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Champion of Midnight

Page 12

by Debbie Cassidy

  It had worked. It really had. “Thank you.”

  A sigh.

  The thought crossed my mind that I no longer needed the daggers, and they vanished. I’d done it. With a little help from Lilith, but still, I’d done it. My demon was finally a part of me, and it was time to pay the piper.

  A shiver of anticipation went up my spine—not me, so not me.

  It was my demon.


  “You don’t have to do this,” Bane said softly.

  We were up on the roost, in the chill air, back where we’d kissed for the first time and created sexual energy to feed to Drayton’s demon.


  No, don’t think about him. Focus on Bane. Bane needed my help.

  “I’m sure.”

  He slipped his hand around the back of my neck, his fingers sliding through my hair. “She may not be satisfied with what we have to offer.”

  There was real heat in the violet depths of his eyes, real want, and my heart rate picked up. Yes. I wanted this. I wanted him. It was my voice, yet not my voice. It was strong, hungry, and eager. I pressed myself against him, reveling in the hard planes of his body, exhaling and inhaling to prepare for what we were about to do, what we were about to create. And then his lips met mine, and I was on fire. He kissed me like I was the last woman on earth, as if his heart would explode if he stopped to take a breath. Instead, he breathed me in. But his hands, his hands he kept to himself. It was sweet torture because I wanted him to touch me, I needed him to. I tore my mouth from his.

  “More. We need more.” I grasped his hand and placed it on my breast. “Touch me.” My voice was lower, harsher.

  It wasn’t mine.

  Bane closed his eyes. “Serenity. If I start, I may not be able to stop.”

  My heart lurched and my core grew liquid. “I’m willing to take the risk.”

  His hand closed over my breast, thumb sweeping back and forth over my nipple. My breath caught in my throat, and a low, ragged moan spilled from my lips. His mouth descended on mine, and this time, he wasn’t holding back. He hoisted me up and slammed me against the wall, trapping me with his body as he devoured me. Yes. This was what I needed, what I wanted—the power, the sweet, electric power. It coursed into me, filling me, making me melt and writhe and moan.

  “Harker … Fuck me …” Bane’s voice was thick with desire.

  I stared at him from beneath heavy lids. More. I needed more.

  He pulled away, his eyes bright, his expression dazed. “I think we have enough.”

  His words were like a dunking in the sea. What the heck had I been doing? He lowered me to the ground and stepped away, taking his heat with him. Touch me. Had I said that? God. My cheeks heated and laughter filled my head.

  Bane turned away from me.

  Yeah, this was the dark side getting its own back, all right.

  “I’ll … I’ll just go deliver.” I hurried for the door.

  He remained with his back to me, his shoulders rising and falling erratically. “Yeah, do that.”


  Lilith set down her glass as I entered the lounge. Her eyes lit up. “Well, that was quick. He must have really been ready to explode if he came that quickly.”

  Came? Oh, shit. Did she think we’d had sex? Is that what she was expecting?

  She tiltled her head. “You did fuck, right?”

  I cleared my throat. “No. We didn’t need to. We just happen to produce a ton of sexual energy just by kissing.” My tone was cocky, sassy, and I liked it.

  Her expression hardened. “That wasn’t the deal.”

  “Yes, it was. No one said anything about sex.”

  Her lips thinned. “Fine. Give it to me.”

  I strode over to her, grabbed her by the back of the neck, and pressed my lips to hers. She opened under the pressure, and the power I’d generated with Bane came flooding out of me and into her. It was over quickly, thank goodness. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. Urgh, her lipstick was all over me. Yuck.

  She ran a finger over her lips, her eyes bright with ecstasy. “Now that … that is something.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it. Now you can leave.”

  Her brows shot up. “Demon suits you. I like it.” She clipped past me into the hallway just as Bane appeared. He zoned in on my lipstick-smeared mouth and then on Lilith and grimaced. I shrugged to indicate it hadn’t been too bad.

