Loving Kate (Acceptance #3)

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Loving Kate (Acceptance #3) Page 24

by D. Kelly

  “It’s killing me, too, at least you get to orgasm. I have to let everything on the inside go back to its original place first.”

  “When you get the all clear, I’m going to make you come so many times you’ll forget what you missed out on.” I’m sure he will, too.

  “There you are,” Misty says as she waddles out onto the lawn. “We were looking for you”.

  “Uncle Daniel said I could see the baby,” Hailey replies as if it’s the most logical thing in the world. This little girl is her father through and through. Misty is pregnant with a little boy. She’s due in about six weeks. It’s as if all of our kids are pre-destined to be married.

  Misty reaches out for Haven. “She’s the perfect mix of the two of you. She’s got Daniel’s brown hair and your green eyes and tiny nose. I can’t believe I still have six weeks to go. I’m so miserable already. Remind me why we do this again?”

  I point to Mike who’s chasing the kids around. He catches one in each arm, kissing and hugging them close. “Because watching that right there is sexy as fuck.”

  She giggles but agrees. “You’re getting worse, aren’t you?” she asks with a sly grin. Misty and I actually talk a lot about sex. Seems Mike and Daniel aren’t too different when it comes to their possessiveness.

  “It’s so bad, girl. Just go home and fuck your man and don’t stop until that baby comes and you can’t do it anymore. Then maybe you won’t miss it so much.”

  Her eyes are wide and her laughter is uncontrollable and I know someone just overheard everything I said. As his arm comes down over my shoulder and I see his virgin skin, I know right away it’s Connor.

  Fuck me.

  “So, Kate, I guess I don’t need to ask how you’ve been. It sounds like you’re a little needy for some lovin’.”

  “You’re such a jerk,” I say, pushing him away.

  “Maybe, but you totally love this jerk, and his kids.”

  “I do,” I agree with him, “but you’re still a jerk. Where is your wife?”

  “She’s in the house feeding Hope. She’ll be out in a minute.” I love the smile he gets on his face when I say wife.

  A few minutes later, Jake and April come outside with Zayden, Hope’s fraternal twin. April officially gave Connor her ‘Go Big or Go Home’ penis the second she found out he was having twins. She told him it’s now his official tagline, not hers. A lot can change in a year but unfortunately, Jake and April are still waiting to get pregnant. She was on the pill for a really long time and sometimes it takes longer than others. It will happen, though. I just keep telling her to have faith.

  Then there’s Jess and Connor. For two people who only wanted fun, they got serious really quick. They decided they wanted to raise their babies in a house so we sold the condos when Jess moved into Connor’s house. Neither of us needed the money so we both put it into Lila’s Place.

  Mike and Misty live right around the corner from them so Daniel and I decided that’s where we needed to be, too. Aimee and Julie’s family sold us their house, and although I was really creeped out by the idea of living there, in the end it was worth it to be next door to my best friends. Anything would be worth it for our kids all to have the chance to grow up together just like we did.

  Last month, Rick finally hung up his tool belt and retired so now Daniel and Mike are running the company together and their friendship has never been better. I’m so proud of them. They really are brothers in every sense of the word. Before taking over the company, they had to do a big job for me—an overhaul on our new house. Now it doesn’t look anything like it did when they both got their freak on with the girls who lived there before. The nice thing was they didn’t even put up a fight about it. I think they were just as eager to purge those demons as I as was.

  When Jess finally comes outside, she has a very content Hope in her arms and she’s trailed by Marc and Chad. They definitely didn’t come empty handed; they’re loaded down with so many gifts you’d think it was Christmas. The night of the wedding, Marc finally came clean to Mike about what he did all those years ago. Mike was so relieved that he wasn’t the perve he thought he was he pretty much forgave him immediately. We missed out on it but heard all about it when we got back from our honeymoon.

