In Tearing Haste
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Paros, 46
Parsons, Lady Bridget, 11 & n5, 15, 31, 83, 120, 367
Parthénios, Theodore, 137
Partridge, Frances (née Marshall), 74 & n6; Friends in Focus, 251 & n4, 252; Life Regained, 316 & n1
Partridge, Ralph, 74 & n6
Passerano, Castello di, 54
Paterakis, Manoli, 208–9 & n1, 235–6
Pau, 161–2
Pearson, John: Façades, 173 & n1; Stags and Serpents, 206 & n2
Pembroke, William Herbert, 18th Earl of, 356 & n5
Perrone, Natalie (née Noailles), 64n1, 65 & n1, 331
Perrone, Sandro, 64n1
Peru, 117 & n1
Peto, Rosemary (earlier Countess of Sandwich), 150 & n3
Petra, 171
Petre, Mildred Mary (Mrs Bruce), 155 & n4
Philip, Prince, Duke of Edinburgh, 71, 98, 210
Phillips, John C., Jr, 90 & n2
Pindus Mountains, Greece: PLF’s account of expedition to, 122–40
Pitt-Rivers, Julian, 18 & n1
Pitt-Rivers, Margarita (formerly Primo de Rivera), 19n1
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 149
Pompadour, Hôtel de (Perrones’ house), 65, 70n1
Pompidou, Georges, 104 & n1
Portland, William Cavendish-Bentinck, 6th Duke of: Men, Women and Things, 178 & n4, 190
Portugal, 180–1
Potter, Beatrix: The Tale of Pigling Bland, 265n1
Poussin, Nicolas: Holy Family (painting), 188
Powell, Michael, 22n1
Prague, 293
Preminger, Otto, 37n1
Prescott, John, 332 & n3
Presley, Elvis, 310n1
Pressburger, Emeric, 22n1
Price, Lynda, 122n3
Pryce-Jones, Alan, 23 & n11, 40, 50–1
Pryce-Jones, David: Unity Mitford: A Quest, 145–6 & n2, 212
Pryce-Jones, Thérèse (née Fould-Springer), 23n11, 41n2
Psychoundakis, George, 254 & n3; The Cretan Runner, 209 & n4
Pyrenees: PLF travels in, 160–9
Quennell, Sir Peter, 7 & n7, 14
Rackham, Arthur, 31
Raleigh, Sir Walter, xx
Rare Breeds Survival Trust, 292
Raven, Simon, 189n5
Rayner, William John, 11n9
Redesdale, Algernon Bertram Mitford, 1st Baron, 214n2, 346 & n3
Redesdale, David Mitford, 2nd Baron (DD’s father): marriage, 64n3; portrayed by Nancy in Don’t Tell Alfred, 88n2; reads Jack London’s White Fang, 229 & n2
Redesdale, John Mitford, 4th Baron (‘Jack’), 86 & n3
Redesdale, Sydney, Lady (née Bowles; DD’s mother): at Inch Kenneth, 61n1, 159; and Jessica’s book Hons and Rebels, 63 & n3; at unveiling of memorial to husband, 72; illness and death, 95–6 & n1; poultry farm, 106 & n3; suggests title for Nancy’s first book, 170
Redford, Robert, 298n2
Redwood, Philip, 302
Renishaw Hall, Derbyshire, 143
Renta, Annette de la, 343 & n1
Renta, Oscar de la, 343 & n1, 368
Richard, Sir Cliff, 344
Ripon Cathedral, 351–3
Rita (PLF’s cook/housekeeper in Dumbleton), 370
Ritsa (PLF’s cook/housekeeper in Mani), 310 & n3, 330
Robinson, Hamish, 337 & n1, 370
Rodd, Peter, 7n2
Romania, 82, 108, 199, 202, 262
Romilly, Esmond, 64n2
Roots of Heaven, The (film), 33n1, 41, 45nn1, 2
Rose, General Sir Michael, 343 & n3, 345
