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Human Animals

Page 9

by Kimmy Estrada

  "At this exact moment?"

  "Yes." At least this started to feel like a conversation.

  "I want to show you around this facility." That sounded simple enough, but I opened my eyes. Looking around the room, I realized there was only one exit. More importantly, there, I spotted a lock. I probably wasn't going to be able to get out of here without his help.

  There was also some kind of storage container off to the side. What did it hold? Did I want to find out?

  Worse than the mystery, I saw the shackles holding my arms and legs in place. I was apparently restrained against the wall. I couldn't move. Yes, I could probably bend forward a little bit, but what would that accomplish aside from giving this man an even better view of my breasts?

  "Can you be a good girl?"

  "What does that mean?"

  "It's a very simple question. I'm going to give you a tour this facility, but I need to know that you are not going to try to be a bad girl. Can you be a good girl? Say it." Those last two words were nothing but a command. Immediately, I bristled at his tone of voice.

  Rubbing my lips together, I looked into Oliver's eyes. "Fine. Yes. I can be a good girl."

  He leaned down, and he pressed a button by my right shackle. Immediately, the metal clamps retracted, freeing my arm. For an instant, I thought about trying to grab him by his neck. Then again, he was so much stronger than me. Plus, he would have the use of all of his limbs. Even making the attempt would be stupid.

  So instead, I stayed there, apparently docile even as I fantasized about breaking out of here.

  "Lift your hand." As he spoke, Oliver went back to the container. He opened it, and he brought something out, something roughly shaped like my fist.

  "What are you going to do?"

  "You're a pet now. I need to take proper precautions to make sure you don't harm yourself or anyone else."

  With my arm held out, I could only wait and see as he took that item and slid it over my fist. Then he buckled it into place. "Go ahead. Take a look. I'm sure you're a very curious girl."

  There was that condescending tone again. Yes, he was a handsome man, but I didn't like the way he talked down to me—like I was some dumb animal.

  After a couple of seconds, I lifted up my hand, and I saw that it was ensconced in something very solid. I tried to flex my fingers, only to feel solid metal. Above that, there was some kind of padding. The final layer was black leather.

  As I indulged my curiosity, Oliver freed my other limb. "Hand up," he ordered. He already had the second mitt in place.

  Part of me wanted to tell him that I was never going to allow this, only I could tell that he wouldn’t free me unless I complied. Maybe if I could get out of that room and if I could see the rest of the facility, then I would see my escape route. It was a nice idea, so I lifted my arm and I allowed him to secure my other hand.

  "Very good girl," he said. He leaned down, and he freed my legs. I stepped away from the wall, enjoying this momentary sense of freedom.

  "Last thing," he said, pulling out a thin, metal chain from the box.

  "Is that really necessary?" I questioned, glaring at him. Normally, guys would wilt under my angry stare. Oliver just smirked, locking the leash onto my collar.

  "Very nice," he said, circling me. His eyes moved up and down the length of my naked body. I held my knees together, and I kept my arms over my breasts, not that it really did any good. He appraised me slowly, enjoying the little hint of blush along my body.

  "I'm looking forward to playing with you. I think you're going to be a very good pet," he said.

  I disregarded those words to the best of my ability. Back straight, I didn't want this guy to think he could intimidate me. Only then, he casually pulled on my leash, leading me out of the room.

  He led me through a series of hallways. From industrial carpeting to the framed works of art along the walls, it all seemed to somehow corporate and sterile.

  An elevator door opened for us up ahead.

  We rode it down for several floors. When the elevator dinged, Oliver stepped out, pulling me along. The first window was massive, like nothing else I'd ever seen. More importantly, I looked out onto a massive space, the kind of space that could have easily contained a warehouse or two.

  There, I saw other men moving around. They were dressed like Oliver. They moved with the same easy confidence. And why not? They had total authority here.

  I could see it. Some of those men held leashes. Others carried batons.

