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Christmas At Love House: Bittersweet Interlude (Bull Rider #3)

Page 12

by Mary J. McCoy-Dressel

  Standing, Caulder took her hands and pulled her back to a sitting position. “We won’t do the summer tour in the RV that month, so we don’t take the chance of you giving birth on the road with a strange doctor.”

  “Been there done that.” Velia brushed her fingers over her cheeks to make sure no wetness lingered. “I need to get downstairs. I haven’t been much help since our parents got here. Why don’t you take the guys and Kase outside while we finish up? But, don’t do anything.” She poked him in the chest with her index finger. “And tomorrow when we go over to the arena at your dads, stay off the damn bulls until you heal.”

  “Yes, ma’am. You’re worse than the doctors, but a lot prettier.” With a little wiggle to his eyebrows and a subtle quirk to his lips, his fingers successfully undid the first button on her blouse.

  “Get outside and quit distracting me with your hot body and…sexy sighs.” She moved away and went toward the door but came back to swat him on the butt. “Now get… Be careful.”

  “I can barely move, so being careful isn’t a problem.” Caulder caught her arm before she got out the door, shut it, wholeheartedly backing her against it. Pressing his body tight against her, it was obvious what she had done to him.

  “Let me go, you. You’re bad, pinning me against this door like this with your cracked ribs. I know what you would like right this minute.”

  He lifted hair from the side of her neck and kissed below her ear, inciting embers to spark and burst into flames inside her body. Tender kisses turned into a big lip lock, with no intention of letting her tug away until he was ready. His mouth drawing on her skin took her to another realm of desire. When he released her, he grinned knowing exactly what he had done to her.

  “Damn you, Caulder. You melt my bones.”

  It was only a low snicker, but he got his point across. “That’s my way of telling you I’ll be distracting you later—cracked ribs or not. I’ll pop a pain pill and you can do all the work. Count on it, Mrs. McCutchen.” His eyes sparkled with rebellion. “You better not tie your hair back downstairs, honey, unless you want everyone to see that love bite I just put on your neck.” He moved her away from the door and opened it an inch. “Later, I’m going to have you.”

  She pulled her hair over her shoulder. Her body still shuddered but not like it had when she came up here. No doubt living with Caulder McCutchen—Mr. Hotness, would always be one wild ride…no matter where they were…or what room they were in. She glanced at the bed. Well, bull rider…later—I’ll have you, too.

  Chapter Ten

  Natale searched the main floor of the house for Foley, and without luck she searched upstairs. Where did he go? She tapped on his bedroom door, a big mistake if Caulder caught her. When there was no answer, she opened it. “Foley?” He wasn’t there or in the bathroom. His belongings weren’t tossed around the floor like a bachelor might do. Other than clothes in his closet, there wasn’t much to see. In the bathroom, the typical guy stuff sat on the vanity. She picked up his aftershave and held the bottle to her nose. Mmm, it smelled like him, bringing a rush of heat over her body. She might be young but womanly instincts smoldered within, and one whiff brought them out again—instincts she wanted to explore.

  What would become of them when this week was over when she wanted so much more with him? She sat the bottle down and left the bathroom but before leaving, spotted three pill bottles on the dresser and a pill case. A quick look toward the door, and she took a moment to listen outside the doorway. What would he do if he caught her looking?

  She picked up one bottle then wrote the name of the drug into her phone, proceeding to the other two. Was it wrong to want to know what he had to deal with, including his prescribed drugs? Getting out of there before being caught was the best thing to do, but she’d tell him later that she’d been here. She reached for the knob but it turned and Foley walked in. Her breath caught as her hand shot to her chest.

  “Natale?” Those gorgeous eyes lowered to meet her gaze.

  “Um, I—”

  “What are you doing in my room?” He did a quick perusal of the area and flicked back to her face.

  “I’m sorry. I looked for you, and I thought maybe you were sleeping, so I entered. Don’t be mad at me. I didn’t know if you were all right.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” He pointed toward the bed. “Since you’re here, sit down.”

