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Page 2

by Laura Marie Altom

  “Hey…” She rushed to me, drawing me into a hug while fear shrouded me in black. “You’re marrying the most eligible bachelor on earth besides Prince Harry. What could possibly be wrong?”

  I somehow presented her with not just the night’s highlight reel, but the sobering facts of my innermost identity. I told her about my ugly scars and how Liam might say he would still marry me after Blaine granted me a divorce, but what happened when that day never came? What happened when he realized my husband teetered between psychopath and murderer?

  “Holy shit,” Carol said when I was done.

  She took my right hand, leading me to a sofa upholstered in cream. I had tunnel vision, and the rest of the suite was blocked from my view. Much like my suddenly dark future, I could only see a few feet ahead. On my left hand, Liam’s ring burned cold like dry ice. It served as a catalyst launching the beginning of our end.

  “Okay…” She forced a breath, dragging me down alongside her. She tucked some flyaway hair behind my ears, then held the tips of my cold fingers. “Here’s what we’re going to do. Mimi and Rocco will be here any second to work their magic all over again. Until then, you’re going to take a couple of these…” I watched her move as if she were on TV. As if her actions took place on a separate plane from mine. She reached for a jeweled evening bag she must have set on the coffee table earlier, then popped it open. She withdrew a silver box that couldn’t have been over a square inch in size. She opened that, removed two pretty, peach-toned pills, placed them in the cup of her palm, then closed the box and tossed it back in her purse. Then she was rising, towering over me and leaving me alone. But I didn’t want to be alone. I might have cried out, but couldn’t remember. I heard running water and maybe the suite’s door open and then close. Voices. So many voices. Was Blaine’s among them? I didn’t know. I just couldn’t be sure.

  She was back. “Open your mouth.”

  In went the pretty pills.


  Cool, smooth glass touched my lips, then water kissed me and I embraced its flow.

  “There you go. In a few minutes, everything’s going to be better. You’re going to realize Liam loves you, and he will never let this creep harm you again, okay?”

  Though I nodded, I didn’t believe her.

  “Garrett’s a rabid pit bull—a bastard through and through—but honey, he’s now fighting for you. Your husband doesn’t stand a chance against him. Take deep breaths and smile, knowing you’re beyond safe. Under Liam’s protection, you’re untouchable. Like a precious jewel tucked into a soft bulletproof case. Do you believe me?”

  Not entirely, but I nodded.

  I’m not sure what happened next. I remember her tugging me to my feet and leading me to a chair. My friends Mimi and Rocco were there, fussing over my shoes, makeup and hair. Those pretty pills blossomed inside me, radiating goodness and light until I was chugging champagne, but Carol was harping at me to sip. I was once again standing, and my superhero beauty team peeled off my soiled blue dress. They helped shimmy me into a new one. It was white—glorious, healing white—with hundreds of luminous crystals gifting me with special powers.

  I looked at myself in a mirror. The sapphires ringing my neck matched my eyes.

  My precious Liam had done that, I remembered. He was so clever. Truly, he was my best friend. I loved him to a frightening degree. It couldn’t even be healthy to love a man as much as I did him, but what else could I do?

  A few minutes or maybe a few hours or even days later, he was there, casting me in the light of his perilously slow, sexy grin. “My beauty…”

  I smiled. “I love you. Carol and Mimi and Rocco made me pretty.”

  “They sure did.”

  I gave him a hug.

  Carol said, “She’s had Xanax and a smidge of champagne. She probably shouldn’t have more.”

  “Agreed.” Liam kissed the top of my pretty head. “Thanks, Carol—everyone. You saved my ass big time, and I won’t forget it. Carol, if you’d be so kind, please add a one plus four zeroes to all three of your accounts. I can take it from here.”

  “Th-thanks. You sure you’ll be okay?” she asked.

  “Absolutely.” He’d slipped his arm low around my waist, holding me close just like Carol said he would, as if I were precious and under his protection.

  I snuggled against him, smiling, smiling. I remembered just a little while ago being scared, but now, I couldn’t remember why. And that was okay. Good. Great.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  I looked up at him but couldn’t find my words. He was so beautiful that all I could do was smile. His hair looked a mess and that achingly familiar chunk had fallen over his left eye. I reached up to smooth it back, happily drowning in his gaze of emerald green.

