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Someone Worth Saving

Page 3

by Jerry Cole

  “Which he would have done if he was given internet privileges.” Lee started to pace around the room. Andrew found himself following the man’s every movement. “That was protested by Gulliver in the trial, but the judge said no internet usage behind bars. And speaking of bars, I thought he would still be in jail.”

  “Maybe he got an early release. That would explain why it started up again five years later.”

  “That’s a possibility.” Lee stopped pacing, running his hands through his hair. He let out a heavy sigh. “This is ridiculous. He wanted to cause havoc to others so they could experience what he went through. That was his reasoning for it. Choosing you was just pure luck. If he were going to start up again, he would have chosen someone else. Going back to you seems was stupid and he thinks he’s not going to get caught.”

  “Or he’s fixated on me.” Andrew murmured.

  The thought of being the target of a relentless catfish left a nasty taste in his mouth. Joseph Gulliver had shown himself to be mentally unwell, and a psychiatrist had confirmed it during trial. But that didn’t excuse what he did, and it certainly didn’t explain why he had gone back to familiar territory when he was being closely watched.

  Andrew’s cell phone, which he had left face-down on his desk, started buzzing again. Andrew flinched. He was reluctant to check it, not after the most recent barrage of messages that had appeared. The catfish - Joseph Gulliver - had posted his newest phone number up on the profile page, along with his email address. The one that was used for business. Somehow, from the inside, Joseph had gleaned a lot of private information about him.

  And the messages from former classmates and acquaintances - some of whom had gone on to become violent themselves - were less than friendly.

  “Andrew?” Lee was watching him. “Are you going to answer that?”

  Then Andrew realized that his cell phone was ringing. He sighed and shook his head.

  “No. It’s going to be one of them.”

  “One of whom?”

  The ringing stopped. Andrew turned his phone over. The caller ID was withheld, but there was a new voicemail to add to the several others Andrew had left in the last few hours.

  Things had escalated fast.


  Andrew looked up and jumped. He hadn’t noticed Lee coming towards him. Now the private eye stood in front of him, his groin practically in Andrew’s face. Andrew felt a sharp, intense movement in his own groin. He cleared his throat and shifted, trying to sit so Lee wouldn’t notice the large bulge building in his pants.

  “Sorry, what was that?”

  Lee was frowning at him, his arms folded. Then his expression softened and he held out a hand.

  “Let me have a look. I won’t pry into anything you don’t want me to. I just want to see what’s being sent.”

  “Here.” Andrew swiped up his phone and handed it over. “I don’t care what you look at. I haven’t exactly got anything private that I need to keep hidden.”

  “Fair enough.”

  Lee took off the lock screen and Andrew watched as he went through the messages. He saw the man’s eyes widening, going from bewildered to stunned. And then angry. His eyes darkening, his mouth hardening into a thin line as he scowled. Andrew wanted to lean away. He had seen Lee angry before, but nothing like this. It made him glad that he was never the subject of that anger. Lee was one of the most protective people he had ever met.

  “Shit.” Lee shook his head and tossed the phone onto the desk. “Some of those messages...I can’t believe how many have taken offence to these messages.”

  “You would need to see the messages to understand.” Andrew said bitterly. “If it is Joseph, he’s upped the intensity of it all.”

  It had only been a few hours since Andrew had received the message from Robert Hodgson’s profile, which had then very quickly morphed into Andrew Chase shortly after Andrew had read the note. It was like they had been waiting for Andrew to be aware and then changed it. And then the messages had started going up, going to practically everyone Andrew knew. Those who had worked with him on other books and fellow authors asked him if he was okay, going to his official page. Andrew was glad some people weren’t taken in.

  But those who were from school, acquaintances that he didn’t even have on social media, had come back with a vengeance. It was frightening what they were threatening to do to him. Andrew wanted to cry at the sight of it all.

  He didn’t want this. Not again.

  “You need to take all of this to the police.” Lee insisted. “Apart from searching it my end, there isn’t much I can do. The police, at least, can go to those who have messaged you and caution them about the threats. If it’s official and down on paper, you have a paper trail.”

  “Would they believe me on it?” Andrew asked.

  “The cop who investigated this all before is still at the precinct. Just go and speak to her personally.”

  That was something. Andrew remembered how skeptical the police had been that Andrew was the target of it all. They wouldn’t touch it, except for this detective. Detective Sara Turner. She had made Andrew realize that it was a serious problem and he was a victim. Knowing she was still there made him feel a little better.

  The cautions would probably ramp up the abuse even more - it had done before - but at least Lee was right about the paper trail.

  “I’ll go along first thing in the morning.” He let out a sigh and rubbed at his eyes. He was exhausted by all this. “Fuck sake.”

  “How are you holding up?”

  “What do you think?” Andrew winced. “Sorry.”

  “No need. That answers my question.” Lee sat on the arm of the couch. “Just talk at me. Rant all you want.”

  “I don’t want to rant.”

  “You did that plenty of time before.”

