Loving Kate (Acceptance #3)

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Loving Kate (Acceptance #3) Page 22

by D. Kelly

  “He gave this to you? I didn’t even know he still had it.”

  “I asked him if he could find me something, anything, of Lila’s so a part of her would be with you today. I’ll give it to him on this, he opened his desk and it was right in the top drawer, next to a picture of you. He didn’t hesitate for a second when I asked for it, either.”

  I’ve got a piece of my mom with me on my wedding day.

  “You know, you’re the very best friend a girl could ever have, right?”

  “I know, but I love getting my ego stroked so you can tell me as much as you want.”

  Misty walks in and quickly apologizes. “Sorry for interrupting but I drew the short straw. New girl and all, I guess. I don’t know the tricks yet. Anyway, I’ve been ordered to tell you that ‘There’s no such thing as natural beauty and that masterpieces take time to create, so please hurry up.’”

  “Jess,” Mike and I both say in unison and laugh.

  Mike kisses Misty goodbye and leaves the room. It’s time to get ready for my big day. I can’t believe I’m actually getting married!


  “I still can’t believe you hijacked my graduation party and turned it into your wedding and I actually helped,” Connor says with a pout.

  “What are you whining about? You helped happily so stop your bitching,” Jake snaps back at him.

  “Well, she is the best person I know, so how could I not help? Especially since it took Daniel so long to figure out she loved him,” Connor retorts but he’s smiling now.

  Mike comes back with a big shit eating grin on his face. “She said yes.”

  And I’m so relieved she did.

  “I’m getting married today, I still can’t believe it.”

  Jake looks right at me and says “Been there, done that.”

  “Well, I guess that’s better than been there, hit that?” Connor says and then, immediately realizing what he said, looks to Mike.

  “Oh, hell no, I’m not touching that one. I do value my life.”

  “What? You’re afraid Daniel will kick your ass?” Sometimes Connor just really isn’t all there.

  “No, I know Kate would kick my ass when she found out.”

  “Oh yeah, she totally would and Jess wouldn’t be too far behind her.”

  “Speaking of…” I turn to Connor and ask, “What is going on there?”

  “Man, I don’t know. One day she’s hot and the next she’s cold. I love her but I’m tired of it. I’m going to talk to her tonight. It’s time to go big or go home.”

  Mike pats him on the shoulder and then asks him what we’re thinking, “You’re not going to actually say that particular phrase, right?”

  “Do I look like I have a death wish? No, I’m just going to have the ‘I think I want more’ discussion.”

  “And do you?” Jake asks him seriously.

  “Yeah, I do. I love her. I’ve loved her for a while, I’m just not sure she loves me the same way. But enough with this sappy shit. It’s time for a toast before we put on the monkey suits.”

  Connor pours everyone a shot of Brian’s finest whiskey.

  “To Friends,” Mike says, raising his glass.

  “To Family,” I say, raising mine.

  “To Love,” Jake follows, raising his.

  “To getting laid,” Connor says with a smile. “Just kidding. To Daniel and Kate.”

  These men are my brothers. Any of them would lay down their life for me and I would do the same. Maybe to some people three friends doesn’t seem like a lot, but they’re all I need.

  An hour later, we’re all dressed in our tuxes once again, but this time we’re banished to the guest house. I guess a bride needs more space so the girls got the house this time. I don’t care where I get ready as long as I’m taking Kate with me at the end of the night.

  “Nervous?” Mike calls out from over my shoulder and I look at both of our reflections in the mirror. The men looking back at me now are not the same boys who met four years ago.

  “Not a single bit,” I reply truthfully.

  “Good answer because if you’d have said anything else, I’d be duty bound to kick your ass.” He smirks like the cocky bastard he is and I finally turn around.

  “You know, for someone who is supposed to be my best man, you sure act a lot like hers.”

  “That’s because I am. You get me by gender default, and maybe because a small part of my loyalty lies with you. Mostly, it’s because I look better in a tux than a dress.”

  “Fucker,” I reply good naturedly.