  “Christ, Carol, how much Xanax did you give her?”

  “Enough. She was in a bad way.”

  “What’d she tell you?”

  Carol winced. “Everything.”

  I heard my two best friends talking about me, but I didn’t care—couldn’t care. It was as if my ability to worry had somehow been shut off. Only, where was Nathan? And Willow? Because they were my best friends too.

  There was more talking and talking, and then my handsome prince swept me out of the room.

  “Ready for this?” he asked in front of an elevator.

  “I’m ready for you to kiss me.”

  He laughed. Then did just that.

  Clinging to him while he pressed his lips to mine, I became invincible. I could do anything. Be anyone. I would soon be Liam’s wife. His wife. Every night I would fall asleep beside him and every morning wake to his smile. The light he created inside me swelled until my eyes teared again from the sheer anticipation of our happiness still to come.

  The elevator opened with an elegant swish. I giggled.

  “What’s so funny?” Liam asked while ushering me aboard.

  “I just had the best idea.”

  “Yeah?” He pressed a button.

  “What if this fancy elevator wanted to marry your super-chill beach elevator and then we had a double wedding?”

  He eyed me for a long minute, then smiled. “No more champagne for you.”



  Ella’s beauty took my breath away. I wished I could forever freeze this moment, locking the two of us safely inside this cocoon. But the door all too soon opened, and I steered her with my hand on the small of her back into the party’s throbbing core.

  I’d been to The Fairmont’s ballroom many times for many occasions, but this was my first time feeling a palpable excitement. Garrett had assured me that when Ella filed under grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment, obtaining her divorce would be no big deal. Since I had no reason to doubt his expertise in all things legal, I believed him that her case would be before a judge in sixty days. I knew Ell was scared, but it was my job to reassure her. Starting tonight—now—she’d become a card-carrying member of my world. The idea hit as both a shock to my system and a balm. Other than, I suppose, Owen, I hadn’t been part of a true family since my mother died. To know that from now until forever Ella would always be by my side was a heady rush.

  Her divorce would be nothing more than a speed bump we’d need to roll over.

  “Everything’s so shiny,” she said, her blue eyes wide while taking in the view. The vast room appeared to have been dusted in shimmering gold, from the balloons dangling from the ceiling to the elaborate orchid centerpieces gracing the tables. Onstage, Seal sang about roses, and laughing couples danced and sipped from champagne flutes and mingled with friends. Sting wasn’t scheduled to play for another hour. “Oooh, I love this song!” Ella took my hand, towing me onto the dance floor. Garrett had taken me to his apartment, where he cleaned the cut in my palm and found a Band-Aid to slap on.

  I wouldn’t say he was happy about my decision to marry, but he did concede that marriage was preferable to my usual contracts.

  I wanted to share our
news with Owen and Natalie, but it could wait. At ten, the night was young and filled with possibilities. I settled my hands low on Ell’s hips, and she twined her arms around my neck, resting her cheek against my chest.

  “I love you,” she said on the heels of a happy sigh.

  “Love you, too.” Back in the elevator, I’d wanted to freeze time, but I changed my mind. I’d rather freeze this moment. Holding her made my heart sing. The two of us felt right in a way nothing had in a very long time. As we swayed to the music, I breathed her in. She smelled different—of lush perfume with deep, sweet floral undertones. When we’d first met, her scent had been simple. Clean. Now, my senses didn’t know her, but my body did. With her pressed against me, warming me, electrifying me, my every nerve ending came alive. I wanted her here—now. My cock ached, and I slid my hands to her ass, cinching her still closer, desperate to ease the pressure.

  “Mmm…” she teased. “Is that a flashlight in your pocket, or are you happy to see me?”

  I groaned when she cupped the source of my pleasurable pain. “Babe…”

  When I closed my eyes, her Olive Garden stunt came rushing back. Too bad for me, there wasn’t a corner booth in sight.