  If the past year has taught me anything, it’s to cherish the one’s we love and hold them close and to celebrate even the small stuff. Especially the small stuff. Today there’s a lot to celebrate, big and small. Jess and Connor went to Vegas last weekend and eloped. Didn’t tell anyone, didn’t let us be a part of it (well, except for letting us watch the kids) and just got married. Connor confessed to me later neither of them were sure if she would actually be able to go through with it. They love each other so much but Jess has demons that won’t rest sometimes. Since she had the twins, she’s working really hard to push past them and as long as she’s happy, that’s all that matters in the end. Just like I gave Haven Vanessa’s name, Jess gave Hope part of Lila Hope, and because of all the pregnancy hormones, I might have cried for a day straight when I found out. Daniel laughs knowingly when I blame things on the pregnancy hormones but it’s the only time in my life I have an out for my ridiculous tear factory so I’m going to take it. The fact of the matter is, whether she admits it or not, she held on to a lot of guilt from our accident and her naming her child Hope was her trying to right a wrong that never existed as well as her constant reminder it’s okay for her to love and be loved.

  “Hey, baby girl, let me see your baby girl up close and personal.”

  Marc has been out of town since before Haven was born. They’re opening another club-sex hotel up in the Bay Area and he hasn’t been able to get back until now. I slide the blanket over that Haven is forever pulling over her face so he can get a good look at her. He takes her from me for a split second and passes her to Chad then picks me up and spins me around. After sliding down his body and back onto the ground, he gives me a sweet kiss on the cheek.

  “You did good, Kate, she’s as gorgeous as her mother. As soon as she’s big enough start bringing her to the gym, we’ll get her to the Olympics someday. If she’s as good as you were, it’ll be a breeze.”

  “Yeah, because trying to be an Olympian is so simple.”

  He just smiles. “With me as her coach it will be.”

  “What are you guys talking about?” Daniel asks, sliding his arm around my waist and pulling me close. He’s completely forgiven Marc but likes to show his possessive side as a reminder that I’m taken.

  “About Haven going to the Olympics.” Daniel shoots him a look. “Look, all I’m saying is if she’s as good as her mom was, she’s a shoo in. Just think about it, you have a couple of years still.” Daniel just laughs him off but Marc is being completely serious. “Daniel, seriously, we start them at three years old and we can tell pretty quickly if it’s going to work or not.”

  When Marc walks away, Daniel asks me more about it. This isn’t something we’ve ever really talked about. “Were you really that good?” He’s not doubtful, just curious.

  “If I had kept with it, I would’ve been on an Olympic team. But after my mom died, it wasn’t something I wanted to do anymore. I ended up quitting right before high school. My heart just wasn’t in it anymore. And I would never push it on Haven. It’s a lot of work. She’ll figure out what she’s good at through play and if she wants to pursue it, she will.”

  He smiles at me and shakes his head.

  “What?” As he pulls me into his embrace his eyes lock on mine.

  “Whenever I think I love you as much as I possibly ever could, you do or say something that makes me love you even more. The best thing I ever did was agree to that blind date with Connor’s friend Kate.”

  Daniel places the sweetest kiss on my forehead and goose bumps spread all over my body. I can’t imagine a time when this man won’t light my soul on fire. That’s a world I’d never want to live in.

  “I love you, Kate, now and always.”

  “I love yo
u, too, Daniel, now and always.”

  After dinner, Jake and April stand. “We wanted you guys to be the first to know April’s pregnant!” Everyone fires off questions like rapid fire. “Okay, everyone, hold on and take a deep breath,” Jake states firmly.

  April continues with their news, “The baby is due on December twenty-fifth, we’re four months along, and it’s a boy! We found out the sex yesterday. We’re sorry we didn’t tell you sooner but none of us have seen each other much this past month and we wanted to do it in person.”

  That is the best news I’ve heard in a while. I’m so happy for them and he’ll be a Christmas baby—even more reason to celebrate. What she says about not seeing each other bothers me, though. Probably because it’s true. Even though we live right around the corner from Mike and Misty, Hailey didn’t meet Haven until today. That’s not okay. Granted, Hailey was sick for a week, but still.

