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Capturing Shadow [Cowboys and Werewolves 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 16

by Morgan Fox

  Her brows pinched tight at the bridge of her nose as she concentrated on Eblis. She breathed hard and he knew she was at an emotional crossroads. He’d been there before, crossing the road that meant he’d been forced to do the unthinkable. That had become a decision he made as a police officer. Shadow’s future didn’t have to include that darkness.

  “You can never undo taking a life,” Gavin told her, his tone filled with the sadness of his own experiences. “I know what this feels like and I know you.” Gavin’s hand trailed up her arm, moving to slide up behind her back. “Don’t let him rob you of your humanity. Don’t let him change the woman I love.”

  * * * *

  Gavin’s words seeped into her, filling her soul with the memories of her time as a doctor and the joy she felt each time she’d saved a life. She blinked several times, clearing her head of the violent thoughts to destroy Eblis. She wanted to end the nightmare that he’d caused.

  She was at her wit’s end. One thing she did know was that Gavin was right. She didn’t want Eblis’s death hanging over her head, but if she didn’t stop him, how would they sleep peacefully at night, knowing he could come for them at any time?

  She trembled. “I have to stop him,” she muttered, her voice shaking.

  “You have,” Gavin told her. “He’s not going anywhere.”

  For a long moment Shadow stared into Gavin’s beautiful brown eyes. The presence of his wolf, the scent of his power, grounded her and forced her body to slowly calm. As she briefly closed her eyes and concentrated on the air that filled and escaped her lungs, the force of her magic subsided and became less intense, less consuming.

  Opening her eyes, she stared at Eblis. His lifeless body had been crippled by the fae magic she harnessed. Somehow the energy flowing through her had taken over, and the hatred she felt coupled with those she loved ignited the strength she needed to immobilize the demon fae.

  Julian was right.

  Then her thoughts shifted to Aaron, Julian’s brother. She whipped around to fully face Gavin. “Aaron,” She blurted out. “Do you think the curse was broken?”

  Lance immediately ran in the direction of the throne room, disappearing from sight.

  Gavin held Shadow’s hands and kissed her knuckles. “Don’t worry. If the curse hasn’t been lifted, I know firsthand that we have more time.” His gaze darted to Eblis still lying on the ground and she knew he was referring to killing the demon fae leader.

  She exhaled, releasing a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. She meet Gavin’s confident gaze. “Is it absolutely pathetic of me to want to go home now?”

  “To Shadow Meadows?”

  She shrugged. “Or Silent Falls.”

  Gavin grinned. “No. It’s not pathetic at all.” With gentle fingertips, he brushed her hair away from her face.

  She wrapped her arms around his waist, squeezing him tightly. She buried her face against his firm chest and sighed, feeling safer and more secure than she’d ever been. She raised her face to look up at him. “I was a fool to push you away.”

  “You made me fight for what I truly wanted.” His grin broadened and a wicked gleam filled his gaze. “Besides, what wolf doesn’t enjoy a good chase?”

  She smiled and pressed to her tiptoes to kiss him, but before she could, her nightmare returned with a vengeance. In an instant, all the air was ripped from her lungs as she was tossed across the cobblestone ground. Rolling to a stop, she flipped up to stand. A heavy fist connected with the side of her face, blurring her vision. Her wolf senses were exploding in her head, her nails and teeth extending, preparing her to shift into the beast that would give her the strength to fight. Her magic was out of control, fear was blinding her, and the overwhelming panic of defeat was tearing her in half.

  Her fae magic buzzed in her ears, sending sporadic jolts of electricity through her body, while her wolf growled with wild fury, deafening her. She gripped the sides of her head, trying with all her might to calm the crazed beasts of her magic and wolf. Her body felt as though it didn’t belong to her and the pain from the blow across her head did little to aid in her recovery.

  Unable to focus, Shadow crawled, swiping her hand out in front of her to feel for anything or anyone near her. She couldn’t sense Gavin. She wasn’t sure what happened.

  Then she heard the demon’s vile laughter. Eblis had played possum. She never should’ve let her guard down.