Rosse, Beatrice, Countess of (later Viscountess Vesci), 11n7
Rothenstein, Sir John, 57 & n5
Rothschild, Baron Elie and Baroness Liliane (née Fould-Springer), 212–13 & n5
Rothschild, Jacob, 4th Baron, 144 & n1, 193, 196 & n4
Rothschild, Miranda see Boumaza, Miranda Rothschild, Serena, Lady (née Dunn), 145n1, 193, 197n
Rothschild, Victor, 3rd Baron, 84n1, 110n2
Roualle, Marquis Jean de, 40–1 & n3
Royal Smithfield Show, 112 & n2, 147, 278
Royaumont, Abbey of, 40 & n2
Rubirosa, Porfirio and Odile (née Rodin), 69 & n6
Rudnay de Rudnó et Divék Ujfalu, Maria (née Countess Maria Meran; ‘Marsci’), 201 & n3
Runciman, Sir Steven, 212 & n3
Russell, Conrad, 247 & n1, 248
Rylands, George (‘Dadie’), 144 & n2, 193
Sabine Women, 314
Sackville, Edward Sackville-West, 5th Baron, 58 & n2, 64, 88n2, 91n1, 323–5
Sackville, Lady Idina, 280 & n2, 282–3, 285
Sagan, Françoise, 36 & n1
Sainsbury, Alan John, Baron, 280 & n8
Sainsbury, John, Baron, 280 & n6
Sainsbury, Simon, 282n6
Sainsbury, Sir Timothy, 280 & n6
St Clair-Erskine, James Alexander (‘Hamish’), 22 & n8
Sandringham, Norfolk, 211–12 & n1, 284–5, 287
Sandys, Diana (née Churchill), 71n2
Sandys, Duncan (later Baron Duncan-Sandys), 71–2 & n2
Sangorski (bookbinders), 106 & n4
Santa Cruz, Lucía, 259 & n2
Sarakatsáns, 125, 127, 129–30, 132–3, 137–8
Sassoon, Sir Philip, 213 & n9
‘Schoissbauer, Alois’, 240
Sedgwick, Alexander, 51n6
Sedgwick, Roxane (née Sotiriadi), 50 & n6
Seferis, George, 118 & n4
Sevenhampton Place, Swindon, 176, 195
Sevki (Turk), 219–21
Sewell, Brian, 111 & n1
Shah of Iran (Muhammad Reza Pahlavi), 159n1
Shaw, George Bernard: Holroyd’s biography of, 266 & n1
Shawe-Taylor, Desmond, 241, 323
Shimwell, Alan, 159 & n1, 363
Shriver, Eunice (née Kennedy), 94 & n4
Shriver, Sargent, 93 & n4
Silcock, Lieut-Colonel John, 26 & n1, 291 & n1
Sinatra, Frank, 79
Sitwell family, 173
Sitwell, Georgia, Lady, 367n1
Sitwell, Sir Osbert, 143 & n2, 178, 215
Sitwell, Sir Sacheverell, 367 & n1
Sloane, Sir Hans, 313
Smart, Amy, Lady (née Nimr), 7n1, 65
Smart, Sir Walter, 7n1
Smith, Christian, Lady (née Carnegy), 229
Smith, Jack, 116
Smith, Sir John (Lindsay Eric), 229 & n3
Smith, John Saumarez: The Bookshop at 10 Curzon Street, 346n2, 347
Smyrna, 113–14
Smyth, Dame Ethel, 215 & n4
Snow, Jon, 358 & n3
Soames, Mary, Lady: Clementine Churchill, The Biography of a Marriage, 346 & n3
Society of Hons, 8n2
Somerset, Lady Anne: Ladies-in-Waiting, 217 & n5
Somerset House, London, 322 & n3
Somerville, Edith Oenone and Martin Ross (Violet Martin), 360
Soulbury, Herwald Ramsbotham, 1st Viscount, 74 & n4
South Bank Show, The (TV programme), 254n1
Souza-Lage, Jean de, 39, 41
Spain: PLF travels in with Fieldings, 179–82; see also Pyrenees
Special Operations Executive (SOE), 3n4, 129 & n3, 132, 192
Spectator ( journal), 267n & 1
Spencer House, London, 197n4
Spender, Natasha, Lady (née Litvin), 193 & n4
