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Best Friend's Little Sister

Page 59

by Riley Rollins

  “I don’t know,” I answered. But we ended up in the same place, only hours apart…” I shook my head and leaned my forehead against the air conditioned glass. “She never should have been out here in the first place. Dean fucking ordered her not to… and she came along anyway. I should have stopped her. Willful is one thing… reckless is another…”

  “Maggie wants to save the whole world,” Ryan said, looking over at me. “She always has. Just like she’s always loved you.”

  I caught his eye. “You know, I always thought the two of you were the ones who’d end up together. You seemed so comfortable… you had so much more in common…”

  Ryan smiled. “Not so much as you’d think. Mostly, it was just you.” He looked back to the road.

  “It wasn’t easy, growing up under the weight of the Decker empire,” he sighed. “Dad, before he died… then Grandma Bess… We grew up with a narrow set of rules and a wide set of expectations, Joe. There were things I didn’t feel like I could tell a soul, but her. She got me through some awful times, growing up. She was my friend… But you were always the only man for her.”

  “I asked her to marry me…,” I said. “I want that more than anything I’ve ever wanted in my life. But the look on her brother’s face when he saw us… the betrayal in his eyes…” My bandaged arm throbbed with my heartbeat. “I don’t think he’ll ever fucking forgive me. I could live with that if I had to, but I could never live with coming between Maggie and the only family she’s got left. They were just finding each other again…”

  “Dean will forgive Maggie,” Jackie piped up from the back seat. “And whether he realizes it yet or not, it isn’t his decision… how two grown people live their lives.”

  “It’s not just Dean,” Ryan added. “You know how Bess always felt about the Blake’s living in the guesthouse. She and Dad spent the last part of his life going at each other about it. She’s always used TexStar as a bargaining chip… a way to have and maintain total control over all of us. But she never won the Blake battle with Dad. Even after his death… He made her sign legal papers to allow Dean and Maggie to stay on after their father died.” He shot me a look thick with meaning. “She’ll take everything if you cross her on this. The money, the company… everything. She resented those two kids from the beginning, and if you marry Maggie…

  Bess will have the retribution she always wanted, one way or another. I know Maggie loves you, Joe. She has her whole life. And you’re a damned fool who doesn’t deserve her, if you don’t love her back. But there will be a price to pay. And you’d better make goddamned sure you’re willing to pay it before you put Maggie’s heart on the line. Because if you hurt her, Dean won’t be your only concern. You’ll have to answer to me, too.”

  I dragged myself up the stairs to my room, aching from head to toe. I’d seen Dean’s rental in front of the cottage and I knew he was there. Like a watchdog… keeping danger at bay.

  I ached for a shower, but settled for running a hot bath. My arm was throbbing painfully, and the doctor had warned me to keep the bandages dry.

  I settled in and turned on the water jets. Leaning back, I let the water pound against my back. I dipped my head and let the water stream from my hair. Slowly, my muscles began to unknot and I relaxed into the heat. The last few days had felt like an entire lifetime. I ran one hand over my gritty chest.

  The immaculate house looked just as I’d left it. The maid had straightened my room and made up the bed with fresh linens. The bath towels were perfectly folded and the suits in my closet perfectly pressed. I’d lived my whole tidy life in a perfect routine of organization and efficiency. Nothing had ever challenged that routine, and nothing had ever changed… Not in thirty-three years… Not until Maggie…

  I ran my hand down to my cock. It was hard, pummeled by the bubbling water and my memories of her. Never in my life had I met a woman who challenged me, maddened me, pushed me… loved me the way she did. I knew in my gut, there had never been a choice. The moment I’d seen her, the second I’d touched her, I’d known there was nothing I wouldn’t give for more.

  Now that I’d found her, I’d never risk losing her again…

  From now on, the risks would all be mine.



  “Get out,” I said irritably. “You have a class to teach with Jackie, not a babysitting job here with me.” I handed Dean a mug of coffee and aimed him toward the door.