  The rest of the night passes quickly with everyone just enjoying each other’s company. But for some reason I’m restless and I can’t pinpoint why. After passing Lucas off to Daniel, I tell him I’m going to take a short walk. Maybe if I can clear my head up on the bluffs, I’ll be able to shake whatever is bothering me. When I sit on the bench, I pull my feet up and rest my chin on my knees and hug them to me to watch the waves below.

  “Is this a private party or can anybody join?”

  Mike. It’s always Mike. He seems to know exactly when I need him the most.

  “Not anyone, but I suppose I can make an exception for you,” I reply, not able to shake the sadness from my tone.

  “You’re sad today. If you don’t tell me why, I can’t fix it and make it better.” That’s Mike, always so eager to please.

  “I don’t know what’s wrong. I just got sad all of a sudden.”

  He wraps his arm around me and I lean into him for comfort. “Baby blues?”

  “That’s possible, but I don’t think that’s it. Do you ever miss the way things used to be when we were kids?”

  He laughs and then smiles. “All the time, but not as much as I used to when we weren’t talking. I missed you more than I ever missed being a kid.”

  “I think that’s it. I miss us. Since Daniel and I got married, and you guys have taken over the company, we just don’t see each other anymore. I know you’re practically married and have just as many kids as us, but we need to make time for each other, too.”

  “Okay, Kate, we’ll make time somewhere, somehow. I promise. But I think I know what all of this is really about, even if you don’t.” The stars twinkle brightly above our heads like so many other nights we’ve had deep talks.

  “Well, enlighten me, please, because I have no clue.”

  “I’ll give you two clues…Lila Hope.” When he says her name he pulls me even closer.

  “It’s been a while, Mike, and it’s not an anniversary. I don’t know if that’s it.”

  “Alright, hear me out. Lila’s Place is opening in two weeks, right?”

  “Yes,” I answer cautiously.

  “Well, this year has brought a lot of things together for you. You got your last letter from your mom, you got your inheritance, and now the one thing that has been fueling you since you lost Lila is coming to fruition. It’s somewhat bittersweet, is it not?”

  “You know me too well for my own good.”

  “We both do,” Jess says as she squeezes in next to me and throws her arm around me, too. “We know this is going to be hard on you, Kate, especially since you’ve made the decision to run the charity from an executive status instead of a hands on experience.”

  “That will change, Kate. Do you know how awesome it is for us to watch you with our kids as well as yours? Don’t think for a second Daniel didn’t already tell me about the walkie-talkies you bought them all. Your mom was the best and you’re going to be just as good as she was.” Mike says hugging me tighter.

  “The center will always be there, Kate,” Jess says with a sigh. “And school will always be there, but you can only be a mom to your kids once. That is what Lila Hope would want more than anything…for you to be there for her brothers and sisters.”

  “You guys are right, and I know I say it often, but it’s because I want you to always know it…I love you so much.”

  They each lean over and kiss me on the cheek.

  “We love you too, Kate,” Mike says sweetly.

  “Bigger than the sky,” Jess finishes for him. My mind flashes back to one of my most cherished memories as we sit here, enjoying the night, and the company of our best friends.

  “Katie Grace, Jessica, come meet Michael and then you can all go up and play,” my mom called to us from the kitchen. My mom told us my dad’s partner was coming to dinner with his son earlier. As we walked into the kitchen, a cute blonde boy with the prettiest blue eyes I’ve ever seen is standing with his parents. He looks nice and we’ve never had a boy as an actual friend before. This could be fun.

  “Hi, Michael, I’m Katherine but everyone calls me Katie Grace, and this is my best friend Jessica. Want to come play Super Smash Brothers with us?” He smiles so big and looks so happy I already know we’re going to be good friends. Maybe we’ll be able to add him to our forever friend pact. I’ll have to ask Jessica later.

  “Yeah, sure, I like that game.” Jessica is even smiling at him. Maybe she already feels it, too.

