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Two Doms, One Night

Page 1

by Angelini, Alaska

  Two Doms

  One Night

  Two Doms, One Night

  Alaska Angelini

  Copyright © 2013 by Alaska Angelini

  ISBN: 978-1-938076-30-5

  All Rights Reserved

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is strictly coincidental. The scanning, uploading and distribution of this book via the Internet or any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal, and is punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

  Chapter 1

  The rain poured from the dark sky as Jillian raced from her two door Mercedes. Puddles were already beginning to form in the potholes littering the neglected back road, and for the life of her, she tried her damnedest to stay light on her feet. Strapped, her destination, lit up as lightening flashed across the sky. From what should have been an easy entrance into the dark warehouse, was quickly becoming a hundred meter dash to the front door.

  Fear didn’t have a chance to register as Jillian broke through the thick aluminum door. The fact that she was even here was so out of her character that she should have been shaking in her fancy, black stiletto shoes. As it was, Jillian knew if there was ever a time to experiment in her harbored cravings, it was now. For the last decade, her job had sent her all over the world. She’d been so busy, she hadn’t been able to focus on anything but work. Upon hearing that she was leaving Dallas, TX, for the city of San Francisco, an unknown need had taken over. Maybe it was because she was only two hours away from where she’d grown up that left her braver to explore her desires. Or perhaps it had to do with the small taste she’d gotten so many years ago. Whatever the driving force, she was ready to take it with open arms.

  “ID.” The leather clad brunette behind the counter looked her up and down. Jillian reached into the pocket in the front of her knee length black trench coat. As the woman scanned over the Texas driver’s license, she glanced back up. “Welcome to Strapped. If you want, you can hang your coat back there in the closet, or I can even keep it up here for you.”

  “Thank you. That would be great.” Jillian slid the ID in her garter and handed the coat over.

  Two large wooden doors caught her attention and she glanced in their direction. As she stepped forward, she pulled down the tight black dress. It rested a few inches above her knees, and although she probably wasn’t dressed appropriately, black dresses seemed to mold into any situation.

  “Excuse me.”

  Jillian turned to face the younger woman.

  “Do I know you? You seem awfully familiar.”

  She took in the girl’s round face. She was gorgeous. The dark green eyes stood out brightly against her pale skin. The natural redness of her lips twisted as she stared at Jillian.

  “I’m sorry. I just moved here.”

  “Oh.” An expression Jillian couldn’t read washed over the woman’s face. “Sorry, I must have had you confused with someone else.”

  Jillian smiled and pushed back the blonde strands of hair escaping the pins. “No problem. It happens a lot, actually.” And it did. She wasn’t the most beautiful person. Average, at best. Maybe it was the fact that she was so commonly looking that had people always thinking she was someone else.

  The door pushed open, and a couple walked out. Both men were dressed in leather. One had a collar around his neck and was being led by the apparent dominant one. Jillian quickly looked down. She’d never seen the scene in person before. Although it fascinated her, the last thing she wanted to do was stare and appear rude.

  She quickly caught the door before it closed and nearly gasped as she took in the large room. It seemed to go on forever. Women, to the right, were hanging from the ceiling in intricately tied nylon rope. Before Jillian could stop herself, she was walking in their direction. How would it feel to have the rope burning and biting into her skin? She swallowed hard. This was definitely something she was going to have to try.

  Loud laughter broke the trance and she looked toward the back. Tables were aligning the side, and people were sitting in groups, mingling. It looked almost like any bar she’d ever seen, yet not. The clothing was definitely not anything she’d ever been exposed to before. It was a bit much to take in at first glance, but somehow she loved it. From leather, to latex, to all types of masks. Jillian was fascinated, and in heaven. She’d never felt at home in a place so much in her life. It was an odd sensation, but her mind soaked in all the events going on around her, and began to hum at the sexual excitement pouring from the people’s energy.

