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His Hand-Me-Down Countess: The Lustful Lords, Book 1

Page 16

by Sorcha Mowbray

  “Yes, Master. I refused to tell you what scared me.”

  “Correct, and in so doing, you have earned twenty spanks.” He rubbed one cheek and then the other.

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Cooper, please keep count if you will.” He hesitated. “Theo, you may stop this at any time if you wish to tell me.”

  “No, Master.”

  Stone sighed. “Very well.”

  He slapped her right cheek.

  “One.” Cooper’s baritone rumbled off the stroke.

  Stone landed eight blows by the time Theo’s tears started. Cooper glanced up at him, almost as desperate to stop things as he was. But Stone knew he had to follow through. Theo needed him to be strong for both of them. Two more cracking swats landed, and she gave in.

  “I liked it, Master,” she cried out.

  Stone stopped mid-swing and moved around to her head. “Liked what, pet?”

  “The torture device. I-i-it excited me, and I felt ashamed and scared that I wanted you to tie me to it.” With her admission, her tears fell harder.

  “Pet, look at me.” He tipped her face up so he could see her tear-drenched eyes. “I am incredibly pleased it excited you. It does the same for me, and I relish the notion of tying you to it while I have my way with you.”

  “Y-you do?” Confusion stopped the tears but creased her forehead.

  “Of course I do, pet. Why else would I have had it made? All better now?”

  “Yes, Master.” She offered him a tremulous smile.

  “Good, I’m proud of you for telling me. We won’t use the cross tonight, but we will try it out in the near future.” At her little moue of disappointment, he chuckled and added, “I promise.”

  It made him happy to know she was as enticed by the cross as he. With a nod of his head, he and Cooper unbuckled her wrists and ankles before helping her stand. Stone scooped her up and carried her to the bed, where he set her down.

  Hovering over her, he rubbed her arm and leg on the left side while Cooper took care of her right. The massage morphed into petting as their hands roamed up over her shoulders to tease her breasts. With a moan of contentment, she arched into their hands as they rubbed and stroked her body. Leading the way, Stone bent lower and sucked on a nipple, all the while continuing his caresses. Cooper followed suit, causing her to cry out in pleasure. As she writhed beneath their attentions, Stone drew his hand down to spread her thighs. Relaxed and lost in the sensations, she complied with his nonverbal request for access and spread her legs. With access granted, he stroked her slick pussy, sliding a fingertip over her folds and around her swollen nub. Cooper joined in Stone’s explorations, swirling his fingertip around the drenched opening of her channel.

  “More, please, Master,” she begged him.

  Stone released her nipple long enough to reply, “More what, pet?”

  Her hips bucked against their hands while her head tossed back and forth. “So empty.”

  Stone pushed a finger inside her, sliding to the third knuckle, and released her breast again. “Is that good, pet? Do you need more?”

  She clenched around his finger and whimpered. “Fill me, please, Master.” Her breath hitched on the plea as her breathing grew more rapid.

  Cooper lifted from her other breast. “May I?” With Stone’s assent, he slid a finger inside her as well.

  Theo squealed in delight and fucked herself onto their fingers. As the first wave of her orgasm hit her, they simultaneously latched back on to her nipples and sucked hard and then pumped their fingers in and out of her sheath. She rode wave after wave of pleasure, until the grip of her cunny slowly lessened around their fingers. Certain that she was satisfied for the moment, they pulled their fingers free and released her nipples to allow her a few moments of recovery. As she came around from her blissful stupor, she looked up at Stone and smiled. “Thank you, Master.”

  Stone laughed. “Not so quick, my pet. There is far more to come. Are you ready to continue?” He couldn’t resist stroking her cheek as he waited for her reply.

  She nodded, but then spoke. “Please, Master.”

  “Very good, then.” Stone helped her sit up, and then he and Cooper stepped back and stripped. Theo watched as they removed each piece of clothing, her interest in both men evident, though Stone was pleased to find her gaze returning to him more often than not. When they were both naked with cocks hard from pleasuring her, Stone considered what she might enjoy. She had proven an avid disciple of his rod, so he thought that might be a good place to start. “Pet, on your knees.”

