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Two Doms, One Night

Page 3

by Angelini, Alaska


  Mindlessly, Jillian reached up to her neck to hold onto the locket and sighed when her hand came up to nothing. Dammit. She hated having to leave it behind. And it wasn’t intentional. She’d rushed to get dressed, and when she went to reach for the locket, Jax stirred. She’d panicked and took off as fast as she could. The last thing she had wanted was an awkward goodbye. Especially, after she’d made a fool of herself the night before. God, what did they think of her? She’d had a complete melt down. That hadn’t happened in years. Seeing them again, and being so vulnerable in their presence really had taken its toll. For so long, she’d been strong. In control of everything and everyone around her. The one-eighty had been refreshing, yet crippling because of who’d been involved.

  The yelling of her sister’s toddlers echoed through the house as they chased each other from the living room to the kitchen. Jillian laughed as her niece waddled to catch up with her two year old brother. “I can’t believe I’ve missed so much.” She turned to Janelle. “You must be so happy. Things look like they’re going great for you.”

  “Well,” she laughed. “Having two kids back to back wasn’t an easy thing, but I definitely think it turned out okay. It’s not like we had planned Caroline. It just happened. Even with precautions. We’re definitely lucky to have such good babies. They play well with each other.”

  Jillian watched as they made their way back through. She grabbed her tea and took a sip. “Janelle, I need to ask you about something. And I need you to be truthfully with me.”

  The smile faded and she nodded. “All right.”

  “When I left.” Jillian moved her thumb across the sweat beaded on the outside of the glass. It was so hard talking to her sister. They might have gotten along when they talked, but she really didn’t know her anymore. When she left, she pretty much left everyone, and isolated herself. “Did Devon or Jax come to see you?”

  A snort came from her sister. “Did they ever. Both of them. On several occasions. I think dad was even here when Devon came by the last time. He had no problem running him off and telling him to stay away. You know how dad is. He couldn’t stand that boy. Bad news, is what he’d always say.” Janelle paused and narrowed her eyes. “Don’t tell me you’re thinking about seeing either one of those men again?”

  The anger was hard to contain. Jillian pressed her lips together and placed the tea on the coaster, resting on the coffee table. “Actually, I already did.”

  Janelle’s mouth parted. “Why? Where?” She put up her hand. “You know what, maybe I don’t want to know. I heard about their little business. It’s quite the buzz here in town. Hell, we’re two hours away from the city and still I can’t escape hearing about those two.”

  Out of confusion, Jillian shook her head. “What is the deal with you, mom, and dad? What do you all have against Devon and Jax? I’ve never understood it. You all say, bad news…How do you even get to that assumption? They’ve never done anything to anyone.”

  “Devon completely tried to derail your life, Jillian!” Janelle quickly quieted her voice as she peered at the playing toddlers. “Mom and dad had every reason to be as upset as they were. Did the fact that Devon showed up at the airport begging you run away with him escape your mind? He was ready to fight dad. I’m surprised he was able to leave before security got to him. I assure you mom and dad remember that day all too clearly. They were so pissed. For years they talked about it.”

  Jillian looked at the floor. “I guarantee you I remember that day quite vividly. But did I leave with him?” She glanced up at her sister. “I went to college. Got my job before I even finished graduating, and ended up traveling from Connecticut to New York. From there to Chicago. Chicago to Colorado. Then to Dallas, and now here.” The suppressed anger was quickly starting to seep out. “I have no plans at the moment of rekindling an old flame, but,” Jillian lowered her voice to a whisper, “god dammit, if I want to see them, or anyone, for that matter, I will. Mom, dad, or even you do not control my happiness. And I deserve it. I’m finished pushing away life.” Jillian stood, unable to control what was spilling from her mouth. Something had happened when she’d broken down last night. Now it was as though she’d opened some door, and she wasn’t sure if there was ever a way to close it. Did she even want to?

  “I’m sorry.” Jillian reached down and grabbed her purse. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I should really get back to San Francisco. The trip is going to take a while. Traffic will surely be a killer.”

