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A Christmas Kiss

Page 12

by Anna Samuels

  ‘Friendship,’ I replied and clinked my glass to hers.

  Chapter 13


  ‘Well, I better leave you to it. You’ll be wanting some peace now, I reckon,’ Alex said.

  ‘You’re welcome to stay or go,’ I told her. ‘I was just thinking of watching a film really…relaxing and distracting myself with it.’

  ‘Would you rather have some peace?’ she asked.

  I met her eyes, ‘Not really, no,’ I told her. ‘I love having your company,’ I murmured and then cringed inwardly at my choice of words. ‘I mean, it’s nice finding out more about you…chatting to a new friend, you know.’

  ‘I’ll stay a bit longer then,’ she smiled.

  ‘Unless you need to go…oh, I wasn’t thinking. What about Jenny?’ I asked.

  She shrugged. ‘She’s out tonight actually. Some work meal or something…anyway she said she would be late back. We’re pretty independent in our relationship as it is anyway,’ she explained.

  ‘Oh…okay then.’

  ‘Why don’t you go and change into something comfy and I could find a DVD for us to watch?’

  ‘Great idea!’ I smiled.

  ‘Any preference?’

  ‘No…you choose,’ I told her. ‘I’ll be back soon,’ I promised.

  ‘No problem…’

  I headed up the stairs quickly and into the bathroom with my overnight bag. I took the liberty of taking a two minute shower to freshen up. I then dried myself, dressed in what was effectively my pyjamas-jogging bottoms and a t-shirt and then threw a warm jumper over the top. After brushing my teeth and hair, I checked my reflection in the mirror briefly. I had no make-up on and my hair was wet but I supposed Alex wouldn’t mind. I reminded myself that I shouldn’t be out to impress her in any case.

  I hurried back down the stairs and found her standing by the DVD player, fiddling with it.

  ‘Alright?’ I asked as I reached her.

  ‘Yeah,’ she said looking up.

  Her eyes scanned me quickly and in the briefest of moments, I could have sworn I saw female appreciation in her gaze. Dismissing it, I turned to the DVD player. ‘Oh, it’s just this one,’ I told her, switching it from Sky TV to play DVD’s.

  ‘Oh right, thanks.’

  ‘What did you choose?’ I asked.

  ‘An old classic,’ she grinned. ‘The Breakfast Club.’

  ‘Oh great! I love that film,’ I smiled, settling on the end of the three seater sofa.

  ‘Me too…I don’t get such luxuries at home so I’m going to enjoy watching this one.’

  ‘Why wouldn’t you watch it at home?’ I asked with a frown.

  ‘Oh Jenny likes more…let’s say high-brow entertainment. She’s not one for trashy films or rom coms.’

  ‘No way! How do you cope?’ I exclaimed. ‘A little light hearted entertainment is good all round, surely?’

  ‘I think so,’ she smiled. ‘You know something? I think we’re going to make good friends.’

  I smiled. ‘I think so too.’

  ‘Now, before it starts-are you a talker or a watch and concentrate type?’ she said, leaning forwards.

  ‘Why-what are you?’ I asked curiously.

  ‘No, no…I asked first…’

  ‘Okay. Well I kind of like talking a bit through films, but if you like to watch them in peace, I’ll quite happily shut up!’

  Alex smiled at me again. ‘Perfect. I’m a talker too.’

  ‘Good match then,’ I replied.

  ‘I think so,’ she murmured.

  The film went on, and we chatted about this, that and everything as it played.

  The last thing I remembered that evening was laughing and chatting through the film, with Alex by my side. When I woke, I found that she was gone, that she had covered me in a duvet and had left me a note saying goodbye. I looked at my phone for the time and saw that it was 3am. I set my alarm for 5am and snuggled back down on the sofa. There was little point in moving to a cold bed now. I fell back to sleep dreaming of Alex.

  At 5am my alarm blared at me noisily. I turned it off and forced myself to sit up before I was tempted to go back to sleep. I got up and dressed quickly, getting ready and organised at lightning speed.

  I was in the car by 5.15am and driving swiftly to London. All the way there, I kept thinking about the night before with Alex for company. I was so glad I had come home for the night. It had been incredible.