  She eased off the bed and sank to her knees as he had requested. The subservient position appeared to thrill her if the glow in her blue eyes was proof. And then she licked her lips as she eyed their shafts. So he moved closer and offered his length to her. She looked up as though requesting permission, and, with a nod from him, she wrapped her delicate fingers around the base of his shaft and engulfed the head in her mouth. Stone couldn’t control the groan that escaped him as her heat surrounded his erection. To his left, Cooper stood with his own hand wrapped around his shaft and watched.

  Stone thrust between her lips, pushing deeper into her mouth and throat. She choked and sputtered around him but refused to pull back. But then he took the choice away from her and withdrew. “Do not forget our guest, pet.”

  “No, Master,” she concurred as she seized his length. After a brief hesitation, with one hand still wrapped around his cock, she took hold of Cooper’s shaft and leaned forward. Trepidation had her gaze darting back toward Stone as she hesitated, but then she sucked the tip of Cooper’s cock into her mouth.

  “Focus on him, love,” Stone urged her as she tried to balance her loyalty to him with her desire to experience something—someone—different. Stone decided to make it easier for her. “Stop for a moment.” He pulled away, went to his pile of clothes, and dug his necktie from the heap. Then, with deft movements, he placed her hands behind her back and lashed them together. “Now, all decisions are mine. All you need to do is open wide, pet.”

  And with that, he circled back around and pushed his cock into her waiting mouth. She latched on and sighed in contentment as he pumped his hips until his balls brushed her delicate chin. Then he withdrew and signaled for Cooper to take a turn. His friend repeated the movement, pushing deep into her mouth and throat. His cock was slightly thicker but a bit shorter than Stone’s, so taking Cooper was different for her. She gagged a bit but pushed past the momentary challenge.

  Soon they set up a rhythm where one would slide in and out of her mouth a few times and then they would switch. Even as he struggled with watching Cooper sink his cock into his wife’s mouth, he could also see how much his wife was enjoying sucking both of their cocks. They continued the pattern until Stone thought his balls would explode with need. He wanted to come, but he wanted to do so deep in his wife’s cunny. He withdrew one last time and then helped Theo rise, though her hands remained bound for the moment. Her lips were swollen from sucking them, and her gaze glassy with desire. Despite two orgasms and a spanking, she seemed to be ready to come for him once more. Eager to see that happen, he directed Cooper to untie her hands. While his friend did so, Stone leaned down and kissed his wife. She responded, eager and sweet until her hands were free and she could latch on to his bare shoulders.

  He pulled away and turned her toward the bed. “Up you go, pet.” Eager for whatever he had planned, she scrambled onto the bad and looked at him for further direction. Stone decided he needed to be inside her, to feel her wrapped around his cock. “On your hands and knees, please. Arse toward us.”

  With her soaked pussy on full display, they admired their handiwork. She was wet and swollen with need. Stone grabbed her still-rosy bottom and leaned in to drag his tongue along her wet slit. Her sweet-tart taste burst over his tongue, drawing a groan from deep within his chest. He looked over his shoulder and caught Cooper watching, desire in his own gaze. Stone waved him over. “Taste her. She’s so bloody

  Cooper leaned in and lapped at her folds, eliciting a shudder from Theo. After a few moments, his friend drew back, his lips wet with Theo’s juices, and Stone had to fight off a rogue surge of jealousy. Ruthlessly controlling the unwelcome feeling, he pointed to Theo’s head. “Have her suck you off while I pound her sweet cunny. You may come in her mouth if she is willing.”

  Satisfied that Cooper was taken care of, he notched his prick at Theo’s quim and pushed forward. She moaned and pushed back to meet him as he slid into her hot channel. He gave her a moment to adjust to his invasion, and then he pulled out until just the tip remained.

