Page 39
Everyone laughed except Scooter. He just remarked. “Nice cast, Carmen.”
Chapter 57
Galaxy 10
Wormhole conduit
EXC 14
The Kandarian Starship, Galaxy 10, emerged from its wormhole conduit and approached the Earth’s solar system. The Science Officer, Commander Oshawa, was conducting a normal sensor analysis. On a whim, he decided to run a routine scan on the sun. The data alarmed him.
“Captain Kahn, please come to the science laboratory immediately. I have something to show you.”
“Right away, Commander.”
Kahn entered the science laboratory. “What’s the problem, Commander?”
“Something has altered the Earth’s sun.”
“What do you mean?”
Oshawa tried to focus his thoughts. “Some unknown force has attacked the plasma wells on Earth’s sun and broken them into small pieces.”
“How do you know this?”
“I’ve run a correlation analysis on sunspot population against our data base. The analysis shows the plasma well population is about a thousand times what it should be at this point in the solar cycle.”
“What difference does that make? Smaller plasma wells shouldn’t cause that much of an issue. Should they?”
“Ordinarily not. In this case, the coronal loops have a helix structure that stores as much potential energy in the small wells as the larger ones. Instead of just a few big spots, and their associated corona loops, we now have a thousand smaller wells, each with a corona loop packed with enormous amounts of stored energy.”
The captain rubbed her hand across the back of her neck and pondered what Oshawa was saying. She hoped his conclusions were wrong. “Go on, Commander, but I think I already know what you’re going to tell me.”
Oshawa pulled up the simulation routine, which graphically demonstrated the dynamics of the sunspot migrations on the main holographic display, including measured data on the resulting solar storm’s magnitude and direction.
“At some point, these wells will converge on the sun’s equator, and the Earth will experience a solar storm like no other in history. If my calculations are correct, this storm will blow the Earth’s atmosphere off and destroy all life.” He shook his head in disbelief. “Captain, who or what could have done such a thing?”
“I don’t know, Commander. Run a complete data analysis to validate your findings. Then construct a timeline. How long do you think this will take?”
“About two days.”
“Very well, let me know when you’re finished. I want to exit the solar system and reactivate the conduit so we can send our findings back to Kandar for conformation. In the meantime, I’ll notify the Earth ambassador and let him know we’ll be a few days late getting his people back.”
“What are you going to tell him, Madam?”
“That we’ve taken some data we’re concerned about and need to send it back to Kandar for confirmation before we share it.”
“Won’t he be suspicious? After all, this is a break in protocol.”
“We can’t reveal this until we’re completely certain. If we’re wrong, it could hurt our relations with Earth and damage our credibility. No reflection on you, but we need full scientific validation from our scientists on Kandar.”
“I fully agree, Captain.”
“Good. I’ll inform our passengers of the delay.”
Kahn walked off wondering how the governments of Earth would react to this horrid report. Will they think we’re trying to deceive them somehow? They might think we caused the problem. I need validation and guidance from the Kandar leadership before we go any further.
Chapter 58
Wormhole Development Facility
New Mexico
A counter weapon technology had eluded Harry and his team. So far, they were unsuccessful in their attempts to come up with a rapidly implementable approach. There were some good ideas, but all required too much development time, and the clock was counting down. As he reviewed his reports, Tarnak walked in and sat down.
“What’s up? You look worried, Tarnak?”
“Our starship, Galaxy 10, just brought back four exchange scientists. When the ship entered the solar system, they ran normal sensor checks as they always do.”
“So. What’s unusual about that?”
“They discovered something has affected your sun and, as a result, in fifteen years Earth will have a severe solar storm. It will make the perfect solar storm of 1859 look like a mild summer breeze. Our data and extensive simulations show that this storm will be so powerful, it will blow Earth’s atmosphere off and kill every living thing.”
Harry sat up straight, very befuddled. “I hope you’re putting me on. When did this happen?”
Tarnak slumped back in his chair. “We’re not sure when it happened. It’s routine for us the take sensor scans of any solar system we enter. There’s no doubt. The greatest scientists on our planet have confirmed the data and simulations. I downloaded the report to your Qtab. Harry’s mind whirled. “Why tell me? This a high-level government issue, is it not? I’m just a program manager.”
“Our leadership has informed the President of the United Sates and presented him and his advisors with the data. The president’s scientific advisor is having the data examined by your solar scientists. I’m afraid they don’t have the sensor technology or the simulation technology they need to confirm it. We may need your help, and that of your team, to help us convince your people the problem’s real.”
Harry thought. What next? Here we are in a life and death struggle with terrorists and now, the sun might destroy us. When it rains, it pours!
“Tarnak, how can we help?”
“We want Scott Kimberly to organize the Earth’s best solar scientists and lead them on an expedition aboard the Galaxy 10 to validate our findings. We’ll brief them on everything they need to know about the sensors and let them run the tests for themselves. We’re going to need your team’s cooperation to validate the credibility of this information.”
“Well, I have to inform Bill Hart and Secretary Robinette. He’s an important part of our efforts to develop a counter weapon technology.”
