Lake Merrin
Page 18
“Lone, I believe you.” Thank the Trinity for that! Being strung up by Jara’s hammer isn't the most fun thing. “It seems that Zlata has a few more fingers in the pie than I anticipated. This report will just be thrown out or burnt. How do we personally inform the Count about what is happening?”
Gunnar pipes in, “Boss, why don't we just go to his office and hand it in ourselves? That will bypass Zlata's involvement.”
Shaking her head, Stillwater steps up and replies, “Zlata has been playing the long game this whole time. We wouldn’t even make it to his secretary. We need to find another way. Any other suggestions?”
What would be a better way? Hopefully it will come to us.
Chapter Twenty-Four
Journal Entry Two continued …
Sometimes I wish there was a big shining light to say 'This is the way to go!' Pity that sort of thing does not happen every day. Being so clueless back in those days, I should have slapped myself continuously ...
Anyone? What would be the worst idea to come to mind? Starting a Charter with this bunch. Hang on, that is it!
“Joan, how about signing up as a party? If we are a party and I have an invite to the Grand Ball, you could give the report to the Count himself. What do you think?”
“You really have a short memory, don’t you?”
What is she talking about? I just had this thought!
“Only a minute ago, you suggested the same thing and we agreed; after we finish these reports.”
Really? I do not remember that at all. “Sure, why not? She cannot stop us doing that, can she? One way or the other, Zlata will bury this report.” Just to emphasise, I shake it in her face. “If we just quit and become a party, there is nothing she can do.”
“You are stupid, aren’t you?” Gunnar’s back. “This is our job! Damn you and your whole filthy race! Boss, don't listen to this! There must be a better way. We can’t go through with this betrayer's plan.”
Damn, I have had enough of Gunnar! “Lay off, okay? I am just repeating what I have already said. I do not think it is the best idea, but it is the only one we have. Honestly, I will probably be dead by the week’s end anyway. I will have the Dock Boys on my tail when I leave here, and with this report, Zlata will know I am not who she thinks I am. Who knows how she will react? You do not hear me whining, do you? I think you—”
“That is enough, you two! I have had it up to here.” Only to her chin. I think we could do better than that, Gunnar. “If you don't think it is the right idea, then what is your suggestion?”
First time for everything. He is dumbstruck.
Stillwater sighs. “If we hand this in, we are gone. Or we do what Lone suggests and we register a Charter. It won't protect us from Zlata and her minions, but she won’t be able do anything until after the Duke leaves. By that time, it will be too late!”
“So, boss, you are saying that we just hand in our tabards and walk away, after all this?” Gunnar growls. “You know I will follow you, but not him! I trust only you and WayWocket. He still hasn't proven himself!”
What the bloody Abyssus do I need to do? I'm not doing anything sexual with Gunnar—I’m not a fan of beards! Well, not on a lover anyway. “I am just a registered Adventurer. Joan, you create the team, Charter, everything. Gunnar, we will still be joining up with her. She will be the leader and the rest of us will just be members.” I can see Gunnar coming around now.
Stillwater nods in agreement at the plan. “So, what do you think? Way? Gunnar?”
WayWocket perks up and wanders over. “See, see. Follow Dawn, always expels the night. Only moving forward, we will see the history.” I watch that spacey look in WayWocket's eyes drift away and true clarity shines through. “I agree to Solo's idea!” I feel moisture on my cheek.
“Gunnar? What do you think. Would you still trust me to lead the Rejects outside the Watch?”
Gunnar's body is trembling. He looks up at Stillwater's imposing form. “Now and forever, boss!” He glances away. Are those tears? “You’re right. I can't let my own personal feelings get in the way of justice. The only way for Count Darel to know the truth about all this is for us to inform him at the ball. Zlata will only set up more stumbling blocks, and I'm tired of jumping through hoops!”
Well said! Maybe Gunnar and I could learn to get along—then again, maybe not. But for now, I dislike him less.
“So, it’s decided.” Stillwater smiles. “It's nearly dawn. Have you finished with the autopsy, WayWocket?”