  “And I was surprised you were still there after all of that.” Andrew looked down at his hands, which were clenched into fists. “I’m angry, Lee. Very angry. This shouldn’t have to happen to me for a second time. The first time around was just not fair. I had never done anything to the little shit, and he ruined my life because he felt like it. Now my self-confidence, my self-esteem, is rock bottom because of it all. I’m lucky to have any friends at all, ones that see through this disgusting parade of abuse at everyone who knows me.” Andrew gestured angrily at his phone as it started buzzing again. “It follows me around. Even now, I have to hide under someone else’s identity.”

  “You mean with your work?”

  Andrew nodded.

  “I’ve already wanted to be a writer, but I didn’t think anyone would get any of my books if they knew I was the author. You can be anonymous for so long. Then Claire said I could write and use her as the front, her name and figurehead. She didn’t mind doing it, and I didn’t mind doing the writing.”

  Andrew had been wary in the beginning, but Claire had been there for over ten years. She was a staunch ally in it all, and Andrew would always be grateful about it.

  “At least you have Claire around.” Lee said warmly. “She’s a good friend. I’ve always liked her.”

  “She’s always liked you, too.” Andrew couldn’t believe he was actually beginning to smile as he remembered Claire’s offer. “She said if you ever fancy a threesome, let her know.”

  “A threesome?”

  “She’s got a bit of a thing for you.”

  Lee threw back his head and laughed. God, that laugh made Andrew shiver all over. Just any type of sound from Lee Brown had an effect on him, but that laugh of his did something more. Andrew swallowed hard and crossed his legs. He needed to stop this erection from getting bigger, or Lee was going to notice. Now was not the time.

  “I’m flattered that she would think of me like that. But I think she would eat me alive if she got me into bed with her.”

  “She is rather...intense. From what she says, she gives it her all.”

  “Enthusiastic is fine, but to a point.” Lee raised his eyebr
ows. “Also, threesome? Who’s the third person meant to be?”

  Andrew swallowed. He knew who Claire had been implying about, but he wasn’t prepared to say that in front of Lee. Not a chance. That was far too embarrassing.

  “Whoever you want, I suppose.” He croaked.

  “Also, I’m sure the gymnastics of it all in a threesome would be quite a headache.” Lee didn’t press him, although his eyes were glinting. “Maybe we could try those positions Kirsty and I were witnessing earlier.”

  Andrew suddenly felt lightheaded.

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “Later.” Lee looked at his watch. “Do you want me to go over to Joseph’s place and see if he’s out of jail? Tell him to back off?”

  “Please.” Andrew slumped in his chair. “I’d do it myself, but I hate confrontation and he would probably call the police. You’re better at that than me.”

  If Joseph Gulliver was out of jail and back to his old ways, Andrew wanted to know. But the thought of seeing the boy again brought him out in cold sweats. He felt like he was about to be sick. A part of his life that Andrew thought was permanently closed and now it was fully wide open again. He hated that.

  “I’ll see what I can do.” Lee leaned forward. “We’ll get this sorted, Andrew.”

  “I hope so.” Andrew glanced at his phone as it started to ring once more. “The messages are getting worse.”

  And they weren’t going to stop anytime soon.


  It felt like going back in time as Lee headed out of Houston and east along the coast to Port Arthur. It was an hour-and-a-half drive from Andrew’s doorstep to Joseph’s. Lee had been expecting the catfish to be living in Asia or on the other side of the country, not this close. Then again, an hour and a half could feel like they were stepping into another world.

  Nassau Bay was a part of Houston, a large, bustling city. Port Arthur was also a city, but on a significantly smaller scale. Word was less gossip and more fact around there, as Lee had found out shortly after their initial visit to Joseph Gulliver. By the end of the week, all of his neighbors knew what had happened. Everyone had been stunned, as Joseph had been a quiet, simple young man who seemed to be incredibly polite, although he was a little odd. Nobody had expected this.

  There had been a neighbor who stood by him even when Joseph was arrested. She had strongly believed that he was innocent and it was an attack on him for something. Lee remembered encountering her. Amanda Stokes. She had been barely, clothes practically hanging off her skinny frame, as she confronted him on Joseph’s driveway and accused him of faking everything on the poor lad. Lee had wondered if she had been mentally ill, as she had been incredibly erratic.

  Hopefully, they wouldn’t come into contact with her in the next few hours. Lee hadn’t enjoyed the last interaction, and he didn’t want to go through it again. That woman could suck the life out of anyone and make them want to run.

  She had been more intense and disconcerting than Joseph, and that was saying something.

  As they went past the city limits of Port Arthur, Lee found himself taking a deep breath. What was he bracing for? Joseph had been a puny seventeen-year-old who looked like he was about to snap in half. He may have buffed himself up in prison, but he was still a wimp. He did all his confronting online, not face-to-face. Lee could easily take care of himself.

  So, what was he so worried about?

  “Troubles at home?”

  Lee glanced over at the passenger seat. Kirsty was watching him closely, settled back against the seat with her legs crossed. She was looking very bright and sunny in a simple tan-colored dress, her black hair loose about her shoulders. She didn’t often dress appropriately for their work - Lee had needed to remind her that she was trying to blend in, not stand out from the crowd - but she did look good. The woman knew her fashion style.