  We spent about an hour under the stars that night, holding each other close, just catching up, and reminiscing. I might have cried a little, or maybe a lot, but I wasn’t the only one. Mike, Jess, and I have endured things a lot of people never will. But to be twenty-five years old and still be blessed with your childhood best friends as your grown up best friends is the best feeling in the world. I’d happily go through it all over again, if we could still end up right here, just how we are right now.

  Keep reading for deleted scenes…

  Thank you just doesn’t seem like a big enough expression for the gratitude I have for you guys. If you were standing in front of me, I would be giving you all huge hugs and champagne to celebrate.

  There are so many people I want to thank, but if I listed them all we would be here for days. First and foremost, I have to thank you guys, my readers. This book was dedicated to you for a reason. These characters can live in my head and on my personal pages for the rest of my life but you turned them into a story and gave them life. The way you follow along, pick your teams, send me private messages expressing your love, and also frustration, touches me to the depths of my soul. You have no idea how grateful I am for each and every one of you.

  I’m so thankful to my husband and kids for dealing with the sacrifices they’ve made so I could dedicate my time to writing. My husband keeps me going. He is my constant cheerleader, always reminding me to write whatever I want and fuck everyone else. He’s the one who always gives it to me straight and I couldn’t love him more.

  Ashley, my PA, I love you so freaking much! You have the biggest heart and have become one of my closest friends. I love that you understand how forgetful I truly am and you schedule my reminders on your calendar for me. That is not only the sign of a great PA but an amazing friend. Thank you so much for always going above and beyond.

  Heidi, you were my first fan, friend, and cheerleader. You give it to me straight up and don’t bullshit anything and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m so proud to have you in my life and as my beta reader. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for pulling me in and showing me the way.

  Cindy and Jacqueline, my troublesome twosome, the original #TeamDaniel and #TeamMichael. You are ying and yang, but together we make a great threesome, or is it a sixsome? -----(Dee’s made up word). I love you girls so much and I’m so happy we get to spend more time together later on this year! Let’s make it Epic! (No wire hangers necessary)

  Stracey, you make the best swag for me and you do it with love. Thank you so much for all the promoting and creating you do for me!

  Suzi, I love you hard, g
irl, and I’m going to hug you eleventy bazillion times! Thank you for making me laugh with shop guy stories and for making Friday night stories with the Divas hilarious!

  D’s Divine Divas – Ladies, you know who you are and you are amazing. You pull me up when I’m down and you have so much love for each other. We’ve been through so much this year as a group, but not because of drama. It’s because we are family and we rise and fall with each other. I am so proud to have you all as my friends and as members of my street team. We’re going to rock Vegas in November and I can’t wait to hug and celebrate with you all. Until then, we need more Friday night stories!

  Tiffany Fox – Thank you so much for your amazing edits! I know sometimes you get these books and you think ‘Wow that wasn’t bad’ and other times ‘WTF was she thinking?’ Regardless, you are an essential part of bringing these books to life. Thank you for your amazing work and your patience.

  Regina Wamba – Thank you for the beauty you bring to the covers of my books. Your art conveys the emotion of the story and is the first impression people see. This particular cover was a labor of love but its beauty and emotion is exactly what I envisioned. I love that this series has been fully represented by your art. Thank you!

  I’d run out of space before I could thank all of the amazing bloggers who have helped me along this journey. But I have to thank a few who have gone above and beyond.

  Cover to Cover Book Blog, Halos and Horns Book Blog, Eye Candy Bookstore, Summer’s Book Blog, CJ’s Book Corner, Love Between the Sheets, Swoonworthybooks, Four Chicks Flipping Pages, Drue’s Random Chatter, Hook Me Up Book Blog, Tantalizing Reviews, I Dare You to Read, K&S Book Blog, Roc n’ Read, Relaxed Reads, Brittany’s Book Blog, This Redhead LOVES Books, Author Love, Katsindiebookblog, Reading in Sarah’s Corner, Purpinkrosesbookcorner, Mommy’s Late Night Book Up, Hopelessly Hooked on Books, Bookland Paradise, Revenge of the Feels, Bedknobs and Book Babes, Cruising Susan Book Reviews, and The Book Nuts.


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