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Wicked Love (Wicked White Series Book 3)

Page 7

by Michelle A. Valentine

  “What?” I whisper and my heart thumps hard in my chest. “What did he want you to do?”

  “He told me to stop screwing my life up and to take things more serious. He told me to stop messing around with random girls, to just focus on my music dream, and to get the hell out of this town,” he says with a sighing breath. “Dad always thought I would fall in love like he did and never leave this town because that’s what happened to him. He and Mom got pregnant with me right after they got together, and getting a job to take care of his new family took precedence over going after a dream. He wanted to see me give my dream of doing music for a living a real shot before I settled down—to go after my dream before anything else got in the way so I wouldn’t live a life of wondering what if, like he did.”

  “That sounds like pretty solid advice, if you ask me.”

  He smiles. “Yeah, it was. That’s why I can’t sleep with you. My plan is to get out of here as soon as I save up enough money. I’m going to Nashville. You know, give this music thing a try, and I don’t plan on coming back here if that happens. It wouldn’t be fair to start a relationship with you knowing that I’m going to be leaving.”

  I nod. “I can understand that. How close are you to saving enough money?”

  “I’ve been on track to do exactly what Dad asked me to do, so I’m pretty close to making my goal.”

  My mind processes everything he’s just said and it makes me curious about something else. “So you’ve not slept with anyone since you made that promise to your Dad?”

  He shakes his head. “I’ve never had any girl cross my path who’s tempted me—that is, until you. There’s something about you that draws me in, and I can’t stop myself from wanting to be around you. Ever since that night I gave you a ride home, you’ve been on my mind almost constantly. You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, and what’s even more surprising, you’ve got a big heart. I’ve seen how easily you get hurt, and I think that’s the sign of someone who is passionate and loves wholeheartedly. I find that unbelievably attractive, making you really hard to resist.”

  I bite my lip as I stare into his eyes. “You think I’m tempting?”

  He takes my other hand in his and threads his fingers through mine while he faces me. “Let’s just say now I totally get why Adam gave in to Eve and sinned. If he was attracted to her half as much as I am to you, there’s no wonder that he risked God’s wrath to be with her.”

  I don’t even know how to respond to that. No guy has ever poured his heart out to me like this, and it’s taking every inch of willpower that I possess to stop me from jumping his bones here and now.

  I need to change the subject to get my mind off of how much my body craves his touch right now.

  “So you want to be a country singer? Is that why you want to go to Nashville?” I smile. “You got the voice. And I bet you know all those twangy, ‘I shot my dog’ country songs.”

  He laughs. “Yeah, I know a few.”

  We stand there together, still holding on to one another while we gaze into each other’s eyes.

  So it’s not that he finds me repulsive, because he said that he does want to sleep with me. He just made a pact to stay on the straight and narrow path until he gives his dream a try. I can respect that.

  I’ve disappointed my dad in the past with my promiscuity. Dad actually cried when he walked in on Chance and me making out hot and heavy in my bedroom once. He wasn’t even mad at me. He took all the blame. Which puzzled me, because don’t parents worry about their nineteen-year-old daughters becoming sexually promiscuous? Dad told me he was sorry he wasn’t around to teach me to value myself more than to throw myself at boys. Talk about a low blow. Nothing opens your eyes to your slut activities more than your Dad crying over it. I promised myself to slow it down, and I guess that’s when Chance decided that Charity was a better, sluttier option to date.

  I really shouldn’t be sleeping around with random guys either. Maybe this staying celibate thing is a good idea. I wouldn’t mind trying it out, but I know that I’ll still crave closeness with a guy—I need human contact. Kind of like now, we’re close and touching. And if I were to really do this celibacy thing, kissing would obviously be allowed. We just couldn’t have sex. Perhaps, we could do this together, like a partnership, and I could get to know him without the pressure of having sex looming over me, and when he leaves I won’t be completely devastated because we’ll never be intimate. “I have a brilliant idea,” I say and hope he doesn’t think it’s completely crazy. “Let’s do this together.”

