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Christmas At Love House: Bittersweet Interlude (Bull Rider #3)

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by Mary J. McCoy-Dressel

  A couple of the other bull riders came to lend a hand. By the end of the show his leg hurt like hell. “Thanks a lot, guys, but all y’all didn’t have to break away from the hoop-la with Caulder.”

  “No problem,” said Trent Murdock, his former teammate. “We got it under control. Go ahead and sit down. We’ll get your bulls taken care of for ya. I think your guys are with Caulder.” He gave a jovial laugh.

  “You’ll have your turn at the buckle one of these days, Trent. Come to my place to practice on my bulls off season. Hell, stay a few days. I’d love to have y’all visit the ranch again.”

  “You bet. I’ll have to talk it over with Shania. Now that she’s pregnant, she’s a little irritable and would love for me to be out of her way, at least until she gets farther along.” Trent nodded to Stan, the gate man, who came over to lend a hand, too.

  “Give me your keys, Foley,” said Trent, “and I’ll pull your rig over. I’ll load your trunk and supplies into the truck for you. Where’s your driver?”

  “I don’t know. Probably talking to some hottie in the stands. I’m fixin’ to let him go. I suspect he’ll up and take off one of these days, and I’ll have to hire a driver to get me and the bulls’ home.” Foley reached into his pocket and tossed keys to Trent.

  Trent grinned. “If that ever happens, you let me know. I’ll drive your rig back.”

  When Trent and Stan left, Foley took a seat and leaned forward to stretch out his legs. He massaged his temples. A headache and throbbing ache in his hip threatened to ruin the rest of the night. His own fault, for he had waited too long before swallowing a pain pill. Taking a bottle of water from the storage trunk that traveled with him, and a pill from his pocket, he gulped the pill down with a swallow of water. Realizing he had forgotten his seizure medication, he removed that from his trunk as well.

  He brought his hat forward, leaned back against a support pole, and folded his arms across his chest to take stock of the goings-on of the evening, but the headache hurt too badly. Meditate. Find a way to get past it. Wasn’t that what they had taught him in therapy?

  This job was harder than he had expected, especially by the end of the weekend when he had more than one bull in the show. Although, his goal was to always have more than one bull in the show. He’d deal like he had for the last four years since he had been thrown against the rails head first from that rank bull—then stepped on—the bull he’d never forget. The one that put an end to his professional bull riding career and nearly his life.


  After the celebratory dinner at the Venetian, Foley left early but not before giving another congratulations to Caulder and the team, and the stock contractor who won the championship. One day it’d be him. Same thing he said about bull riding. Once in his room, he wanted a hot soak, which would be fantastic for his aching body. He changed into his swim trunks, pulled on his workout pants, draped a scratchy hotel towel around his neck, and left his room, hopping on the elevator to the pool area.

  As soon as he entered, chlorine struck his nose, and the child’s squeal was the first thing he heard. A smile lit his face. Natale was there with Kase. This late? With a nonchalant tone to his voice, he said hello as he passed the shallow end of the pool.

  “Foley, what are you doing here? I thought you’d be at dinner with the team.”

  “I was but left early. Whatcha doing over there with the little guy? Hi, Kase.”

  Kase Caulder McCutchen leaned against Natale’s hip, but peeked around and smiled. Natale stood, taking hold of Kase’s hand. “This little bambino couldn’t sleep, so I had hoped to tire him out.”

  He couldn’t help but notice the way her bright red, one-piece bathing suit hugged her toned and shapely body—low enough at the top to prove she wasn’t small-breasted. That wasn’t the body…. He had to clear his throat and think of something else. “Yeah, I came in to soak in the hot tub for a while. Leg’s killing me tonight. Catch you tomorrow before I leave, maybe.” He walked away before he said things he might be sorry for tomorrow—like asking for a date.

  “Well, I hope you feel better, Foley.” Natale wrapped a sunshine-yellow beach towel around her waist. “Probably see you tomorrow. Wave bye to Foley, Kase honey.”

  Her voice was soft to his ears like velvet would be to his touch. Foley turned and took a step in her direction to say bye to Kase. “You know, no one properly introduced us a few years ago. Foley is my nickname—a name the guys gave me years back. My name’s Reece, and y’all can call me that if you want to.”