  Natale needed to blow out her held breath. It came out in a broken sigh. “No, I have to leave. We can’t get caught in here. Look how Caulder had reacted at seeing us on the sofa together.”

  Foley went back to the door and locked it then came back to her.

  She put her hands up to ward off his closeness. “We can’t do this.”

  “Do what?” He held her shoulders, deliberately moving across the room. “What do you think I’m going to do? Attack you in Caulder’s home? Is that what you think of me?” He leaned in to kiss her but she backed away.

  Who was this guy? “Stop. Now.” She made eye contact with him but it was as if he was dazed. “I’m leaving.”

  “No you’re not. What were you doing in here?” His gaze went to the pill bottles on the dresser.

  She drew away from him. “I said I was looking for you.”

  “You found me…and my pill bottles it seems. Happy now? All you had to do was ask.”

  Natale glanced to the floor, embarrassed to have been caught. “Sì. I picked them up to see what you were taking.” Lifting her eyes, she continued. “Honestly, Foley, not to be nosy but for concern. And I smelled your aftershave in the bathroom, so you’ll notice that bottle has been moved, too.” After saying it, she inhaled the same scent on him, mixed with a touch of barn smell. “I like the smell of your aftershave.”

  Foley took her by the shoulders again and backed her toward the bed. “It’s my favorite. I’m glad you like it too.”

  They didn’t stop until her legs hit the bedframe. “What are you doing? I am leaving and I’ll see you downstairs.” She attempted to leave but he firmly held her shoulders.

  “No, I don’t think you should.”

  A glare shot from her eyes and she pushed him in the chest. Folding her arms to hug herself, she spoke succinctly. “Reese? What the hell are you doing?”

  He dropped his hands and looked away. “Sometimes…I get weird and it’s like someone else takes over.” His gaze flicked around the room, first to the tall bachelor chest, the six drawer dresser, the brass bed all before focusing on her. He strutted over to the door and opened it. “Go.”

  Her heart hammered while the fear of him washed away at his admission. Natale went over to close it, turned the lock, and leaned against the door. Her breathing remained labored, but she willed calm. Swallowing hard to get a grip, she was able to speak. “You scared me, but I’m not scared of you…of the Foley…Reese…that I know. I wasn’t sure what you were doing.” She sauntered over and took his hands to her chest. “I need to know what to expect from you because I want our relationship to work.”

  “It’s a long story, girl. Many changes came over me. Some of it is a side effect of my drugs and of my injury.” He glanced back at the bed, and then an armchair near the window. Foley chose to sit in the chair.

  After a quick glance to the door, Natale took a seat on the bed waiting for him to speak.

  “You should read up on some of the symptoms, although I don’t have everything some of the more traumatic head injuries cause.”

  Natale lowered her voice in case someone walked past the door. Another confrontation with Caulder wasn’t what she wanted. “Velia dealt with abuse with her ex-husband when he was on drugs. You’re taking the same one.”

  “The attitude like you just saw is about coping…not drugs.”

  “Can you switch to a different medication?”

  Foley curled his arms over his head. “Give up one set of symptoms for another? I don’t know. Why mess with it as long as it works?”

  It wasn’t her place to tell him how t
o handle his situation. He’d been doing it for four years while she grew up. She weighed the pros and cons as questions developed. It was more her problem, garnered from life experiences, than his. “After what Velia…and my mother went through—”

  Foley stood, sauntered to the door, the window, and finally went back to stand in front of her. He pleadingly lifted his palms. “I don’t harm nobody. I’m not a hurting kind of man.” He massaged his upper thigh. “It always hurts—I need pain relief sometimes. Natale, sometimes I just need to be alone. It’s that there are times when so much chatter confuses me. That’s why I went outside and you couldn’t find me. Whoever is with me needs to understand and not take it personally.” He sighed, and wrapped his fingers around his other elbow, and sat.

  Natale scooted to the edge of the mattress and put her hand on his knee. “I get that, but I didn’t know—”

  “At times, it will seem like I’m bored with what you, or anyone, is saying, but I’m not. I’m trying to comprehend it, that’s all. I can’t do that without processing it first.” Foley paused as he stared at the floor, raising his hand to the back of his head. “I hate this.”

