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Human Animals

Page 24

by Kimmy Estrada

  Only this time, I imagined myself strapped down and helpless, my arms and legs spread, my body naked and on display.

  "Everyone, I want to show you Jessica. This was the girl I was thinking about marrying. Obviously, that didn't work out," came Eric's dream voice.

  In my dream, I tried to answer, to tell these people to let me go. I wanted to shout out for help, but then I could feel it, that leather bit in my mouth. Apparently, I wasn't completely naked.

  That same leather collar encircled my neck, and I could feel the cold metal pressed down against my sternum. A leather bit had been forced into my mouth. Whenever I tried to bite or spit it out, I could feel the leather harness around my face.

  "Today, you are going to get to see something rather spectacular. Thanks to the power of this belt, our cow here is going to get the chance to perform for you. Unfortunately, she is rather dumb, so you're going to have to be kinder. Occasionally, she might need to be prodded to behave." Eric held something else, something that I could barely make out. It looked like some sort of black stick.

  Was it a billy club?

  Only then, I spotted the metal tongs at the end. My stomach punched as I understood what he was holding.

  A cattle prod!

  When I saw that item in his hand, I pulled as hard as I could on the restraints holding me down. No matter how I kicked or bucked, clenching and stretching my muscles, I couldn't get up. I couldn't free myself.

  "It looks like our little cow is awake now. Let me demonstrate what happens when I use this magic."

  Eric sauntered up to my table, and he tapped the metal bell. It started to ring. As much as I hated to admit it, those sounds sent a pleasurable thrill darting along my nerves. Not only that, I blushed again, realizing that my pussy started to glisten with arousal.


  I stared up at those people.

  With a jolt of horror, I recognized them. Those were people from my life, former coworkers and classmates. Right away, they started laughing. They were pointing at me, taunting me.

  Their voices hammered against my psyche.

  "Stupid cow!"

  "I can't believe she's actually enjoying this!"

  "I always knew she was nothing but a dumb animal deep down," said another one of them. They kept pointing and snickering. With every second, I tried to get angry. I concentrated so hard on my fury, thinking that maybe I would be able to use a burst of adrenaline to break free of my restraints.

  But even as I arched my back, it didn't do any good.

  "Can I get a volunteer to come over here and touch her? See just how hot she gets right between her legs." Yes, Eric was smirking, but he still sounded like a docent giving a tour at some museum. Or maybe he was a veterinarian showing off a zoo animal.

  Although a couple of them kept laughing and chatting, talking about how I was just a stupid cow as though I couldn't understand them, the other reviewers came over. They started to touch me, poking me and prodding me.

  One girl, a blonde who used to be on the same cheer squad as me, reached down, and she started to finger my pussy. When I first saw her, I locked my eyes on her face, and I shook my head from left to right and back again, desperately trying to convey my desperation. Couldn't she see that I didn't want to be there? Couldn’t she see that I was helpless, a bovine prisoner?

  Instead, she watched as I inevitably flared my nostrils, panting with the arousal blasting through me. Heat spread over my extremities.

  "You think I can make her come?"

  "Definitely," Eric said. "Go ahead. Play with her clitoris. She is very sensitive."

  Eyes wide, I couldn't believe it. Some part of my brain simply refused to accept what was going on, but that former cheerleader stroked me, playing with me. And then I could feel other hands on my breasts.

  "What's going on?” someone asked. At the same time, I could feel little trickles of heat running down the curves of my tits.

  "She's starting to lactate. If you like, you can go ahead and have some."

  Gulping, I tried to get them to stop. I screamed out at the top of my lungs, but they pretended that they couldn't hear me. Grinning, they leaned down, and they grabbed onto my breasts, suckling simultaneously. They pulled on my nipples, gently biting down with their teeth. I moaned again, unable to stop myself. Pretty soon, they were making me come. But not just once, not just twice. They forced me to climax again and again, all while my ex-boyfriend watched.