  Beneath those men, moving about on their hands and knees, were the girls. They all had collars locked around their necks, just like me. Unlike me, some of those girls also had muzzles on their faces.

  "This is where the puppies are trained," Oliver said to me. He put his hand on the small of my back, pulling me close to him. A shiver of dread ran down my skin as I watched one girl. She was shaking her head. She was up on her knees, and she had her hands out, her wrists limp. She was probably begging, but her handler had his hand up in the air. He snapped his fingers, and she flinched. He walked closer, and he kept snapping his fingers, punishing her with one dose of electricity after another.

  I turned away. I couldn't watch that.

  "What did they do? Why are they here?"

  "They're just like you. For one reason or another, all of those girls decided to sign a contract.”

  "You tricked me," I said to him.

  Oliver didn't bother to disagree. He just smirked at me, making it seem like it was somehow my fault. I should have known better. But those documents were so long and boring! I didn't want to read them.

  I watched as another girl was following after her handler. He brought her up to one portion of the wall where there were several shelves. He grabbed a bucket, and she immediately got up onto her haunches. He tossed something at her, and she attempted to grab those little puffs in her mouth.

  "It's important that a pet girl understand she needs to please her owner at all times," Oliver told me. "In the event that you end up in the petting zoo, then you need to please everyone."

  "I'm never going to end up in the petting zoo. I'm never going to be owned."

  Again, Oliver didn't bother to disagree with me. What was the point of arguing with an animal?

  Instead, he pulled on my leash, leading me to another large window. This time, I looked out, and I didn't see girls crawling around like puppies. Instead, all of these women had long ears perking out from the tops of their heads. They had to be headbands. These girls were also adorned with little puffy, cottontails.

  They had been reduced to the state of bunnies.

  Worse than that, I watched as those girls jumped around.

  Off to one side, a handler held his bunny. Obviously, she was eating a carrot.

  "What did you do to them? How did you convince them to behave like this? No real woman would ever allow herself to be treated like some—”

  Oliver cut me off, "Dumb animal?” He chuckled. "That's exactly what they are. That's exactly what you're going to be."

  Seething, I didn't know how to answer him. Yes, I could make one declaration after another about how he would never be able to do that to me, but I didn't see the point. So instead, I followed after this man as he took me to the next window.

  This time, my jaw actually dropped open. I never imagined something like this could possibly exist. This chamber had to be the largest by far. One half of it was dominated by a track that reminded me of high school. It had to be at least a quarter-mile long.

  More importantly, there were women attached by harnesses to carts. Those same girls had on bits, bridles, and their arms were restrained while there legs were covered in boots that simulated hose.

  "What you think of the pony ranch? If you don't want to be a bunny or a puppy, maybe this place would be good for you. What you think of that, Stephanie?"

  Swallowing, I couldn't bring any words together. I watched as one man maneuvered his pony by taking out a switch and flashing it d
own against her back. I couldn't hear anything she said, but it was easy to imagine her whinnying like an actual horse.

  No, this couldn't be happening. This couldn't be real. I turned to Oliver. "What do you want?"

  "Your obedience," he said to me, reaching out and stroking my cheek again. It took all of my self-control not to try to slam my fist into his chest, not that my padded knuckles would be able to do any kind of harm.

  "No one gets in trouble for any of this?" I asked, grasping at one last hope.

  "You never asked a very important question."

  "What question?"

  "Where are we?" Oliver asked, grinning at me. He looked into my eyes. "Stephanie, we aren't in the United States any longer. So do you know what that means?"

  My stomach started to sink. It felt like the ground might open up and swallow me at any moment. Even so, I numbly followed his line of reasoning, "What does that mean?"

  "It means, my dear, you don't have any rights here. Even if you managed to get out of this facility, you would find yourself surrounded by people who know what you are."

  Hot aggression flashed through my body. I stamped my foot down against the floor. "I'm not a pet!"

