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Suburban Love Song (Burnouts Book 1)

Page 23

by Karen Gordon

  She collapsed in a heap, sprawled across him. After a few minutes she made a move to get up, but he held her down. “Stay,” he mumbled. “I swear I’ll get you home before your parents wake up.”

  She laughed at his joke. He held up the monitor to show her it was on and quiet. “Stay. They’re fine.”

  She fell into a sated sleep almost immediately, smiling as their breathing synced.

  Chapter 35 The backup Ben called for arrived on Saturday morning. Sissy and Christopher knocked on the door just as Carrie was finishing feeding the kids their breakfast. When Ben wasn’t nearly as surprised to see them as she was, Carrie caught on that he was behind some sort of scheme. They were watching the twins demo their newest toys when Ben came out of the bedroom he was now sharing with Carrie. He was freshly showered and ready for something …

  “Hey Mom,” he kissed her on the cheek, “Nine-fer,” he walked past Christopher, who he fist bumped. He sat on the couch as put on his socks and boots, acting as if he expected to see them today.

  Carrie sat down next to him, “Uh, what’s up?” She shifted her eyes toward their guests.

  “Oh, them?” His smile said he had a plan, “It’s girls’ day out.”

  Carrie grinned at him, “And Two-fer?” “Nine-fer,” he corrected her,” is here as my backup. He scooped Gracie up off the floor. “I’m afraid of this one. I can’t handle her alone.” He tickled her belly and she laughed. Then he stuck her on his shoulders. He moved over and sat next to Christopher, scooping little Ben up on his way over. “So the three of us,” he pointed to himself, Christopher, and Ben, “are going to babysit her.”

  Carrie laughed, “And where am I going?”

  “Shopping with my mom.”

  “And the resort is closed for the day? Should I tell the guests?” She challenged him. “Uh, no, Wonder Woman. You aren’t the only one who can handle all this for a day. I have Tony and Margaret as my back up there.”

  A day away, her first in years, did sound wonderful. He had obviously put a lot of effort into making this happen. “Ok,” she nodded that she was onboard with the plan. “Thank you.”

  She showered and dressed, luxuriating in time. Just not having to scramble through her morning routine was a gift in itself. As she and Sissy were walking out the door, Ben called her back, “Here,” he handed her a folded piece of paper he pulled from his front pocket. Carrie questioned him with her eyes. “It’s my shopping list and credit card. I need you to get a few things for me.”

  Without reading the list she tucked it in her back pocket. She figured he needed razors and socks and stuff like that. She kissed the babies, hugged her brother then was swept into a passionate movie kiss by Ben. She giggled when he set her upright, then she saw Christopher watching them out of the corner of her eye. Good, let him see what love looks like. She knew he would never see that at home.

  On the way to the mall, Carrie read the list:

  These things are for me, put them on my credit card.

  Dress – your size, not mine, don’t be a smart ass


  Sexy bra, panties and garters – again, your size, not mine, don’t be a smart ass

  High heeled shoes – do I need to repeat myself? Carrie laughed. She was torn. She hated to use his credit card, but she wanted to please him, and there was no way she could afford any of this stuff right now. Then she remembered … lightning in a bottle. It was back. For the second time in her life she was getting a huge dose of Ben love, and like the first time, she wasn’t going to waste time over thinking it.

  Her day with Sissy brought her back to life even more. She and Maureen did girl things before Nick died, but hadn’t since. In all the chaos and pain, Carrie had forgotten how much she missed female companionship and friendship. They shopped, had a long, leisurely lunch, and topped the day off with mani-pedi’s.

  On the way back to the resort, Sissy asked Carrie the questions she wanted to ask Ben. This way it was girl talk, not a prying mother.

  “Did he tell you where he goes next?”

  “He said Georgia, but he didn’t say why. I just figured it must be classified.”

  “It’s Ranger school.” “Oh.” Carrie knew this was huge. So, why wasn’t he training? If he was going next week, he should be working out and preparing. It bothered Carrie, but she tucked it away. She would confront him later.

  “If he passes he’ll be relocated to Georgia.”

  Carrie saw where she was going with the conversation now. “No, he didn’t mention anything to me.”