  A bar toward the back had a row of stools and she quickly headed in the direction. This place was completely opposite of the outside. What she thought was going to be a rundown joint had a more luxurious feel to it. As she past doors to her left, she nearly paused. What delicious sins were going on behind those walls? Damn, she wanted to find out. Maybe at some point she would. Right now, she needed a drink to calm her nerves.

  “Hey.” The bartender eyes raked over her body, and she couldn’t help that hers did the same thing. The dark haired man looked to be in his upper twenties, just a few years younger than her. His defined chest and abs were visible through the see-through mesh tank top. As Jillian’s eyes stopped at the V resting above the leather pants she could feel herself getting excited.

  Thoughts wouldn’t register as she forced herself to look at his face. And damn, what a nice face it was. The smile on his lips clearly showed he liked her checking him out.

  “What can I get you?”

  Crickets could have been heard in the blankness of her mind. Shit! What did she want? Not a single, fancy drink came to mind. There was only one, and saying it nearly made her blush from embarrassment.

  “Bud light?”

  “Beer. Really? Wow, I didn’t take you for that kind of girl. You look…fancy.” He smiled and pop off the cap. Did she really? She’d tried to tone it down. Unfortunately, her job had her wardrobe more sophisticated than anything. She probably should go shopping. The last thing she wanted to do was to stick out like a sore thumb.

  “Thanks.” She reached to her inner thigh and pulled out her debit card she had fastened to the garter, next to the ID. There was no way she could look into his eyes as she handed it over. Damn this shyness! She should be making her attraction obvious. What if he was the one? How would she ever let him know she was interested in being dominated if she couldn’t even be alluring?

  The receipt was placed in front of her, and she signed, slowly glancing back up to his face. The way his eyes were narrowed at her, with the edge of his mouth lifted into a grin, had her stomach flipping. Such dark thoughts behind that look. Yes. Her body was practically purring at his want.

  “You.” Fingers laced in Jillian’s hair from behind and pulled back, angling her face to look up. A gasp exploded from her mouth as the dark hair and light blue eyes registered. Damn if he wasn’t glaring down at her. All she could do was stare in shock. Devon’s face got closer to hers, and the pure power radiating from him was like nothing she’d ever felt before. A piece of her on the inside immediately wanted to cower. It was as if the ground had somehow become magnetic and was pulling her down. Anything to prove that she felt his aura and respected it. But that was only now. Once upon a time, she’d hurt this man. Broken his heart. But it’s not like it didn’t damage hers, too.

  “I see someone’s decided to come home.” The fingers loosened in her hair, and Devon spun her around as he took a seat on the next stool. The arm connecting them pulled her forward. Pins loosened in her hair and sections fell down past her shoul
ders. “Didn’t think I’d ever see you again, Jilly. And at my club, of all places. Looks like I hit the jackpot tonight.”

  Wetness instantly took over at his words. Devon had been her high school sweetheart. She’d lost her virginity to him, and then shortly left. Even back then, he’d been a dominate lover. Hadn’t she’d always come back to their times together when she’d wanted to fantasize? To think he’d only gotten better with age was too much.

  “Talk, Jillian. You haven’t said one word.”

  Fear took over, but she pushed it away. She needed to keep her feelings locked away, where they’d been now for years. “If I would have known this was your club—

  “You would have ran like before?”

  Anger made her mouth part. “No, I was going to say, I would have called first.”

  “Ah.” The fingers in her hair, lowered, and he trailed them along the side of throat. As fast as he’d claimed her, his touch was suddenly gone. Devon slid back on the seat and turned toward the bartender. “Scotch, Brady.”

  The dark suit he wore was so different from what she’d seen him in close to fourteen years ago. He wasn’t a kid anymore. The broadness of his shoulders and slim waist made her heart pound. He looked damn good. Sharp. And downright sinful.