  Janelle slowly rose. “I’m the one that’s sorry. I wanted your visit to be a nice one. I wasn’t aware you still have feelings for him.” She took a step forward. “You still love him don’t you? You always have.”

  A laugh came from Jillian’s lips. “Does it really matter? I’m the villain in this fairytale. Even if I did, I can’t keep myself anywhere long enough to make anything out of it. I’ve dated two guys since I left home, Janelle. The longest I made it was six months, and I threw in the towel. There’s something wrong with me.”

  Still her sister came closer. “There is if you’re still in love with Devon. Maybe he’s the reason you can’t be with anyone else.” Janelle grabbed her hand. “How agonizing to love a man you can’t have.”

  Jillian’s head reared back. “What do you mean? Why can’t I have him?”

  A laugh came from her sister’s mouth. “He owns a sex club for crying out loud. Think about it, Jillian. Mom and dad would shit if they even knew you thought about him, more less began seeing him again.”

  And suddenly Jillian remembered why see hardly ever called or talked to her family. It didn’t matter if it was Devon, Jax, or the neighbors down the road. They always had bad things to say about everyone. It was just the type of people they were. “I’m thirty-two years old. This is my life, Nell. No one elses.” She peered over to make sure the kids were a good distance away. “And if I want to date someone who owns a sex club, or fuck ever single man under that big aluminum roof, I will.” Shock lit up her sister’s face. “Have a nice day. It was great seeing you again. Tell mom and dad I said hi. I would have loved to see them, but I suddenly remember of a prior engagement that I’m late for.”

  Jillian grabbed her keys form her pocket and walked over, waving to her niece and nephew. “Bye-bye Henry. Bye, Caroline.” She turned to face her sister, and a sad expression came to her face at seeing Janelle upset. “I’ll be fine. Stop worrying. I’m a big girl now. I’ve taken care of myself for a long time.” She grabbed the door handle. “Bring the kids to see me soon. I have missed you, Nell.”

  “I will,” she said, lowly. “I’ve missed you too.” Her hand raised, as if to stop Jillian. “Just be careful.”

  “Always.” She gave Janelle a tight smile and opened the door, shutting it behind her. She didn’t stop to think of anything that had just gone down with her sister until she was back on the main highway. Wow, that had not gone as good as she’d imagined. But she had to know how bad things had been for the men when she’d left. If anyone would have known, it would be her sister. Last night, they’d made it apparent they wanted her to stick around. Whether it was for sex or more, she wasn’t quite sure. God, and Jax! Holy shit. Devon, she’d expected to get dominated by. But by her best friend as well? She’d never seen that one coming.

  Sure, she’d always felt chemistry between them. But neither had acted upon it. She loved Devon. Had, from the moment she’d set eyes on him all those years ago. To leave not only him, but Jax, too, had been the hardest things she’d ever done in her life.

  Now that they both wanted her, and were fine with sharing, could see give in to them? She’d been thinking about nothing else all morning. A huge part of her wanted to. But then what? How long with it go on before things got too serious, or ended? She couldn’t lose them again. It would kill her. Was it worth taking the risk?

  Traffic was at a standstill as she came into the city. By the time she got back to her penthouse, it was almost three in the afternoon. Ji
llian sighed as she shut the door and walked into the large living area. The view of the water and the Bay Bridge was directly within her sight. It was breathtaking, and she still couldn’t believe this was where her company had set her up. But hadn’t it been like that everywhere? She’d always had the best of everything, and couldn’t have cared less for the fancy penthouses, or cars. Nowhere ever felt like home. But what was home, anymore?

  The sound of her heels clicked on the floor. Jillian threw herself down on the white leather sofa and kicked them off. Visions of her two men projected in her mind as she closed her eyes. Tingling raced across her skin, and wetness soaked through her white lace panties. Fuck, she wanted them again. And again. The bruises on her ass were an aching reminder of what they were capable of. What she wouldn’t do to have one of them filling her pussy, while she sucked on the other's cock. Or take take both of them at the same time. One in her cunt, and the other in her ass. Now wouldn’t that be something.