  A hard blow to her face sent her flying over onto her side. The sharp pain of bone and cartilage snapping under the pressure of the hit had her screaming, thrashing back and forth. Her eyes watered and her thoughts darkened. Then before she could catch her breath, her ribs were squeezing in on themselves, her lungs unable to take in air.

  Gasping, her wolf began to retreat. Something was forcing her beast to fall back into the deep recesses of her mind. Her magic was nothing but a low hum, drowned out by the loud rushing of blood in her ears and the fast approaching fear of death.

  Then she recognized the dark figure that loomed over her. Eblis was straddling her, compressing down on her chest. His long, cold fingers wrapped around her throat like a vise. Her mouth opened and closed, gulping for air that never came. Her chest burned, her lungs were crying out in her mind in sheer panic as her body shook and convulsed.

  Then the pressure from around her throat ebbed and her vision slowly cleared. Eblis stared down at her, his lips curled up in a snarl. She gasped, filling her lungs with air.

  “You never should’ve tried to overpower me, Shadow. No one will ever be able to destroy me.” He slapped her hard, the metallic taste of blood filling her mouth. “I want you to see who possesses the strength to end your life.”

  With a loud cry, Eblis’s fingers wrapped around her throat once more, and the pressure of his grip was more intense and fierce than before. She clawed at his hands and arms, but her efforts were futile.

  A thunderous roar filled her ears as she heard Gavin’s wolf emerge, launching from overtop of her, knocking Eblis over. Her gaze shot in the direction they’d flown and with a speed unmatched by anything else, Gavin’s claws dug into the flesh of Eblis’s neck and tore his head from his body.

  Slowly the violent sounds of claws slicing through flesh, bone, and blood faded, leaving her staring over at the demon’s dismembered body. Then her eyes shifted to gaze up at Gavin. His body was no longer morphed by the form of his wolf.

  Shadow rested on her elbows, her chest heavy. “What the hell?” Shadow rasped. “I thought he needed me alive?”

  Gavin shrugged. “I guess you pissed him off.”

  “You think?” Sarcasm laced her words. “I hadn’t noticed.” She studied him, looking him up and down thoroughly. He didn’t have a mark on him. “What happened to you?”

  Gavin gave her a crooked grin. “I pretended to be dead. The first hit that sent us both flying in opposite directions was enough to keep him focused more on you than me. I waited until he was completely occupied, before I made my move.”

  Shadow scoffed. “Another minute and you would’ve been too late.”

  “Not likely,” he said adamantly, helping her to stand.

  She shook her head. His confidence was maddening. “You know, you can be so cocky at times.”

  “It comes with the alpha title.” Gavin smirked, cupping her face in his hands. “Let’s find the others.”

  Shadow nodded and then her heart did a funny little flip that was a mixture of unsettling fear and concern. She prayed that it wasn’t her sixth sense telling her that the others were in danger.

  * * * *

  Julian stiffened his spine as he stared out across the sea of warriors awaiting his command. At his side was Silence standing like the powerful lycan he knew her to be. He couldn’t help but think of Shadow as his gaze drifted over Silence’s face. He trusted that Gavin would do everything in his power to keep Shadow safe.

  Aaron’s face flashed in his mind and a pang of guilt sank into the pit of his stomach. His heart weighed
heavy as a part of him considered that it would be for the best if he remained focused on his world and gave Gavin the chance to be Shadow’s one true mate. He was needed by Aaron and his kingdom. His brother required guidance and Julian feared that without his presence he would lose the connection he’s shared with his people.

  “Why the gloomy face, Julian?” Silence asked. “We’re about to kick a little ass. You should be pumped. Not ready to cry like a baby.”

  Julian frowned, but only because he was fighting the grin that tugged at his lips. “You’ve always had such a remarkable ability to make people like you.” He let the smile come through. “It must be your charm.” He winked.

  “No,” Walker chimed in. “She’s a smart-ass. The charm is just a bonus.”

  “All right,” she said, turning to face Julian. “Are you ready for this?”

