Book Read Free

All Inclusive: When all you need is right here, in one place.

Page 4

by Roz James

  “I don’t know.” Kat’s voice cracked. “I just know that I can’t be with Jack any more, I know that there should be something more in a relationship. I love him, I’m just not in love with him. I can’t be with him anymore and that’s killing me. He’s the only family I have. I’ve known him since school, he knew my mum.”

  Nic hugged her. “That’s no reason to marry him Kat. Anyway you’ve got me.”

  “I know that and believe me I love you for it.”

  Nic had watched as Katherine had ended her relationship with Jack. She took 3 months leave from work and went travelling. When she returned she had Tanya in tow. Nic wasn’t surprised, and Kat seemed at ease with her new sexuality. What Nic hadn’t expected was the engagement that quickly followed. She remembered their conversation to this day, she thought it might end their friendship. They were having a rare night out together, Tanya was working.

  “Are you sure about this Kat?”

  Kat was astonished at the question. “Sure about Tanya?”

  “Yes, its just that its only been a few months since Jack, are you sure she’s not just a rebound relationship?”

  Kat was angry. “Are you seriously asking me that? I don’t ask everyone I’m seeing to marry me Nic please.”

  “Totally, she’s come home with you, she never talks about her friends and family in New Zealand, what do you know about her?”

  “What are you trying to say Nic, that she’s using me?” Kat was clearly angry.

  Nic hesitated, she didn’t want to damage her relationship with Katherine, but at the same time she wanted to be sure she wasn’t rushing into anything. “No that’s not what I mean. Just be careful babe okay, don’t rush into anything because you’re looking for family.”

  When Katherine found Tanya with Logan and ended their relationship, Nic, although sad for her friend about the circumstances, had to admit to herself that she couldn’t be happier.


  Adrienne helped Katherine move into her home the following week, and they soon relaxed into living together. Adrienne continued to work long and anti-social hours and she found that Katherine would try and look after her, preparing dinner and ensuring she would eat when she was late and would previously have snacked in front of the TV. Katherine would also clean the house regularly, and do the laundry, despite Adrienne telling her she would do her share.

  “Look Adie I’m at home all day, even with my writing it doesn’t take long for me to put on and hang out some washing, or clean up. You work really long hours, and I’m happy to do this, please let me make your life a little easier.”

  Often dinner would be meat or fish from the barbecue, with rice, pitta bread, tzatziki and salad, however every so often Katherine would cook meals she would have made at home like pasta or chilli, Adrienne grew to love her home-made macaroni, sometimes with onion and chorizo. Katherine looked forward to seeing her smile as she came home late, and realised from the smell in the kitchen that she had made her favourite meal. When Katherine handed her a beer and they sat down to dinner together Adrienne realised that she had not felt this happy since her time with Antonia, her longest relationship, if ever.

  When Adrienne wasn’t too tired she would also give her a Greek lesson, and set her homework. Katherine was a willing and hard-working pupil.

  Adrienne wanted to give her something back, so a few weeks after she moved in she urged Katherine to come out with her. “Come on Katherine, you’re too isolated here, let’s go out on Saturday, I rarely get a weekend off, we both need a night out. Oh and given all you’ve been doing I insist it’s on me.”

  Adrienne took her back to the same bar they had gone to previously, it was a crowded Saturday and they couldn’t get a seat and after dancing they stood around the bar. Both were beginning to feel the effects of a few shots and beers.

  Kat looked around, she was feeling relaxed from the wine she had had with dinner and the drinks since then. “So how many of these women are your exes Adie?”


  “Yes, how many have you sl.... dated?”

  Adrienne looked surprised. “None.”

  “What! Sorry I just assumed here was like London, that most groups of women had been in relationships with each other at some time. This is such a small scene, I suppose I just presumed there would be women here that you had dated.”

  Adrienne looked at her. “Are you asking about my love history?”

  Kat smiled. “Only if you want to tell me.”

  “Okay, the gay scene, I know its incestuous, its never done anything for me. I’ve had one long term relationship, at Uni in Athens, then another shorter relationship closer to home.”

  Katherine looked at her, she was surprised, she knew Adrienne was 25, and expected that she would have had a number of relationships. Also it was obvious that women were attracted to her, despite her showing little interest in response. I don’t blame them.

  “I met Antonia about three months into my first year at University. She was studying archaeology. She was Greek but her mother was English, that’s partly how my English improved. Anyway, she told me, before anything happened between us, that she was promised to the son of her father’s best friend.”

  “And?” Katherine spoke softly, she could already see the hurt in her eyes.

  “I stupidly assumed, after two and a half years together, that we would be together long term. I was thinking how to tell my family. We even talked about that, she never said anything to suggest I didn’t need to. After graduation I never saw her again, a month later I learnt... from the internet, that she had gotten married.... to him.”