  With a little cock to her head, she smiled. “I’d feel like I was talking to a different person if I did that. I like Foley. It’s kind of cute. Hmm, maybe someday I’ll call you Reese.”

  “Okay, whatever, ma’am. Y’all have a good night. Maybe the little guy will fall asleep soon.” Tickling Kase in the belly brought a giggle from the little lad. Over his shoulder, Foley nodded, saying, “Back at the party it looked like Caulder and Velia might’ve been close to leaving, or at least trying to get outta there.”

  At the hot tub he took a seat in a chair and pulled his workout pants off, tossed the towel to the side, then sank into the hot water. This is what I needed. He leaned back and closed his eyes, but opened one to peek toward the shallow end of the pool. They were gone. Just as well. I’m twenty-two. She’s seventeen. A little voice in his head bellowed, almost eighteen. He glanced up when the sexy blonde in a skimpy, green bikini stepped into the hot tub. Her smile sure looked invitin’, but he had no interest tonight.

  “Hi there,” she said, straightening her shoulders until her breasts nearly popped out of her top. “Are you one of the bull riders in town?” The flirty tone to her voice carried across the gurgling water.

  “Nope.” That was all he had to say. Seemed she wasn’t in the mood for the hot tub after all. Girls looking to hook up with a half-rich bull rider wasn’t new to him. The whole scenario would’ve changed if he had said a simple, “yep.”


  Natale hurried out of there. “Let’s get back to the room, sweetheart. You have got to go to bed tonight. Bull riding gets you all excited, too, I see.”

  “When will Daddy and Mom come to get me?”

  “They’ll be here later. You’re sleeping in my room until Daddy comes after their party. You better be asleep by then.” She’d be asleep before him if he didn’t fall out soon. Natale opened the door to their room as Caulder knocked on the adjoining door.

  “I came to get my boy,” he said when she opened it. “You two are all wet.”

  “Hi, Daddy!” A smile lit his cute little face that resembled the man at the door.

  “We were at the pool. He couldn’t sleep.” She brushed Kase’s dark hair away from his face and slipped the towel back over his shoulders when he shivered.

  “Let’s go, big guy. Come with Dad.” He reached out for his son. “Thank you, Natale, for coming along on this trip to watch him for us.” Before closing the door, he caught it. “Oh, Foley asked about you tonight at dinner. Something going on I should know about? He expected you to be there. Where’d he get that idea?”

  “N-no, but…” Caulder lifted an eyebrow, so she toned down the excitement sure to be in her voice. “Well, I still think he’s cute, or handsome, I should say now. I like him. He’s a nice guy, sì? At your show, he asked if I’d be at dinner.” Should she say anything about earlier? Kase might. “We saw him at the pool a few minutes ago. He went to the hot tub.”

  Caulder released Kase’s hand and he ran to Velia in the adjoining room. “Yeah, about Foley. He’s sore this week—these long shows are hard on him—especially World Finals. I guess he always will be sore, though, after crushing his hip and having it replaced. The rest of his leg hurts him something awful.” As if contemplating, he hesitated again. “He is a nice guy, you’re right about that. But…well, goodnight, and thanks again.”

  After he closed the door, Natale leaned against the cool wood and her thoughts went to Foley Reece, or Reece Foley
. She still had a tingle when she was around him, but it was magnified a hundred times since before.

  Before, she had gone crazy over his intense hazel eyes and his handsome features. Now she noticed a strong jaw, his broad-shoulders—a beefy upper body barely hidden behind the towel he had around his neck. This time, there was something different—something marvelous going on inside of her body. He was older than her, yes, but according to what everyone said—after his brain injury, he seemed a bit different, like the same kid stuck at nineteen, so to speak. She didn’t notice anything different about him, but she never knew much to begin with. Only drooled over him in a teenage crush kind of way.

  She wouldn’t mind getting to know Foley better. Bobby Armano, Velia’s brother, would freak out if he knew how she still swooned over a bull rider. Everyone wanted to keep her safe, and she knew that. On Tuesday she had to go back home to return to school.