  “Did you at least think about what I said?” he asked, casting me a doubtful glance. “Obviously, you’re going to do what you want, but think about it.” He smiled a concerned smile. “Joe has a lot to lose. So do you.”

  “I love you for caring,” I said sincerely. “I’ve got a lot on my plate right now…”

  “Just give yourselves a little space,” he said. “Let the dust settle.” He headed for the car. “I love you, Mags. Believe it or not, I’m here for you.”

  I nodded and waved, watching the car roll off. It was early still, but the day was already stifling hot. There was a children’s outreach event scheduled for the afternoon near Waco. We’d be giving out clothing and school supplies. Jackie had arranged for a free immunization clinic and food boxes for those most in need. For a country so wealthy, the needs out there were still staggering. It was hard to believe, without seeing it for yourself.

  I stuffed the remains of the last stale donut in my mouth and shot an eye at the clock. If I hurried, I had time for the shower I hadn’t had last night. The lack of sleep…? Well, that would have to work itself out. All in all, I was grateful to have a long drive and a busy day ahead of me. Thinking was the last thing I needed right now. I needed work… good hard work and a concrete sense of accomplishment. I stripped off my cotton nightgown, lifted the handle, and stepped under the flood of cold water.

  I shampooed my hair within an inch of its life, but lathered and rinsed the rest of my body quickly. All my tender places were still very sore… and even the touch of my own hands reminded me of his. It had only been yesterday…

  I dried off brusquely and dressed in jeans and a pink cotton tee. I brushed out my hair and twisted it up onto the back of my head and clipped it into place. Long soft strands were already escaping in the heat and curling around my face.

  I made a few fast phone calls and poured the last of the coffee into a travel mug. Hesitating at the door, I went back to grab a nice business jacket. What harm was there in looking the part?


  My heart stopped at the sound of his voice. I knew we’d have to talk at some point, but…

  “Joe.” I opened the screen door and he smiled.

  “You look lovely,” he said, his voice deep, his eyes sparkling sensuously. I felt my heart quicken its pace.

  “I was just heading out,” I said awkwardly. “We’ve got an event today… I can’t be late.”

  “We need to talk, Maggie. A hell of a lot has happened between us, and whether we like it or not, it involves other people, too. There’s so much I need to say…”

  Part of me wanted to forget the day… forget my responsibilities. We did need to talk… But I was afraid of what he might tell me.

  “I’ll be back late,” I said, unable to meet his eyes. “We could meet tomorrow morning,” I offered.

  “Or I could come with you,” he said, smiling again, in his irresistible way. “Give me three minutes and I’ll be back with my gear. I’ll get some more photos for my story, and you can hear me out.

  I’ve got a proposition to make.”

  “Complete funding…?” The words caught in my throat. “You’re offering me full funding for RemedAid?” I took a deep, cleansing breath and gripped the wheel a little tighter.

  “Not just limited to Texas. Not even the U.S.… I’m offering you the chance to make your foundation international, if you like.”

  “The Decker money…,” I whispered.

  “I’ve seen what you’re capable of, Maggie. Up close… in person.” He put a warm h
and on my thigh, and the sensation shot all the way up. “If there’s anyone who can make a real difference, it’s you, sweetheart.

  All the years I spent in an office, managing the news, growing the business… I lost track of the passion behind it all. I forgot what it feels like, to have a vision. You gave that back to me, Maggie.” He reached up and tangled a finger in one loose curl. “I love you…”

  He traced the line of my neck with his fingertip… down my arm… he took my hand and held it, captured in his lap. “I promised you a lifetime of tomorrows… and I meant it. All of it…

  Every touch, every word… every second between us was real, and I can’t live without that. I won’t…”

  The sense of relief and happiness that flooded me left me giddy and breathless. I pulled off the road…

  “Maggie,” he moaned, as I threw myself into his arms. “I don’t want to be apart again, not for a single night of our lives… There’s so much ahead of us…” He kissed me until my whole body burned with need. “I won’t ever let you go…”

  “I was afraid it couldn’t be real,” I admitted, looking into his eyes. “Dean was so angry… he almost made me believe…”

  “That I couldn’t see you, Maggie?” he asked gently. “That I just wanted your body… without really seeing and loving the amazing woman you’ve become?” He caressed my face, my lips… my body… all of me, like he was touching me for the very first time.