  My eyes shot open, and I immediately tried to scamper back up onto my feet, but I couldn't. It took me nearly a minute to understand what was wrong. For some reason, I couldn't extend my elbows or knees. I was stuck down on the floor, wiggling on the dirt and hay.

  Eventually, I calmed down. I forced myself to breathe, to relax and to think.

  Looking around, I found myself in that same small stall where Eric left me. Only now I was alone. I saw the latch to the gate right there, maybe three feet off the ground. But when I tried to reach for, I couldn’t. My forearms were stuck up against my biceps, making it impossible for me to use my hands. Yes, I could flex my fingers, but that was all.

  Not only that, I could feel the leather back in my mouth, just like in my dream.

  What was going on? What was happening to me?

  Seething, I pushed my elbow up against the door. I wanted to hit something, but I couldn't even slam my fist into that solid wood.

  So instead, I had to calm down. I needed to let go of my anger.

  Eventually, Eric would come back, and then I would show him just what I can do.

  The aggression played at the back of my mind. I waited, staring forward, concentrating hard. In time, he would have to return for me. He would want to play with me. He would want to tease me and mock me. And then, I would do something.

  I was right for once.

  Eric’s footsteps echoed through the barn.

  When he opened the side of the stall, he looked so handsome, so profoundly powerful. I got up onto my hands and knees. Although I was careful, the cowbell hanging from around my neck jingled. Another shiver of arousal spread through my body, only this time that desire was eclipsed by another impulse.

  "How are you feeling?"

  "Hungry," I told him, bowing my head.

  "You want me to take you out? You want me to get you something to eat?"

  I hated asking this man for anything. Eric had taken me, was training me, humiliating me. Even so, I didn't see any other choice. After all, if he wasn't going to release me, then I needed to get out on my own. To do that, I needed my strength.


  "Say please."

  "Please," I replied, hating the juvenile nature of this conversation. Seriously, he sounded a little bit like a small boy teasing a girl he liked on the playground. "Now say please like a cow."

  I opened my mouth, unable to respond, unable to force myself to sacrifice that chunk of my dignity. Sure, I had mooed before, but I didn't want to do it again.

  My lips parted, my nostrils flared, and I locked my teeth together. Although I couldn't use my arms or legs, I still felt the impulse to tighten my fingers into fists. I could feel my nails dig into my palms. More than anything, I itched to jump at this man, to tackle him, to throw him down onto the barn floor.

  Instead, I gave in.

  Letting him win burned at the back of my throat, but I didn't see any other alternative, especially when I was so hungry. That ravenous ache spread through my body, making me willing to do anything.


  Eric remained unimpressed "Louder."

  Hissing another breath through my nostrils, I tried again. “Moooooo!”

  "Good girl," he said, patting the back of my head. But he wasn't done. He reached down with a leash in hand, and he latched it onto my collar. He pulled, which immediately made the cow bell jingle.

  Although I was hungry, that desire still pounded against my brain. I was so eager for food, but now that other desire pressed in on me.

  I ha
d to concentrate, remember that I needed to focus on getting food. Nothing else mattered. Besides, something else was happening. Little by little, I was getting used to the idea that Eric could use me on a whim. When he looked at me, he didn't see a girl. Maybe, occasionally, he saw me as his ex-girlfriend. But more than that, he thought of me as a plaything, a pet. I wasn't going to allow this man to reduce me to the state of the sex toy. I wouldn't allow him to subjugate or train or domesticate me!

  I crawled forward, moving along on my elbows and my knees. It was awkward, crawling along like this. But I made my way forward, following after this man.

  At first, he was rather kind, moving slowly. But apparently he wanted me to learn to move more quickly, to be able to match his pace. At those moments, he would yank on my leash, cutting off my air supply for a second or two.

  "I'm going as fast as I can," I growled at him.

