Book Read Free

The One

Page 20

by Kristin Vayden

  As soon as I sat, she turned to me. “He was pissed… at first. It took me a bit to talk him through it. But in the end, he understood what happened.” She glanced away. “He actually said that it was kind of his fault… and that’s all I want to know on that, okay? Keep those details to yourself.” She held up her hands.

  “Holy shit.” I tilted my head. “Stupid hands.” I muttered.

  “Again… don’t want to know.” She shuddered delicately. “So after I explained everything, I told him that I couldn’t exactly change what had already been published because it was, well… worldwide. And you still have that interview tonight—” She regarded me warily. “We have work to do on that front.” She waved her hand around my face then shook her head. “Regardless, what’s done is done and we can’t change it. He agreed, and boom! There it is.” She hitched a shoulder and stood. “Let’s go. I have a car waiting and, honey, we really do have work to do.” She gave me a once over again, then started toward the door.

  “Huh.” I stood, still processing all that had just happened.

  Kirby wasn’t mad.

  Or at least wasn’t mad anymore.

  Then why wasn’t he texting me back?

  I checked my phone again.

  “Meredith! Hurry!”

  I rolled my eyes but jogged to catch up.

  As soon as we were in the car, I pulled out my phone and called Kirby.

  Ring, Ring, Ring — voicemail.

  “Hi, it’s me. Please… uh call me back. Thanks.”


  “Shut it. I’m still kind of freaking out. He hasn’t texted me back, or called or e-mail—”

  “Did he change his Facebook status to single?” Roxi interrupted.

  Hadn’t thought of that…

  I opened the app and found his profile and searched.

  In a relationship with Meredith Blane.

  A weight lifted from my shoulders. “No, we’re still FB official.”

  “There’s no official till it’s Facebook official.” Roxi sing-songed. “Then don’t sweat it. Remember he has that interview as well. He’s probably just doing it with the reporter.”

  “Oh, I forgot. He agreed to that?” I turned to her, confused.

  “No. Not exactly but he didn’t have a choice.” She smiled sweetly.

  I narrowed my eyes. “Who are you?”

  “A force to be reckoned with.” She winked.

  We pulled over in front of her apartment, and she got out. “C’mon, slow poke. We don’t have all day.” The car door slammed.

  “The whirlwind that is Roxi.” I muttered to myself.

  In short order, I was told to take a shower — a quick one. And then the torture started.

  Fake eyelashes.

  Red Lipstick.

  More blush than was necessary.

  “Why?” I asked for the hundredth time.

  “Because on television you’ll wash out. This will make your features stand out.”

  “Like a stripper in a streetlight.” I shot back.

  She glared.

  “Done. Here are your outfit choices.” She held out a pair of leather leggings with a cream sweater that was off the shoulder and looked super soft.

  “Or.” She went back to her closet and pulled out a little red dress with a thick gold statement necklace and black heels.

  “Red.” I answered.

  “Good choice.”

  Thirty minutes later, we were heading to the studio to do my little interview.

  Only the interview didn’t seem little.

  Not when they put the hot lights on the set, and have you sit directly under them.

  And as soon as the camera started rolling, I felt like I was going to be sick. Thankfully, the reporter was very kind, and didn’t press when I gave vague answers about Kirby.

  Where I felt most comfortable was when I spoke about the blog, shamelessly promoting it. I could feel Roxi’s approval in the charge in the atmosphere.

  And soon, it was finished.

  The first thing I did was check my phone.

  “Damn it all. Still nothing. He hates me, Roxi.” I sighed and blew out my cheeks.

  “He does not. Promise. C’mon, let’s go get something to eat. You look too skinny in that dress. You’re making me jealous.” She tugged my hand.

  “I’m not hungry.” Even though I should be, I hadn’t actually eaten anything since that morning.

  Wine wasn’t exactly a food group.

  It should be… but wasn’t.