  Katherine reached out and gave her a small hug. “God Adie, I’m sorry. You weren’t stupid, she should have told you.”

  “While it didn’t feel like it at the time, it was probably for the best, I wasn’t ready then to be out, and if I’m honest she never would have been. Also she was a city girl, and there’s not a lot of call for archaeologists back here.”

  “And then?” She saw Adrienne smile, a sudden glint appearing in her eyes. I wish I could be where her mind had gone... alongside her.

  “Simone, she was French. She was the manager of a hotel where I worked for a short period. My family wanted me to gain experience at other hotels in Greece, not just return here after I graduated. For my development and so that I could suggest any improvements to how the Orion is run. Anyway she was formidable, she managed the hotel, in fact she ruled it. She was 12 years older than me, very experienced, and incredibly hot. God she was scary initially, but committed to improving and developing her staff. Let’s just say that I learned a lot from the extra tuition I received.”

  “How did it end?”

  “Amicably, when I came home. There were no hard feelings, I admired, respected and was attracted to Simone, I didn’t love her and I knew she didn’t love me. It was never going to be anything more. Anyway that’s my sordid love life.”

  “When did you finish your course?”

  “Three years ago.”

  “And there’s been no one since?”

  Adrienne blushed. “Not until that night with......, no, and since then nothing. Anyway, enough about me, what about your history?”

  “My first experience was at university too, it took my breath away and showed me what I’d been missing, and that I couldn’t stay with my childhood sweetheart.”


  “Yes, it was painful, but I couldn’t stay with him, I’d have been lying to us both. I ended it with Jack, spent some time travelling, mainly in America, but also Spain, and met Tanya. When I returned to London she came with me. She was from New Zealand and quickly, too quickly I now realise, she became my fiancée. So, no I’ve not done the scene either. Frankly being with women that my friends have been with first doesn’t do it for me.”

  Adrienne hesitated, but she had to know. “And Tanya?”

  “What about her?”

  “Still licking your wounds?”

Kat smiled. “Actually no, I know now I had a lucky escape, she was high maintenance and she wasn’t ready to commit, and I’m not sure she ever would have been able to be faithful to a woman. Fortunately I found that out just in time. I’ve realised I need some space to be me first. To love myself and my life before I look to share it with someone else.”

  Adrienne looked at her. Thank god because the thought of you with someone else... I couldn’t bear it.

  “Thank you again Adie.”

  “What for?”

  “What for... for all this, this is all part of my finding myself. This opportunity you’ve given me, I can’t thank you enough.”

  Adrienne raised her glass. “It’s my pleasure, I’m enjoying having you here.”


  “Yes really, now we haven’t done nearly enough dancing, let’s work off that dinner... and some of this alcohol.” Grabbing her hand Adrienne pulled her towards the dancefloor.


  “Thanks for coming Meliza, it’s a real help.”

  “Hey, you’re my sister, why wouldn’t I come? I miss you, and I wanted to help. I have to say I’m also intrigued.”

  Meliza sat on the couch in Adrienne’s living room, stretching out her long legs and sipping her wine. It was her last night before she had to return to Athens. She had been there for four days, assisting Katherine with the plans and making contacts, forging the links with the necessary individuals who would carry out the work.

  When Katherine had met her she was amazed at Meliza’s resemblance to her sister, they shared the same dark hair, dark eyes and voluptuous figure, Meliza was taller and had short hair, but otherwise they could have been twins. She really liked her, she was a smart, interesting woman. She could see how much she loved Adrienne too.

  Meliza had watched Katherine and Adrienne together. She liked Katherine, she was a strikingly attractive woman, her looks standing out amongst the dark-haired Greeks. She could see that Katherine loved Greece too, and she was impressed that she was learning their language, and with her encouragement had spoken Greek to some of the men that would be working there. This meant that she grew in their estimation.

  As the days progressed Meliza suspected that Katherine also loved Adrienne, she observed how caring she was to her, she looked after her, and Meliza could see how she looked at Adrienne. She approved, Katherine was not only physically attractive but good company and ambitious, for herself and Adrienne. Adrienne also seemed so relaxed with her, they complemented each other. She was glad, she didn’t want Adrienne to be alone, she had far too much to offer.

  She knew from the questions that Katherine had, and some of the comments she made, that this had not been the first time that she had been involved in developing property, although Katherine hadn’t shared any information with her, and she hadn’t asked.

  Meliza was embarrassed to admit that she hadn’t been aware that it was Adrienne’s dream to run a small hotel, and Katherine’s idea of using her home was fantastic. As Katherine had talked she could see what she had planned, she had brought it to life for her. Meliza was sworn to secrecy though, Katherine didn’t want to tell Adrienne what she was doing, she just wanted her to see the finished result. Meliza could see that it killed Adrienne not to be involved in the detail, but that had been their agreement.

