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Capturing Shadow [Cowboys and Werewolves 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 3

by Morgan Fox

  The vision enflamed him even more. His voice was raw with the rasp of his wolf. “Who is he?”

  Shadow’s eyes widened. “Who?”

  Gavin’s clawed hand sprung up to point to the man at her side. “Goldilocks,” he barked.

  Shadow’s eyes seemed to follow the invisible line from Gavin’s fingertip. “You can see him?” she questioned, her voice laced with tension.

  Gavin glared at her. What sort of question was that? “Of course I can see him. Is he the reason you were so eager to send me away?” He growled, taking a menacing step toward them. “Did you have him hiding in the closet?”

  “No,” she gasped. Clasping her blanket with one hand, she ran a trembling hand through her loose flowing blonde hair. She turned toward Julian. “How can he see you?”

  Julian’s gaze shot to hers, the lines around his eyes deepening. “I’m not exactly invisible, Shadow.”

  She huffed out a breath. “What? Why aren’t you invisible? You’ve never let anyone but me and Silence see you before.”

  Julian’s gaze returned to Gavin’s. “Maybe it’s time others did.”

  “What are you talking about?” she gasped.

  “I’m not your secret to keep anymore, Shadow.” Julian placed his arm over her and pushed her back a little. His chest lowered, bending to take a fighting stance. “Come for me lycan…if you dare.”

  “What? No,” Shadow cried. “Don’t do this!”

  Gavin saw red. His mind was on fire with the need to destroy any man that would dare come between him and his mate. He tore his shirt from his body, the fabric shredding as his chest enlarged. A fierce, uncontrollable snarl crawled up from the back of his throat.

  Mindless with rage, he charged at Julian. Just before Gavin’s fists connected with Julian’s face, Shadow shoved him out of the way. The sudden movement forced Gavin to flip, and twist midair to avoid hurting her. Gavin’s body collided with the sofa, slamming it back against the bar that divided the kitchen from the living room. Gavin was back on his feet in seconds.

  “Stop,” Shadow screamed. The muscles in her jaw twitched and tightened. “Please don’t do this.”

  Her pleading voice pulled Gavin back from the rage that was fueling him. For whatever reason, she was protecting Julian. Why would she choose to defend a man who wasn’t her mate? Did she even care that seeing her with another man was tearing him apart?

  She used herself as a shield standing between him and Julian. She raised her palm flat toward him. “Gavin, please, you’re jumping to conclusions. Nothing has happened between us. Julian is my friend. He lives nearby.”

  Julian’s eyes narrowed. His expression was curious. Gavin didn’t know what to make of him. He didn’t know what to make of anything. Shadow might have considered the fae a friend, but Gavin could sense that Julian thought there was more to them than mere friendship.

  “Why is he here?”

  “He’s checking on me.”

  Gavin’s brow furrowed. “Like I was checking on you?”

  Shadow’s jaw quivered. “Gavin?” she breathed. “I’ve given you no reason to act this way. Please calm down and just talk to me.” Her eyes glistened. “I don’t think I can take it if you fight.” Her hand dropped and she stood, shifting and tucking the blanket under her arms. “I really don’t know what to say.” She slowly walked to the kitchen table, pulled out a chair, and sat down. She folded her arms on the table and laid her head against them.

  Gavin studied her, wondering if he could appear any more like the controlling ass he’d worked so hard not to be. He didn’t want to be his father. He didn’t want to rule over his mate like some insensitive asshole. He’d watched his mother slowly lose herself at the hands of his father. A lifetime of yelling and dominating her had slowly destroyed her. Gavin was acting no differently toward his own mate now. His mother’s face flashed in his mind. Her tearstained cheeks and lines of worry marred the skin around her eyes. The sadness he’d seen a dozen times in her gaze pelted him. The disappointment his mother would surely feel if she’d seen him act this way had him rethinking his next step.

  Shadow had already spent years pushing Gavin away and he’d done little to encourage her to want him more since they’d made love. He ground his teeth and swallowed hard. He fought his beast, calming himself. He pushed the sofa back where it should’ve been, tossing the scattered throw pillows back into place. Julian watched his every move, but did nothing to help or stop him.