  “I’m not a kid anymore,” he said softly. “And you are wiser than you may ever know, sweetheart. I love you… all of you. And there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”

  I traced the line of his strong jaw and sighed deeply. “What if wanting me means losing your company?” I asked. ‘You would be risking everything by crossing your grandmother. Even if Dean eventually came around, she never would… And she has a great deal of power.”

  “Not the power to choose my wife,” he answered steadily. “Dad left money behind that even she can’t touch. And I’ve made more than a few lucrative investments over the years.” He kissed me again. “There’s more than enough to make all our dreams come true. Your foundation, for you… and for me…? You’re all the dream I need…

  And I still owe you a promise.”



  Call me old-school, but I like good old-fashioned film.

  I had taken a dozen rolls already and had plenty more in my bag. There was even a digital camera for backup. But I liked the solid snap of a shutter.

  Less than two miles outside of one of the largest cities in Texas and the poverty was just astounding. Families had come up from some of the very poorest areas. Maggie was incredible, effortlessly in the center of it all. I kneeled, and from a distance, snapped a shot of her holding a stick-thin child on her lap, as Jackie peered down the child’s throat.


  I looked up. “Dean.”

  “You can’t be following her around like this,” he said. “She has work to do… hell, so do you. I’m not saying you guys don’t have plenty to sort out. But just give her some space. She’s been through a hell of a lot in the last few days… mostly because of you… She should have the chance to clear her head.”

  “I am working,” I said patiently. “I started a story and I intend to finish it.” I saw Maggie look over, concern showing on her face. “Can we talk…?” I took his arm and we walked out into the heavy, stagnant air.

  “She’s the love of my life, Dean. This isn’t just sex or some brief infatuation.” I saw him blanch at the word sex. I went on anyway… “We risked our lives for each other out there,” I jerked my head at the horizon. “Because of the bond between us… the love between us…

  Because I need her more than she could ever possibly need me.

  I don’t want to lose your friendship over this,” I went on as he watched my face. “I hope you can come to accept this… to accept us. I’ll be right here, for as long as it takes. But I won’t give her up, not for anything.”

  “And what about TexStar? Are you willing to give that up, too?” He looked down, and peered back up from under his brows… “Bess would strip you out of your own company for being seen in public with a girl of Maggie’s background… A poor kid with a deadbeat, alcoholic dad.”

  “Nobody’s to blame for the past,” I said, sitting down under the thin shade of a mesquite tree. “And not every man is always the man he seems. My own dad taught me that…

  But yes, I’m willing to give up anything for her, as long as I can keep her safe. She’s given me her whole heart, and I’ll love her until the day I die. But she gave me something else, too. Something that’s been missing for a long time.”

  “What?” Dean asked gently.

  “Purpose,” I answered.

  I sighed with satisfaction as the day wrapped up. Watching Maggie and her brother work alongside each other without clashing had felt incredible. He’d given me a look, when we packed up and I climbed into the driver’s seat of her truck. But he hadn’t objected.

  “Did you get what you came for?” she asked, smiling and sinking into her seat. “You looked as busy as I was… I expect one hell of an article.”

  I laughed at her tone and started the engine. “I got it all, Maggie. I’ve got a story planned that’ll put the foundation on the map. What you’re doing is incredible.”

