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My Son’s Roommate

Page 21

by Red Rose Publishing

  Semen shot halfway up Bobby’s chest before she finished her sentence. Loren cupped her small breasts around his erection and squeezed his rigid meat between the soft mounds. Bobby’s arms went around her head and pressed her face into his stomach. He was still ejaculating, but the mess was getting caught in Loren’s face and hair, so Stevie couldn’t see it anymore.

  Not that she really wanted to. What Loren was doing was interesting, but it wasn’t fun without Dave beside her.

  She picked up her panties and slipped them on.

  Loren and Bobby had quite rightly forgotten about her. She grabbed her jeans and started down the hall. She put them on at the bottom of the stairs and then went to find the rest of her clothes.

  Dave had been in such a hurry that he had even left his coat and socks. Stevie didn’t know what he was thinking, but the only place he could go like that was back to her house. So she put on the rest of her clothes and slipped back out Loren’s kitchen door. She thought she heard the older woman calling to her, but in truth, she just didn’t want to stay anymore.

  She crossed the backyards and slipped into her kitchen, hoping Dave wasn’t packing to completely escape from her.

  She had entered the hall before she realized something was wrong. The sounds she had just left in Loren’s house were now emanating from Dave’s room.

  “Oh God,” her mother gasped. “That’s the way! That’s it! I’m going to cum! I’m going to cum!”

  “I love you!” Dave grunted.

  Horror building in her mind, Stevie made her way down the hallway to the guestroom. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Her mother was on the pull out bed with her bra and T-shirt up over her big breasts and her pants and panties god-alone knew where. Dave was naked from the waist down, thrusting hard between her thighs, and based on her recent experience of him, just about ready to cum.

  The word slipped out of her mouth without her realizing it. “Mom?”

  Startled, Stevie’s mother cried out and threw her arm over her breasts to cover them. Dave whirled, his cock springing free of Stevie’s mother just at the moment he started to ejaculate. White liquid spewed out in an arc, falling on her mother, before moving sprinkler-like to soil the bed and the floor beside it. The expressions on both of their faces were as horrified as Stevie herself felt.

  Dave’s cock spit again and Stevie fled to her own room.

  Part IV


  January 1

  10 Minutes Earlier

  Chapter One

  Shanna was in the kitchen when the front door banged open. She put down the dish she was washing and hurried to see who it was. “Stevie?” she asked, wondering what had happened to her daughter.

  Dave swung the door closed behind him and caught her in the hall by the stairwell between the kitchen and the television room.


  His arms wrapped around her and he kissed her furiously.

  Shanna was surprised, but couldn’t help responding. He was a good kisser and she enjoyed the feel of his tongue probing her mouth.

  When he broke away, she asked a question. “Where’s Bobby? What’s going on?”

  Dave answered by scooping her up in his arms and carrying her off toward his bedroom. “I need you right now!”

  Shanna felt a moment of panic warring with her instant, giddy desire. “We can’t-”

  Dave pushed the bedroom door open with Shanna’s feet and set her on the bed. Before she could sit up, he grabbed her sweatpants and yanked them right down her legs together with her panties. She was only wearing socks and they didn’t impede his effort.

  Dave kicked his shoes off and opened his jeans. His fully erect cock leapt out commando style.

  “We can’t do this now,” Shanna protested. “I don’t know where Stevie is.”

  Dave pulled her legs straight up in the air and held them there with one forearm. With his free hand he guided his rigid cock directly to her pussy. “I love you!” he told her.

  There was no foreplay, no delicacy, just raw, unbridled need. Dave’s thick mushroom head split Shanna open and chiseled deep within.

  She’d been dry two minutes ago, but she was already wet enough to accommodate him. Her thighs opened wide and her hips thrust up of their own accord.

  Dave pulled back and thrust deeper. “I love you!” he said again.

  “I love you too, Sweety,” Shanna told him. She wondered what had happened to put him in this state. He was so hard, his need so urgent.