  Jillian looked up at the bartender and noticed he was smiling, but with his head down. What was so funny? She grabbed her beer and sucked down as much as she could. Devon’s presence pushed against her skin, making her whole body come alive. She glance over and saw that he was watching her.

  “You never called me either, you know.” The words were quiet, but she knew he’d heard them. The anger and hurt that flashed across his face vanished as fast as they’d appeared. Had she been imagining it?

  Devon pressed his lips together and threw back the scotch. “You see those stairs right there?” He pointed to the far left corner of the room. “You’re going to get up, and you’re going to go up them. There’s a room at the top. Mine. You have five minutes to be kneeling in front of my bed, naked.” He stood and headed toward the front entrance, but he didn’t make it five feet before he turned back to face her. “There’s someone up there. You’re not to say one word to them. Act like they don’t even exist.” With that, she watched as he disappeared through the doors she’d come in.

  Holy shit! What had just happened? Did she listen to him? Leave? She was in way too far over her head.

  “You better hurry up.” Brady smiled at her. “You’re two minutes in and only have three to spare.”

  Panic set in. Devon had stolen her heart once before. It’d almost altered her entire future. He hadn’t wanted her to leave. Begged her to stay. He’d had such big dreams then, and she’d never doubted that he’d reach them, but she also hadn’t been able to let down her parents. College had been everything to them. Now, here she was, thirty-two years old and facing her first love, in her ultimate fantasy. Could she do it? Could she submit to Devon and the pleasure she knew he could bring? She closed her eyes, the longing in her body, overwhelming. This is only one night. What could it hurt?

  Chapter 2

  Devon paced outside of Strapped for what felt like an eternity. He knew he’d been out here for more than ten minutes, but for some reason he couldn’t get himself to go through the main door.

  Rain had long ago soaked through his suit, and still he trampled through the puddles. Jillian. Holy shit. He almost couldn’t believe it. The last time he’d seen her was a year after she’d left. He’d traveled all the way to her college in Connecticut to get her back, but the moment he saw how happy she was, he couldn’t even approach her. It’d broken his heart more than telling her goodbye to begin with. And now, here she was. At his club. Hopefully, naked in his room. What were the odds?

  The sound of thunder filled the air and Devon looked up into the sky. He’d come out here to make sure she didn’t leave. And luckily, she hadn’t. But the risk he was taking was a great one. Could he let her walk away again? Did he have a choice? No. He didn’t think so. Even though she’d been away for so long, seeing her again was like she’d never left to begin with.

  Steady rain pounded against his face, and a sigh escaped his mouth. It was time to face her. There was still plenty of time left in the night, and by god, he was going to use every last minute he had with her.

  A smile came to his face. How was Jillian taking to Jax being there? Or vice-versa? Jax had been their best friend growing up, and it was no secret that he’d had the biggest crush on Jilly. All three of them had been inseparable back then. What Devon had on his mind for tonight, wouldn’t have even been a thought all those years ago. But with experience, comes knowledge.

  Jax was still his best friend. And to add to that, his business partner. There wasn’t anything they didn’t do together. But something had been missing now for a while. And Devon was pretty sure what it was. Jilly. Things just hadn’t been the same since she’d left.

  The front door opened and Devon headed inside. Jesse took one look at him and leaned forward. “It’s her, isn’t it? The one you have pictures of in your office.”

  He paused, and felt his heart clutch at her words.

  “I knew it,” she whispered.

  Devon glanced at her and continued walking. The sound of his shoes pounded up the stairs. Jax was standing outside with his door with his arms crossed. He was shirtless, and only wearing a pair of leather pants. The muscles in his abs flexed as he pushed from the wall. The look on his face was unreadable, but that wasn’t anything new. Jax hardly ever let anyone know what he was thinking. Even after all these years, it was still hard for Devon to get a read on him.

  “That’s Jillian in there, isn’t it?” Jax motioned to the door with his head.

  Devon nodded. “Sure is. She undressed?”

