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Christmas At Love House: Bittersweet Interlude (Bull Rider #3)

Page 19

by Mary J. McCoy-Dressel

  Kase giggled at his dad, then muttered, “That was mine, papa.”

  Velia picked up her glass of sparkling juice, stood, and gave Caulder a squeeze. With a cheery smile, she surveyed those around the table. “I love each and every one of you so much. I’ll reiterate my husband’s greetings. Merry, merry Christmas.” Her dad nodded and gave her a wink.

  Pride beamed from his face. “Velia, dear, this seems like a good time to tell you something.” He held his glass of wine toward those at the table. “Your mamma and I have decided to look for a part-time place around here. Maybe a time-share.”

  “We’d love to have you here,” said Aiden. “I’ll put you in touch with a good friend of ours from way back. Tell us when you’re ready.”

  “It won’t be for a while,” said Lidia. “Maybe by the time Caulder retires from bull riding. We’ve talked about this among ourselves. We’ll visit Italy every couple of years, and of course visit with our boys and sweet nieces and nephew in California.”

  Velia remained standing, trembling now due to the joy bubbling over inside. What would they do when Dante had children, or even Bobby if he found the right woman who wanted to settle at the winery? Her parents might have to get a couple time-shares. Sitting again, she stroked her hand across her throat, “Now, let’s finish dinner. The girls made tiramisu for dessert, and I can tell you it tastes fantastic!” She glimpsed Foley. “I have to agree with something Foley had said last night. ‘This is the best Christmas.’ “She caught her breath before continuing. “I’ll miss you all so much when you’re gone.”

  “Don’t worry, darlin’. I’ll keep you busy on the road for the next half a year at least before you have to come back to this lonely house.”

  “Honey,” said Velia as she lovingly stroked his arm. “I want everyone here as much as possible, and I have a feeling it will never be lonely at Love House. A Merry Christmas night it is indeed!”

  Chapter Fourteen

  After the holiday was over, everyone went their own way home, once again leaving the house in quiet. Velia had kept busy by taking down the holiday decorations and packing for their season opening. Caulder knew how it had saddened her when everyone left at once.

  For the two of them now, they barely had time to finish up what needed to be wrapped up at home before the new season started. Natale had called earlier to report that Foley had spent more than a day at the winery and their New Year’s Eve celebration together had been wondrous. According to the conversation with Velia, Natale hadn’t yet figured out what she’d do when school started, and when Foley had to return to the circuit with his bulls.

  They’d be on the road again in a matter of days. Grandma and Grandpa McCutchen would keep Kase for the first week until after the banquet, opening ceremonies, and the show.

  This being their last week home before heading out, today, they had almost been late for their last baby doctor appointment before traveling. Caulder sat beside her as she lay on the table waiting for the ultrasound tech. His gut churned but not in a bad way as he observed her staring at the bright, white ceiling. Her foot wiggled and her fingers were together as she twirled her thumbs.

  The tug at his heart brought up familiar memories—like when they did this with Kase, and when he’d done it for his little girl. The tightness in his gut and the awe-inspiring love was the cause. Would they have a daughter this time? A little girl with Italian features like her mom? Olive-brown eyes or blue? Now, nothing came out of his mouth when their gaze linked.

  Velia smoothed her hand over the material of her fuchsia sweater to straighten it out. “I’m so emotional. Even this early, I have immense love for this child. To see piccina growing and developing like this is so delightful.”

  We’re back to piccina? Her misted eyes wrenched his strength. Staring at his palms in his lap, he managed to get out, “Are we sticking with the name Grady Chase if we have a boy?”

  Velia’s lips turned upward in a smile as if she had pictured a new little boy’s face. “Absolutely. I love the name. Grady,” she repeated. “How about if we have a daughter? Are we still on the same page?”

  “Cheyenne Garnet? You’re damn right. Granny will love our daughter’s middle name to be after her. She’ll be surprised. I hope it doesn’t bother our parents that we don’t use one of their names.”