  Ringing echoed throughout the room. Jillian opened her eyes and sat up. Was that a phone? She hadn’t really got to explore this place. Slowly, she stood and searched out the sound. On the wall next to the large gourmet kitchen stood a small, flat phone. She picked it up. “Hello?”

  “Ms. Wallace, this is Bailey at the front desk. There’s a Mr. Pearson, and a Mr. Anderson here to see you. Shall I send them up?”

  No fucking way. Jillian shook her head, no, but yes floated from her mouth before she could stop it. She hung up the phone and caught her reflection in the huge mirror as she began to pace. The red blouse and black slacks looked like she’d just left the office. She looked so damn formal, but there was no way she’d be able to change before they got here. Damn if she hadn’t been trying to look good in case her parents had shown up at Janelle’s. When was she ever going to stop caring what they thought?

  A good two minutes went by and she jumped at the knocking. The curls in her blonde hair were already falling out. She patted them down as she slipped back on the heels. The shaking in her hands made turning the handle of the door almost impossible. When she caught sight of the two men at her door, all she could do was stare. One looked familiar, and it took her a minute to place him. Brady, the bartender. “You’re not Devon and Jax.”

  “Nope. Brady and Pike,” the stranger said. “Boss wanted us to give this back to you. Said you forgot it at the club. The locket hung from his fingertips. She gasped, and swiped it, quickly. Thank god she could put it back on. To say she was disappointed her men hadn’t brought it themselves was an understatement. Even though she’d been scared as shit, she still wanted to see them.

  “You tell your boss I said, thank you. And next time he wants to give me something, he better do it himself.”

  Her eyes went to Brady and heat filled her cheeks from embarrassment. Damn, he’d seen how Devon had all but made her putty in his hands. A smile came to her face. “Actually, tell your bosses, both of them, that I said if they were any kind of men at all, they would have personally delivered it to me.” She nodded. “Yes. Tell them that.”

  Brady laughed and nodded. He stepped back and Pike followed. As they left, adrenaline took over. Well, she’d done it now. The ball of fate was just set rolling and the big question was, would it cause things to come crashing down on her…or would she actually luck out this time?

  Chapter 5

  “She said, what?” Jax shook his head and glanced over to Devon. His friend looked just as confused as he felt. They both stared back at Brady and Pike. “You’re not fucking with us, are you? That doesn’t sound like something Jillian would say. Are you sure it was her?”

  Brady nodded. “Oh, it was her all right. I remember from last night.” He looked at Devon. “She truly said that. If you asked me, she enjoyed every bit of it. Seemed pretty excited to see her locket back, too.”

  “Maybe she did forget it,” Devon said, lowly. “I was sure she was trying to tell us something.” He turned to Jax. “Let’s go to the office and talk.” Devon didn’t wait for an answer, but left Jax following instead. The moment they were inside, Jax shut the door behind them.

  The telephone started ringing, but they both ignored it. Brady or one of the other workers would get it. Too many thoughts were going through his mind and the last thing he wanted was to deal with a caller. No doubt they’d be full of questions that he didn’t feel like answering. Plus, he wanted to talk to Devon.

  Jax took a seat in the chair across from the desk. “So what’s the plan? Are we going to get her to come here? Are we going to go to her? What do you think?”

  Devon collapsed in the black leather chair behind the desk. “I don’t know what to think anymore. Earlier, I’d come to the decision that I was done running after her. It’s not like I liked it, but I was sure the necklace was a sign that she was leaving us in the past where we belonged. Now, this challenge?” He glanced at Jax. “Seems to me that she might not be so finished with us after all.”

  “Definitely sounds like an invitation to her place to me.” Jax rested his forearms against his knees and looked at the floor. “But if we get her here, we have access to our things. I doubt she’s going to have a crop or flogger at her place. And truthfully, I didn’t get anywhere near enough last night.