  Time was running down until she graduated. In two weeks, she’d be eighteen and couldn’t wait. She wanted life to be normal, yet, it had been so much better since Bobby had adopted them and brought them to his winery in Napa, California. She actually enjoyed learning about wine making, more than her brother Torre did.

  In college, she’d major in business, so she could help run, or even take over the winery, one day. Her mom would’ve been happy. Thinking of her mom saddened her, and a day didn’t go by that she didn’t miss her. If only…she said to herself many times. If only Dad hadn’t killed her.

  To this day she hated him. He could rot in an Italian prison a lonely man, and then burn in hell. The fact he signed papers to give up his parental rights to all three of them was like a punch to her gut, too, but she was thankful he did, so she, Alba, and Torre could come to the United States together.

  Heading to the bathroom, Natale prepared to hit the shower to wash the chlorine off her body. Had Foley left the pool area yet? Velia wouldn’t take it too lightly, but she wanted to sneak down there. With her luck, she’d get caught like always when doing something not allowed. Oh, but she wanted to go back to see if he remained in the hot tub.

  Maybe before leaving tomorrow, Foley would give her his email address or friend her on Facebook and follow her on Instagram. What was it about him? I believe it’s all of him, not one thing in particular anymore—like his belli hazel eyes. Sì, it was everything, and this was no longer a teenage crush. Running into him this evening confirmed her feelings.

  In two weeks, the world would see her as an adult. Maybe Reece or Foley, whatever he chose to be called, would, too. Here and now, she swooned like a young girl, but she’d only be considered a young girl—for two more weeks. Natale got her clothes and went into the bathroom to change. “I won’t stay long.” Please still be there… A tap at the adjoining door brought her to a halt. She dropped her clothes on the vanity and went to open it. “Velia? Is everything all right?”

  “Sì, but if you aren’t going to bed, I’d like to stay up to talk. Caulder is lying with Kase, trying to get him to sleep, but I’m not sleepy.”

  “Sure, come on in.” Natale pulled the door open.

  “Hi, Natale!” Kase giggled as he crawled to the foot of the bed in their room.

  Velia shushed him. “Lie down by Daddy, so you don’t wake him.” Shaking her head, she pulled the door closed. “He’s all pumped up. What’d you two do while we were at dinner?”

  Caulder must’ve told her about Foley. “I’ll go change. Un momento, per favore.” In the bathroom, Natale slipped into a mini nightdress, hanging her clothes on the hooks in the bathroom. She wouldn’t be leaving the room tonight, but she’d find a way to see him tomorrow.

  Chapter Two

  Love House. McCutchen Ranch, Pennsylvania

  Two weeks before Christmas, Caulder dragged the Christmas tree up the hill ahead of Velia and Kase. She pulled the sled of supplies at a slow pace so her son could play as they went along. When they crested the hill, like the playful child he was, he picked up a handful of snow and tossed it at her, a bubbly laugh following.

  “Hold up, Caulder.” She leaned down to wipe the snow off Kase’s mittens. “You should toss snow at Daddy when he’s not looking,” she muttered in a cheerful voice. “Daddy likes snow.”

  Kase looked up at her with glowing cheeks and the same flame-blue eyes as his father. As soon as Velia released his hands, he grabbed a bunch of snow, ran up to his dad, squashing it onto his pant leg.

  “Hey, what’s going on there?” Caulder peered down at his little boy with a relaxed appearance both in his stance and expression.

  “Got you, Daddy.” He ran back to Velia but laughed so hard, he tumbled into the snow then playfully rolled over a few times.

  Caulder let go of the tree trunk and picked him up. “Did you come up with that idea all by yourself, little cowboy? Or did Mom tell you to do that?” Caulder winked at Velia across the way. “Maybe we should get her back.” He gave a big grin and wiped snow from the front of his son’s coat, then stood back up. “Let’s get Mom.” He took off after Velia. A screech slipped from her throat and she dropped the rope to the sled, attempting to run down the hill, but she didn’t get far before he tackled her to the ground. They did a couple rolls downhill arm in arm. “You can’t outrun these long legs, woman.”