  “They’re fine, but if we have another one, we better fit one of their names in somewhere or give this one three names.” She cupped her hand over her mouth to quiet a gasp. “Omigod, my heart’s pounding! Caulder. We can’t count on having another child. Brainstorm! Cheyenne Garnet Dafne McCutchen.”

  “Your cousins will love it if we use their mom’s name, and no one can complain about using your aunt’s name…as a tribute to her.”

  “Darn, honey, what am I thinking? I can’t rob one of my cousins by using their mom’s name. One of them might want to use it if they have a daughter. My hormonal brain isn’t being logical. We’ll stick with Cheyenne Garnet.”

  “It’s a plan, darlin’.”

  A pretty, young tech came in wearing a smile. “Well, hello there. Velia McCutchen?” Her gaze flitted back and forth between them.

  “Yes, and this is my husband, Caulder. We want to know the sex of our baby today.”

  His heart tumbled over at Velia’s words.

  The technician shook his hand. “Wonderful to meet you.” She took a seat on a round swiveled stool at the other side of the table. “Exciting times for expectant parents. Is this your first?”

  “We have a four-year-old son.” Caulder scooted closer as the tech proceeded. Pride beamed from his wife’s face. He couldn’t wait until the season started in a couple days to brag about a new baby. After what happened so late in her pregnancy the last time, there was no way she’d work as far along this time. She wouldn’t agree. Maybe she wouldn’t be as lucky the next time. She could’ve lost the baby.

  The tech brought him out of his muse. “Look here.” She made sure they both looked. “You want to know the gender? It’s easy to tell.” She peeked at the chart. The tech nodded and pointed to the screen. “Right there. Congratulations, you’re having a son.”

  Sweat dampened his skin, but he laid his hand over Velia’s thigh. He was proud and thrilled as he observed the child she carried—their second son. He glanced back to the screen when the tech said everything looked to be coming along fine with their little boy. Velia laid her other hand over his. This little guy, his son at home, and their mother meant everything to him.

  Her eyelashes fluttered. “We’re having another son, amore mio. Grady Chase. I’m tickled! I loved having my first boy. They’re so inquisitive and rambunctious.” Releasing a heartfelt sigh, she whispered Caulder’s name.

  Their gaze held and he was glad she was the one crying because he was close to the same. Placing his hand against her cheek, he leaned forward to give her an easy kiss.

  The tech spoke as she peered at the screen. “I’ll send the report to your doctor. Again, congratulations. I believe we’re almost done here. Let me get some measurements, but…wait...” She continued to observe the screen, even adding more gel to Velia’s abdomen, once again moving her instrument around. “Velia, please turn more on your side to face me.”

  Rolling to her side a bit, her voice came out in a concerned tone, “What is it?”

  “Yes, I was correct.” She spoke mostly to herself but tilted the screen again. “Here look closer. See where his heart is beating?”

  They both observed closely. “Yeah, is there a problem?” Now his palms sweat for a different reason and he couldn’t swallow. Why was he seeing two different spots on the screen, both with something moving inside?

  “What is it?” Velia’s voice went up an octave. “Tell us.”

  “Here look?” She pointed to the heartbeat again. Then she pointed to another one and lifted her eyes to them. “There’s another baby in there, Mr. and Mrs. McCutchen.”

  “What?” Velia and Caulder thundered it out at the same t
ime. “What?” he repeated. “We’re having twins?” Gulping to get past his dry throat, he spat out the question again to be sure he wasn’t dreaming. “We’re having twins?”

  “It seems the second one is hidden a bit, but with a slight adjustment, you can see it perfectly clear. So twin A is your boy because he’s closer to the cervix. We call the other twin, B.”

  Caulder dropped to his chair. “Twins?” He still couldn’t believe it. His gaze went to Velia who had sat up by then and stared into space, so he waved his hand in front of her. “Hey, you all right?”

  She gave a spirited laugh. “Mamma mia! No wonder I popped out so much. I figured I gained too much weight over the holidays. Twins didn’t show up in the first scan and they only heard one heartbeat.” Velia covered her face and screamed, “Omigod! It’s doubtful I’ll be working until nine months this time, Caulder.”