  Maybe he is just her friend.

  Friend or not, he didn’t like another man anywhere near her, especially a fae male. They couldn’t be trusted. Their sneaky, magical ways made them an untrustworthy sort. His mother had warned him of their kind.

  Pulling out the chair beside Shadow, he gently rested his hand on her arm. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I never…”

  She raised her head, holding his stare. Her pain-stricken gaze rocked him. “Shadow, this is not easy for me. I’ve fought for so long to hide how I feel for you.” He licked his dry lips. “I guess being with you stirred more in me than I realized.” His thumb brushed over her soft, smooth skin. “I didn’t know who he was and I wanted to protect you.”

  Shadow leaned back in her chair, her hands falling into her lap. He straightened. “I don’t need anyone to protect me, Gavin. I didn’t ask—”

  “You didn’t have to,” he said calmly. “It comes with being your mate.”

  Shadow sprung to her feet, wiping her damp cheeks. “I’m not your mate,” she said through clenched teeth.

  Why was she so resistant to being with him? He knew she was attracted to him. Her body responded to him, melted into him like warm butter, and as she stared up at him, her eyes had been filled with unquenched desires. Shadow longed for him, even if her words said otherwise.

  Gavin rose slowly, stepping around the corner of the table, bumping up against her chest. She sucked in a breath as he gazed hotly into her intense blue eyes. A need for her burned deep within his soul. His lips throbbed with the insatiable hunger to taste her.

  He leaned in, pressing the weight of his body against hers. She inclined her head back to hold his gaze. He felt her body shiver as he wrapped her tightly within his arms. His fingertips dipped underneath the blanket that had fallen just above her buttocks, caressing the small of her back. The connection left him breathless. The warm vanilla scent of her body enflamed him. His chest swelled as the energy of their wolves collided, enticing him all the more.

  “You may be able to deny what we are, but I cannot. You are my mate. Mine.” His gaze whipped to Julian’s. With a firm shake of his head, Gavin added, “Not his.”

  He cupped her face in his hands, tangling his fingers in the silken strands of her hair. On a breath, he captured her mouth in a fierce kiss. He delved his tongue between her pressed lips. Her resistance was futile. She might wish to ignore their connection, but her body knew that she belonged with him.

  Her hands broke free of the blanket, wrapping around his neck, anchoring her body to his. With her firm, round breasts pressed against his chest, he held the blanket around her waist, keeping the vision of her body strictly to himself.

  She moaned as he worked over her mouth, nibbling and sucking at her tender lips. She tasted of delicious sweetness, which made him more ravenous. His fingers dove behind her neck, holding her in place while he passionately claimed her mouth.

  Pouring himself into her, he could feel her need to let go, and he knew that even though she held onto him, returned the fever of his kiss, she wasn’t ready for more.

  Shadow wasn’t ready and he wouldn’t force her. Everything inside him and his wolf screamed.

  Releasing his hold, he stared into her blue eyes. Her mouth was beautifully pink and swollen. He pressed a tender kiss to her lips, and then pulled the blanket back up to cover her breasts.

  His voice dipped low as he told her, “Remember what I said, Shadow.” He pressed his mouth to her ear. “You’re my mate. Not his.”

bsp; * * * *

  Rain slammed down upon the roof of Gavin’s truck, sounding like marbles being emptied from a sack. The furious storm that passed overhead was nothing compared to the turbulence residing in Gavin’s mind. The winds shoving against his truck did little to deter the direction of his thoughts.

  His gut rolled with sloshing acid, churning like wild rapids. His heart sank low, joining his stomach. Shadow sought the company of another man and resisted the needs of her wolf. A mountain of self-doubt began eroding away at him, a characteristic so unlike his usual self.

  This was not the way he’d expected their first night to go. The night where he’d first made love to the woman who had consumed his thoughts since childhood.

  In his mind, Gavin had been foolish enough to think that the moment their bodies had joined she’d melt against him and profess her undying love and devotion. But she hadn’t.

  Had he really expected her reaction to be that?

  I’m such an idiot.