  He tilts his head. “Do what together?”

  “You know . . . be a sexless couple together. We both need to stay away from sticky relationships with people in this town, because I don’t see myself living here forever either. No one else will understand why we don’t want to be tied to this place because of a relationship but us. While I’m here though, I don’t want to be a complete hermit. I would still like to go out and enjoy the company of the other sex. So . . . I like you. You like me. We can, you know, be friends with limited benefits.” I smile, seeing the brilliance in my own plan.

  Tyler quirks one eyebrow. “You’d still date me, knowing that I won’t have sex with you?”

  I lift one shoulder in a noncommittal shrug. “There’s no one in this town I’ll like more than you.”

  “But you could,” he challenges.

  “That’s not possible. No one will ever be able to serenade me like you can, or be there for me when I decide to break out a crowbar and do something stupid the way you do.” That statement causes Tyler to chuckle, but I’m not done telling him what I like about him. “But besides all that, you’re quite possibly the hottest man I’ve ever seen, so I doubt you’ll have any competition in that department either. So like I said, I’m sure.”

  He nods his head as he thinks about my offer. “As crazy as it sounds, I like your plan. Are we allowed to kiss, because I’ll be honest, now that I’ve tasted your lips I don’t think there’s any way I won’t want to do that again.”

  My heart does a double thump against my ribs. “That’s definitely allowed.”

  He has no idea how bad I want to attack him right now. I don’t think I’d be able to do this little plan if I wasn’t able to kiss him, so I’m glad we’re now on the same page. Hopefully this works out like I see it going down in my mind—me ending all of this with a good guy friend—a totally hot, kissable friend—and a relationship that’s guaranteed not to break my heart.


  So after it’s decided that we’re going to give this new friendship thing a real shot, we decide to head home. I climb into the beat-up old Ford truck and wait for Tyler to crank the engine. It fires with a rumble that’s starting to sound very familiar. I snuggle into my seat and click the seatbelt in place. I’m actually excited about this friends-with-limited-benefits plan. I’m tired of being hurt by men, so this arrangement works out great for me. For all intents and purposes it’ll look like I have a totally caring and loving boyfriend, just no one will know our dirty little secret—that we’re not really a couple. I’ll appear to be a one-man kind of woman.

  “We should have some rules,” Tyler says while he drives me home.

  “I totally agree. Setting boundaries is an excellent idea.”

  “We obviously go on dates, and hold hands, but we should limit everything else to keep from getting carried away.”

  I nod and smile. “That’s sounds good. Anything else you planning to allow other than hand-holding and kissing?”

  A mischievous grin lights up his face. “I don’t think much else should be allowed, considering I find you insanely attractive. If we allow anything other than kissing, I can’t be held responsible for my actions.”

  I laugh while I think about how nice his lips felt pressed up against mine, and a shiver rushes through me as I think about going any further than that. He has a good point. Anything other than a few simple kisses might cause us to veer off the plan. “Not

  He guides the truck up the overgrown driveway leading to Granny’s and then parks before he turns the key and the engine rumbles to a stop.

  “So . . . should I walk you to your door?”

  I laugh. It’s cute seeing him ask permission to do anything. “That’d be okay.”

  He jumps out of the truck while wearing a huge smile. My eyes train on him as he walks briskly around the front and stops at my door. Tyler jiggles the handle until it opens. He takes my hand like a true gentleman and helps me hop out of the truck.

  We walk hand in hand to Granny’s front porch and then I turn to him as we stand there. “You’re a really good actor.”

  “I’m not completely acting, Avery. I really do like you.” He touches my nose with the tip of his finger. “Believe me, if I didn’t have the fear that my dad is looking down on me from heaven and shaking his head in disappointment, I’d be all over you.”

  “You think he watches you from heaven?” I ask.