  “Sweetheart, I know you won’t be working that long. Uh uh. No way are you climbing bleachers. You’ll be home with Kase this time. This is unbelievable. I can’t wait to tell the guys. Hell, tell the world! I’m calling Doc when we get out of here.” A thought struck him and his breath caught… “Can you tell the sex of the second baby?”

  The tech peered at them and a big grin erupted. “This is the best job in the world. I waited for you to ask. Ready for this?”

  With Caulder’s arm around Velia’s shoulder, they both nodded.

  “Well, it’s not as obvious as the first one due to position, which tells me…you’re having a girl, too.”

  “Oh. My. God!” Velia threw her hands up to her face again. “A boy and a girl. I’m having a daughter, too. Cheyenne. Our daughter. Cheyenne Garnet McCutchen! Our parents will be so tickled to finally have a granddaughter.”

  At that moment, Caulder’s life had changed, even more than with their first child. More than when he learned of having two sons, but now they were having a daughter. Grady and Cheyenne. His pulse raced. Christy, my sweet baby girl, you have a sister and two brothers.

  The tech congratulated them one more time, did all the measurements, but before leaving, she said, “I know who you are, but it was best to do my job instead of acting like a big fan. Good luck with the upcoming season. Both of you.”

  “Yep, maybe I’ll remain a couple more years, but you didn’t hear it from me.” Shaking his head at himself, he needed to clear that up after mistakenly letting it slip. “Still too early to tell, though. I suppose our sons and a daughter will be keeping us busy.”

  “You two take care and maybe I’ll see you the next time.” She patted Velia on the arm before leaving.

  He gave Velia a hand off the table. A lump in his throat was big enough to stop up the dam at the Allegheny Reservoir up in Warren County. If only he could hold it together a while longer. “Come on, little Mamma. Let’s take these babies home. Man, I hope our folks don’t have a heart attack over this.”

  “No, they will roll around in the snow and make snow angels like their grandson.” She grasped his arm. “Wait until we tell Kase he’ll have a brother and a sister.” Velia had a soft expression on her face and her eyes misted again. “Christy. Oh, honey, you have another daughter. I’m thrilled for you. For us.” Velia situated her clothes then embraced him. “Were you serious about riding only a couple more years? Calling it quits?”

  “I’m the old man of the PBR now, darlin’. Besides, I have two sons to train-up to be champion bull riders. You know it’ll happen whether I want it to or not.”

  “Well, our little girl will probably fall in love with some rowdy, bull riding cowboy. You know it’ll happen…if she’s anything like her mamma. Right, babe?”

  Like hell. Caulder held her tight and smiled, nodded. What else could he do? He wasn’t about to argue with a pregnant woman, especially not a woman pregnant with twins. His twins. “Who would’ve guessed? I don’t have twins in my family that I know of. It takes a real man to make twins. What say you, ma’am?”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Velia sniffled and lowered her eyes. “Now let’s get out of here. We best stop for a big bottle of champagne. We’ll do a conference call and tell everyone at once. Everyone, even the cousins. Natale texted me late last night to say how much in love she is with Foley. I think she wanted to tell me more, but didn’t.”

  “The biggest bottle of champagne is coming up.”

  “Mmm, when we get home, how about you put up that sign you made me because we’re bringing home extra love to fill our house.”

  “That’s why I built all those bedrooms, woman.” Caulder escorted her out of the room and down the hospital corridor. “How many more bedrooms do we have?”

  She cupped her hand around her mouth, and whispered, “Only two we haven’t made love in yet. Maybe that’s the key?”

  “No, honey.” When he brought her to a halt a couple parking spots away from the truck, he whispered, “Love House is the key.”

  Velia grasped his hands and held them. “Look what we’ve done.” She glanced at her abdomen. “We have so much to live for. I know you’ll win the championship this year.”

  Hmm. Or not. If only he had as much confidence, but he loved hers. It was what had gotten him through many long and painful nights. “If I win the championship this year, I’ll try one more year of riding. I’m competing with nineteen-year-olds…and Robbie’s still in that mix of champs, so I’ll have to ride my ass off and stay healthy.”