  The phone sounded through the room again. “Trust me. Neither did I.” Devon reached for it, annoyed. “Strapped. Devon speaking.” There was a pause and he quickly sat up straight. It was enough to have Jax slowly rising. “Uh, yeah. Sure.” Devon took out a pen and began writing down something. “Okay, great. Thanks.” He hung up the phone. “That was Serenity. Ms. Wallace has made reservations, and they would like to know if we’re going to be attending. Seven, tonight. I, of course, said yes.”

  Jax was at a loss for words. How in the hell did Jillian pull that off? It usually took months to get into that place. Then again, it was in the same building as her penthouse. Maybe residents got to eat there whenever they wanted. Penthouse. Status. Wow, Jilly had really made it in life. He’d never really thought about it until now. The look Devon had on his face almost made him think that maybe his thoughts were mirroring his own.

  “Well, what do you say? You ready to get dressed? We only have two hours, and there’s still traffic to deal with.”

  Jax stood. “Yeah, I’m about as ready as I’ll ever be, I guess. You were made to wear a suit. I think I only own one. What can I say, they remind me of funerals. But give me leather. I’ll rock that shit all day.”

  “You’ll be fine. You look good in a suit. I always told you that.”

  “Doesn’t mean I have to like it.” Jax opened the door and headed for his room. If it took wearing a suit to see Jillian again, so be it. He’d wear it, and make her pay for in the end. It worked out for both of them.


  Serenity was on the ground floor of Serenity Towers. The restaurant was the fanciest thing Devon had been in since he was a teenager. All the men were dressed in expensive suits, and the women looked like they were ready to attend the Oscars. For Jax, he could tell his friend was a little uncomfortable, but Devon thrived in this type of environment. Thanks to his parents, of course. He’d grown up going from one rich dinner party to another. The last time he’d been to one was a little after he’d turned sixteen. Back then, all he wanted to do was spend his time with Jilly and Jax. Nothing else mattered, but them.

  The hostess walked them to an empty table set back in a far dark corner. The lighting was a lot dimmer than he had expected. Regardless, they took their seat.

  “Ms. Wallace will be right down. She called a few minutes ago and told us to inform you she had a business call, but would be here shortly.”

  “Thanks.” Devon nodded and watched her disappear back to the front. He turned to Jax. “How you doing? You’re looking better.”

  His blue eyes searched the room. “Not as bad as I thought.” The waiter walked over placing three drinks on the table. Devon looked down at the scotch that was set in front of him. “I’m sorry, we didn
’t order any drinks yet,” Jax said, looking down at his glass.

  The waiter looked over at him. “Ms. Wallace called them in.”

  “Ah,” Jax nodded. “Of course she did.”

  Devon waited for the waiter to leave. He went to face Jax when he stopped. Jillian. The red silk dress was cut low in the front, exposing the locket and cleavage of her breasts. The thin straps at her shoulders wouldn’t take much strength at all to break. Just seeing her neck exposed and the curls sitting on top of her head made him want to suck and lick all over the sensitive skin there. He’d make a path right from her ear to her collarbone.

  “Holy shit.” Jax’s breath caught and he knew exactly what the man was feeling.

  “I’ve never seen anyone more gorgeous than her,” Devon said, lowly. “She’s pure perfection. Slim waist. Curvy hips.”

  “Perfect thick thighs.” Jax finished.

  Devon and Jax stood at the same time. Jillian looked down, her cheeks tinted red as she approached.

  “You look stunning,” Devon said, pulling the chair out for her.

  “Thanks.” She leaned forward, kissing Jax on the cheek. “So do both of you. And thank you for both joining me. I wasn’t sure you’d want to attend after my…episode, last night. I apologize for that. It was quite the shock seeing both of you again. I guess it caught up with me.”

  They all sat down and Jillian immediately grabbed her red wine, taking a drink.

  “You don’t have to apologize,” Jax said. “I think we were all a little surprised.” He rested his hand across the table and she took it. The smile that appeared made Devon get butterflies. Jillian turned to him, and licked her red lips. The shade went perfect with her dress. And the sight of the tip of her tongue. Shit.


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