  Observing him, it wasn’t only his leg giving him pain. She waited quietly until he was ready to go on.

  “My brain needs a minute to get it all straight before I can answer. So, if I get up and walk away, that’s the reason. It’s a lot for my friends and family to understand but they do now.” Peering over at her, he asked with all seriousness in his eyes and tone. “Can you?”

  She got off the bed and went to a picture on the wall. A picture of a bull rider. Him? Upon closer inspection, it was Foley. “This is you.” Foley waited for her answer. She ambled toward him and placed her hand on his shoulder. “I can understand, Reese. I want to understand because I care for you.”

  “You’ve so much to see in this world, Natale. Don’t commit…” His eyes darkened and narrowed.

  Was he about to end what had barely started between them? “In reality, I believe I unknowingly committed myself to you when I was fourteen.” That sounds so childish. “Four years later, I still think of nothing but you. Don’t ask me to explain. I know you didn’t…couldn’t feel anything then, but I’m not a kid now. I have my own mind and thoughts. I’m not a silly girl with a crush.” She leaned forward to place her other hand on his shoulder, straddled his legs, and bent down to kiss his lips. “Reese, I’m a woman. I want to be committed to you…to a relationship with you. Sì, you have injuries. So do I. Emotional injuries, but I’ve learned to cope like you have.” Please, Dio, don’t let me cry like a little girl now.

  Foley stood and lifted his hands to cup her face. “I hope you know what you’re doing.” He backed her toward the bed and this time she didn’t protest.

  I love you. She wanted to shout it out the window to the mountains and let it blow through the pines like the wind. “Are you willing to let me in that way?”

  He nodded. “I don’t have a choice. Ever since October, you’re all I think about. I’ll miss you when you’re gone. What can we do about that?” Natale sat then lay back on the bed and he lowered himself over her.

  “I’ll miss you too.” She brought his face closer. “Kiss me like you kiss a woman.” Foley pressed his lips against hers and his body relaxed atop her. Her lips parted, and she touched the tip of her tongue against his when he subtly encircled her lips with the tip of his. That kiss mixed with the heat, the weight of his body, and took her to a place she hadn’t been before. His lips were warm and soft, gentle. His hand cupped the back of her head and he held her that way until the kiss ended.

  “Natale…” he whispered with his forehead against hers and eyes closed.

  “I know, Foley.” Breathless, she twisted beneath him until he moved off her and she straddled him, leaned forward, and appreciatively returned his kiss. He lifted the shirt over her head and his lips trailed to her neck, while his hands explored her breasts through her bra.

  Foley moaned, “Your breasts are as beautiful as I knew they’d be.”

  Natale’s fingers pressed into his chest. “Take it off me.”

  He peered at her breasts then her face. “I can’t. As much as I want to, I can’t here.” Foley gulped. “I want to…to see you naked.”

  She swallowed down the lump in her throat. “So do it. I want to give myself to you.”

  Foley closed his eyes and pressed his body against hers. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down the length of his throat. “Girl…woman. In time. Take time to think about what you said.”

  “I will. You too?”

  “Yeah, baby, I will. And, I have considered it.” He gave her a long and sustaining kiss. “Let me up,” he said when it ended. “We need to go downstairs.”

  Natale moved to his side and stretched out with her body touching his. She caressed his chest and smoothed her hand over his muscles. Oh, how she wanted to stroke his skin without the shirt. One day. “Will you be my date for the senior prom?”

  Foley smiled, his light hair falling into his face when he tilted his head to kiss her forehead. “Yeah, girl, I will.” He moved to his side to face her.

  They clasped hands, the subtle touch of their skin together was enough for now. “I can’t wait. Come and stay at the winery with us the day before.”


  “Your ranch hands can watch your bulls and your ranch, right?” She caressed his cheek and slid her hand to the back of his head, fingering his soft hair.

  “Ranch hands run things often. They will. I’m not too old for your school to let me in, am I?”