  “You’re competing with no one. Trust me, there is no one in your league.” Velia gave a sexy little grin. “Because not that many months ago, you made twin babies, Mr. McCutchen. The win is yours all the way around.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Caulder placed his hands on her face and angled his head to kiss her. “In reality, the win was mine the day I had a flat tire in Tucson.”

  “Yes, it was, but I believe it wasn’t an accident.” They took an easy stroll toward the truck. “Let’s go home and give the good news to everyone. We’ll call Donna, and she’ll blast it all over at the PBR banquet, or sooner. Sound good?”

  “A little proud are you, ma’am?”

  “I am. You know why?” she asked with a warm and caring tone. “I’m the one who fell in love with a bull riding World Champion. Even when we’re two years older with three little kids running around, I’ll still be loving you.”

  He opened the door and rubbed his hand over her behind when she stepped up. “Looking good for a pregnant woman carrying twins.”

  Velia turned to him when she sat, touching his cheek. “You’re looking good, too. You know, for being the old guy. Shall we go home to our life?”

  “You got it.” He leaned in close. “I’m looking forward to the rest of my life with you and all three of my little half-Italian babies.” He winked before closing the door. Damn, he loved her! As he walked around the back of the truck, she glanced out the rear window and smiled. Sexy woman. When he got in, he raised the console and pulled her over to him. “You’re so innocently bad with your little smile.” Caulder caressed the side of her face, gave a mischievous grin, and kissed her.

  He called his dad on the way home, asking him and his mom to come over in an hour and a half. It’d give them time to make appetizers. She called her parents individually since her dad was working, and set up a time for a conference call. She made the excuse she wanted to talk to them all before they left for the beginning of the season. Then she texted Bobby and asked if he’d get Alba to the phone for the call later. She left a message for Natale and then Foley but got no response from either. They’d take Kase aside to tell him in private.


  On the way home from shopping, they were surprised to see a car in their driveway. “Whose car is that?” Velia spoke mainly to herself when they came close to the house. Well, at least whoever it was had shoveled the new snow off the porch.

  “I don’t know. Were you expecting someone?” Caulder cranked his neck around her to check out the vehicle. “It’s a leased car I bet.”

  How can
he tell? “I expected no one today.” Their front door opened and Foley and Natale came outside. Once Velia’s shock went away, she wasn’t happy about her cousin being on this side of the country in the middle of the week. “What the heck? Why are they here? Natale is supposed to be at school.”

  “And Foley is supposed to be on his way to the opening of the season with a trailer load of our bulls. Something is going on. They better not be telling us the same news we’ll be telling them…or similar. I’ll kick his Okie ass back to Oklahoma.”

  Velia grasped his coat sleeve when he opened the door in a rush. “No you won’t, now calm down. Give Natale a little more credit. But…in case they do tell us something we aren’t ready to hear, you behave.”

  Caulder came around to open her door. “Yeah, right, Velia. I’ll probably have to tie you down if they tell us what we don’t want to hear.”

  “Tie me down in your dreams, but you’re right.” She rolled her eyes when she glanced up at him, but her gaze shot to the youngsters. “What are you two doing here? I texted you both earlier.” Velia hugged Natale and eyed Foley with condemnation, changing it to a smile after Caulder nudged her.

  He got the bags out of the backseat and faced them, getting directly to the point. “Come on inside. What’s up?”

  “How come you texted us?” Foley asked kicking snow off his boots on the porch. “We were already here and waited until you arrived home instead of answering.”

  Shoving the door open, Caulder was none too happy. “I’m asking the questions, Foley. What the hell are you two doing here now, together?”

  Natale and Foley eyed each other then followed Caulder inside. Catching the door from swinging back, he gave Foley his best evil eye.

  Velia frowned at Caulder for being so intimidating, yet it was okay for her to be patronizing, she supposed. “Come into the kitchen. I have to get appetizers together. Dolly and Aiden will bring Kase over later.” Velia observed Natale clinging to Foley’s arm as if she were afraid he’d sink into nothingness with the way Caulder glared at him. Not meaning to intentionally, but her gaze lowered to Natale’s abdomen. She put the bottle of champagne and prosecco away, removing items she’d need for her appetizers.


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