“Harry, Earth’s survival depends on what you do now. Our analysis and tests are accurate to within 99.99 percent. It’s going to happen as we say.”
“I understand the urgency — just one final question. Why Scott Kimberly?”
“Scott’s known internationally and well respected by the scientific community. Because of that, he should be able to recruit your best solar scientists to participate. Further, he would be the ideal spokesperson to deliver the message to the UN. A professor with his international status, and not a politician or military person, might be listened to.”
“Okay, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. I can’t believe this.”
Upset and petrified of the pending consequences, Harry sent Scott the Kandar report. Somehow, he thought. I hope we can find solutions to all of these crazy developments and get life back on an even keel. He finally refocused and called.
“I got your message,” Scott said abruptly. “What kind of joke are you pulling? This whole thing is ridiculous. I don’t know of any physical phenomena in the universe that would cause this type of problem. You sure this isn’t bullshit. You and Ronnie are trying to screw with my head.”
“It’s no joke. The Kandarians are dead serious about it. They’ve had their best scientists confirm it. It’s real, and that’s why I’m calling.”
“Sounds like an ah-shit thing to me, Harry … well, lay it on me.”
Harry rubbed his forehead and cleared his throat. “I’ve talked to Bill Hart about what I’m going to ask you and he supports it. He’s already cleared it with Secretary Robinette and the National Security Advisor. President Grant will be involved.”
“Am I being arrested or something? That two dollar deduction on my income tax for golf tees shouldn’t have
caused this type of commotion,” Scott joked.
Harry laughed. “We have information that one of the MOA scientists directed their black hole system at the sun and somehow caused the sunspot problem — it’s not some natural phenomena. Why they did it, lord only knows. It was stupidity of the highest degree. Anyway, as the report indicates, we have a big problem.”
“So what do you guys want me to do? I think I see a big deal coming, and it makes me nervous as hell.”
“The Kandarians, the president’s National Security Advisor, and scientific advisors want you to head up a team of solar scientists. The team will go into space with the Kandarians and verify the problem. The president wants us to confirm the issue before he goes to the UN with it. You’ll also be asked to go with him to present your findings.”
“You don’t ask much, do you?” Scott replied.
“We have a lot of confidence in you. You’re known and respected in the international physics community. Other scientists will participate if they know you’re heading it up.”
Scott paused for a moment before he answered. “Okay, Harry, I know I’m going to be sorry I volunteered. What’s the scoop?”
“Thanks, we knew we could count on you.”
“If I had known this when you were at Tech, I would have figured how to flunk your and Ronnie’s asses out. You two have really turned my life upside down, Stevenson. I should have told you wormholes wouldn’t work. Guess I never knew when to keep my big mouth shut.”
Harry couldn’t help but laugh, and it felt good to let off some stress. “You need to create a list of the top solar physicists. Then send out an invitation, and tell them you’re heading up a scientific investigation of the sun in cooperation with our friends from the planet Kandar. If they choose to participate, they will be aboard a Kandarian spacecraft for the duration of the investigation. Funding is no issue.”
“I’ll do it, in spite of my better judgment. I need to meet with Tarnak first, then I want access to the sensor specifications and the simulation and modeling programs they use. Once I study those, I’ll need to go over the data with them. Also, I want complete access to the Earth’s orbiting sun telescopes to augment their sensors.”
“I’ve already arranged that. There won’t be any issues with time slots. What else?”
“I want Carmen to review their models and give me her inputs.”
“That’s no problem. I’ll get her on it right away.”
“When I send out the invitations, I’m going to ask the investigators to suggest the best solar modeling and simulation programs, and we’ll take the best ones with us. I‘ll need Tarnak’s help make sure our stuff runs on their systems. Our guys won’t believe the Kandarian results unless we’re certain our programs aren’t sufficient, and convinced, beyond a shadow of a doubt, theirs work. Even then, some of our people will be terribly suspicious. How do we know they haven’t caused the problem?”
“I assure you, they didn’t cause this. Is there anything else?”
“I want to go on the Galaxy 10 right away so I can get familiar with their science laboratory. I’m sure it’s far more advanced than the Orion.”
“Thank you, buddy.”
“It’s my planet too, you know. I want one point of contact. I don’t want to have to wade through a bunch of bureaucratic red tape bullshit if I need something.”
“I’ve been told that will be me.”
“I was hoping it would be.”
“When can you leave? The Kandar shuttle is at Andrews Air Force Base in Washington. I suggest you check in with Hart at NSTA when you get there. If you need anything, he can be very helpful,” Harry offered.
“I’ll do that. To answer you, I’ll be ready to leave tomorrow night. I’ll contact Carmen when I get to the ship.”
“I’ll let Hart know. Tarnak will meet you at NSTA. Bill Hart said to tell you he wants all of the investigators to assemble at NSTA and leave for the ship at the same time. He’ll arrange transportation as soon as he gets your assembly date.”
“I should have the principle investigator list and invitations ready to go out before I leave. I’ll make sure you’re copied on all communications. By the way, keep me updated on the counter-terrorism effort will you?”