  “That was some hit, Bane,” Lilith purred. “Thoroughly satisfying.” She trailed a hand across his chest as she passed. “I’ll see you in a few weeks.”

  My stomach tightened. “Take your time. Don’t hurry back.”

  She left on a peal of laughter.

  Bane walked toward me, reached up, and ran the pad of his thumb over my mouth, his lips turned down. “I’m sorry.”

  What was he apologizing for? For letting go of me up on the roost? For stopping. Or for my having to kiss Lilith. Neither of those things mattered.

  “It’s all right.”

  Ryker walked into the room followed by Orin and Rivers.

  If they were all here then … “Who’s on patrol?”

  “Orin and I are just on our way out,” Rivers said. “Bane wanted to see us.”

  Bane tore his attention from my mouth and transferred it to the other Protectorate members. “The Breed took bliss from the kelpies, and we need to find out what they need it for.”

  “Shit,” Orin said. “That stuff is potent.”

  He knew about bliss? “How do you know what bliss is?”

  “Descended from sea dwellers, remember. You hear things. And the kelpies’ bliss has always given them an edge over other predatory sea dwellers.”

  “Yes, it’s powerful stuff,” Bane added. “And it only works on humans. We need to find out what The Breed intend to do with it and when they are planning to strike. They’re beneath us. Underground. We assumed the network of tunnels had been etched by Arachne, but, upon reflection, we may have been wrong.”

  “You think it’s been The Breed’s hideout all along?” Ryker asked. “That Arachne was merely squatting?”

  Bane shrugged. “I don’t know. And we can’t exactly ask the huge spider. She’s sealed up behind brick and stone, but someone, somewhere in the city, will have to have heard or seen something. Scope out the hidey holes. The drug dealers, the illegal export and importers. Speak to the lowlife, and see what you can dig up.”

  Rivers nodded. “On it.” He glanced at me, then back to Bane. “Is everything all right?”

  Bane snorted. “Why don’t you ask her yourself?”

  Rivers looked to me. “Harker?”

  “I’m fine. It went fine.”

  He nodded. “If you need me …”

  Bane tensed.

  I offered Rivers a smile. “Thank you.”

  The boys left the room and Bane followed. “Get some food and some rest. Tomorrow, we see what you can really do.”

  Chapter 15

  Showered and fed, I climbed into bed. Sleep was close, whispering in my ear. Serenity. Serenity, you did it. You did it.

  Wait, that wasn’t sleep. That was Ambrosius. “Yeah. I did it.”


  “Lilith helped.”

  He was silent for the longest time. She was here? She touched you?

  The memory of my mouth on hers came to mind. “Um, just a little.”

  Did she see the dagger tattoos?


  Good. Keep it that way.

  That was the plan, but my curiosity as to why he wanted me to keep the secret was piqued. “Why can’t she know?”

  Because she cannot be trusted. Ever.

  Yeah, well, I could have guessed that. There was something off about that woman, aside from her energy-sucking ways. She had a rotten core.

  This is good. This means you are almost ready.

  “Ready for what?”

  He was silent for a long beat. For the house games, of course. Now you can enter with

  “I thought you were against that.”

  You are whole now, Serenity. Learn what that means, and you will be fine.

  “Whole and confused. The demon seems to have a habit of projecting her feelings onto me.”

  What do you mean?

  I sighed and shifted to get comfortable. “I kissed Bane to siphon sexual energy, and she was a little too eager, if you get what I mean.”

  He laughed softly. The demon is your wants and desires reflected back at you and amplified. You need to feed, and so it gives you hunger. You need to be safe, and so it protects you, and you wanted to be with Bane, and so it gave you that too.

  Hang on, what was he implying? “No. I was … I had feelings for Drayton.”

  It is possible to desire more than one person. To be drawn to different partners for different reasons. In our world, there are more gray shades than black and white.

  “I want Bane?”

  It seems that you just might.

  What was I to make of that?