  * * *

  Theo sensed the blond Adonis’s presence more than saw him, since her eyes were closed while she relished the feel of Stone’s cock buried deep inside her pussy. When she opened her eyes, she found the purplish head of Cooper’s cock in her face. Just as it had happened at The Market when she watched the three lovers, the notion of being filled with cock caused her body to heat and soften.

  Stone shuttled in and out of her quim while Cooper nudged her lips. “Suck it, Theo.” The strange baritone caused shimmers of lust to sparkle through her.

  “Take his cock in your mouth, pet.” Stone’s command spurred her to action, and she opened wide to accept the erection.

  As she swallowed him down, Stone thrust into her pussy, and she could no longer think straight. They consumed her as surely as they filled her and pleasured her. Cooper groaned, pumping in and out of her mouth in time with Stone, who had also reached around to rub her clit. Deep savage shudders of bliss started where his fingers touched her and intensified until her body surrendered to the tidal wave of carnality that crashed over her.

  She groaned as her orgasm broke and the men continued to use her body. Before long, Cooper shouted his release and tried to pull away. Theo refused to let him go and hung on to his hip with one hand as his salty seed flooded her mouth.

  Thrown over the edge, Stone exploded inside her with a powerful stroke that seated him deep in her cunny. “Theo,” he bellowed, and then collapsed over her back.

  They lay in a heap as they recovered. Cooper reached over and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Thank you, Theo.” Then he rose from the bed, dressed, and slipped from the room.

  * * *

  Stone lay there holding his wife in the quiet room. Many emotions buzzed within. Tired, but more than ready to retire to their room, Stone crawled from the bed and carried his wife with him.

  As erotic as watching her with another man was, it had been an equally torturous undertaking. Now that it was over, he wanted to beat his chest and cry out to all and sundry that she was his. Yet he would never have denied her the experience, the utter abandonment of having two lovers who catered to her every need.

  But now that he had survived, he wanted—no, he needed to imprint himself on his luscious little pet. Determined to remind her of their bond, he carried her back to their bed, laid her down, and suckled her breasts. As she roused to his loving, he moved lower. With a few swipes of his tongue, she was awake and ready to take him again.

  He spread her thighs and plunged in to the root of his cock. With each successive stroke, his balls slapped against her arse. “Mine, woman. You are mine.”

  His declaration became a chant as he slid into her over and over again. He cradled her in his arms, letting his weight rest on his forearms, and he made possessive, demanding love to his wife. Their climax came with a synchronicity that had Stone’s legs turning to pudding as her cunny clutched at his length. He imagined the warm spurt of his cum marking her inside and out. The need to claim her in the way of master and slave made him crazy with its persistence. Perhaps a bracelet or collar of some kind could be fashioned for her. Or perhaps she’d wear the sapphires at all times for him?

  “Thank you, Stone. This night was an amazing gift.” Her softly uttered appreciation speared his heart and solidified her control over him.

  He would do anything for her. Kill anyone who tried to take her from him. Somehow, his unwanted bride had turned into the one woman he could never live without. “You are welcome, Theo.” I shall never let you go.

  He slipped from her body and snuggled as close to her as he could manage. They drifted off to sleep wrapped around each other.

  Chapter 19

  Stone woke with the sun despite their late night. He stretched and made to rise when Theo snagged an arm about his waist and tugged him back toward the bed. “Don’t go,” she murmured.

  He chuckled and tumbled back into bed. “I did not intend to wake you.”

  “Mmmmm. You didn’t. I was luxuriating in your warmth when you deserted me.”

  “My apologies. I thought you were sleeping and merely aimed to let you rest. After last night, I assumed you needed it.” He lay back down and settled her so she draped half on his chest and half off.

  “I merely need you near me. Stone, I want you to know that while I appreciate the gift of last night, you are the only man I want in my bed.”

  The worry that had clutched at his heart the night before, even after they had made love alone, released its treacherous grip. “Ah, wife. I am very glad to hear you say that. While I wanted to indulge your curiosity, let you explore some of what is possible, it was a night I’d prefer never to repeat.”