  “C’mon. It will be fun.” Roxi coaxed me into the car and we drove down the streets of Seattle, the Space Needle shining in the distance.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Someplace nice. I want to celebrate with you.” She gave me a smile, and soon we arrived in front of Bar Del Corso.

  “I missed pizza.” I gazed at the name, practically tasting the oven fired pizza.

  “C’mon baby, I know the way to your heart.” Roxi teased as we left the car and walked into the restaurant.

  The scent of melting cheese, rising dough, and smoky heat assaulted me, making my stomach rumble and mouth water.

  As soon as we ordered and the food came, Roxi lifted her wine glass in a toast.

  I lifted my glass of water.

  “To new beginnings.” She clinked my glass and took a sip.

  “New beginnings?” I took a sip then gave her a questioning expression.

  “Yup. Here.” She leaned down and pulled out a folder.

  Much like the one that had started this whole adventure.

  “No thanks.” I slid the folder away. “Your folders scare me.”

  She laughed. “You’ll like this one.”

  “You said that last time.”

  “You really will.”

  “You said that last time too.”

  “For the love of all that’s holy, if you open the damn folder you can talk with Kirby, okay?” She sat back in her chair and crossed her arms.

  “Say what?” I asked as I opened the folder.

  Head of operations, UK Division of, Meredith Blane.

  I lifted the document and noticed something else in the folder.

  A ticket.

  A plane ticket.

  “What is this?” I withdrew it, reading it. “It’s for tomorrow?”

  “So, I’ve been thinking — we’ve been discussing — an operation specialist in the UK for helping promote the blog for international readers.” She leaned forward, a smile illuminating her face. “That’s now you.”

  “Me?” I read through the legal document. “And the ticket?”

  “For tomorrow, so you can look for an apartment — though I doubt you’ll actually do that. But it’s expensed as such since we have to pay for you to relocate.”

  Relocate. “To Scotland?”

  “That’s the idea.”

  “But… I haven’t even talked about that possibility with Kirb—”

  “I did. He’s all for it. Which is also why you haven’t heard form him. He might be a grown man but he’s a juvenile delinquent when it comes to keeping secrets. I put him on radio silence till I told you. You can tell him you know. Guy’s probably babysitting his phone.” She shook her head.

  My jaw dropped. Honestly, I wasn’t sure if I was irate with her or wanted to hug her.

  Roxi took a bite of her pizza then pointed to my phone as it still sat on the table. “Hurry up!”

  I picked it up and stood, walking toward the door. Kirby answered on the first ring.


  “I am so sorry I had no idea—”

  We both tried to speak at once.


  I paused, letting his voice wash over me, savoring the tone.


  “I know.”

  I took a deep breath and walked down the sidewalk. “I had no idea, honestly. It was the last thing—”

  “Merry. I know. Believe me.”

�I do believe you but I just don’t want you to think I was trying to get ahead or—”


  I bit my lip. “Yeah?”

  “Shut up.” His laughter softened the words, making me relax.

  Damn, I missed that laugh.

  “I’m sorry too… for not responding right away to your call or text.”

  I grinned. “Yeah, you’re going to pay for that. You and Roxi both. I’m pretty sure I lost at least ten years of my life from worry between your ‘radio silence’ as she put it, and the stress on the airplane from not being able to at least explain myself… stupid Wi-Fi.”

  “I knew you’d be panicking. That’s why I made her promise to tell you right away.”

  “She did, but I… just needed to hear it from you.” I sighed.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “We’re both sorry. It sucks. And I wish you were here.” I stopped walking and leaned against a brick building.

  “Tomorrow. Speaking of which, what do you think of that?” I could hear the smile in his voice.

  “What do you think of that? I mean, that’s a huge step and—”

  “Merry. If I had my way, you wouldn’t even be in Seattle right now.”

  I released a breath I didn’t even realize I was holding. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah but that doesn’t exactly tell me your feelings on the matter. Like you said, it’s a huge step, but then again, Scotland does include me, so it’s a no-brainer.” A warm chuckle echoed over the line.