  “You know, all kidding aside, I wouldn’t be anywhere else right now. I’m truly happy for you guys.”

  “Thanks, Mike, your blessing means the most to me. I never thought the day would come that we’d fight over a girl and come out on the other side better than we were when we went in.”

  “Come on, you guys, it’s time to take your places,” my mom calls out. “Normal girls, probably not,” Mike continues, “but Kate was worth the fight. If I wouldn’t have fought, we wouldn’t have gotten our friendship back and that is what makes me the loveable guy you see in front of you. Now come on, you heard the lady, let’s get you hitched.”

  My mom, Maryanne, Linda, and Bev jumped into these wedding plans with full force. Linda jumped at the opportunity to have the wedding in her backyard like she wanted to do for Jake and April. It turned out amazing. Everything is silver and white, and gardenias are everywhere. The chairs are all tied with silver ribbons, and twinkling lights sparkle throughout the yard. It’s a beautifully, warm summer night and there’s a full view of the stars and heavens above.

  Jess and April paid for all of Kate’s things the day they went shopping and did an excellent job frustrating the hell out of her so she had no clue what was really going on. Misty and Mike took turns with Hailey, practicing flower girl duties off and on all day. They didn’t want to start earlier because they were afraid she’d somehow slip to Kate.

  Since Lucas is so young, we decided to skip the ring bearer so Mike and Jess have the rings for safe keeping instead. Jess even managed to get Kate to fall in love with a ring she thought might be good for me. The only thing that kept Kate from buying it was she didn’t have my size. But Jess did, so we’re good there, too.

  The music begins to play and after all the parents walk down the aisle, Hailey perfectly executes the dropping of the petals, giggling all the way. Then she takes her seat right between my mom and Lucas’s stroller. As the girls walk down the aisle, one by one, they are each breathtaking in their simple silver gowns. Misty, April, and finally Jess. By the time Jess makes it to the altar, she’s crying.

  When Kate and Mike walk around the corner, my heart stops beating in my chest and time around me stills completely. My eyes are locked on her and she’s never looked more beautiful than she does in this moment. I realize the vision in front of me is getting closer, but it’s not until she’s inches from my face that I realize I’m crying, too.


  “It’s go time. Are you ready to do this?” Jess asks me for the tenth time in the last five minutes.

  “Daddy! Auntie Kate’s a princess!” Hailey exclaims, spinning around in her own princess dress. She matches the bridesmaids perfectly except her dress is much frillier.

  “She is, Hailey, and she looks beautiful.”

  Misty quickly gives him a peck on the cheek and ushers Hailey out to start her flower march. I’ve never seen anything so adorable; she does it perfectly.

  I’m trembling and Mike tries to steady me. There are so many people here and it’s all gorgeous. It’s so strange that I have everything I could have ever wanted and didn’t have to plan anything.

  “Are you sure you want to marry him? This is your last chance to back out before it gets really awkward.” He’s made me smile since we were kids and I’m positive he always will. “I told Misty not to worry. If you throw me the bat signal, I’ll profess my love for you and sweep you off your feet. She’s supposed
to run and get the car ready and waiting.”

  I’m trying so hard not to laugh right now as we slowly inch forward. “You saved me, Mike, again and again. I am who I am because of you. Thank you for loving me.”

  I’ve already lost a tear but I’m allowed to cry all the happy tears I want to today.

  “You’re not the only one who was saved. Until you, my life sucked.”

  This time I do laugh, “We were seven.”

  “Yeah, and being seven sucked. I had no friends and you brought me into your world and I’ve been there ever since. Maybe we saved each other. The place in my heart that is reserved for you is locked and there’s no key. You’re stuck being my best friend for life.”

  We’re up next and my nerves are out of control. “And you’re mine, Mike. Always.”

  We walk slowly up the aisle and I notice some familiar faces but that only lasts for a second because the minute my eyes meet Daniel’s, I’m gone. He’s always filled out a tux nicely but tonight it’s different. Tonight he’s promising me forever. As we reach the altar, I clearly see the tears falling from Daniel’s eyes. There’s nothing but love, devotion, and lust in his gaze.