  “A little.” Lee flexed his legs, briefly taking his foot off the gas pedal. His legs were getting cramped up. “It’s been a while since I’ve been here.”

  “Five years, wasn’t it?”


  Kirsty looked out of the window.

  “Less than a year for me.”

  “You used to live in Port Arthur, didn’t you?”

  “Born and raised. I moved with work. My mom still lives here.” Kirsty cleared her throat and slid on her large sunglasses. “You think this Joseph Gulliver’s back to his old ways, don’t you?”

  “You’ve seen the evidence from yesterday, Kirsty. And you’ve read the file on the case five years ago. What do you think?”

  Kirsty shrugged.

  “I just thought what a sad little life he had to have been living. He was a bully online and when confronted physically, he acted like he hadn’t done anything wrong. Very proud of his doings.”

  “He certainly gave me chills when he kept giggling over his actions.”

  Lee had felt sick after printing out all the screen shots of the messages Andrew had been sent in the last twelve hours and reading them all. It was disgusting what Joseph was doing again. He had ruined all of Andrew’s teenage years by making him out to be something he wasn’t. All because he picked a random picture and pretended to be that person to make himself feel better.

  People did a lot of strange things in their spare time. This was just one of the worst things anyone could do for a hobby.

  “I thought he was in jail.” Kirsty commented. “Have you called the jail about it?”

  “I rang, but nobody answered. I’ll call a bit later.” Lee turned into a residential area off the highway. “If he’s still in jail, there’s a chance that he got someone else to do his dirty work. And whoever he hired ramped it up a notch.”

  “Nobody’s going to believe that Andrew was catfished a second time.” Kirsty added.

  “From the look of some of the messages, most people believe that Andrew really is the bully, and he pinned it on an innocent kid.” Lee shook his head. “But Andrew is the last person you would believe of doing this. Once you really know him.”

  “Like you do.” Kirsty was looking at him strangely, peering at him over the top of her sunglasses. “You’re doing a lot for Andrew, aren’t you?”

  “Why shouldn’t I?”

  “I don’t know. You just seem a little more...I don’t know, determined. More so than any of our other cases.”

  Lee had wondered about that himself. He liked to think he put himself into all of his cases and did everything he could. Being a private investigator was a dream job for him after being in the army for a few years. But with Andrew, it was something else. Lee hadn’t realized it until that morning when he felt the anger building to a level he wasn’t expecting.

  To him, Andrew’s problems were more important. And that rattled Lee. He wasn’t sure how to feel about that.

  But he wasn’t about to tell that to Kirsty. Even though they had been partners for three years, Lee found himself keeping a lot back from Kirsty about his private life. Especially about what was meant to go on behind closed doors. That was none of her business, and not something he was comfortable discussing.

  Was Andrew private business behind closed doors? Not yet, but Lee found himself wondering.

  “This was my case, Kirsty.” His hands tightened on the wheel. “Andrew and his family trusted me to look for whoever was screwing up his life. And that’s what I did. I need to make sure it stays that way.”

  “I suppose.” Kirsty murmured.

  She was now looking away, her legs crossed with her arms folded. Lee couldn’t read her expression clearly, but he was sure that she was sulking. About what?

  Then he remembered. He had been sorting out things with Andrew’s problems until shortly before they left for Port Arthur. Which meant Kirsty had to see the client on her own. A woman who was very overbearing in her son’s life, which apparently the son detested. Lee could understand why. And he wished he had been there to see her reaction. A prim and proper middle-aged woman wouldn’t have stood for wha
t her son and daughter-in-law were up to.

  “Did you tell our client about what we saw last night?”

  “I did.”


  Kirsty sighed heavily.

  “To say she was unhappy was an understatement. She was furious. At first, she was ecstatic to know that her daughter-in-law was cheating. She was so sure that she was a harlot. But that all changed when I told her that her son had come in and actually joined in, fucking both women.” Kirsty shook her head. “She refused to believe that her son was okay with it all and called him up in front of me.”

  “She did?”


  Lee found himself bursting into laughter. Now he was really beginning to wish he had been there.

  “What did he say to that?”

  “Told his mother to butt out of his life.” Kirsty’s mouth twitched in a slight smile. “He and his wife were in an open relationship. They shared partners, went to swinging clubs and participated in several orgies and BDSM clubs.”

  “You’re serious?”

  “I’m afraid not.”

  Lee was stunned at that. They had seen none of that while they had followed the wife for a week.

  “The time we followed them must have been a slow week for them.”

  “Tax week, so everything comes second to sorting taxes out.” Kirsty started giggling. “My favorite bit was when the son said she should count her lucky stars that whoever was spying on them didn’t see him fucking a guy. The woman looked like she was about to have a stroke.”

  Lee was still laughing. Nothing like a shock to the system. He sympathized with the son and daughter-in-law for a meddling mother-in-law. If he hadn’t taken the case on, he would have warned them about what was going on, but confidentiality told him that was a no-no.

  “I wish I’d been there to see that.”

  “Same here. I thought she was going to attack me.” Kirsty shook her head. “She tried to claim a refund as she didn’t get the answers she wanted, but I told her that’s not how it works. She threatened to put in a complaint.”


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