  Sissy didn’t hide her disappointment. She wanted them to be together. The items on Ben’s shopping list were for their dinner reservations at the nicest steak and seafood restaurant on the lake. He looked breathtaking in his dress uniform, complete with cool hat. Carrie tried it on in the jeep.

  “Can I wear this later?” She bit her lip and smiled at him.

  “Sure, but rules and regs call for only the hat in that situation.” “Really,” she lifted the skirt of her dress, “I would have to take these off?” She looked down at her stockings and garters.

  Ben took a deep breath and cleared his throat, “I’ll have to check the manual on those.” That night, Sissy and Christopher stayed in Carrie’s apartment, and she and Ben took over cabin 12. It was like being back in his room, their own world. Here, there was no time. He wasn’t leaving in a week, and Carrie didn’t check the clock or have a baby monitor. They slowly explored and got to know each other all over again. He made love to her, and she opened up and let him. She let down her wall. Lightning in a bottle.

  ♥ ♪ ♥ The Thursday before he was scheduled to leave, Ben told Carrie that he wanted to go over his red book of repairs. They sat in the kitchen while the twins took their afternoon nap.

  He set the book on the table in front of her. It was bigger than hers and almost every page was used.

  Carrie sighed, “That bad?”

  He nodded. Carrie blew out a calming breath. She stared at the book and shrugged. “I knew there was some work to be done …” she shook her head in disbelief. “How much of this is urgent?”

  “A lot,” though painful, the direct approach was necessary. She needed to get a better picture of what she was up against.

  Another deep breath, and Carrie looked at the lake again. Ben reached across the table and took her hand, “Baby, I’m sorry.”

  She shrugged again and shook her head. “Not your fault. I just … I’m not sure what to do.” She gestured toward the notebook, “The books are just as bad. I think we’re broke, or almost there.” Once again, she shook her head in disbelief and shrugged at her lack of answers.

  He took her other hand in his and rubbed the back of her hands with his thumbs. He wanted her to feel him, to know he was there with her. “You need to think about selling this place.” She pulled her hands back, and stood and walked away from him to lean against the kitchen counter.

  “You don’t understand. This is the Callahan’s whole life. It would kill them if I sold it out from under them. Their dream is for their grandchildren to have this, to live here, to benefit from all their hard work.”

  He walked over and stood close, in front of her, “Carrie, they’ve given you an impossible task. Even if Nick was here … it’s too much. They’re not even here, trying to make it work.” She tried to turn away from him, but he moved in a little closer, trapping her between himself and the counter. “The land and the buildings have some worth. The kids can have that, after you sell it.”

  Her heart was pounding, he could feel it in the pulse on her wrist as he took her hands. He was asking her to betray someone, someone who had cared for her and been there for her. It was completely against her nature.

  “Will you think about it?”

  She shrugged, “But, this is my home too. My kid’s home.”

  “You’d have enough to get another here at the lake ... or …” He planted the seed and waited for her reaction.

  She narrowed her
eyes at him, questioning where he was going with this train of thought. “I know we’ve only been together for a week and a half, but even before I got here …” He stopped, then tried again, “When I got the letter about Nick, my heart broke for you, but I’m not going to lie, I also saw a chance,” he lifted her chin so he was looking her in the eyes, “I saw a chance to fix the biggest mistake I’ve ever made.” He got down on one knee before her and looked up.

  “Carrie, I don’t have a ring, yet, and I don’t know where I am going next, but … would you please do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  She looked lost and a little dizzy. Springing this on her in addition to all the stuff about the resort may not have been the best plan, but he couldn’t wait any longer.

  “I’m supposed to contact my CO tomorrow and let him know what I’ve decided to do … well, what you’ve, or hopefully, we’ve decided to do.”

  Carrie shook her head hard to clear away some of the confusion, “I don’t understand. You’ve got Ranger School.” “My mom told you,” he smiled at how much they confided in each other. “For now, no.”

  “You’re not going to Ranger school?” “I had a spot, but I told my CO that I needed to come here first; that I needed to see you and see if we were going to be together. I can possibly go next year, but it’s just not as important right now; not as important as you.”

  “You gave up Ranger School for me?” she didn’t try to hide her shock and anger. She let her head fall in her hands, “Ben, no!”