  "That's exactly what you are," he said, turning away. He started walking, and as he still held the end of my leash, I had no choice but to follow.

  As we walked, I scrambled to think of some kind of solution. There had to be some way for me to get out of this. Obviously, I couldn't bribe him. I didn't have any money. There was only one thing I had, my looks and my charms.

  To deal with a man like Oliver, I would have to be subtle and cunning. I would need to make sure that I picked my exact moment.

  He led me back through the facility. We traversed one quarter after another, passing a bunch of different doors. Then he took out a key card and he swiped it through the lock. The red light turned green, and he pulled the door open for me.

  "Where are we going?"

  "We're going to have a little chat. Then I'm going to put on the appropriate gear for you."

  "What does that mean?"

  "You'll find out," he promised without giving me any real information. Again, I wanted to throw a tantrum. It would've been so easy to just to jump up and down with frustration.

  Instead, I held my temper in check. It took all of my self-control, but I walked into that small room. There was a bench, several shelves, and drawers built into the wall. I pressed my lips together, and I crossed my arms over my chest.

  Those were the last signs of my frustration before I played my hand.

  As Oliver closed the door behind us, I got down on my knees. I bowed my head. I had met guys like Oliver before. I knew what pushed his buttons. "Sir, is there anything I can do to please you?"

  I kept my eyes aimed downward. And yet, he didn't answer, nor did he sound particularly surprised. Those were both good signs as far as I was concerned. "Please, I want to be a good girl for you. Please, Master, what can I do to please you?"

  Maybe calling him Master was over the top, but I didn't care. This would be my one chance to seduce this man. Nibbling down on my lower lip, pretending that I was extremely nervous, I lifted my gaze for just a moment. And there, I saw the intrigue in his face.

  He already had me naked, my hands bound, the leash dangling from my neck. I swallowed. "Please, may I service you? I promise, I will do a good job for you." At the same time, I batted my eyes like some horny bimbo.

  Oliver tilted his head to the side, considering my offer. "Climb up onto the bench, and then get on all fours."

  I didn't know if this was supposed to be part of his training me or if it was his personal fantasy. Either way, I obeyed like a good girl, clambering into position. I kept my eyes down once again.

  "You're very handsome, Master."

  This time, he chuckled, but he didn't contradict me. Oh yes, so many men could be manipulated by appealing to their sense of vanity.

  He moved his fingers along my body. He started at the crook of my knee, and he worked his touch along the back of my thigh, over the curve of my buttock, to the small of my back. He danced his fingers along my skin, making me shiver.

  "Before we decide what you're going to be, I need to do a proper inspection."

  "I'll be a good girl," I promised, my voice light and airy. "I just want to please you."

  If Oliver noticed my sudden shift in behavior, he didn't comment on it. I pressed my lips together. "Master, please, let me be a good girl for you."

  "And what do you think you'll get in exchange?"

  "I'm hoping you'll please me too," I said. "I think you'd be really good at it."

  He smirked, but again he didn't argue with me. Yes, this man was going to be very arrogant. He would be easy to control and manipulate. By the time we were done, I figured he would be in love with me, like so many other boys from my past.

  For the next few seconds, he kept touching me. He moved his hand along my back before squeezing my breasts. I made a point of moaning, but I also tried to sound like I needed to hide my arousal from him.

  He turned my head from side to side, examining me. "You are beautiful specimen," he said.

  "I'm also very responsive, Master."


  "Yes, Master. If it would please you, you can touch me." Obviously, he didn't need my permission, but I wiggled my hips from side to side anyway, and it only occurred to me after the fact that I was behaving like some eager little puppy girl.

  Pushing that thought aside, I waited, hoping that he would take the bait.

  He did.

  Honestly, I didn't know if handlers have any rules. Were they allowed to play with the animals? In any case, he moved his hand between my legs. He started out at my pubic mound, gently touching me. Then he stroked my slit with two fingers. I shivered, and I moaned again. Not only that, I blushed ever so slightly, like I was just waiting for the right man to claim me.