“The secrets have nearly unravelled themselves before me. With a couple more steps, the truth will be known.”
So, that is a yes?
“Good work. We'll put all of the information with the other reports backing up this one,” Stillwater says. I see her hands tremble as she removes her tabard. “The mission of our Charter will be simple. We will serve the innocent; the down-trodden. We will bring Trinity's justice to all who wrong the fabric of Favinonian society. We will only take jobs that fulfil this mission. That is final!”
“One question ... We will still be getting paid, right?” It was just a simple question, no need for the glare! “By that I mean, we are not doing jobs for free, are we? Because there are jobs that bring justice to the unjust and help the innocent that still pay well too.”
Stillwater smiles and shakes her head. Gunnar just stares daggers my way. “Of course, I’m not foolish. But not everything will be for money. There are some out there who will not have the funds, but their quest will be just. I want to be like the heroes of old, that is why I joined the Watch. But slowly I saw the corruption of this fine institution.” Waving the report package. “This will bring a reckoning to the Watch.”
That is a thought. “Well, I agree with the terms of the Charter.” I see Gunnar and WayWocket nod too. “So, what are we going to call ourselves? The Hand of Justice? Criminal's Bane? Or we could name ourselves after an old, famous Charter, like the Seekers or the Pathfinders?”
I can tell Stillwater is thinking; a cute wrinkle appears above her nose. “None of those suit us. Let’s embrace who we are.”
No. Please, no. If it is what I think it is, the other two will vote for it too and we will be stuck with that name!
“Even though it was used as an insult, let’s keep—” Do not say it! “—the Rejects! We'll be the greatest Adventuring group Favinonia has ever seen!”
Not sure about the greatest, but being the Rejects? Oh well. “Sure, Joan. But we will need to put a spin on our name or people will think being rejected is what we do.”
“You're really dumb, aren't you?” Gunnar interjects. “Our deeds will speak for themselves. Isn't that right, boss?”
“Yes, Gunnar, our feats and deeds will reflect what we do, not the name. I want us to remember where we came from. Lone, you have only been here for a few days so I know you can't understand why we care about this joke of a name, but we do. The Rejects will stand tall and proud. We have accomplished so much already and there is so much more to come.”
WayWocket mumbles loudly to himself, “Past, future, present. Only forward can we go. Blocks have been built, the sky's dawn is the path of feet-find.”
“Once you’ve finished your report, WayWocket, we'll head upstairs, hand in our tabards, then go to the Hall.” I can see that Stillwater is becoming a little choked up. It must be hard being forced to leave something that you love. “Gather everything you need, we'll burn the rest. Zlata will have nothing on us, so everything that happens will be a surprise!”
WayWocket brings over a bottle of some sort of fluid. Weird, are they going to burn it in here? Thought they would put it in sacks and take it to the shore, then burn it. Hang on! There are no windows down here. I already know what smoke does to you.
“Um, Joan, should we not be doing this outside?”
“Don't worry, Solo. Way knows what he’s doing. This way, there is no coming back.” Are they burning down the barracks? No, no way. “If we try to remove too much from here then
one of Zlata's spies will notice and run off and tell her. Best thing is to only take the basics.”
I understand that, sort of. But burning it inside, with me in here? “Hey, WayWocket, what does that solution do?”
“That is a good question.”
He turns and starts pouring it over the files, notes, and other materials. He does not even answer my question! Are we going to die in here?
Then something weird happens. The whole soggy mess lights up like the sun rising in the morning, but one thousand times brighter. I cannot feel heat or smell smoke, and with that, the light goes out. Only thing left is a carpet of ashes. What in the bloody deepest pit of the Abyssus was that?
Stillwater picks up her weapons and backpack and looks at each of us. “Time to go. WayWocket, ash everything!”
WayWocket runs around emptying flask after flask, pouring liquid on the desks, his laboratory, everything. After a couple of moments, the same bright light, and then ash.
What is that liquid? I do not think wild drug mules could drag that information out of WayWocket.
I have my stuff, which was not that much. Everyone has theirs. So that is it! The end of Squad Rejects and the beginning of the Adventuring Charter—the Rejects.