  “Truth… and how could I turn down that?” I rolled my eyes. “You need me there just to keep your ego in check. Honestly.”

  “Among other things.” He teased.

  “So… you’re really for this?” I held my breath.


  A grin spread across my lips. “I guess that means I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “No guessing about it. Get your arse over here.” He paused. “I miss your purring at night.”

  “It’s addictive.”

  “Bloody mess.”

  “Hey! You just said you missed it.” I started back toward the restaurant.

  “I do miss it. But I’m at my flat—”

  “Which one?”

  “Must you honestly ask?”

  I rolled my eyes and smiled. “Nope. Carry on.”

  “Thank you. As I was saying. I’m at my flat, and bloody hell, woman! You’re everywhere! I canno’ even lie in bed without your scent assaulting me, which is like walking around in a permanent state of arousal and that gets uncomfortable.” He was actually grumbling at me.

  “So I see. You just want me for my body. I get it.” I shrugged, biting back a smile.


  “I’m more than a pretty face.”

  “You’re telling me.” I could hear the seductive quality in his tone, like velvet and my body warmed. “Merry…”

  “Yeah?” I paused before the large window looking into the pizzeria, waiting.

  “I love you.”

  I let the words just hover in the air, covering me like a warm blanket. “Then pick me up tomorrow at 2:30 pm. Don’t be late.”

  “Ordering me around already?”


  “I’m okay with this.”

  “You don’t exactly have a choice.” I laughed.

  “You take the good with the bad. What can I say?”

  “I still think you’re getting the better end of the deal.”

  “Na, I’ve seen my arse in the mirror. You’re getting a pretty sweet package.”

  “No pun intended?” I spoke through my laughter.

  “Pun intended.” He chuckled deeply. “Merry…”

  “Yes?” I took a deep breath, calming my laughter.

  “Merry…” he drew out my name, as if savoring it yet demanding at the same time.

  I knew what he wanted, and I made him wait just a moment longer.

  He sighed on the phone.

  “I love you too,” I answered.

  “Good. Now that it’s all settled, go and eat with your friend, say goodbye and hurry up and get here so I can stop being pitiful without you. Pitiful isn’t sexy, and I can’t live like this… sexy is my natural state.”

  “Dear Lord. You’re impossible.” I rolled my eyes.

  “You love a challenge.”

  “Lucky me.”

  “I think so.” His tone had a smile and I shook my head.

  “Bye, Kirby… see you soon. I love you.”

  “Bye, Merry, love you more.” With a beep the connection ended and I bit my lip as I held back a huge grin. Taking a deep breath I walked back into the restaurant, noticing first Roxi’s grin, and then that she had eaten a slice of my pizza.

  I narrowed my eyes.

  “I was hungry.” She shrugged. “Mine was better.”

  “You are on my shit list.”

  “I’m always on your shit list. This is not news.” She took a sip of my water and grinned.

  I picked up a slice of now cold pizza and took a bite, my stomach rumbling with approval.

  “He’s happy, huh?” She wagged her arched brows.

  “Yup,” I answered with my mouth full.

  “And you leave tomorrow.” She leaned forward slightly.

  I nodded and took another bite.

  “Basically I’m giving you the best present ever.”

  I narrowed my eyes, trying to hold back a smile but failed.

  “I know, I know. You can’t hide it. I hope you realize the sacrifice I’m making here.” She sat back, crossing her arms.

  I tilted my head.

  “Seriously, I’m giving you up… to my stepbrother, no less. This is both selfless of me and awkward in ways I don’t even want to explore. I mean… yeah.” She gave a delicate shudder. “Although it will be interesting when I get to see the two of you together.” She shook her head thoughtfully.

  I swallowed. “Are you coming too? You know, to set up the UK office?” I took a sip of my water.