  “Want to go back upstairs?” She peered up at me with her big blue eyes and I was lost. Hell, yes. I’d go anywhere with her.

  “Come on…” Her smile rocked my world. When she held out her hand to me, I took it.

  This time, she drew me through the crowd. Even from behind she was hot. She wore her long, dark hair up, exposing her neck’s elegant column. Her tight ass would be the death of me. Her long, white dress shimmered, and the high slit teased me with glimpses of her calves and the backs of her thighs.

  I swallowed hard, willing her to hurry.

  “Liam! Stop! I can’t run in these heels.” A glance over my shoulder showed Owen’s wife, Natalie, charging up behind me.

  I groaned. Of course, I’d wanted to see her and Owen, but not now.

  “Where are you off to in such a hurry, and who’s your friend?”

  Ella turned to greet Nat. She extended her hand and delivered a little too bright of a smile. Clearly, she still carried the buzz from Carol’s happy pills, but considering the night’s previous events, that was no doubt a good thing. “Hi, I’m Julie. Liam asked me to marry him. Look at my ring!”

  “Wow…That’s gorgeous. Congratulations.” I cringed when the look on Nat’s face read part shock, part amusement and curiosity—not necessarily in that order. To me, she said, “Owen mentioned you were seeing someone, but I had no idea you were this serious.”

  “We’re very serious,” Ella relayed. “I’m still married, but Garrett’s going to help me fix that. For the record, I can’t stand him—Garrett, I mean. I looove my Liam—but if Garrett helps me out of this bind, I might—might—give him a second chance.”

  Natalie nodded. “I suppose that makes sense.”

  “There you are.” Owen stepped alongside her, bearing two dessert-laden plates. “Why’d you run off?”

  Natalie grasped Ella’s left hand, practically wagging it under his nose. “Look! Did you know about this?”

  He grinned, setting the plates on a nearby table before patting my back and shaking my hand. “I’ll be damned. For once, you actually followed my advice.” He turned to my fiancée. “Ella, welcome to the family.”

  Natalie said, “Wait—I thought your name was Julie?”

  Ella opened her mouth, but I kissed her quiet.

  “That’s her nickname,” I said as a cover for Ella’s snafu.

  “Julie?” Natalie wrinkled her nose. “No offense, but Liam, she’s hot. Couldn’t you think of anything more endearing?”

  I shrugged.

  Ella beamed, proudly displaying her ring. “Look what Liam gave me. Did you know we’re engaged?”

  Owen didn’t even try hiding a smile. “I see someone’s ringing in the New Year with plenty of bubbly?”

  Ella politely covered a yawn. “Carol gave me pretty pills that made me feel sooo much better.”

  Natalie’s eyes grew to the size of the mini quiche hors d’oeuvres.

  “She’s kidding,” I said, landing a light swat on my soon-to-be bride’s behind. “Aren’t you?”

  “No?” She scrunched her adorable button nose. “I really do feel better, and I’m going to ask Carol for more pretty pills.”

  I released a tight laugh. “Okay, well, let’s get back up to the room, and maybe we can find her.”

  “But I wanna hear Sting.”

  “I think you’d be better off with a nap.”

  “But how else am I ever going to hear Sting?”

  “I’ll hire him for your birthday.”

  “You can do that?” Her eyes shone with anticipation.

  I had to kiss her, and I didn’t care who saw. “Babe, I can do anything. All you have to do is ask, and I’ll give you literally anything you could ever want.”

  She grinned before wrapping me in a hug. “I love you.”

  Owen scowled. “Pouring it on a bit thick?”

  “You know what I mean,” I said over her head.

  A big band had taken over for Seal, and the brassy swagger pounded my head.

  Natalie linked her arm with her husband’s. “Leave him alone. And why haven’t you ever hired Sting to sing at my birthday?”

  “Whoa—don’t turn this around on me.” Owen reached for one of their dessert plates and popped a truffle into his mouth.

  “Liam,” Natalie said above the raucous tune, “I’d love to have you and Ella over for dinner soon, so we can talk.”

  I wasn’t sure if that was a good idea. What would Ella’s mood be once she sobered? Would she carry through with her streak of happy optimism, fully trusting in me to handle whatever her husband threw our way, or would she once again succumb to fear?