  The answer came to her in an instant. Bobby had been dragging them off to see Liz and Marcie, so Marcie must have really gotten Dave charged. But rather than give in and cheat on her, he had come running home to her. Part of her gloried in his obvious love, but another grew jealous that another woman could turn him on.

  Jealousy always made Shanna horny and her man was thick and hard inside her.

  She gyrated beneath him and began to urge him on. “You don’t want that bitch!” she snarled.

  “No!” Dave agreed. His cock had already reached the far end of her vagina and now he ground himself against the back end of her womb.

  Shanna loved it when he did that. Her breath caught in her throat, but she fought past it to egg him on. “That slut can’t satisfy you!”

  “Only you!” Dave swore.

  Shanna tightened her pussy, trying to trap his cock as he pumped in and out.

  His eyes rolled back in his head. “Oh, God, Shanna.”

  His voice pushed Shanna closer. “Fuck me, Dave!” she shouted. “Make me cum!”

  “Only you, Shanna,” Dave promised, “only you!”

  She could feel the veins of his shaft inside of her, a sure sign that he was getting close.

  She was feeling the heat herself. Her body began to tremble. The tighter she squeezed his cock the closer it brought her to an orgasm.

  His hands pushed her T-shirt up her chest and painfully wrenched the cups of her bra up after it. He grasped her breasts hard and pulled on them as he thrust his cock forward.

  It was perfect!

  “Oh God,” Shanna gasped. “That’s the way! That’s it! I’m going to cum! I’m going to cum!”

  “I love you!” Dave grunted. His frenzy was complete now, his motions frantic.


  Shanna looked out at the door in absolute terror, to see Stevie staring open-mouthed into the guest room.

  Dave whirled about in shock.

  The timing of the interruption couldn’t have been worst. The act of popping his dick free of Shanna’s tight cunt triggered his building climax. Hot ejaculate sprayed forth, coating Shanna, the bed, and even the floor.

  Horrified, Stevie turned and fled.

  Dave’s cock spit again, shooting a stream of ivory liquid after her.

  He swung back toward Shanna, panic on his face, his cock still squirting cum. “I…”

  Like Shanna, he couldn’t think of anything to say.

  Chapter Two

  “I’m going to have to go up there,” Shanna said. She was sitting on the side of the bed, her face streaked with tears and the cover pulled over her naked lap.

  “I…I’m so sorry,” Dave told her.

  “Why did you have to come home and fuck me?” Shanna asked. She knew in her heart why he had to have done it, but she was angry now and afraid for her relationship with Stevie, and she had to ask the question.

  “I…I just realized how hard things really are for us and I needed to feel your love,” Dave said.

  It sounded evasive to Shanna but she didn’t have time to deal with it. “Would you hand me my clothes?” she asked.

  Dave got off the end of the bed and retrieved her sweat pants and panties. He was still naked from the waist down, but at least he had lost his erection.

  Shanna brushed at her groin with the bed sheet before accepting the clothing. She needed a shower but knew there wasn’t time. She had to go talk to Stevie now.

  She slipped on her clothes and stood up. �
��You’d better get dressed,” she told Dave as she stepped past him into the hall.

  “Shanna,” Dave called.

  She stopped and turned back toward him. Why couldn’t he understand that she didn’t have time for him now?

  “I really am sorry.”

  She shook her head. “We knew this was a bad idea from the beginning. We should have stopped after Thanksgiving when we were ahead. Loren was right. If we had kept it just about sex, you could have stayed and fucked Marcie; then Stevie wouldn’t have caught us today.”

  Dave’s expression grew confused. “I didn’t…”

  He shook his own head. “I’m sorry, but I love you! I don’t want to fuck other women!”

  “No you don’t, and yes you do,” Shanna told him.

  She turned on her heel and went upstairs.

  The more she wanted to slow her pace, the faster she made herself walk. This problem wasn’t going to go away. She had to deal with it now, before Bobby started wondering what had happened to Dave and came home to find him.