  “To defend my people and those I love?” Julian met her gaze head-on. “You better believe I am.”

  Walker’s growl drew Julian’s attention toward him. His body pulsed with magic and enlarged with the fierceness of his wolf. “Good,” Walker rasped, his eyes flashing silver. “They’re coming.”

  Julian’s skin tingled as the power of his people erupted from deep within his soul. He swallowed down every thought he had except for one, the destruction of the demon fae. He would not rest until Eblis and his army were no longer a threat to him and those he vowed to protect.

  With the rush of adrenaline firing through his veins, Julian erupted with a fierce battle cry, igniting his men and preparing them for war. The ferocious shouts never ended as bodies collided. Julian’s army wielded swords, knives, and even bows. Dozens of his men lined the cliffs above, aiming to thin out Eblis’s army as the warriors confronted them on the ground. Julian was a bowman, but refused to do anything but align himself beside his army. Together, they would fight to the end.

  The brute force of the demon fae was unlike anything Julian had ever encountered. His body hummed with the power of his people, but he also felt the same energy coming from the demons. It was like they were fighting against themselves. Whatever magic Eblis harnessed was definitely linked to his army.

  Julian groaned as a fist drilled into his gut, sending him wheezing and gasping for air. Staggering backward, he centered himself, regaining his balance before the second blow landed. He dodged to the side, shifting his feet with the speed of light. Julian struck, swinging the heavy sword upward and connecting with his target. The demon cried out, crumbling to the ground in a heap of flesh and blood.

  Without hesitation he rushed to the next attacker. He could hear Silence and the others as they too battled against the demons. Their lycan roars were a distinctive sound on the battlefield. A quick flash of Shadow sprung to his vision as he wondered if she and Gavin were still all right. He’d left so abruptly, he hadn’t truly known if they’d subdued the demon leader. He prayed his need to save his people hadn’t placed the woman he loved in even more danger.

  Then Julian heard the sound that had the corner of his mouth quirking up. Gavin had joined the battle, racing up to fight near him. He didn’t see Shadow, but he could sense she was close. He felt her like the skin upon his own body. She truly was a part of him.

  Julian raised his sword, slamming the hilt into the head of a charging demon. The demon dropped to the ground and Julian quickly jabbed his blade into him, twisting the sword before extracting it.

  “Good of you to join us,” Julian shouted toward Gavin.

  Gavin’s body was mostly lycan. His massive size and strength was a breathtaking sight. A wild roar sprung from deep within him as he crushed into a row of demons. Julian’s crooked grin faded as he caught sight of Eblis’s second in command. He hadn’t met the demon personally, but he could tell who he was by his decorated armor, the red blaze within his eyes, and the pulsing energy that surged out of him.

  Julian’s gaze shifted from the demon toward Gavin and back again. The demon’s eyes were trained on the fierce lycan. Quickly, the demon charged after him. Julian blinked hard, realizing that Gavin hadn’t sensed the commander’s advancing presence.

  Julian shouted for Gavin, but the lycan didn’t respond. With his heart pounding fiercely in his chest, deafening him, he reached behind him for his bow and arrow, and lined up his sights. He had to lead his target and he prayed his aim was perfect. If not, he might hit one of his own men or even Gavin. The commander’s sword lifted as he bore down on Gavin. As Julian released his breath, he released the arrow.

  The moments it took for the arrow to connect with its target had Julian wishing he could control time. As he blinked, the commander collided into Gavin and they both rolled upon the ground. Finally coming to a stop, Julian held his breath, waiting for the first sign of movement.

  Slowly the demon commander shifted as Gavin tossed the weight of the demon off of him, rising to his feet. Julian had hit his target dead-on, striking the commander down. Gavin’s wild gaze shot to Julian. His expression softened as he stared back at Julian, offering a single nod which Julian understood fully. With a slight head bow in return, Julian’s attention darted toward the retreating army.

  “They’re falling back,” Shadow cried, running up alongside Julian.

  He smiled. “It would appear so.”