  Narrowing his gaze, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right. A foul taste filled his mouth and dryness ate up his throat.

  Scoffing, he shook his head, trying his best to clear the thoughts that made him an emotional derelict. “You fucked up, asshole.” The words sprung from his lips as if they weren’t his own. His tone had been filled with disappointment and disgust.

  But why? Was it all because she hadn’t begged me to stay?

  He argued with himself. Shadow never made things easy, so why would she now?

  With that said, he still couldn’t shake the need to pull the truck over and weep like a child. His entire world was crumbling around him and he didn’t know what he should do next. Should he turn around and go back to her? Should he keep driving and hope she called? What if she didn’t? What if she never wanted to see him again?

  Gavin’s heart was racing, filling his body with a nervous energy he’d never felt before. Something was off. His confidence was wavering, tittering on a razor’s edge and he couldn’t get himself to stop second-guessing his actions.

  Like a woman, he felt compelled to talk with someone and there was only one person in the world he trusted above all others. He snaked his phone from the front seat and quickly dialed the number.

  “What’s wrong?” Silence asked, her voice a welcomed sound.

  “Nothing,” he quickly answered, but he knew of all people she’d see right through him and peel him apart like an orange. That’s technically what he hoped she’d do for him now.

  “Okay,” she said. “Thanks for calling.”

  “Wait,” Gavin blurted out, stopping her from hanging up. He’d wanted to talk with her, but he wasn’t exactly sure how to start. So he figured he’d simply go all out. “I slept with Shadow.”

  “No shit?” Silence gasped. “You finally got the balls to do what you’ve always wanted. Good for you.”

  If it was so good then why did he feel so awful, so emotionally defeated? “Not exactly.”

  Silence paused, and then asked, “What happened?”

  “She pretty much rejected me.”

  “My sister’s an idiot,” she said, sounding genuine.

  Gavin couldn’t help but smile. Man how he loved Silence. Too bad she wasn’t the one he’d fallen for all those years ago. Not to mention that she’d already found her mate, well, mates.

  Julian flashed in his mind. His mystical green eyes and devilish grin taunted him. He had to know who this man was and why he was with Shadow.

  “Who’s Julian?” he asked calmly, but inside his body growled at the mere mention of his name.

  Silence didn’t answer immediately and that, more than anything else, made him curious.

  “Was she with another man?”

  “Yes, some fae dude,” he told her.

  “Julian?” She spoke his name as if trying to bring him up from memory.

  “Yes,” he sighed. “That would be the asshole’s name.”

  Silence made a hmmm sound. “I don’t know of any Julian and I haven’t seen any fae since we were kids. They sort of just disappeared.”

  Gavin rubbed the back of his neck with a stiff hand. “Yes, that’s what I thought. I have to admit that when I first saw him I was a little taken aback.”

  “I would’ve been too,” Silence said. “Did she say anything about him?”

  “Not really. I was too busy trying to piss on her.” The image in his mind seemed about right.

  Silence laughed. “Excuse me?”

  “You know what I mean,” he said, rolling his eyes. “I was claiming her in front of him…trying to show that she belonged to me.”

  I’m an idiot.

  Silence giggled. “Oh, you pulled a Walker. No wait, maybe that was Lance.”

  Walker Helmsley and Lance Hickman were her mates and they’d both tried to kill each other over who was going to claim Silence. Strangely, both men claimed her. “It’s not funny, Silence. I was furious. I don’t know what to do. What if she wants this Julian guy and not me?”

  “Wow, you sound like such a pussy,” Silence said directly. “I can’t believe I’m speaking to my partner. Did you suddenly grow a vagina since I’ve been gone?” She scoffed. “It’s only been a few months.”

  Maybe he was turning into a chick. Shadow had a way of turning him inside out. “You know your sister drives me crazy. She has a way of making me feel insecure, and what the hell is that about?” He couldn’t believe what he was saying, let alone feeling. Damn it, maybe he was turning into a woman. “Why am I feeling like this? One minute I want to rip someone’s arms off and the next I’m ready to chug a gallon of ice cream and watch sappy chick flicks.”