  “Who gives this woman to this man?” the minister asks.

  “I do,” Mike says, placing my hand into Daniel’s. “They both have my blessing as well as her father’s.” Mike takes his place next to Daniel and his eyes lock on Misty, as they should.

  “Let us begin.”

  To be honest, after those words I completely faded out. Until Daniel says he’d like to say his own vows. I nod because what else am I going to do? But I’m totally freaking out inside because I’m horrible at public speaking. Thankfully, he goes first.

  “I never thought I would find someone who makes me a better person. You came into my life full of sarcasm and a pure love for life. I’ve never met anyone who has been through the kinds of things you have and wasn’t jaded by it. The kindness, happiness, and love you give on a daily level inspires us all. Being able to call you my wife doesn’t even seem to be a justifiable word because it’s so much more than that. You are my lover, my co-parent, my best friend, my soul mate, and my conscience when mine sometimes fails me. You are my Aphrodite. I promise today, in front of all of our friends and family, to honor you, to love you and only you, to protect you from as many evils as I am possibly capable of, and to make our house a home filled with love and friendship and lots of babies to make sure our love spreads far and wide. You are the love of my life. Marry me, Kate, for today and always.”

  “Yes,” I answer, trying to hold my sobs down even though I lost control of my tears when he started his vows.

  “Katherine, please say your vows.” I look him in the eyes, hoping he will feel the weight of my words.

  “I only ever knew how to love with my heart. I thought that was the only way possible to love someone until I met you. The first night we met, I caught a glimpse of it but as our relationship continued to grow, it hit me all at once. The reason why you’re so easy to love and impossible to let go is because you love with every inch of your soul. Your love wraps me in a cocoon and weaves its way into every part of my being. There’s not a part of me it doesn’t touch. There are no walls I can put up to fight it even if I wanted to because your love has knocked them down. It’s only been seven months since we met and I’m sure people who don’t know us would think we’re crazy. But we’ve been through a lot in that time. You and Vanessa gave me our son who I love more than I ever thought possible. Somehow, the time suddenly seems unimportant. My heart began its journey to forever the night yours said hello. We’ve got the best friends anyone could ever ask for. They’re our family and such an important part of this journey we’re taking. We would have never made it here without them. I consider myself blessed to have you in my life, a life that’ll be surrounded by the love of our families, our friends, and the angels who watch over us from the heavens above. Marry me, Daniel. Grow old with me, love me, and yes, let’s make beautiful babies that can spread our love far and wide. I am so in love with you. Say yes.”

  “Yes,” he says with unwavering faith.

  “Oh, thank God.” I exclaim and finally release the sobs I’ve been holding in. As I look over at our friends standing up here with us, there’s not a dry eye among them and they’re all laughing right now.

  Mike mouths to me, “Fucking adorable,” and I choke on my tears with a laugh of my own.

  “Are we ready to continue?” the minister asks, and we nod solemnly. “The rings, please.”

  Then it hits me; I don’t have a ring. Jess walks up behind me and asks, “Remember this?”

  It’s the ring I saw that I thought would be perfect. I can’t help it; I pull her into the biggest freaking hug ever. “I love you, Jessica Smythe, as big as the sky. Don’t you ever forget it.”

  “I love you, too, Katie Grace,” she whispers. “As big as the sky.”

  Mike hands Daniel the rings and they look beautiful together. Having my promise ring as my wedding band is perfect. As he slides the rings on my finger, I feel whole. Symbolic or not, now I’m legally his. When I put Daniel’s ring on, my hand trembles but I manage to get it on and it’s so fucking sexy. It means he’s mine.


  “By the powers vested in me by the State of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  I’m not typically a PDA person, but Daniel takes my breath away with this kiss and as our tongues meet, I feel those butterflies take flight.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McCormick!”

  “Did you hear that, Mrs. McCormick?” Daniel whispers in my ear. “That means you’re mine and I’m going to call you Mrs. McCormick all night long.” His words are seductive and I know he isn’t talking about the reception.