  When I got to London, I parked up and arranged my school bag which was on the passenger seat beside me. As I looked at my phone, I saw a message from Alex.

  ‘Hope you got to work okay this morning! Didn’t want to wake you last night! Thanks for a lovely evening, Alex x’

  I smiled as I read her text and felt a warm, pleasant feeling rush through me. Just being around her made me feel good. She was right; it was nice to have a friend.

  I made my way through Thursday and Friday without a problem in the world. I was thrown everything I could possibly be tested with, but I faced it all without qualm. I did so because I knew I was moving on. I was moving on to bigger and better things, with the support of Alex by my side as my friend.

  The night I had spent with her had done nothing to change the feelings which were burgeoning in my soul for her. If anything, they had deepened since experiencing more time in her presence. I found her intelligent, friendly and captivating. I yearned for more time with her and was pleasantly surprised when she called me as I arrived home on Friday.

  ‘Hello?’ I said, picking up my mobile hastily.

  ‘Hey Ally! It’s Alex.’

  ‘Hey! How are you?’ I said, smiling despite my better judgement.

  ‘I’m good thanks! How was the rest of your week?’

  ‘It wasn’t too bad, thanks. I’m just taking each day as it comes and not letting things bother me quite so much!’

  ‘Good for you! Hey, so are you coming down to the beach this weekend?’ she asked.

  ‘Definitely! I want to spend as much time getting set up as possible.’

  ‘That’s what I thought. Shall I give you a hand tomorrow morning? If I bring my jeep we can load up tons of work into both cars.’

  ‘Well thanks for the offer but I can manage alone,’ I told her, not wanting to put her out.

  ‘Oh Ally!’ she complained. ‘Learn to say yes once in a while! Then I could ask you the favour I want to ask you!’

  ‘The favour?’ I asked, immediately intrigued.

  ‘Yes! So accept my help first…’

  ‘Okay…thanks that would be great.’

  ‘Good. What time?’ she asked.

  ‘Eight? Nine?’ I suggested.

  ‘I’ll be there at half eight.’

  ‘Perfect,’ I said, smiling into the phone. ‘So, go on…what’s this favour?’

  ‘Okay, well I have this event…it’s a family celebration. My Dad’s birthday actually. He’s 75 tomorrow.’

  ‘Oh wow!’ I said, confused as to where this could be going.

  ‘Well, the thing is…I’d like you to come with me if possible…if you’re free.’

  ‘What? Come with you?’

  ‘Yeah…I know it probably seems weird for me to be asking but Jenny is going away for work this weekend and I really don’t want to go alone. You’ll get free food and good company? Please?’ she asked hopefully.

  ‘I, uh…well, yes! Of course I will,’ I said, feeling stunned to the very core. Of all the favours she could have asked, she had surprised me with this one.

  ‘You will? I don’t need to twist your arm or anything?’

  ‘No, I’ll come. When is it then?’ I asked.

  ‘Tomorrow from 7pm. I’ll pick you up of course…ah thanks, Ally. This is so kind of you.’

  ‘Hey, no problem,’ I replied, copying her well-used phrase. ‘What should I wear?’

  Alex chuckled. ‘Anything, Ally. It really doesn’t matter.’

  ‘Yes it does! It’s meeting your parents! What are you

  ‘Jeans and a black top,’ she told me.

  ‘Oh right…so sort of smart/casual?’


  ‘Okay then…well, I guess I’ll see you in the morning. But you really don’t have to help me, I can manage alone,’ I told her.

  ‘I know you can, but it’ll be easier and quicker with both of us. Let me help, Ally.’

  ‘Okay,’ I agreed and fell quiet.

  ‘So, uh…are you back yet?’ she asked.

  ‘Yeah! I just got in when you called,’ I told her.

  ‘Oh right. What are you up to tonight?’ she asked.

  ‘I’m pretty tired,’ I told her, ‘so I think I’ll just get an early night. That means I can get up early to sort the art stuff too.’

  ‘Sounds like a plan,’ she commented.

  ‘What about you?’ I asked, ‘do you have any exciting plans?’