  She knocked on her daughter’s door and immediately opened it. “Stevie? Are you okay? Can we talk?”

  Stevie was sprawled on her stomach across her bed with her chin propped on her hands as she stared at the wall.

  Shanna stepped into the room. “Stevie?”

  Stevie didn’t turn. “Why didn’t you just tell me? You had a dozen chances. I…why didn’t you let me know?”

  Shanna came and sat on the edge of the bed. “I’m sorry. I should have trusted you. I was just so embarrassed.”

  Stevie turned to face her, a look of revulsion upon her face. “I slept with him!”

  Shanna couldn’t face her. “I know,” she whispered, “I saw you. I just, I couldn’t break it off. And I-”

  “You saw us?” Stevie asked.

  “Last night, or this morning, after we went upstairs, I tried to sneak down to him but you were already there.”

  “Oh, God, Mom, this just keeps getting worse and worse. I was in competition for a guy with my mother and I lost.”

  “I’m so sorry, Sweety,” Shanna said.

  Stevie sat up. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I was so embarrassed,” Shanna said. “I wanted to, but what if you couldn’t accept it? What if you told Bobby? Loren said-”

  “Loren knows about this?” Stevie asked. Her eyes were wide and she seemed really disturbed by the notion.

  “Loren’s been trying to get me to break up with Dave,” Shanna said. “She said we were making too much of it, that it was just sex, that we were going to be hurt if we couldn’t accept that.”

  “Loren knew?” Stevie repeated.

  “I was going to tell you, but when Loren’s kids found out that she liked sleeping with younger men, that was the final straw that broke their relationship. I don’t want to lose you and Bobby!”

  Stevie took a deep breath. “Mom, for as long as I can remember, Loren has never gotten along with her kids. You should have trusted me!”

  “I’m so sorry,” Shanna said.

  Tears began to roll down her cheeks. She wondered why they had taken so long to get started.

  When Stevie saw her mother’s tears, she began to cry too. “I feel so dirty,” she confessed. “I slept with him and tried to seduce him again when he rejected me.”

  “He thinks he’s in love with me,” Shanna said. “Last night, you surprised him. I think he thought it was me at first, and then, well, he told me he…”

  “That’s right,” Stevie confirmed. “He…wow this is really a weird thing to talk about with you.”



  The two women sat together in silence for a full minute before Stevie spoke up again. “You know, Mom, it’s worse than Dave thinking he’s in love with you. I had a talk with him about this girlfriend that Bobby says doesn’t exist. I thought she was some college student from a strict, arrange-your-daughter’s-marriage family, but I can see now that all of the things he was saying were about you. He’s more than in love with you. He thinks he wants to marry you.”

  “Oh, shit,” she said, “that would never work. This is a disaster.”

  “I’m sorry,” Stevie said.

  That confused Shanna. “Why are you sorry?”

  “Because I knew you really liked this guy and really wanted to get together with him. But instead of helping you do that, I decided to put moves on him myself because I’m horny, sick of Edward, and was fascinated by the thought of his big cock.”

  Shanna sighed. “It is a nice penis.”

  When she realized what she had said, she gasped with renewed horror, but Stevie started to laugh.

  “I think you got a little more exposure to it than I did,” Stevie said, “but yeah, it was nice.”

  Shanna tried to chuckle with her daughter, but couldn’t make the sound come out right. “What am I going to do?” she asked.

  Stevie slid her arm around Shanna’s shoulders. “That depends a lot on what you want. Do you still want Dave?”

  Shanna dropped her face into her hands. “God help me but I do.”

  “Do you love him?”

  “I think so,” Shanna confessed.

  “Are you going to marry him?”

  “No!” There was absolutely no hesitation in her response. Marriage had never been an option here.

  “Well, then, I think you ought to go downstairs and tell him that. Define the limits of your relationship. Tell him that from now on you’ll decide when the two of you can get together, when you’ll make love, and damn it, even when you’ll let him cum!”