  “It almost seems too good to be true,” she said, pushing her hair back. It had come loose hours ago and flowed softly, riotously around her shoulders. I preferred it like this. “I’ve dreamed of expanding into South America, even Africa… There’s so much work just waiting to be done. I hoped… but I never really expected…”

  “Are you ready to head a multi-million dollar organization?” I asked. “What I have of the Decker fortune is yours. And I’ll be at your disposal, too, you know… Every inch of me…”

  She wiggled her brows at me, teasingly. “That much,” she breathed. “No fair distracting the

  executive director. At least not during business hours.”

  “Good thing it’s getting dark,” I replied, catching hold of her hand and drawing it to my thigh. “I have plans that include after-hours, as well.”

  She laughed softly and curled against my shoulder. “Will you stay with me tonight?”

  “Don’t imagine you could stop me,” I answered. “After all, I haven’t kept that promise yet.”

  “And which one is that?” she teased.

  “That long first night together,” I answered. “One with no risks, no storms… no fear.” I slipped my hand between her warm, soft thighs. “That perfect first time…”

  I peeled her clothes off and ran a finger down to the tip of her nipple.

  “I’m not a virgin anymore,” she said, almost shyly. “There can’t really be a second first time…”

  “Mmmm, I know… I was there…,” I growled out softly. “But there’s so much to learn about each other… so much to explore.” I let my finger blaze a trail downwards… “There are so many firsts ahead of us, sweetheart. We’ll get to all of them… eventually… We have a whole lifetime.”

  I stripped down and pulled her softness against the length of my body. I’d been sore and aching all day, but the second we touched, it had all disappeared. She was everything…

  I took my time, exploring every curve, every delicate hollow. Her skin was like velvet, drawing me in, demanding my touch. “Lay back,” I ordered gently. “I need the taste of you…”

  I eased her gently on the bed and turned her, so that she rested on her belly and her breasts. “Beautiful,” I whispered… “So fuckingly beautiful…”

  Her delicate ankles were where I began. Mere touch would never be enough, I had to find her flesh with my lips… Those aching long legs that had looked delicious from a distance made me maddeningly hungry. She moaned my name as I tasted the length of her, coming to a stop at the round, sweet curve of her ass.

  I let my hands roam up her back, curving in above her ass and
widening out into the V of her shoulders. I let my fingers linger in the hollow of her spine, and then followed it back down to the cleft of her cheeks. I spread those long legs wide and dipped my face into her warm center. Reaching deep with my tongue, I swept her clit in one long, tantalizing lick…

  “God… oh, God… Joe…,” she gasped out, writhing on the bed as I took my fill. Then I turned her so I could see the look in those dark, deep eyes.

  “Tell me what you need, sweetheart…,” I crooned softly. “I can see it in your eyes… but I want you to tell me…”

  “You,” she moaned, and she took my thick, stiff cock in her hands. “I need to suck you…”

  She pushed me back, turning the tables and making my aching cock even harder. She held me by the base and I shuddered hard from the power in her hands. Then she dropped… taking my cock deep in her throat, punishing me with her tongue. I felt her squeeze the first slippery drops of fluid from me, and she responded like a wildfire. She arched and sucked, driving me almost to the edge…

  “Maggie…,” I gasped, holding her back, willing her to slow herself. “Sweet, hungry girl…

  You’re mouth isn’t all that needs feeding…”

  I drew her up by the hips, sinking my fingers into her flesh and spreading her wide open. “Fuck me back,” I demanded.

  She dropped down, straddling my shaft and swallowing it greedily. The sound she made had me close to coming… I bit into my lip as she rocked her clit against my base and churned her tight walls against my shaft. I held my breath until she was gasping and I was almost beyond control.

  I leaned up, moving over her and rolling her onto her back. Her legs wrapped around my back and I dipped my face to her breasts… I moved slowly at first, working her in long, full strokes. But the ragged sound of her breathing pushed me faster… I could feel her climax building like a tidal wave and I drove her on… shifting my hips so my cock worked her inside and out. Together we climbed and together we came, giving and taking… struggling, yielding…


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