  A smile came to his partner’s face. “Kneeling in front of the bed like a good little girl. Son of a bitch. I didn’t get a good look at her, only her profile, but I knew it was her.” Jax’s hand came to his mouth. “Jilly is so much more beautiful than I remember. I can’t believe she’s here. She wouldn’t even look at me as I came from the restroom. Did you tell her to do that?”

  “Sure did. She listens well. A lot better now than she did in the past.” Devon unbuttoned his jacket. “If she didn’t see you, then I’d say she’s about to get quite the shock when we both show up in there.”

  The smile melted from Jax’s face and he quickly lowered his arms. “You want me to join?” He slowly shook his head. “Are you sure? I mean—

  Devon cut him off. “If you could have been a couple with me and Jilly all those years ago, would you of? I mean, don’t get me wrong, you practically were. Just never sexually. If you could have been with us one hundred percent, in every way, would you have?”

  “Absolutely,” Jax said, breathlessly. “You know I loved, Jilly. Always have. I never hid that fact from you. But she was your girl, Devon. We were just friends.”

  “It was more than that. Don’t deceive yourself, Jax. Jilly loved both of us. I knew that. And so did you. Be truthful.”

  He shrugged. “I’d always hoped. But I was never sure.”

  Devon took off his wet jacket. His shirt was plastered to his skin and he couldn’t wait to get out of it. “She hasn’t told me what she’s doing here, or how long she’s even going to be in the area. But I know I’m dying to find out. What do you say, Jax?”

  Dirty blond hair stuck up at odd angles as his partner ran his hands through it. “If she’ll have me. Hell yeah, I’m in. Even if it’s only for the night.”

  Devon nodded and grabbed the handle. As he turned the nob and pushed it open, he noticed Jillian sitting on the end of the bed dressed in his silk robe. Just thinking about the scent of her skin lingering in the material had his cock hardening. She used to smell like vanilla. Did she still?

  “Jax?” Jillian instantly jumped to her feet and rushed forward. She threw herself into his partner, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. “Oh my god! Was that y
ou who was in here?”

  He nodded, and glanced over at Devon. “You weren’t supposed to get off the floor, Jilly. I believe Devon gave you an order. A good submissive waits, no matter how long.”

  Instantly, her eyes flashed to him. Devon searched her face as she stepped back and stared back and forth between the two of them. She swallowed hard and licked her lips. “I apologize.” The way her head lowered, Devon knew she was still willing to stay.

  “Take the robe off, Jillian.”

  Although her eyes widened, she kept her gaze averted toward their feet. There was a slight hesitation. She glanced up at both of them, but her gaze stopped at Jax. After a deep breath, the internal battled must have come to a conclusion. Her hands were shaking as she untied the belt. The silk floated to the floor, landing at her feet. Devon nearly moaned. Her breasts were bigger than he remembered. At least by a good cup size. The pink tips of her nipples were tight with her arousal. What shocked him the most was the tattoo that rested on her side. It was only three or so inches long. Devon walked closer, inspecting the lettering. It looked like a quote, but he couldn’t make out what the small words said. She instantly covered it.

  “Raise your arms over your head, Jilly.”

  A sense of panic flashed across her face. “I will not.”

  He glanced over to Jax, who walked forward. The curiosity filling his partner’s face had to be mirroring his own. “Do it, Jillian. Show Devon and I what meant so much to you that you decided to forever imprint it on your body.”

  She looked up at Jax and turned back to him. “I can’t. I think I made a mistake coming here.”

  There was no way he was going to let her run away again. Hell no. “Of all places for you to show up at, Jillian, do you really think it was chance that you happen to come here? I don’t. I think you’re right where you need to be.” Devon took off his clothes, slowly. The moment he was nude, he circled around her, and molded his chest against her back. Heat warmed his cold skin. “You came to our club searching for something. Let me and Jax give it to you.”


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