  She smiled at him. “Excellent.” Then she nibbled her lower lip again as color rose in her cheeks. “Though I do not know how I shall ever look Cooper in the face again.”

  “Cooper would never treat you with anything less than the respect you are due. I would never have invited him into our bed if I did not trust him implicitly.” Stone dragged his knuckles along one pretty pink cheek.

  “Well, I shall endeavor not to turn into a complete blushing simpleton in his presence, though I fear that may be a challenge.”

  Stone tamped down his jealousy. She was a bit embarrassed over what they had shared. She was not infatuated with his longtime friend. In desperate need of a switch in topics, he reached for something easy and mundane. “Do tell me, what are your plans for today?”

  “I believe I am scheduled to receive callers this afternoon, and then tea with my sister and Lady Heartfield.”

  Stone couldn’t control the urge to run his fingers through the golden silk of his wife’s hair. The strands sifted through his fingers like water. “Must you be chummy with Lady Heartfield?”

  “Stone, it is not as though we discuss you whenever we visit. You are rarely, if ever, a topic of conversation.” Theo sat up, clutching the sheet to her breasts. “She was once someone you trusted. Why should that trust have changed? She did not reveal anything of your history to me.” She reached over and laid her hand on his chest, as though reassuring him.

  When the sheet slipped down around her hips to leave her breasts exposed, he struggled to focus on the conversation. “Very well. But I do ask that you be careful whom you meet of her acquaintances. No more madames and such.”

  Theo laughed softly and stretched, lifting her breasts high and exposing her softly rounded belly for his delectation. “Agreed. Though you are becoming quite the hypocrite, aren’t you, my lord?”

  “Be that as it may, I do not wish you to be tarnished with my former reputation any more than you are by virtue of our marriage.” His gaze drifted to her rosy nipples that puckered under his scrutiny as she released her stretch.

  “Yes, Master.” The husky tone would have given away her quick shift from morning conversation to desire-fueled action if her use of “master” had not. Without discussion, she delved under the covers and sought out his rapidly thickening rod. Marriage was a far more pleasant state of being than he could have anticipated.

  * * *

  A few days later, Theo strolled out the front door and clambered up into the cabriolet. Reins in hand, she set out for a drive through Hyde Park and then to shop on Bond Street. With the tiger clinging to the back of the vehicle, she raced through the park in a rush of excitement. She simply adored dri
ving fast. The rush of the wind, the thrill of the speed. It made her feel wild and alive, not unlike how she felt when kneeling before her husband.

  Spying her sister, who had come out for an early afternoon ride before the truly fashionable crowd took to Rotten Row, she stopped to chat.

  “Hullo, Lizzy.” Theo grinned at her sister’s surprise.

  “Oh, Theo, tell me you did not take Stone’s cabriolet for a drive without his permission.”

  Theo tutted at her sister. “Of course not. Stone gave me permission to drive his team and vehicle whenever I like. They go very fast, Lizzy. It’s much better than driving Mother and Father’s old carriage or that wagon the house staff used. I should have taken Father’s rig out for a drive sooner.”

  “He would never have allowed that,” Lizzy pointed out.

  “He would likely never had known. He barely noticed me as long as I did not turn up lame,” Theo countered.

  “You may be correct. However, one would think your husband realized your penchant for recklessness after your jaunt to The Market.” Lizzy rolled her eyes.

  “He trusts me to handle myself and the team. Really, it’s not as if I’d do anything foolish.”

  “Good afternoon, Lady Stonemere.” A familiar dapper young man pulled up in a phaeton.

  “Good afternoon, Denton.” Theo offered him a jaunty nod in greeting.

  “I don’t believe I’ve made the acquaintance of your lovely companion.” The golden brown of his hair gleamed in the sunlight like the pelt of a mink. His golden eyes danced with mischief as he glanced at Lizzy.

  “This is my sister, the Marchioness of Carlisle. Lizzy, this is Mister Hugh Denton. Stonemere’s cousin.”


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