Chapter Twenty-Five
Journal Entry Two continued …
Even now, I still do not know what that liquid is. But I can say it has been quite handy many times when we have needed to cover our tracks ...
The lonely walk of the condemned—well, the stupid!
“So, Joan, to the Hall?”
She does not look back. “Yes. Let’s get registered as soon as possible. Everyone give me your tabards.” I do not think I have worn mine at all tonight, but lucky I brought it in one of my pouches. “No talking when we get up there! I want them to have as little information as possible to report to Zlata.”
On the main floor of the barracks, I can feel the eyes on me—I mean, us. Stillwater reaches the main desk and dumps all the tabards in front of Saul. “Sergeant Saul, my squad and I resign. It has been an honour to serve.”
He looks at us knowingly. “Corporal Stillwater, Specialist WayWocket, Corporal Gunnar, and—” Looks at me with a blank expression but quickly moves on. “—ahem. You understand and accept the terms of resignation?”
Being ignored. That is a new one, yeah, but I have only been in here once or twice before. Saul more likely does not recognise me as my face is clean of bruises and blood.
The Rejects nod. Oh, I should join in. I nod too. Then we come to attention and salute. That is one thing I know very well!
Saul stands up and salutes back. “You served well.”
And with that, we leave them wanting. Wish I had a cape on; it could have been so dramatic, flaring it up. And a hat with a feather in it. Flare, dip, and sweep. So noble-like. But I cannot stand rapiers—just damned knitting needles. I could pick someone’s teeth at a half-metre. Stupid weapon!
Now down to the Hall. It should be breakfast time soon. Could go a slab of bacon and a pile of eggs. A toasted loaf of good bread too. Best meal ever.
I am feeling someone is following us. “Joan—”
“I know. They have been following us since we left the barracks. Gunnar, what can you sense?”
“Not much, boss. It's from one of the half-bloodline. They are tricky in the mind area, but I can feel that he wants to know what we’re doing.” What do you mean, tricky? My mind is normal, thank you very much! “Way, mark his smell. Easier for my friends to track him.”
WayWocket pulls out a fine powder, smiles, then vanishes. What the frick?
After a couple of breaths, he appears again from an alleyway. “Done and done. Pine nut, rosemary, with a hint of blood.” What is he doing—cooking this guy? “Easy to track now. Tell your beasties.”
“Good work, Way.” Gunnar whistles and ducks away into an alley. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him talking to and stroking a huge mastiff and a wild cat. Is that a large rat too? Where does he find these 'pets' of his? As he comes back out, he says, “They will follow the scent. Later I will find out the information.”
Gunnar can talk to animals? Holy Saints! Wish they would not put me on edge as much as they do. “Question: how the frick do they tell you the information?”
Gunnar chuckles at me. “If you don't know, why should I tell you?” Bloody Gunnar. One of these days—stab right in the kidneys! “I have an affinity to animals, and those three are my companions. I have a way to communicate with them so I can find out who is trailing us.”
Sure you do. Believe you one hundred percent. “That is so amazing!” I say sarcastically.
“Whatever. Boss, do we still need this half-caste to be in our group?” Gunnar growls out.
Stillwater shakes her head, does not even turn around. “Gunnar, how many times do I need to say it? Lone is one of us now. He has risked his life several times now. He has earned my respect. Why can’t you see that?” Way to go, Stillwater! “And Solo, you cut it out too! I know Gunnar can be a bit of a jerk, but respect goes both ways. Stop antagonising him with your sarcastic comments.”
“Sorry, Joan.” Do not want to be on the end of her iron grip again. “Sorry, Gunnar. I went, um, a little too far.”
I just receive a grumbling from him. Stillwater clears her throat. He mutters, “Yeah, alright. Sorry for giving you a hard time, Solo.” Is this really happening? Gunnar said sorry? Happy days! “Thanks for saving our lives last night. Wish you could—” Too good to be true. “—look after yourself a little better. I used up some good healing stuff last night saving you, you sorry white-back!”