  “How long do we have to stay?” I’m anxious to get him somewhere where we can be naked.

  “A few hours,” he replies, kissing my hand as we walk back up the aisle together this time. Of course, the first thing on the agenda is pictures.

  “Where’s Lucas?” I haven’t seen my baby since this morning and right now I need to hug him.

  “He’s right there with my mom,” Daniel points and I tug his hand so I can see my son. As I reach out for Lucas, Bev holds him tight.

  “Kate, you can’t hold a baby in a wedding dress. What if he spits up?’

  “Then he spits up, it’s just a dress,” I tell her nonchalantly as I take my son away. “Lucas! Mommy missed you today.” I place kisses all over his face and he laughs and smiles. This is what it’s all about right here. After handing him back to his grandma, and suffering endless make-up touch ups, I’m able to pull Daniel to the side.

  “Today was the last day I’m taking the pill. Let’s make some babies, Mr. McCormick.”

  He pulls us behind the photo tent and places my hand on his cock. “Those might be the hottest words you’ve said to me yet. But if you don’t let go, we’re going to have an issue during pictures.”

  Reluctantly, I let go, leaning in close, whispering in his ear, “You started it.”

  “Whatever you two are doing, stop. I don’t want to have to bleach my eyes out,” Jake says, half covering his eyes and half trying to sneak a peek of what we were just doing. “Put that thing away,” he says pointing to Daniel’s erection. “It’s time for pictures and we need to keep it G-rated. There are children present.”

  “Come on. The sooner we go do all the obligatory things, the sooner we can get started on the honeymoon.”

  “Are we going on a honeymoon?” I didn’t even think about that but I don’t know about leaving Lucas.

  “We are most definitely going on a honeymoon. We fly to Fiji in the morning for a week in our own private cabana over the ocean with glass bottomed floors.”

  I stop dead in my tracks. “Lucas can’t go to Fiji, he doesn’t even have a passport.”

  Daniel pulls me close. “Oh, Mrs. McCormick,
this trip is rated X. Lucas is staying with Mike and Misty.”


  “Exactly. So get all your kisses in tonight because after we leave you’re mine for the next eight days.” A chill of excitement runs through me while I pull him back to the photo tent with a renewed sense of urgency.

  Pictures took forever but we got some great shots and I can’t wait to see how they come out. We just finished up an amazing dinner and Mike and Jess are getting ready to give their speeches. When I look out at all the people here, I’m amazed. I don’t know many of them, but somehow or another they cared enough to come tonight. But seeing our parents, friends, and extended families makes my heart happy. Marc and Chad are flirting away with some girls, Marc more than Chad but eventually he’ll let down his walls, too. They’ve become good friends since they met a few months ago and actually hang out quite often. I can’t wait until I can be at their weddings.

  I send a silent prayer up to Vanessa as Mike asks for everyone’s attention.

  “My name is Michael Matthews, otherwise known as Mike to my friends.”

  Claire is beaming with happiness and Hailey yells out, “My Daddy!” He’s going to have his hands full with her when she grows up.

  “Or also known as Daddy to my daughter Hailey,” he says with a chuckle. “We’re all here tonight because Daniel finally got smart and asked my beautiful best friend to marry him. Tonight, I feel like the lucky one, though. I got to be the best man while my two best friends married each other. Just remember, Daniel, don’t fight with her because I’ve known her longer so I’m always on her side,” he says with a wink.

  Daniel calls out, “I figured as much. I knew I should have picked Jake for this job.” Jake stands and bows to the crowd. These guys.

  “Seriously, enough joking around. If you’ve ever been in a room with Daniel and Kate you just instinctively know they belong to each other. They’re drawn together by a force that can only be described as magical. With our past history, I’m assuming it won’t be long before we’re sitting here watching Hailey and Lucas get married. Time passes in an instant, because I swear it was just yesterday I met ‘Katie Grace’ when I was seven years old. And here I am, seventeen years later, giving her to my best friend to watch over for eternity. I have never been happier for two people than I am for the both of you today.


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