  Eric was unimpressed with my assertion of independence. He stopped, he turned around, and then he looked into my eyes. Instantly, I realized that I had made a mistake, but I didn't think an apology would do any good, so I just stopped.

  He walked around my crouched form. He poked one finger down against my shoulder blade, dragging his soft fingertip along my skin. "I am your Master, so when you speak to me, you will be respectful."

  He moved his hand down to my ass, right to my new brand. He lifted his hand, and then he smacked, sending a sharp sting through my body. My eyes widened, bulging. I didn't know how to deal with that explosion of pain through my skin.

  Last night, when he pressed the hot metal against my skin, whatever magic compelled me to obey him also nullified the pain I should have experienced. But now, the Magic didn't work for whatever reason. When he struck, I howled out, shouting at the top of my lungs.

  I did my best to get angry, to focus on raw fury.

  "You belong to me. Remember that," he said.

  I figured that was the end of the lesson, but Eric put out his hand. He pulled his arm back, he started spanking me, one, two, three, four, five times. With each clap of his palm down against my naked skin, I squeezed my eyes shut. It didn't sting as badly, but I didn't know what I could tolerate.

  Then I realized the truth.

  I would tolerate whenever he dished out. At the moment, he could command me with a phrase, a sentence, just a breath of air. That's all it took to ensure my obedience.

  So I bowed my head down, and I tried to hide behind the dark of my eyelids.

  Then they came to a stop. "Moo for me.”

  Much to my chagrin, he didn't want a promise of obedience or subservience. He didn't want me to declare that I would be a good girl for him. Oh no, he just wanted me to make the sound of a dumb animal. My consent didn't matter because I wasn't a girl. I was now a cow as far as he was concerned.

  "Moooo!” I hated making that sound. I hated coming off like I belonged to him, but I didn't see any other option.

  And then, just like that, he pulled on my leash, and I started walking again, right out of the barn and onto the soft ground.

  A grassy field surrounded us. It was so bright, so verdant. I loved it as I scanned the horizon, seeing nothing but one green field after another. As I took in the panoramic view, I saw the barn behind us, and then there was a large estate complete with a small mansion, tennis courts, and a pool.

  "I picked this place up when I figured out what I was going to do with you," Eric said. "I have a small staff here to help me, but you're not going to need to worry about them. They all know about you. They know how much you enjoy being my animal."

  Automatically, I parted my lips, wishing that I could threaten him with something. At first, the idea of going to his employees and telling them the truth popped into my head. But if they believed that this was some kind of game, that I really wanted to be here, then they wouldn't believe me. Besides, if they were accustomed to working for wealthy individuals, then they probably witnessed games like this all the time.

  "I thought you were going to feed me," I groused.

  "I am. That's why we are out here."

  He pulled on my leash again, taking several more strides out towards the soft, green grass. I loved how the light glinted off little drops of dew from the unnumbered blades of grass. And for some reason, it made me hungry. It made my stomach rumble.

  "I don't understand."

  "Don't you?" Eric taunted. "Just take a second. Think about where you are. Think about what you are."

  Oh no. No way!

  I lifted my chin, and I glared at him. I didn't even care if this meant another spanking. "Eric, you can't be serious. There is no way I'm going to eat grass."

  "You are going to graze like a good little cow," he told me. He crouched down, looking right into my eyes. "There something you need to understand, Jessica. I'm going to make sure that you learn your place. You aren't going to eat human food ever again. Every single day, I’m going to bring you here, and every single day, you're going to be grateful."

  Before I could answer or argue with him, he put his hand on the back of my head, and he pushed down. Not only did the bell jingle, triggering another burst of arousal within my body, but now my mouth was pressed right down against those blades of grass. I couldn't help myself this time. The temptation proved too great.

  I opened my mouth, I ripped into that soft vegetation, and I started chewing.

  It should have been disgusting…It should have been vile…

  But almost immediately, a wave of pleasure and satisfaction washed over me. It felt so good. I chomped on the grass, feeling the texture between my teeth. And yes, it took longer to chew, but that didn't bother me. For some reason, it felt good.