Spender, Sir Stephen, 193 & n4
Spetsai (island), 69, 109, 116
Stanley, Venetia, 8n5
Starás, Cléarchos, 130
Stephens, Ellen (‘Diddy’), 57 & n3
Stergios (Vlach), 123
Stewart, Beatrice, 350–1
Stewart, Damaris, Lady (née du Boulay), 113 & n1
Stewart, Sir Michael, 113 & n1, 184, 199, 235, 331
Stewart, Olivia, 331
Stewart-Richardson, Gladys, 53 & n4, 63
Stirling, Colonel David, 73n8, 370
Stirling, Peter, 200 & n1
Stirling, Colonel William, 72 & n8, 78,
Stoppard, Sir Tom, 330n1
Strachey, Julia, 205
Strachey, Lytton, 144, 205 & n1, 207 & n2
Strachwitz, Moritz, Graf: ‘The Heart of Douglas’, 215 & n1
Sturford Meade (house), near Longleat, Wiltshire, 12
Suez crisis (1956), 29n1
Sunday, Bloody Sunday (film), 118
Sunday Times, 290
Sutherland, Colonel David, 273 & n3, 370
Swann, Donald, 48n9
Swinbrook House, Oxfordshire, 8n2, 336 & n1; see also Mill Cottage
Swindon see Sevenhampton Place
Swiss Cottage, Chatsworth, 52 & n1
Syria, 187
Talassius, 314
Tamarón, Santiago de Mora-Figueroa y Williams, Marqués and Isabella, Marquesa de, 322 & n2
Tangiers, 12–14
Tarmac (company), 224–5, 228, 248
Tássos see Eythimíou, Tásso
Tennant, Edward (DD’s grandson), 141, 143, 356
Tennant, Isabel (DD’s granddaughter), 106 & n2, 259
Tennant, Lady Emma (née Cavendish; DD’s daughter): at Lismore, 9 & n1; PLF gives vasculum to, 30 & n1; proposes giving skeleton to St Elphin’s, 48; shooting, 50; teenage rebelliousness, 57; lost in Greece, 70n4; marriage and child, 106 & n2; in Scotland, 117; at Oxford, 196n2; at Buckingham Palace party, 197; appointed head of National Trust gardens, 199; letter to PLF, 215; makes hooked rugs, 251 & n3; and foot and mouth crisis, 328 & n2; mother’s trip with, 355; calls Bowra ‘Old Tragic’, 365
Tennant, Stella (later Lasnet; DD’s granddaughter), 117 & n2, 218, 259, 368 & n1
Tennant, Toby (Emma’s husband), 107n2, 117, 328 & n2
Testino, Mario, 368 & n1
Thatcher, Sir Denis, 225 & n7
Theodore (drover/guide), 125–6, 130
Thompson, Ernest: Wild Animals I Have Known, 100 & n2
Thompson, Hamilton, 152
Thrapsanó, Grigóris Khnarákis de, 137
Thynne, Lord Christopher, 312 & n2, 313
Thynne, Lady Christopher (née Antonia Palmer), 312n2
Timson, Rodney, 210 & n1
Topley, Lady Sophia (née Cavendish; then Morrison; DD’s daughter): birth, 27 & n1, 29; Epstein bust of, 56 & n2; visits Greece with mother, 109; schooling, 117; in Florence, 143; DD stays with in Wiltshire, 286 & n1; marriage to Morrison, 286n1; Christmas 1966 at Chatsworth, 311
Topolski, Feliks, 71 & n4
Toronto, 209
Toynbee, Philip, 192 & n2, 195–6, 207 & n1, 309
Treasures from Chatsworth, The Devonshire Inheritance (exhibition), 184 & n4
Tree, Lady Anne (née Cavendish; DD’s sister-in-law; ‘Tig’), 69 & n5, 109, 243
Tree, Iris (later Moffat; then Ledebur), 59 & n2, 61, 84, 265
Tree, Michael, 70n5
