thought I'd seen a bridal dress renting shop once back home,” he commented as they went back down the elevator.

  Mikko shook her head. “A wedding dress is the one dress I'd actually like to own. The others, however, I could probably do without.”

  “And I'm sure you will own your wedding dress. You don't seem to be wanting for money, but I suppose when your grandmother is the Lady Oceina, you'll always be well taken care of.” He offered her a smile, but frowned when he noticed she was chewing on her lower lip.

  “We aren't wanting for money, no, but I don't take handouts from my grandmother either simply because of who she is. I was raised by my uncle, but I supposed you would call him my godfather because we're not blood related,” she said quietly. “He taught me how to earn my way through hard work. I have a job back home, and an inheritance from my parents of course. I try not to use that unless I need to. Because I still live with my uncle, that helps with the cost of things.”

  Ichi listened intently and nodded when appropriate. “I thought you lived with Teo.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “And your uncle is okay with that?” he asked, frowning.

  She laughed. “Why wouldn't he be? Teo is his son!”

  Cousins? I suppose they're nowhere near blood related, so them dating makes some sense. “I wasn't sure, given your relationship with Teo and all…”

  “My relationship with him? What about it?” She paused and then gasped. “Oh, you think we're… oh no… no, no, no! Teo is great, don't get me wrong, but he's the little brother that I never got to have. That's as far as our connection goes, I promise.”

  “He's like your… brother?” Ichi winced a little. “I shouldn't have assumed. You two were just so buddy-buddy and a little flirtatious.”

  “Ha! We do not flirt.”

  He shrugged. “It looked that way to me.”

  “You're funny, Ichi.”

  “I'm being serious.” He gripped the strap of his bag as they walked to the front desk. Before they left, he made sure to check out of his hotel room.

  She waited until they were on their way outside before picking up the conversation again. “The fact that you're serious makes it even funnier to me. Haven't you ever seen a person flirt before? Teo and I so do not flirt, in the slightest. I tease him like he's my brother because that's basically what he is. We practically grew up together.”

  “Look, it was a stupid assumption,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Remember, I live under a mountain, so I don't exactly get out much to see all of the finer details of wooing.”

  “You don't have any brothers?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “Only child. Only… myself for a long time.”

  “Which explains the living under a mountain thing. I'm guessing that's where you grew up?”

  “Yeah, and I do a lot of camping and not a lot of socializing. Not unless I have to, I mean.”

  Mikko nibbled on her lip. “And you've been without your parents since you were sixteen, I remember that much. Didn't you live with other relatives?”

  He shook his head. “No, I can take care of myself just fine.”

  “How did they die?”

  “They got sick. Father was first, mother soon after. I caught it too, but I'll be blunt. My parents were old. Too old to have children my age. They should have been grandparents, and my mother should have been unable to conceive. She liked to call me her miracle. So while the virus killed them, it just left me bedridden for a couple of days.” He paused. “I'm the one who caught it first. They got it because they had to take care of me.”

  She hugged his lower back, lea
ning her head on his shoulder. “Do you blame yourself?”

  “No,” he whispered. “There was no way around it. You can be careful all you want, but viruses and bacteria are everywhere. It was only a matter of time until something happened. Mom said it was their time, and that we all had to accept it. She told me she loved me, and then five minutes later, she was gone.”

  “I envy you,” she said softly. “You seem to have come to terms with your circumstances a lot better than I. Sometimes I still think about how unfair everything is.”

  With some hesitation, Ichi put his arm around her, hugging her body close to his. If she could do it to him, then it must have been okay for him to do the same, right? He liked how nicely she snuggled into his side, as if she was made to fit there.

  “What happened to your parents?” he asked.

  Mikko gave him a half smile. “A car accident. Another one of those things that can't be helped. My parents loved to travel, and naturally they took me with them everywhere they went. We were driving through Terran when our car collided with another. They died, I lived. In their will, they had strict orders for me to go and live with my uncle Tyson, or rather, godfather. I was adopted into the family, so I have five brothers now. Teo is the only one who's younger than me. My parents never had any other children of their own, however. Not for lack of trying, I know that much. My mother also called me her miracle.”

  “They told you they were trying for more children?” Ichi asked.

  “Not directly, but I could tell. Mom talked about it a lot. My father seemed to believe that because I was a girl, they were only destined to have one. They fought about it sometimes,” she said softly. “My memories of them are broad. Some things I remember more vividly than others. That's one of them, probably because it was the only thing that ever made them upset.”

  His gaze averted to the ground as they walked outside. “Every time we talk, I find we have more and more in common.”


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