  He rested his head on hers, “Yes, and I didn’t give it up, I just realized what’s more important to me. You, are my first priority. If you say yes, if you’ll marry me, then we need to make plans, together. So, will you? Marry me?”

  She looked up at his eyes, rock solid as ever, but now pleading, hoping, and she nodded. She couldn’t speak. Her wall had crumbled again. She was crying again.

  Ben pulled her onto his lap and rubbed her back.

  “Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you, but you have to promise me one thing.”


  “You will stop doing stuff that makes me cry. I swear. It’s you …”

  He smiled at her joke, “I’ll try.” Then he brought her lips to his and poured all the love he felt for her into a kiss. He was hers. It was just starting to sink in. She didn’t need to try to hold on to her lightning in a bottle. Her dream, the one that was too brilliant, too much for her to ask for, was hers. She’d found where she belonged, with Ben.

  Word of mouth is crucial for an author to succeed. If you enjoyed this book, please leave a review at Amazon and/or Goodreads. Even if only a star rating or a few lines, it would be greatly appreciated.


  Goodreads: Goodreads: burnouts-geeks-and-jesus-freaks

  The story continues in . . . .

  Catch You If You Fall

  Now available through Amazon


  HERE to learn more about MG & Steve’s love story. And Coming Fall, 2016

  Fearless Flying

  The Vivienne Series- book 1

  An amazing job, check

  An adorable apartment, check

  A super supportive best friend, check

  There’s only one thing missing from Vivienne Ramsey’s perfect life… And after ten years of waiting the time is finally right for her to seduce her dream man. Tonight she’s going to wear Danny out in bed until he dies a happy man. But before she can begin her carefully crafted strategy of seduction he’s headed for the door. And for once in her over-organized life Vivienne doesn’t have a back-up plan.

  If he had only read the memo about his part in her happily-ever-after. Fearless Flying, book 1 of The Vivienne Series, introduces a working-girl, chicklit heroine for the new millennium. She’s smart, sexy, funny and definitely not afraid to go after the life she wants.

  One determined woman, one exceptional career, one uncommon happy ending.

  I want you to get to know Vivienne so I’m offering you a FREEcopy of “Fearless Flying”. Click here or go to and tell me where to send your book.

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  I would like to thank so many people who have helped me bring this story to you. I have to start with Kay, Marybeth, Jackie and Denise who made my high school years worth remembering and worth writing about. Dave, who inspired so many great stories (from so many girls). My sorority sisters, who were my partners in crime for too many lame-brained schemes.

  The Beta Babes (Kay, Marybeth, Chrissy, Christine, Chris, Margaux, Megan, Natalie, Denisha, Rita and Lindsey) who read the rough draft for me and point me in a better direction when I’m lost. Chrissy Hooker, Editorial Goddess, who tirelessly rereads and then listens to me prattle on about marketing and reviews and the next book(s). Alex Stargazer, the only other member of our writers gang (we still need a gang sign) who is letting me share this cool indie publishing adventure with him.

  To my fantastic cover designers Kitten at Deranged Doctor Designs (Burnouts, Geeks & Jesus Freaks: a love story) and Rebecca Berto from Berto Designs (Suburban Love Song). Thank you for making me look so good and bringing Ben and Carrie to life.

  A special thank you to Kristen Noel from Pretty Little Pages for all her encouragement and support of me as an indie author. To Whitney G, the best mentor an indie author could ever dream of—I’m going to name a kid after you, I swear. To all the Pay It Forward authors, you are my tribe, my peeps and I couldn’t do this author/business thing without you. Finally, TY to the three amazing, sweet, kewl, cute geeky guys who are the reason I do everything. I love you Doug, Beau and Cole.

  About the Author

  Karen Gordon is an indie author who loves supporting strong and sexy women in fiction and in real life. Born and raised in St. Charles, Missouri, she found her love of extraordinary stories about ordinary places by finding excitement in mundane suburbia. Although she currently writes romance and chick lit, you never know what she might do next. (You'll never find a woman-hating, bad-boy hero though.)

  She currently lives with the loves of her life, three very cool geeky men and one perfect puppy, just outside of Memphis, TN.




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