  Rivers found me in the kitchen loading up on protein before my scheduled late morning training session. I scarfed the last sausage and washed it down with tea.

  I jerked my head toward the skillet on the hob. “You want some? I made plenty.”

  He sniffed the air. “The smell led me here. It does look good.”


  “Why aren’t you on dinner duty?”

  I held up my hands. “Hey, if you want breakfast for dinner, then great. This is about the extent of my expertise.”

  Rivers’s eyes crinkled at the corners. “I suspect you have many skills, Harker. I suspect you could do anything you set your mind to.”

  The compliment coaxed a warm flutter in my belly. “Thanks, Rivers. That was sweet.”

  His lips tightened. “Just a fact. Drayton would be proud of you. The way you’re training so hard for the games and your determination.” He dropped his gaze and pressed his lips together. “But I think you’re making a mistake.”


  “It’s too risky. You could be killed.”

  “Bane and Ryker are coming with me. I’ll be fine.”

  “Neither of them know what to expect, not really. What if you get split up? What then?” His brows were drawn low over his aquiline nose, and his slender face was etched in concern. “You could die.”

  I nodded slowly. “Yes. I could. I could die choking on a piece of sausage, or fall asleep in the bath and drown. Life is filled with risks. Living in fear of death is not true living.”

  He flinched as if I’d slapped him.


  He shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. It wasn’t even a proper smile, but it lit up his face, turning the studious, harsh features into something compelling. My pulse skipped a beat. What had I said?

  “You remind me of someone I used to know. She was a lot like you in many ways.” He held up his hands. “Looks like I have no choice but to help. I know Bane and Ryker have got you covered with training. But if you need anything else, then I’m here for you.”

  Was he talking about Ryker’s dead sister? The one Cassie had told me about? Was I really that much like her?

  “I appreciate that, Rivers, and I may take you up on your offer.”

  He nodded curtly, walked over to the dish rack, and grabbed a plate. He glanced over his shoulder and frowned. “Don’t you have training to get to?”


  The obstacle course stared at me tauntingly. “Are you fucking serious?”

  Bane stared at me impassively. “Do I look like I’m fucking joking?”

  Ryker choked on his water. “Bane, that’s not very inspirational.”

  Bane rolled his eyes and exhaled heavily. “You can do this, Harker. You have your demon. Trust the power.” He delivered the lines in a monotone.

  Damn, someone was in a bitching mood today.

  I exhaled slow and long and jumped up and down on the spot. “Okay. I’m going to do it.”

  “Today would be nice,” Bane drawled.

  “Just focus, Serenity,” Ryker said. “Visualize the course. Visualize overcoming each obstacle, and then let your instincts guide you.”

  Yeah? The jumps were high, the ropes way too far apart, and the ledges sliver-thin. How the heck? Okay, are you there, demon thing? Can you hear me? A shift in my mind, as if another pair of eyes was looking out from behind mine, using me as a window. A sense of confidence flooded me, slow and easy and sure.

  I set off at a run and sailed over the first hurdle, rolled under the next, and leapt for the rope, landing over halfway up. My fingers stung and my nails elongated, wicked sharp.

  What the heck?

  My demon laughed, and then the talons slid back into my skin. Swing, swing, swing, leap, the sliver of the ledge was beneath me, and, shit, I was balanced on it like a fucking ninja. Damn. Now to stand and run. I was doing this. Ooh, how about a flip to finish off? Could I do a … Yep, I so could.

  I landed in a crouch. I did it. I bloody did it, and I wasn’t even winded.

  A slow clap filled the silence, and I turned to see Ryker with a huge grin on his face.

  Bane remained impassive. “Not bad. Now, let’s get serious.” He drew his sword. “Get your axe, Ryker. We’re going to take Harker and her demon for a spin.”

  Doubt crossed Ryker’s face. He still didn’t think I could handle this, and, for a moment, his doubt pierced my armor of confidence, but my demon reared her head and smacked me down.