  Stevie’s voice was growing strident as she urged her mother to take control. “And then you better rip his clothes back off and fuck his living brains out, because you may not have a lot of other chances. I can run some cover for you with Bobby, but there are limits to what he’ll put up with.”

  Shanna stared at her daughter in amazement. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m going to help you,” Stevie said, “the way I would have helped you if you’d told me about this at the start. Now go down there and fuck your man. I’m sure you have another hour or two before Bobby gets home.”


  “You’d better hurry, Mom. He’s probably downstairs packing right now. You want to catch him before he’s gone.”

  Shanna stared at her daughter a moment longer, unable to believe she’d been forgiven. Then she was up off the bed and through the door, hurrying back to her lover.

  Chapter Three

  Stevie had guessed right. Dave was dressed and packing when Shanna returned to his room. In fact, he had finished packing and looked like he was getting ready to leave. She should have taken Stevie’s advice, walked up to him, slid her arms around his waist, and her tongue into his mouth. Instead, she opened the gate of confrontation. “Going somewhere?” she asked.

  “I think I’ve done enough damage for one visit,” Dave told her.

  He picked up his bag.

  “Were you planning to say goodbye?”

  Dave winced. “I honestly didn’t think you’d want to see me again. You were pretty clear about how you feel. You don’t believe I love you. Instead of being pleased that I came home to you, you’re angry that I can be tempted.”

  Immaturity, Shanna realized, was a serious problem in this relationship. Dave was only nineteen. He didn’t have the experience to evaluate a lovers’ quarrel. “Please put down the bag,” Shanna said, “so we can finish talking about this.”

  When Dave didn’t move, she stepped up next to him, took the bag from his hand, and dropped it on the floor. “We say things when we fight that we don’t mean,” she explained. “I know you love me. What I was trying to say is that I can’t compete with a college girl.”

  “I don’t want you to compete,” Dave said. “I just want you!”

  “And you didn’t come home to me a little while ago hard with desire for Marcie?”

  Once again, Dave
looked puzzled at the mention of Marcie’s name. This time, Shanna guessed the significance of his confusion. “Just who were you with that had you so tempted?” she asked.

  Dave’s pale face reddened with embarrassment. He picked up his bag again. “I’m sorry,” he repeated for what might be the tenth or twelfth time. “I can find another woman attractive and still wish I was with you.”

  He started to step past her. “But were you fucking me, or her, when you got back here?” Shanna asked.

  Dave turned back to face her. His free hand came up to cup her chin so he could force Shanna to look directly into his eyes. “The only woman I want to love is you!”

  He dipped his head for what he must have thought would be their last kiss. Their lips met and their tongues joined, teasing, dancing, flirting. It was very nice.

  Shanna didn’t want to give this up.

  In the back of her mind, she could hear Loren’s calm, matter-of-fact voice asking her why it mattered if another woman’s body made Dave hard? What was the harm if the cock came home to her instead of straying out in the world? Shanna had just told Stevie that she and Dave would never marry, so why did it make her so jealous that he’d looked at a woman he might?

  “Could you have fucked her?” Shanna asked. “Did you reject her to come running back to me or did she blow you off first?”

  Dave groaned—a soul-wrenching sound of despair that reverberated out from the depths of his heart.

  “She did reject you, didn’t she?” Shanna accused. Her anger was back full force and steaming out her mouth and ears.

  “No, God damn it! She didn’t! Do we really have to talk about this?”

  Shanna was still seeing red. Something had clearly happened and she wanted to hear about it from him. “I think I deserve to know.”

  Dave took a deep breath. “All right then, the truth is I cheated on you.”

  If Dave had punched her in the belly it wouldn’t have hurt this bad.

  “She was coming on strong to me,” Dave continued, “and I didn’t know how to handle it. I tried to tell her I had a girlfriend, but Bobby had already said I didn’t and she really didn’t care anyway. She might have believed the truth, but you wouldn’t let me tell anyone that.”


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