  And of course, it would be all over.

  I didn't like using my body like this. Normally, I manipulated guys with just hints of possibility. But considering my situation, I needed something more extreme. I had to trick this man. I had to get my claws into him.

  "You want me to touch you some more?"

  Hesitating for just a moment, I hoped my pause would give him more confidence. He needed to believe that he was in control. That's another element to manipulating a man.

  "Yes, please, Master."

  He worked his fingers down into me. I lifted my chin, I moaned again, whimpering out every breath. "Please, do you think you could do more?" I asked. "Please, I'm ready to earn whatever you give me…" My words trailed off with lascivious promise.

  "What are you suggesting?"

  Again, I faced the bench. I hung my head low, almost like I was ashamed of what I was about to offer. "Please, Master, may I give you a blow job? I'm really good at it. If I can move my head, I've a tight little mouth. Please…”

  He hesitated. Maybe he wasn't expecting this kind of submission. If not, that worked better for me. If I could catch him off guard, then he wouldn't know how to react. He wouldn't know how to deal with me.

  Considering his occupation, Oliver probably handled girls who thought they could kick and scream their way out of this. But if I could give him a taste of who I was, then he would crave more. He would get possessive, and he wouldn't want me to stay here.

  He tugged just once on my leash, and I followed, scampering off of the bench. I got up on my haunches, and I looked at him, holding my hands over my breasts. My legs were spread, and he gazed down one more time. Was that hesitation I saw in his face? Was that doubt?

  Hoping I was right, I licked my lips and looked up at him with big, hopeful eyes. At that moment, I probably did come off like some dumb animal, but I didn't even care.

  "Let’s see what you can do," he said.

  After he shut the door, Oliver pulled down his zipper. This was going to be distasteful, I thought, yet I still stared up at him with no
thing but adoration. I was going to be a good girl for him. I was going to be obedient and sweet. And just like I promised, I would give him incredible blow job.

  If I was lucky, maybe I would even be able to get him to come before he could try to take me.

  My body was a commodity, I thought. As a model, I wanted to show it off. But now, I would use it in an entirely different way.

  He pulled on my leash again, and I scampered closer. His erect member was right in front of me. It seemed so big. This time, I didn't have to feign nervousness. I leaned in anyway, I stuck out my tongue, and I gently licked the shaft. I barely touched him with those first swipes. But that was only to entice him.

  After a few more seconds, I opened my mouth, and I wrapped my lips around his girth. I kept licking with my tongue even as I moved downward, bobbing my head over his erection.

  A growl of enjoyment seemed to reverberate from his chest.

  Perfect, I thought. He was savoring this. He was enjoying it.

  A lot of girls think of giving blow jobs as just licking or sucking. But really, it's like anything else. You have to pay attention to the person you're servicing. You have to get a sense of what he wants at any given moment.

  At one point, I would move very quickly. But then I would try to slow down, to keep them excited. Obviously, he was sexually aroused, but excitement came down to not knowing what I would do, while constantly surprising him.

  He had his hand on the top of my head as I bobbed to and fro. I kept licking, flicking my tongue along the base of the shaft, up toward the tip of his member. The flavor of his excitement hit my senses. I tried not to think about what I was doing or how I must've looked, especially with the collar around my neck and the leash leading from me to his hand.

  He really did look like my Master, a man who owned me.

  No, I wasn't about to allow that to happen. If I had to trick him, then fine, I would trick him. I would be my own honey trap, and I would ensnare him.

  Only then he did something I didn't expect. He reached down, and he put his hand on the back of my head, setting the rhythm. All of a sudden, I lost control of this blow job. I was no longer the one setting the agenda. Instead, he decided what happened and when. At one moment, I tried to pull back, only he forced me down even more, which meant the tip of his cock touched the back of my throat.


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