  “No, but I’ll have quarterly visits. So you won’t be able to ditch me completely.” She gave me a wide smile.

  “Good. I don’t want to ditch you.” I picked up another slice of pizza.

  “Tell that to Kirby.” She rolled her eyes. “I think he’s just glad I don’t hold any secrets over his head anymore.”

  I swallowed. “Yeah! I was going to ask you about that. What the hell kind of secrets did you store away that made him so deep in your debt? I mean… a girl’s gotta know.”

  “That… is for him to tell you. Not me,” she answered cryptically.

  “What I don’t understand is that you… you seriously cannot keep your opinions to yourself… or keep your mouth shut—”


  “It’s true! I mean, how many times did I tell you not to tell Kirby something while I was in Scotland and you did just that!” I threw up my hands.

  “That’s different.” She shrugged.


  “Because… that wasn’t important stuff. This… kind of is… was. So ask him. End of story. But…” She sighed and leaned forward, resting her elbows in the table. “Meredith, I was making light of it earlier, but I really am going to miss having you here. You’re my best friend. Now, I want you to go, but I don’t want you to leave without knowing just how much I’m going to miss you.” She glanced away, her blue eyes glistening. “Damn it, I better not ruin my mascara.” She glanced to me with a grin.

  “Roxi, I’m going to miss you too.” I reached out and grasped her hand. “A lot. Just… I’m not here to keep you in line. Think before you do, okay?”

  “Yes, mom.” She rolled her eyes but smiled. “I will.”

  “So… this is really happening?” I glanced to the folder and back to her.


  “I’m moving to Scotland.”

  “You’re moving to Scotland.”


  “Yeah… the Scotland thing is easier to grasp than the
fact that you’ll be sleeping next to Kirby when you’re there… but I think the real wow? You found the one.”

  I smiled. “I did, didn’t I?”

  “Yeah. You did.”

  “Roxi?” I waited until I had her full attention. I didn’t want her to miss this. “Someday, you will too.”


  NEEDLESS TO SAY I didn’t sleep much that night. As awesome as it was that I got to leave the next day for Scotland, it didn’t give me much time to get ready to leave for Scotland. Even though Roxi said she’d take care of the logistics and have a moving company pack my belongings, I still needed to organize a few things.

  So after pulling an all-nighter, Roxi drove me to SeaTac. Her usual sleek style was traded for leggings, sweatshirt, and messy bun. It was almost the same look I sported, except I had actually re-applied my makeup.

  She waited with me while I checked my baggage and then walked with me to the security line.

  “Okay… this is it.” She blinked back tears and pulled me into a tight hug. “I’ll see you in a few weeks when I get all the loose ends tied up over here. Okay?”

  I hugged her tightly, tearing up as well. “Okay. Roxi… thank you. For doing this.”

  “What are friends for?” She pulled back and gave me a watery smile. “Now hurry up and go before I get all weepy again.” She nodded toward the line.

  “Soon.” I hugged her once more and pulled my orange carry-on to the end of the line, giving her a small wave.

  “Scotland… here I come.”

  THE FLIGHT WAS extremely short.

  Rather, a miracle occurred and the only thing I remember about the flight was the pilot announcing our cruise altitude, and then the flight attendant gently waking me up.

  Before all future international flights, I vow to pull an all-nighter just before I leave; it’s like a magic sleep spell.

  Or so I thought until I exited the plane in a foggy haze and stumbled into the bathroom.

  The men’s room, mind you.

  Yeah, I don’t know who was more surprised; me or the man shaving his face in only his underwear.

  Needless to say, I didn’t ask, just turned around and double-checked the ‘women’ sign before I went in to the next bathroom.

  The image staring back at me had me double taking my own reflection. For once, I looked pretty damn amazing after a flight.

  My eyes were bright, a little puffy, but nothing bad. My makeup was slightly smudged, but as I pulled out the bun I had twisted up earlier, my hair fell in gentle curls.


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