  “You’re in so much trouble.” She laughed hardily and snow went right into her mouth when he threw it over her. “Kase, help Mom,” squealed Velia. Blocking her face didn’t keep the snow out of it since her gloves were solid white now. “I’ll get you, McCutchen.”

  “I’m hoping. Putting our little boy up no good, huh? Why aren’t I surprised, McCutchen?” Caulder stood, lifted her from the snow, and held her up in his arms. His cold lips pressed against hers as she laughed against his mouth.

  Kase came over and grabbed a hold of his dad’s legs. “Daddy, stop.”

  Velia quit squirming and smiled at her son. “I’m okay, honey, we’re playing.”

  Caulder put her down and lifted Kase to his shoulders. “Now that we’re all covered with snow, let’s get this tree home so it can warm up. We’ll decorate it later. Hold on tight up there,” he instructed to Kase who’d be tumbling down the hill any minute if he didn’t hold tight. At the top of the hill, Caulder hooked his arm around his son and bent over to grab the trunk of the eight foot tall Douglas fir with his other hand.

  Hugging his arm, Velia walked close beside them as they trudged the rest of the way to the house. Christmas in Pennsylvania now reminded her of being home in Chicago with the winter weather, minus the rolling hills. Nothing like spending Christmas in Tucson or wherever the road took them—pre-child four years before. Last year there wasn’t a lot of snow here in the hills, but this year a snowy season was predicted and already had a good start. “Natale and Alba can help me decorate if you set up the tree. We’ll do it tomorrow when you and Torre leave for Foley’s.”

  “I’ll set it up tonight, babe. It needs to fall loose anyway before you decorate.”

  As they crested another hill, Velia halted him and clung tighter to his arm. “Just look at that. The house is so pretty at Christmas, and the lights outlining it makes it look fairytale-like from this higher elevation.” Velia smiled up at him and Kase. “Oh, honey. Thank you so much for this.” Velia observed the landscape behind the house. Snow covered, rolling hills with tall pines that had lived there for decades, warmed her heart. “My life is complete.”

  “I did it all for you and this little guy. I’m glad it makes you happy.” He nudged her on. At home, Caulder lowered his son to the porch then stood the tree against the building. “I’ll put the lights on before I leave. Let me put the tools away.”

  Velia patted Kase atop the head. “You cold, sweetie? We all need some hot chocolate.”

  “We should spend next Christmas in a warm climate while I’m on break. I’ve been away from winter for so long now. I kinda like the warm weather.” Caulder stepped off the porch and picked up the rope for the sled.

  “You’re the one
who built a house here, Mr. McCutchen.”

  Kase jumped off the step and nodded with a big smile that matched his dad’s. “Is Natale home?”

  “Yes, Natale’s here. They got in late last night, so I let her and Alba sleep.” Velia tickled his belly. “She and Alba will be excited to see you again this morning.”

  As Caulder turned toward the family barn, he looked over his shoulder. “Your two cousins have grown into beautiful young ladies. I barely recognized Natale at the airport last night. And Torre? When I take him to Foley’s ranch, I’ll be beating off the cowgirls. He’s a dang good lookin’ young man.”

  “Just make sure you beat the cowgirls off you!” Velia teased and chortled, observing Kase rolling around a snowball. “The girls are attractive. Natale resembles her mother. Can you believe she recently turned eighteen?” Velia still missed her zia Dafne when she allowed herself to think about her, but at least her cousins had adjusted to living at the winery.

  “I’ll get us some hot chocolate and brunch.” Velia opened the door and Torre met her in the mudroom. “Will you be long, honey?” she asked Caulder before closing the steel back door.

  “Nope, give me time to put the tools away. Hey, by the way—you’re darn beautiful yourself with those rosy cheeks. Bellissima!” After a wink, he plodded through the snow toward the smallest of the barns.

  “Hey,” she called. “Can you get the big wreaths from storage? I’d like to put them on the doors and the larger one over the mantle. Also, how about one on the entrance gate if you have time?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he replied, coming to a halt. “I’ll do that later.”

  Kase stopped right inside the doorway, stomping snow all over the grey slate flooring, and attempted to kick his boot off without success. “Mom, can I have a candy cane in my hot chocolate? Please? Pleassse?” he begged, dragging out the word to emphasize his need.


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