“I will, and thanks.”
As soon as he hung up, Scott called his woman friend, Andy, in Albuquerque. They had planned to play golf on the weekend.
“Hi, Scott, it is a bit early to call. Getting nervous about our bet?” She joked when she answered.
“I’m afraid I won’t be able to make our golf date Saturday, something’s come up.”
“What could be more important than our golf game? You got the gout?”
Scott laughed. Andy knew how and when to make light of things. He had been attracted to her at first sight. Her short brown hair and blue eyes contrasted nicely with her golfing tan and trim figure. She sure didn’t look fifty. “Well, I have to fly to Washington, D.C. day after tomorrow.”
“When will you be back, or will you? What is going on? This came up so suddenly.”
Scott felt bad he couldn’t share much with her. “I’m not sure of the return date. It could be several weeks.”
“What’s going on?”
Harry told me I could share some of the details with you. Andy, what I’m going to tell you is a government secret, and you can’t disclose it to anyone else. I am very serious about this.
“Scott, you’re scaring me, but go on.”
“I’ve been asked to head up a scientific investigation of the sun. I’m inviting an international group of solar scientists to participate, and we’ll be aboard an alien star ship from the planet Kandar.”
“You’re kidding me. I’ve heard some whoppers when someone wanted to break a date, but this takes the cake — little green men from Mars, and joy riding on an alien starship? You’re not serious.”
“I am. Actually, they look like us and are friendly. In fact, one of their scientists has been working with us for some time.”
“You never told me that. Are they nice? I mean, you always see science fiction movies about aliens who want to conquer the Earth and eat our face or something terrible like that.”
Scott couldn’t help but laugh.
“Sorry I sound so skeptical, but aliens? Are you putting me on? That’s a lame excuse for breaking our date. You broke or something and can’t pay your bets?”
“I know it sounds hokey, but I’m telling you the truth. I really can’t tell you much more right now, except this trip is very important. There’s a problem with our sun, and that’s all I can say. Maybe I can tell you more when I get back.”
“I have a lot of questions, but I know you’d tell me if you could. Please be careful, and don’t get hurt. Call me when you can. You know I care for you very much, and I don’t want anything to happen to you. Besides, you still owe me for our last golf game. You’re running up a pretty good tab, you know.”
“I care for you, too. Don’t worry, I‘ll be back in a few weeks. I think we need to go double or nothing on those bets.”
“You really are a glutton for punishment. Take care of yourself. I’ll miss you.”
Scott sat at this desk thinking about his wife and Andy. His wife would want him to find happiness and not sit around grieving forever. He missed her terribly. He would never lose his love for her, but he so desperately needed someone in his life. He hoped that someone would be Andy.
Scott was nervous about this entire affair. He knew he could get it organized and pull it off. He was used to working with scientists and could generally get around their egos and idiosyncrasies. That wasn’t the issue.
What if the Kandarians are right and the entire planet faces certain death in fifteen years? That, compounded with a bunch of maniacs who are hell-bent on killing everyone, makes the future look bleak. Well, we might be able to stop the terrorists, but the sun. What can we do? Where can we go? The wormhole might possibly be the only salvation for the human race — if we
survive to use it.
Chapter 59
Wormhole Development Facility
New Mexico
Two weeks later, on the other end of the video link, Bill Hart gave Harry that “look” which usually meant he had something for him to do that usually caused him heartburn. Harry beat him to the punch. “What’s going on?”
Hart grinned sheepishly. “Kimberly wants you to go with him on the Galaxy. He said he needs your help.”
“Really?” He quickly sat up, hoping he had heard wrong. The last thing he wanted was another trip into space. Crap, he must be kidding.
“I hope you want to go. It is a cakewalk. Just out and back for a few days. Besides, you haven’t been on that starship, and I’m sure the scientific lab will be of interest to you.”
Harry gulped. I guess he was serious. “You know I’ll go. I’d never refuse to help Scott. When and where?” Oh shit, here we go again. I guess I’m a glutton for punishment.
“The Galaxy’s scheduled to pick the scientific team up at Andrews Air Force Base in three days, so you need to fly out immediately. Scott will meet you at the National Spaceport and take you to the ship. I must say, I have concern about you being gone while we’re working on the counter weapon technology. How’s that going?” Bill reached in his drawer, pulled out his jellybeans and popped a couple in his mouth.
I could use this as a way out, but I can’t do that to Scott. “I’ll have Ronnie Forrester and Carmen Stevens oversee the effort. We’re working on several different approaches, but none’s firm yet. Hey, no black beans?”
“I ate ‘em first. Go figure.” Bill laughed as he searched for another in the crumpled bag. Not finding what he wanted, he frowned. “Have a good trip and call me when you return.” He threw another jellybean in his mouth and waved bye as he clicked out.
I thought the last two trips into space were going to be cakewalks and look what happened. I sure as hell hope this one doesn’t turn out to be another fiasco. I really don’t want to do it, but I can’t let Scott down.