  "There you go," Eric said. "That's what you needed, wasn't it? You just needed to find your food source. This is where cows eat. They go outside, they find nice green pastures, and they eat grass." He explained all of this to me, making it sound simple, natural, and inevitable.

  Although I glared at him, I was too hungry to stop eating. Pretty soon, I swallowed that first mouthful of grass, and it felt so good.

  "Go ahead. Have another. Have as much as you want."

  I intended to shake my head. I meant to make a vow, something about how I would never do this ever again. He tricked me the first time. But now that I knew how to defend myself, I would not succumb again.

  And yet, my neck started to move. I lowered my head down, and I inhaled, taking in that sweet aroma. Before I knew it, I opened my mouth, and my teeth grabbed onto some more grass, ripping it out of the ground.

  "I'll be back in a couple of hours," Eric promised, patting me on the head.

  He left me alone!

  At first, I couldn't believe it. I watched my ex-boyfriend saunter off. Didn't he realize that I was just going to get up and run away?

  Then again, I glanced over at my arms and my legs, remembering the leather sleeves that bound my limbs. Okay, so maybe I couldn't run, but I could crawl. If I could find a road or something, then certainly someone would help me.

  Only a different problem popped into my head. Even if I decided to rush off, did I really believe that I was going to be able to get help? Yesterday, when he loaded me up into that crate, Eric or one of his employees had driven me for hours.

  For all I knew, we really were in the middle of nowhere.

  That thought maybe hesitate.

  Plus, I was hungry. I was so very hungry.

  So I made a compromise with myself. I would continue to think about escape, but I would also eat. I needed to keep up my strength, after all.

  So I started to bite, to rip, to chew, and to swallow. Again and again, I worked through that same routine. At first, I was able to concentrate. In this first couple of minutes, I consider different possibilities, strategies I might use against Eric.

  Maybe I could trick him. Maybe I could get the jump on him.

  Obviously, he thought he had every advantage here.

  Or maybe I should try to just get the collar off. Obviousl
y, this cowbell was doing something to me. Whether it was magical or technological or something else entirely, I didn't really care. The key to my freedom had to be losing the cow bell. But how could I get it off without the use of my hands? It wasn't like I had any tools.

  Pretty soon, the frustration excised those other thoughts.

  Pretty soon, I stopped thinking.

  Pretty soon, I just found solace in the vegetation underneath my elbows and knees. I ate, chewing and swallowing, again and again.

  "How are you feeling?" Eric asked as he strolled back to my position.

  I blinked, trying to understand why he was back. It had only been a few minutes, right?

  Only then I lifted my head, blinking, looking around. The sun had moved. It was at least afternoon! When Eric first took me outside, it had been nine or ten in the morning. How did so much time go by?

  "You’re a cow. You were busy eating," he said, responding to my unspoken questions. "That's what cows do most of the time. Oh, and they also get milked. Would you like me to milk you now?"

  Eric made it sound like a question, but he had already attached my leash again, and he pulled, bringing me back toward the barn.

  Now that I had a grip on my senses again, I could feel something else, a heavy pressure right in my breasts. When I looked down, I saw that they seemed so much bigger! I must have grown by two, maybe three cup sizes!

  Normally, I was always proud of my body. Only now, my breasts looked enormous! I looked like some porn star!

  Eric tossed a glance over his shoulder. "Come on, Jessica."

  I crawled after him because I didn't have any other choice. He escorted me back into the barn, and then he pointed to that raised platform. It was only about five inches taller than the barn floor, but I knew what this would mean.

  "Go," he said, slapping my ass again.

  For an instant, I pictured his handprint right there on my backside, bright red. Swallowing, I looked forward, going along on my elbows and knees, unable to stand or walk on my own. The humiliation burned along the back of my neck, but I didn't care.


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