  In that moment, Julian saw Lance rushing toward them. “Julian, you need to come with me,” he muttered, his breathing harsh. “There’s something you need to see.”

  * * * *

  Shadow’s eyes watered as Julian embraced his brother, Aaron, thankful that the curse had been broken. For whatever reason, she could finally breathe easy. Together they had stopped Eblis and his army from destroying their worlds, and saved Aaron from death. What Gavin and Julian didn’t know was that they’d also saved her. Their love and devotion, their strength and courage, had been everything she needed to kick fear’s ass.

  She longed to tell them, needed to share what they had done for her.

  As she watched Julian, unease took hold of her. Even knowing that Julian loved her and wanted to be with her, she wasn’t sure it was possible. He was a natural-born leader and his kingdom and family needed him. There was no possible way he could reside with her on Earth permanently.

  Then there was the matter of his parents. The king and queen didn’t seem pleased that she had already been claimed by a lycan. Her belly knotted as the queen sent her a shuddering glance. Leaning forward the queen whispered something in Julian’s ear and his face paled.

  “Shadow?” the queen called to her, “would you and Gavin please join us.” A statement, not a request.

  Shadow sucked in a deep breath and slowly released it, praying for the strength to survive the queen’s wrath. Her feet were heavy as though they were filled with concrete, weighing her legs down and making her feel as if she moved in slow motion. Her heart pounded against her ribs.

  As she entered the private room off to the side of the throne room, Gavin and Julian both came up beside her, taking hold of her hands. The nervous flutter that lingered in her belly slowly faded and a tingling magic pulsed along every nerve ending in her body.

  “Don’t worry,” Julian muttered. “Her bark is worse than her bite.”

  “We’ll just leave if she’s a bitch,” Gavin said in low, gruff voice. His wolf wasn’t far beneath the surface.

  “Gavin,” she whispered sharply. “Behave.” One side of his mouth curved up and she couldn’t help but want to kiss him. She loved that adorable grin.

  “So the three of you—”

  “Mother, wait,” Julian interrupted. “I know you are curious about the three of us and to be completely honest I think we are too.” He cast a glance to her and Gavin and then back to his mother. “I don’t know how else to explain, but both Gavin and I are in love with Shadow and we both want her.”

  “And neither of us is willing to part from her.” Gavin’s tone was guttural.

  “Exactly,” Julian added.

  With a gasp, Shadow shivered. Gavin and Jul
ian wanted her. Together.

  “So what does this mean? Are you leaving us to be with her?” the queen asked, the king remaining silent as he studied his son.

  Julian’s gaze shifted to Shadow. Taking hold of her hand, he brought it to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. “Shadow, the best thing I ever did was capture you.” He smiled. “I realize this might be a little fast, but I have a proposition for you.”

  She stared at him, her heart racing as she imagined what he was preparing to ask her.

  “I want you to marry me.” Gavin’s threatening growl snapped all eyes in his direction. “Now let me finish, Gavin, before you go tearing my head off.” Julian placed his index finger under her chin and brought her gaze to lock with his. “Be mine here. Be his on Earth.”

  Chapter 15

  Shadow stared down at the two gold rings on her finger and wondered if her parents had known that their decision to align with Julian’s people would make her the happiest woman on Earth. All this time, Shadow had been angry and bitter toward the world, when really she should’ve been anything but. If only she had had patience and realized that Gavin and Julian were the future she’d been destined for, she would’ve saved herself a lot of grief and heartache.

  “You okay?” Silence’s voice forced a smile on her face.

  “Yes, I’m great,” she said, patting the seat beside her for her sister to take. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  Silence arched a brow, stepping up on the porch. Her dusty brown boots thudded against the hardwood deck. “You are?”

  Shadow placed her hand over top of her sister’s as she sat beside her. “I wanted to talk with you.”

  Shadow had been doing a lot of soul-searching since Julian had proposed that she marry him in his dimension and Gavin in their world. After she had finally gotten over the shock of Gavin accepting their marital threesome, she couldn’t stop smiling. Especially when she replayed Gavin’s condition to Julian, “I get to marry her first. Not you.”


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