  Alex chuckled, ‘far from it! Jenny left an hour ago so it’s quiet here tonight. I think I’ll take a leaf out of your book and get an early night!’

  ‘Yeah…and at least you have your choice on the TV tonight! No high-brow programs tonight,’ I smiled.

  ‘Wow…you listen,’ she commented quietly.

  ‘Of course I do,’ I said confused.

  ‘You’d be surprised how many people in my life don’t, Ally. That’s why I’m pleasantly surprised,’ she told me.

  ‘Well, as far as I’m concerned, to be a good friend, that’s about the most basic of qualities required.’

  ‘I agree completely. I’ll say it again; it’s nice to have a good friend.’

  ‘It is…well, I hope you have a good evening.’

  ‘And you,’ she replied. ‘Rest up and I’ll see you in the morning.’

  ‘Okay. Night, Alex.’

  ‘Night, Ally.’

  I hung up and smiled at my mobile happily. She was right. It really did feel nice to be in such a good, new friendship.

  I slept well and woke early. I had been dreaming about Alex which made me feel warm and cosy inside.

  I showered and dressed before eating a breakfast of cereal. I wouldn’t normally have bothered but had decided to make a conscious effort to be a bit healthier and put some weight back on my skinny frame.

  With breakfast eaten, I decided to make a start with the art work. It was only 7.45am but the sooner I started, the sooner the gallery could be up and running.

  I made multiple trips up and down the stairs bringing down old work of mine. Some items I found surprised me pleasantly, as I had forgotten they even existed. There was a series of portraits I had done which looked good to my experienced eye. There were some landscapes which I had forgotten about and could picture putting on the far wall of my new studio.

  By 8.30am, I had brought down everything I wanted to put into the gallery for now. I had also folded down an old easel to take along with new art supplies packed too. I was beginning to load my car when Alex arrived.

  ‘Hey,’ she smiled, walking over to me.

  ‘Good morning,’ I smiled looking up at her. Her face, as always sent delicious shivers through my system and I looked away to shield my reaction to her.

  ‘Started already?’

  ‘Yep! Everything’s down from the attic. I’m just running trips from the lounge now.’

  ‘Oh right. Shall I just load up my car with what I can then?’

  ‘Yes please,’ I smiled. I turned to head back in but Alex grabbed my hand from behind and whirled me back to face her.

  ‘Hey, I just wanted to say in person…thanks for agreeing to come tonight,’ she murmured quietly, her voice lower and slightly husky.

  I met her eyes as my stomach flipped over with butterflies. The touch of her fingers against mine was sending electrical shocks through me rapidly. ‘What are friends for?’ I said, trying to be flippant when I felt the exact opposite.

  ‘Well, anytime I can do anything for you,’ she replied and her eyes dipped momentarily down lower than my eyes.

  I could have imagined it, but for a split second, I had the feeling that her thoughts were sliding to the very place that mine had been straying. I dismissed it because of Jenny and replied, ‘I’ll keep that in mind.’

  I turned, pulling my hand from hers and headed in.

  We packed everything we could into two cars and then drove over to Hope Beach. Alex then helped me unload everything into the gallery. We stacked it neatly on one side so that I could hang work from the other side and work my way around.

  ‘Right, shall we go and get the rest?’ Alex asked.

  ‘No, don’t worry…there’s only a few things to bring now and I can manage them thanks.’

  ‘Will you ever begin accepting my help?’ she asked, hands on hips.

  ‘Yes! If it’s needed,’ I grinned. ‘I don’t require your help anymore thanks. Besides, I have a delivery to wait for.’

  ‘A delivery?’ she asked with a faint frown of confusion.

  ‘Yep! You remember I said I had a storage unit up in London?’

  ‘Oh yeah?’

  ‘Well, I’ve arranged for it all to be brought down by courier van today. It should arrive between 9am-1pm.’

  ‘Wow! Can I come and see the stuff later?’ she asked.

  ‘Sure! I may need help with hanging one big piece. It’s heavy and to manage it with the ladder may be tricky.’

  She gasped, with mock surprise. ‘Ally! Are you actually asking for my help?’ she asked.