Treuhaft, Jessica (née Mitford; then Romilly; ‘Decca’): correspondence with DD, xi, 278; invents Society of Hons, 8n2; attends Philip Toynbee’s funeral, 196; confounds US telephone company, 206; visit to PLF, 207; aborted New Yorker article on, 292 & n1; death, 309; Faces of Philip, 207 & n1; A Fine Old Conflict, 154–5 & n2; Hons and Rebels, 63 & n2; Kind and Usual Punishment, 178; The Trial of Dr Spock, 178
Treuhaft, Robert (‘Bob’), 64n2
Trevor-Roper, Patrick, 192 & n1, 194, 196, 311, 323
Turkey, 218–22
Twiggy see Hornby, Lesley
United States of America: DD and Andrew visit, 77–9, 89; DD visits with Sir Nicholas Henderson, 225, 228, 249, 251
Updike, John, 254 & n2
Valéry, François, 66 & n3
Vanity Fair (magazine), 348 & n2
Varanasi, India, 150
Varro, 314
Vasiliki (cook), 53
Vaux-le-Vicomte chateau, near Paris, 163n2, 289
Veil, Simone, 184 & n2
Velouhiótis, Aris, 124n, 139
Venturi, Robert, 280 & n6
Versailles, 111
Vesci see de Vesci Vlachs, 122–3, 132–5, 139
Vogüé, Countess Marie Cristina (née Colonna), 263 & n2
Vogüé, Count Patrice de, 263n2, 289n1
Wallace, Barbara (née Lutyens), 284n9
Wallace, David, 283 & n5
Wallace, Edward, 284n9
Wallace, Captain Euan, 281n2, 284n9
Wallace, Gerard, 284n5
Wallace, John, 284n9
Wallace, William (‘Billy’), 283 & n9
Walpole, Horace, 213
Walton, Susana Gil, Lady (née Passo), 59n3
Walton, Sir William, 58 & n3, 79
Wantage, 160
Ward, Leslie (‘Spy’), 348 & n2
Warner, Rex, 84n1
Washington, DC, 89, 93; National Gallery, 94nn3, 1
Waugh, Alec, 305 & n2
Waugh, Evelyn: stays at Edensor, 34 & n1, 143, 342; correspondence with Nancy Mitford, 173, 300 & n1, 303; papers at Austin, Texas, 178; at Carolyn Cobb’s funeral, 305; Brideshead Revisited, 51n5, 303; Letters (ed. Mark Amory), 144n3, 173 & n3; The Life of the Right Reverend Ronald Knox, 60 & n2; Put Out More Flags, 7n2; Vile Bodies, 170
Waugh, Laura, 305
Webb, Norman, 305
Welles, Orson, 108
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of, 314
Wells, John, 194 & n2, 295 & n1
Whigham, Ian, 148 & n1, 157
White Mischief (film), 280 & n1, 282
White’s Club, London, 216, 230, 245, 298
Whyte-Melville, George John, 38n5, 178
Wilbury, Wiltshire, 355
William I (the Conqueror), King of England, 359
Wilson, Sir Angus, 48 & n4
Wilson, Harold, Baron, 98 & n2, 197 & n4
Wimborne, Dorset see Long Crichel House
Windsor Castle, 245–6
Wodehouse, Sir P. G.: Frances Donaldson’s biography of, 266 & n1
Woodhouse, Christopher Montague (5th Baron Terrington), 136 & n6
Woolf, Virginia, 215n4
Woolley, Janetta (later Marquesa de Apesteguía), 48n3, 90 & n1, 110, 169, 253, 267, 273, 293, 353
Wragg, Tom, 93 & n3, 103 & n1
Wrightsman, Jayne (née Larkin), 322 & n3, 343
Wyndham, John see Egremont, 1st Baron
Yemen, 255
Zanuck, Darryl F., 32 & n2, 36, 42, 44
Zervas, Napoleon, 124
Zuckerman, Solly, Baron, 197 & n3
Zulueta, Sir Philip de, 98 & n3.