  Silence laughed. “You need to get control, Gavin. Whatever’s going on with you…it’s not you.”

  No, it wasn’t him. None of these emotions were truly him. He knew that, but couldn’t shake them either.

  “I want you to head home and get some rest. You need some distance from Shadow for now. I’ll give her a call and find out what’s going on. I’ll call you later. Okay?”

  Gavin sighed. “Yeah,” he said, not feeling any better.

  The line went dead.

  * * * *

  “Tell Julian to remove the emotion spell from Gavin this instant,” Silence shouted, her voice exploding through the phone.

  Shadow narrowed her eyes. “What are you talking about?”

  “Julian put a spell on Gavin. Tell him to take it off or I’m coming over there to kick his damn fae ass.”

  “Julian what have you done?”

  Shadow glared at Julian who shrugged, arching a mischievous brow. “What? I was only having a little fun.”

  Through clenched teeth, Shadow demanded, “Undo it now.”

  “Fine,” Julian scoffed. “It’s done.”

  “Good,” Silence muttered through the phone. “Tell Julian that Gavin is off-limits. He’s my friend and deserves the same level of courtesy as us.”

  “I’ll make sure of it,” Shadow told her, guilt consuming her as she thought about Gavin, hating that Julian had taunted him.

  “Now tell Julian to leave.”

  “What? No,” Shadow said, angry that once again her sister was telling her what to do.

  “So it’s true. You turned Gavin away for Julian.” Silence sounded pissed.

  Shadow nervously nibbled on her fingernail. “Look, you’re not here and you don’t know what happened between us.”

  “Let me guess, you slept with Gavin, you know you’re his mate, Julian showed up stirring the pot, and now you are confused and don’t know what to do? You are also an emotional garbage pail and can’t think straight without feeling like everyone’s against you, trapping you into doing something you don’t want to do?”

  “Go to hell, Silence,” Shadow snapped.

  “I guess I struck a nerve.”

  “I don’t need to listen to this.” Shadow hung up her phone and gripped the countertop as if she were about to spiral out of control.

  Have you forgotten our special bond? Shadow rocked back on her heels with a shuddering gasp. Nothing can stop me from getting into your head. We’re linked, sis, and no matter what, you will hear me out.

  Shadow’s stomach rolled with nerves. Stop bugging me. This is none of your business.

  Maybe not. But you are my sister and Gavin is my best friend and I want you both happy.

  Shadow huffed out a breath. Well then, why don’t you leave us alone?

  Julian’s dangerous, Shadow. You know I’m right.

  No, he’s not. You just want me to be with Gavin. Once again, sis, you’re influencing my life to fit your needs.

  That’s ridiculous and you know it. I want you safe and you know what our parents told us about Julian and his people. His kind will destroy us.

  I never believed it when they told us those tales and I certainly don’t believe it now. I’m doing things my way, Silence, and you need to accept that. Don’t you have a mate to train?

  Shadow regretted her words the moment she thought them. She hadn’t meant to be so hateful. Lance Hickman, one of Silence’s mates, had been newly turned and was just learning the ways of the lycans. He’d been a hardworking rancher and had helped to save Silent Falls. He didn’t deserve her ridicule.

  I’m sorry, Silence.

  Whatever, Shadow. Just remember when all of this blows up in your face, you’re gonna wish you’d listened to me.

  Their telepathic link was severed and the sudden awareness left Shadow numb. A chill sprung up her spine. Then her eyes clamped onto Julian who was watching her like a hawk.

  “You should go, Julian.”

  “I know what she said,” he murmured, his eyes filling with regret. “I know she’s worried that my people are going to hurt you.”

  Shadow stiffened, her body going ramrod straight. “Why would she think that? Why would she be so worried about your kind? She’s never liked you.”

  “Maybe it’s best that I go,” he said.

  Shadow huffed out a breath, staring at him. “Sure. Go. Avoid my questions. I don’t care.”

  She threw her arms up into the air and stalked toward her bedroom in search of a change of clothing. She put on a clean pair of jeans and a red T-shirt. Then she returned to the living room expecting Julian to be gone, but he wasn’t.


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