  “I think he watches me all the time. Since he passed, I’ve felt his presence at different times.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “There have been signs from Dad.” Tyler holds up his hand. “I know that sounds completely insane because I never used to believe in that kind of thing either, but I’ve seen some things that have made me a believer.”

  “Like what?”

  “Lots of things. Some small, a couple majorly mind-blowing. Like I can be driving alone and be thinking of Dad, and just talking out loud, pretending that he can hear me, and a song about a father’s love will pop on the radio at that very moment. Or dreams that seem so real it’s like he’s right there with me. It’s really hard to explain, and admitting it out loud to you makes it sound a lot crazier than it did in my mind, but it’s like I know these are signs from him, pointing me in the right direction like he’s my guardian angel. I want to make him proud of me.”

  “I have no doubt he is, and he’s probably pretty proud of you for turning me down.”

  Tyler laughs. “I think you’re right, and he knows how much of a struggle this is for me too.”

  It’s crazy how when I was chunky Avery, a guy like Tyler would’ve laughed in my face if I’d thrown out an offer like I did earlier, which is why I immediately jumped to the conclusion that he didn’t like me. I guess I should be glad at times like this that I have a mother who believes your looks and style are everything. She’s the one responsible for starting me on a path to being healthier. To her being sexy is everything. I guess she was getting tired of me not gaining enough male attention so she pushed me to change.

  “So,” he says in a singsong voice and then clears his throat. “I guess this is goodnight.”

  “Yep,” I say, popping my lip on the “p.”

  I’ve never been this anxious waiting on a guy to kiss me. Most don’t give me the chance to build up any anticipation. Most take kisses from me if that’s what they want. But Tyler is different than any other guy I’ve ever dated, and more than anything I want his kiss.

  He grins, leans in, and gives me a little peck on the lips, but doesn’t linger long enough to allow the fireworks that were building to explode.

  I’m left unsatisfied because Tyler’s holding back. If we are going to be special friends, I need a little more than that in the lip-locking department in order for this to work.

  He begins to move away, but I’m not allowing him off the hook so easy.

  I curl my fingers around Tyler’s neck and pull his face back down to mine. “Oh, no. You’re not done yet,” I whisper, then plant my lips on his and wrap my arms around his neck.

  His arms snake around my waist and he deepens our kiss. A throaty noise erupts from the back of Tyler’s throat and he presses his toned body against mine. I can feel how much he wants me through the stiff material of his jeans. My pulse pounds in my ears as my panties grow wet.

  Tyler pulls away and I let him this time because I feel satisfied with his last attempt.

  He grins as he stares down at my face. I’m sure my cheeks are flushed as my mouth hangs open because I’d like nothing more than to continue this make-out session.

  Tyler cradles my face in his hands before he leans in and kisses me lightly one last time. “Goodnight, Avery.”

  I flex my fingers in a slow wave as I watch him turn toward his truck. The moment he’s out of sight, I press my fingers against my still-tingling lips. Stopping at kissing only is going to be a huge challenge for us both.


  As soon as I shut the door behind me, Dad shouts my name from his upstairs room. I take the stairs two at a time, surprised by my newfound energy. I still feel all fluttery inside. I’m just as excited about my relationship with Tyler as I would be if I were in a committed relationship. This is the first time a guy has ever made me feel this crazy after just one date.

  “Yes, Dad?” I ask, nudging his door open a little more.

  “You had a phone call while you were gone. I didn’t mean to pry, but you forgot your phone here and I saw the caller ID when it was ringing. Your cousin Stacy called,” he explains.

  “Thanks. I’ll give her a call back.”

  He nods with a worried expression. “Avery, I know it’s a big adjustment for you here, and the easy way out of this situation would be to move in with your mom’s family because they live in Columbus, but I hope you know things for you there won’t be easy. Your aunt Donna isn’t a fan of mine, and she’s a lot like your mother. So I’m begging you to not make any arrangements to live with them. Please consider staying here with us—where you’re loved unconditionally.”