  The suite’s quiet elegance served as a palate-cleanser for my mind.

  I dismissed the servants for the night, then drew Ella into the master bedroom of the six-thousand-square-foot space. Only the bedside lamps were on, and the somber lighting spoke of the rich history of this place. “Did you know JFK slept in this bed?”

  “Really?” She’d perched on an ivory-toned chaise.

  I nodded while one by one slipping off her heels. “Prince Charles was here. Elton John. Mick Jagger…”

  “Mmm…” She arched her head back and smiled. “Everybody’s so famous.”

  “That’s right.” On my knees before her, I leaned closer, kissing the elegant curve of her neck. “Just like us.” Together, we’d live out our lives as American royalty.

  “Has Sting slept here?”

  “Maybe…” I trailed my lips higher, up her throat and under her chin.

  “Why isn’t he here tonight? He’s way more famous than me.”

  “True,” I said with a chuckle, “but he doesn’t have as much money as me. Since the two of us will only be celebrating our engagement this one night, I figured we needed the suite more than him.”

  “Want to ask him to share?”

  I reached around her to unzip her sleeveless white dress. “Not especially.” I kissed one of her mounded breasts, then the other. “Is it selfish for me to want you all for myself?”

  She giggled when I drew her dress down to her waist. “That tickles.”

  Her flesh-toned, back-laced corset sprung my cock back to attention.

  She yawned. “I’m so sleepy.”

  “I’ll bet, but do me a favor and stand up for just a sec so I can get your dress all the way off.”

  After she’d followed my request, I tugged her dress down, leaving it pooled on the rug.

  I stood, gently spinning her around to untie her corset’s laces. I wanted her so bad I hurt, but even more than I needed release from the urges she’d unwittingly created, I needed her to know my highest priority was her well-being. Right now, she was in no shape for making our mark on this famous bed. She needed a long, healing sleep.r />
  With her corset removed, she shivered, smiling glassy-eyed while crossing her arms over her scarred breasts. “You’re the only person who will ever see me like this.”

  “Good.” Atop the dresser, wrapped in a wide satin bow, were the sapphire-blue silk lounging pajamas I’d earlier ordered. I grabbed them, then returned to where Ella still stood. I knelt before her with the bottoms, helping her insert one foot, then the other. “Guess I should’ve gotten you some underwear.”

  “Why are you even dressing me? I thought we were going to…” There she went again with her giggle, accompanied by a charming blush. “You know.”

  “We were—and we will. But right now, let’s rest.” With her PJ bottoms on and the drawstring pulled about her waist, I fit her arms into the top’s sleeves, then buttoned the front, only I got the buttons uneven and had to start over.

  “You’re bad at this,” she noted.

  “True.” But hey, I was trying to be a gentleman. She deserved the best of everything I had to offer, and for the rest of my life, I’d devote myself to making her smile. She was my prize. My most cherished possession.

  After covering another yawn, she said, “When do we get to see Sting?”

  “Your birthday. When is it?”

  “July seventeenth. Don’t forget.”

  “I won’t.”

  Her eyelids hung so heavy that she seemed to have a tough time standing.

  “Need me to carry you to the bed?”

  “I can do it, but don’t leave me alone, okay?”



  I raised my right hand. “I, Liam Stone, hereby promise to never let you, soon-to-be-Mrs.-Ella-Stone, ever again sleep by herself.” I tugged back the covers, tossing the throw pillows to a nearby armchair. “Is that an acceptable pledge?” I asked while she crawled into the bed.

  “Uh-huh…” The moment her head hit the pillow, her eyes drifted closed.

  I cupped my hand to her cheek, drinking in the sight of her. Long, sooty lashes and creamy skin. Her smattering of freckles that the makeup artist showcased rather than tried to hide. Her dark hair was still in an elegant upsweep, and I’d forgotten to remove her necklace, earrings and ring. If she was awake, she’d probably want her makeup off, too, but the last thing I wanted was for her to wake with me hovering over her with a wet washcloth. I took one last look, then turned off her bedside lamp.


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