Rolling my eyes. Why me? “You are right.” Be the bigger man, which is not hard as he is a squat Dwarf. “Thanks, Gunnar, without you I would never again feel the touch of a summer breeze or the chaste kiss of a beautiful maiden.”
“That’s enough! You two are just as bad as each other. You’re sorry, and you’re sorry. Done.” Her neck veins are really popping now. I think we might have gone a little too far. “I know both of you will never see eye to eye, but do me a favour and keep it out of my hearing range!”
“Never worry. Time flows in and out. Nothing set to the stone. These small matters will not stop the Dawn. Onwards and upwards. Horizon is near.”
Just to bring a little weirdness into this whole conversation. Thank you so much, WayWocket. Without your contribution, I am not sure if we would survive. And with that, we finally arrive at the Hall.
I always love the atmosphere in the Hall. Bertude selling drinks behind the aged wood counter, Royce busily doing paperwork, fledgling Adventurers practising in the duelling pit. I still cannot believe that Stillwater is one of the Champions. Only days ago, I was a solo. Now I am walking in here with my new Charter.
As we approach Royce, I see Pela running some drinks around. Yes! So grateful Bertude gave her a go. Royce looks up and smiles at Stillwater. “Ah, Joan, it has been a while. What has brought the Watch in today?”
“We aren't here as Watch, Royce, we are all here to sign up a new Charter. Gunnar, Lone, WayWocket and I want to register the Rejects.”
He cocks an eyebrow at her. I cannot believe his skin does not crack; looks so dry and old-like. “You want to be called the Rejects? Are you sure?”
We all nod at the same time. First time we have worked together with one mind. “Alright. Here is the paperwork.” He hands Stillwater a stack of paper. “This one is for your Charter, and finally these need to be filled out by you, Gunnar, and WayWocket to register as Adventurers.”
Glad I do not have to do it again; was a bit of a pain in the arse before. We wander over to a table. As they start to fill in the paperwork, I say, “Hey, while you are doing this, I am going to say hi to a few friends. Is that okay?” Stillwater, not even looking up, waves me away.
Walking to the main bar, I call out, “Hey, Bertude, how are things?”
She looks up from polishing the bar. “Ah, Lone, things have been a little slow this mor
ning. I have to thank you for suggesting Pela. She has been marvellous. Needed someone new with a little grit and a can-do attitude.”
I look around and see her clearing a table, smiling over at me. “Well, I knew she would be able to help you out.”
“So, what has brought you and the Watch in today?” Bertude asks.
I keep forgetting that this is a big place, so news does not travel that quickly. “Actually, we are not part of the Watch anymore. We are signing up as a Charter today.”
“How the bloody frick did you get Stillwater to join you, with her ranks?” Oh, my Saints! “Just kidding!” Dung, she was pulling my chain. Been a while since anyone pulled anything of mine. I glance over at Pela. Sigh. “A Charter with Stillwater at the helm will be a welcome addition to the Halls.”
Smell the distinctive scent of Pela. “All cleared, Bertude. Oh, you are here. You didn't come back last night. Is everything okay?”
“Yes, everything is fine, Pela. Just here to sign up. I am in a proper Charter now. Woohoo!” She smiles that wonderful smile. “But, bad news, I need to ask for a little extension for the rent, is that okay?”
She scowls at me. “So now you’re telling me that you don't have the rent, huh?” Oh great, need to find another ... Pela just bursts into laughter. Bertude looks at my face and covers her own mouth. I can hear her chuckling too. “It's fine! I have a job now, and that is because of you. Just pay when you can. So who is in your party?”
Bertude pipes in before I can say anything, “Bloody Champion Stillwater, Gunnar Noname of the Green—” Hang on. Gunnar is one of the Green? I thought they were all about forgiveness and all that stuff. “—and WayWocket, alchemist extraordinaire! And of course this lug nut.” They laugh about that.
“Come on now, he isn’t a lug nut!” Thanks, Pela. I knew you would have my back. “They are useful. He is more like an old cat warming itself in the sun.” They burst into laughter again.