  I grinned at her and it was my turn to put my hands on my hips. ‘You’re teasing me,’ I murmured.

  ‘Maybe just a little…only because you’re so cute when you’re annoyed,’ she told me. ‘Anyway, I’ll see you later!’ she said and left.

  I was left watching her leave with a stunned expression on my face. Had she really just said that? For someone in a relationship, she was amazingly forthcoming and a little suggestive with her words and actions at times. I dismissed it once again and supposed that maybe she was just a very tactile person.

  My morning went quickly as I assembled art and hung paintings behind closed doors. At 11.30am, my van arrived and the man helped unload all the work I had created over the time I had spent in London. In amongst it was one item I still wasn’t sure about displaying but I had included it in the things to bring to the gallery as it was a good piece of art and I was proud of it.

  When he had left, I began mounting work in earnest. Areas were developed as I worked quickly and soon the shop was taking shape.

  At 1pm, a knock on the door alerted me to Alex’s return.

  I opened the door and saw she was laden down with a huge till. ‘Hey! Come in!’

  ‘Thanks! I brought this over from the café. It’s the older version but works perfectly. Would you like it?’ she asked.

  ‘Oh yes please! Thanks so much!’

  ‘Well it was just sitting around taking up space so I thought you could use it. All you would need then is the card machine which you can buy easily now. All cash and receipts can be done through this till.’

  ‘Thanks Alex. That was really thoughtful.’

  ‘No problem,’ she murmured, sounding distracted as she looked around.

  ‘What do you think so far?’ I asked nervously.

  ‘Oh Ally, it looks great…wow, you should be so proud. This is amazing.’

  ‘Thanks,’ I said with a blush.

  ‘Can I just make one suggestion?’ she said turning back to me.


  ‘Leave the door open while you set up…it’ll generate more interest in the gallery. Open the blinds, leave a few pieces visible. If someone shows interest, welcome them in even though you’re not actually open. These early days are important too and you may as well capitalise on the time you’re here.’

  I nodded without speaking, hearing the business sense of what she was saying come out. ‘Good idea,’ I murmured. ‘I hadn’t even thought of that.’ I looked at her intrigued, ‘You know your stuff huh?’r />
  She smiled, ‘Just years in this kind of business…not art but selling stuff! You learn a few things…’

  ‘I’ll open my door now!’ I said.

  I propped open the door, opened the blinds and light shone through the windows.

  ‘There…that’s better,’ she said.

  ‘It is…let’s see if I get any interest!’

  She just smiled at me, ‘It’s you, Ally…you’ll get tons of interest.’ With a cheeky grin in my direction, she turned and left.

  Chapter 14

  Family celebration

  I continued setting up once Alex left and immediately found that she was right. People stopped, looked and started talking to me about the gallery. They asked questions about me, enquired about my art and seemed interested in the shop.

  After the first person spoke to me, I decided to be even more welcoming and when someone would stop, I began to say hello and explain that although I wasn’t open, they were welcome to browse if they wanted to. By 6pm, I had sold six pieces of my handmade silver jewellery, one painting and a small mirror I had customised with shells and treasures I had found at the sea. I had made just over £400 in under five hours which was what I made in a week being a teacher.

  Alex wandered over as I was getting ready to close for the day.

  ‘You were right,’ I told her as she approached.

  ‘I was?’ she smiled.

  ‘I’ve had load of interest and every person who came inside today bought something. I’ve made £400 Alex! I can’t believe it! Do you know what kind of money that is to me?’

  ‘Good money?’

  ‘It sure is!’ I exclaimed. ‘Thanks for the good advice.’

  ‘You’re welcome! So are you closing up now?’

  ‘Yeah…I was just going to nip home for a shower and change.’

  ‘Oh great. I was going to check you’re still okay for tonight.’

  ‘Of course!’

  ‘Great…well, I’ll let you get on. Pick you up in an hour?’ she asked.

  I nodded, ‘Yeah. See you then.’

  I rushed home, showered and changed before tidying up my hair and applying a little make-up. Although she had said not to fuss, I wanted her parents to have a good impression of me.


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