  This was possible.

  Ryker and Bane circled me.

  My daggers appeared. Relax, focus, relax. Let your instincts and your senses guide you. I exhaled and closed my eyes.

  Ryker and Bane’s attack was signaled by the whoosh of air, and my body moved to counter. I was spinning, acting before I could think, chink, slice, chink, slice.

  “Fuck!” Bane said. “That was my favorite sword.”

  I opened my eyes to see him holding up the hilt of his broken sword. My dagger had cut straight through it. His horror was real and his face was just too comical.

  Ryker snorted and then began to laugh.

  His axe was split too, one half of the head sliced completely off, but he didn’t seem bothered. He was too busy clutching his abdomen and doubling over laughing. His mirth was infectious, damn it. My lips were twitching, and then I was joining him with a howl of my own.

  Bane glared at us from beneath thick brows. “You think this is funny?”

  “Yeah,” Ryker said.

  “You should see your face.” My laughter died. Drayton … Drayton had said that to me all the time. “That’s enough training. I’m ready. I got this.”

  My daggers retreated, and I strode from the room before they could see me cry.

  My room was my haven for the next fifteen minutes, where I allowed myself to remember him, where I broke my promise and grieved a little more. Deep breaths, okay. You can do this. Cold water washed away the burn of the tears. I walked out of the bathroom to find Ryker leaning against my door frame.

  I sniffed. “What happened to knocking?”

  “Come on, let’s go grab a bite.”

  “We’re going out?”

  “Yeah. Fresh air will do you good.”

  I was willing to try anything. “Let me just grab my coat.”


  We parked on a side street and walked the short distance to the corner cafe lit up bright and welcoming in the perpetual darkness. Tiny stores lined the street. We passed a used book store and a couple of antique furniture shops and then a small jewelry store. My feet faltered as something caught my eye in the window. It glinted invitingly from the window display, but on closer inspection, it was a simple item—a silver pendant in the shape of a tiny snowflake. It was pretty and unique.

  “What are you looking at?” Ryker asked.

  I pointed to the pendant. “It’s pretty.”

  “We can come ba
ck when the store is open.”

  “Sure, but for now let’s get that grub you promised.”

  Leaving the pretty trinket behind, we crossed the street toward the eatery.

  The cafe was a cozy affair filled with humans enjoying a meal. It was late, almost half eleven, but the humans here were wide awake and enjoying the night.

  “You’d think they’d be tucked up safe at home.”

  Ryker laughed. “Most of the humans here belong to a house. They have protection, and the scourge isn’t meant to run for another week. They’re safe enough.”

  We slipped into a corner booth. “Why do you think the scourge is acting so weird? You think it’s something to do with The Breed?”

  “I don’t know, but I have this feeling. This horrible feeling that something awful is coming.”

  “Isn’t that Cassie’s forte?” I couldn’t keep the bitterness out of my tone.

  “Don’t be too harsh on her.”

  “Seriously? After the way she’s acted and the way she’s treated Orin?”

  “Orin is a grown man. He knew what he was getting into when he started seeing Cassie. He knew where her heart lay, however misguided it may be. But that’s not why I’m asking you to back off.”

  “Then why?”

  “Cassie is a banshee, or is meant to be. It’s always been her thing. It’s how she’s contributed to the team. But for the past year or so, she’s been off. Her feelings, her warnings of danger, have either come too late or not at all, and the other day, with Drayton and you, she blames herself for not sensing something sooner. When we found the battered car, she was beside herself. She spent every waking moment combing the district for clues as to your whereabouts, and then to find out Drayton was dead… It’s probably all been too much.”

  Shit, now I just felt, well, shitty. “I wish you’d told me all this before we went to see her. I’d have been less bitchy.”

  He picked up a menu. “To be honest, it didn’t really occur to me until much later. I was so mad at her too.” He pressed the menu to the table. “The waffles here are great.”

  “Waffles it is, then.”


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