  A cute wink made her heart sail. She slid her leg over his thigh, her knee between his legs, touching a part of him she wanted to know. Along with curiosity, came a yearning for him. “Let’s hope not. You’re the same age as a college student and many of the girls have college-aged boyfriends.”

  “I’m a little older than that, darlin’. Let me up.” When he rose, he pulled her up and took her into his arms. “When will you decide what y’all will call me? Reese? Foley? Reese comes out when you’re serious, and I hear Foley when you’re in a jovial mood.” His finger traced the outline of her bra and he leaned down to kiss her chest, caressing her breasts as his lips trailed over her throat to her lips. “What will you call me while we’re making love?”

  She should have blushed but she didn’t. Instead she visualized it, and a streak of something glorious struck her body like a bolt of lightning. Words came out in a low, shaky voice, “I don’t know. I love both of you.”

  Foley nodded, staring deep within her eyes. “That’s good.” He gave a little smile then got serious again. “I suggest you do some research—”

  “On making love?”

  He snorted. “No. I’ll give you paperwork of symptoms I notice in myself and I’ll have my mom highlight what she notices, that I might not. If you plan on being my girlfriend, or more…you need to know these things.”

  I want to be more than your girlfriend. Natale gave her sweetest smile. Her world just turned upside down. “You know I’m in love with you. I need you in my life.” She glanced toward the door when there were voices in the hallway. Alba and Velia. Were they looking for her? She placed her finger over her lips.

  “Natale, sweetie, I want to be in love with you, too,” he whispered. “But you need to be aware of what you’d be taking on. Give it some more time and let this play out. I’m here for you because doggone it… I can’t help falling in love with you.” He placed his hand on the back of her head and gave her a deep, yearning kiss, blocking out anything else around her.

  “Mmm,” she mumbled against his lips as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m not a little girl, Reece. You kissing me like that proves it. My body…I like how it feels, and I want you.”

  “I—” A tap on the door halted him. “Who is it?” Still embraced, they waited quietly.

  Natale lowered her gaze to his chest, praying they didn’t have to lie to Velia.

  “Hey, are
you sleeping, Foley?” Velia asked in a soft voice.

  “Ah, yeah, kind of… I’m sorry, Natale,” he whispered and picked up her shirt from the bed to hand to her.

  “The guys are going to the big barn over at Aiden’s if you want to go. I’m taking pictures and making sure Caulder rests.”

  He lifted her chin. “Yeah, I’ll be right there.”

  “I’ll tell them to wait.”

  “All right. Great. Thanks.” He paused until it was quiet before speaking. “I’ll go out first to make sure no one is out there.” Foley grabbed her into a tighter embrace. “We can’t do this again here…because I don’t know if I can…”

  She waited but he didn’t go on. “Then don’t…” Gulping, she placed her hand on his cheek. “I understand. We have to take it as it comes.”

  “I don’t know… Hell, yes I do know. I want you and there’s no doubt about it. But—”

  “Shh, don’t say anything. Now, go so you don’t miss out on a bull ride or two. Please, be careful, amore mio. Did you take your medicine today?”

  “Thanks for the reminder.” Foley went to the dresser and picked up one of the pill bottles. “This is my seizure medication. I forgot it last night. I think I took one this morning.” He set it down and picked up another bottle. “This is the lightest of the pain relievers. I have to take one before I go. I’ve cut back on the other since I’ve been here, and only take it at night.”

  Natale nodded, glad he took the time to explain. “I don’t want you to be in pain.”

  “I’m always in pain, sweetheart. Some is tolerable. Not to worry.” He went to the bathroom for water, swallowed the pill, and came back out tucking in his shirt. He ran his fingers over his hair to smooth it down. “I’ll check the hallway. See y’all later.”

  “Have fun.”

  Foley winked before opening the door. Once in the hallway, he ducked back in. “No one’s out here.”

  She blew him a kiss and he made like he caught it. Going out behind him, he continued downstairs and she headed toward her room. Velia came out of Kase’s room, and they nearly bumped into each other. Damn. Caught. What else was new?


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