  I’m sure all the recent visits with my cousin Stacy before we moved gave away that I was planning on moving back to Columbus with them as soon as I could. I don’t like seeing Dad upset, so if he needs me to stay here with him a little longer then I will.

  “Okay, Dad.” That seems to satisfy him because he smiles.

  “Thank you.”

  I head back down to the living room, feeling completely conflicted as to what I should do now. I do need to return the phone call and catch up with Stacy.

  My fingers fly over the keypad as I search out Stacy’s number from the speed dial. The phone rings twice and she picks up.

  “Hey, Avery!” Stacy says with an excited tone in her voice.

  “Hey,” I respond. “What’s going on? Dad said you called earlier, but I forgot my cell phone here while I was out.”

  We go through the motions of gossiping about people we both know from campus, and it seems that things are exactly the same as when I left. Stacy tells me that she saw on social media that Chance has dumped Charity, and has now moved on to yet another girl from my sorority. That guy is just begging for a girl who he wronged to chop off his penis.

  Chance got off easy with me. I literally let him go without inflicting any damage in retaliation for him fooling around on me. Tyler is actually the one who saved that pretty car of Chance’s. If Tyler hadn’t interrupted me and made me question my actions, that car wouldn’t have been shown any mercy.

  “So, what’s up with you?” Stacy quizzes. “You having any luck finding any yummy boys down there?”

  I pause at the thought of filling her in about Tyler. She won’t understand the relationship he and I have if I tell her the truth about us. Stacy is a total gossip and I know whatever I’m about to tell her will be blasted onto social media and then will trickle all around the Greek society. It would be nice to have her spread the word that I have moved on from Chance and that I couldn’t care less about him at this point. “Oh yeah, I’m actually already seeing someone,” I admit.

  “Well . . .” she pushes, “details.”

  I explain how Tyler is actually the guy who gave me a ride home when my sorority sisters left me stranded in the parking lot the night I went after Chance’s car. She seems genuinely impressed by my tale of how we met again and he asked me out. I also tell her about the little lake he took me to.

��So how was the sex?” she asks, digging for dirt.

  “We haven’t . . . I mean, for God’s sake, Stacy, I just met the guy!”

  She laughs. “Calm down. I was only asking. I just assumed he probably got you in the back of that truck and then had his way with you.”

  The idea of Tyler taking me in the bed of his truck is a scenario that keeps playing over and over in my mind since earlier tonight. Stacy doesn’t know how bad I wish that it had actually happened, but Tyler just isn’t that kind of guy. He’s the kind of guy who opens doors for ladies and rescues damsels in distress. He definitely isn’t like Chance, who tried to get into my pants on the first night that we met.

  “He’s not like that. Tyler’s a gentleman.”

  “I’m happy for you, Avery. I just hope he continues to be a good guy and isn’t just putting on some act to get you in the sack.”

  “I really don’t think he is. He feels too genuine for games.”

  I hope my gut is guiding me in the right direction this time. God knows I don’t think I can handle two douche-bag guys back-to-back messing around with my emotions.


  Why did Dad have to throw a wrench in my game? Just when I thought I knew every girl in town, and that keeping my junk in my pants was going to be easy, Avery has to come along. Her sexy-as-hell body is making the no-sex-with-random-girls thing pretty damn tough. I’m already addicted to her. It all started when I spotted her in the parking lot, ready to fuck up her cheating boyfriend’s car. Sure, it was a bit crazy, but I was amused that the hottest chick I’d ever seen was also a little bit of a badass. That made her hot, but when she decided she couldn’t do it, I knew she also had a good heart, which made her even more appealing.

  It was so hard not to jump her bones in the back of my truck when she put out the offer. The woman I have the hots for is all but begging for me to fuck her, and yet I couldn’t bring myself to go against my promise to Dad. I mean, how many times does an opportunity like that present itself? Not many. But I know I did the right thing.


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