  Katherine had gone to her room earlier, claiming to be tired, but really wanting to give Adrienne time alone with her sister. She was considerate too.

  Meliza waited until she heard Katherine’s bedroom door close. “You like her, don’t you?”

  Adrienne smiled. “Yes, she’s a good friend.”

  “Adrienne, I mean”

  Adrienne panicked, given she was not out to her sister and parents. “What do you mean?”

  Meliza leant over and placed her hand on Adrienne’s. “Adrienne I’m not blind, I haven’t been for years. Remember we spent a lot of time together in Athens when you were a student, I met you with your friends... with Antonia”

  Adrienne’s mouth was completely dry, as she realised that Meliza had known about them. “Oh god, do mum and dad......”

  “Know? Yes they know, not about Antonia, but about you yes.” She could see that Adrienne was getting paler by the second. “I haven’t told them Adrienne, they said to me, they guessed.”

  “Fuck.” Adrienne bent forward, her hands covering her face.

  “Look Adrienne, mum and dad aren’t as backward as you think. They love the city life and they have become much more cosmopolitan. We have friends, male and female couples, they’ve met them. While they don’t claim to understand they don’t judge either. They love you, I love you, we just want you to be happy.”

  “I am happy.”

  “And if I’m right Katherine is contributing to that?” She raised her eyebrows.

  “Yes, but only as a friend Meliza. We’ve been there, she’s not interested in me in that way.”

  Meliza touched her knee. “That’s not what I see Adrienne, she is beside you, helping you to achieve your dream, to the best of her ability.”

  “I’m giving her somewhere to stay, that and friendship, that’s all she’s asking for believe me.”

  Meliza sat back smiling, not convinced. “We’ll see.”


  As the time passed, Katherine was loving staying at Adrienne’s house. She knew that she was becoming more and more attached to her. There was only one occasion that Katherine could recall when they had nearly argued, and it was her fault.

  Katherine had looked up as Adrienne arrived home, it was almost lunchtime and she was writing on the terrace. “Hi, did you have a good time?”

  Adrienne had been out with a guest from the hotel the previous evening and this was her just getting back. “Yes it was fun.” Adrienne made them a coffee and sat down next to Katherine.

  Katherine took a deep breath, she had hardly slept when Adrienne didn’t come home. I have to know. “Adie, I hope you don’t feel that you can’t bring someone back here because I’m staying, it’s your house after all.” Katherine concentrated on not giving away her jealousy.

  Adie smiled. “I know that Kat. You know I’ve known Maria for over 20 years, since I was a young child. Her family brought her here every summer and in recent years she’s brought her partner, but this is a holiday for her mother, it’s her 70th birthday, her partner wasn’t able to attend. Last night was to catch up and give her a bit of a break.”

  “And did she enjoy it?”

  “I hope so, I took her to a few of the more touristy bars.”

  “Why?” Kat wondered why she didn’t take her to her usual places.

  “Kat she’s a friend, and Maria is straight. In case you’re wondering I stayed in the hotel staff room last night......alone.”

  Katherine blushed. “It’s none of my business.”

  Adrienne looked serious, she was beginning to look angry. “You’re right, it isn’t but I wanted you to know. I told you before that I’ve only been with two women before.... Anyway, I don’t do one-night stands, Maria is an old friend, nothing more. I’m not in the habit of sleeping with hotel guests.”

  “I’m sorry Adie, I didn’t mean to suggest....”

  Adie interrupted, standing up. “No, neither you did.” She went into the house and up to her room. What the hell was that all about?

  Katherine watched her go. Shit what have I said? She thought about going to speak with her, but suspected she would just make things worse, or she would risk giving away her feelings. When Adrienne reappeared later, and acted as though nothing had happened, Kat was relieved and did the same.


  Katherine was waiting at the door when Adrienne arrived home from work. Driving up she could see her smile. For her though the timing was bittersweet, Adrienne had known that the room would soon be finished, and this meant that Katherine’s six months were very nearly up. She was torn between the excitement at seeing the finished room and dread
at the thought of her leaving.

  Katherine’s friend Nicole was also arriving the next day, to be the first customer to test the room. I wonder if this is our last real day together. Adrienne expected that Katherine would return home with her, or soon after. They hadn’t spoken about it, she hadn’t wanted to be the one to bring it up.

  Adrienne had been surprised at how well they had gotten on over the last six months. She had been amazed when Katherine had asked to move in to her home, and had wondered whether she would be able to cope. She had to admit to herself that she had been incredibly attracted to Katherine from the first time she saw her. Making love to her had been amazing, she could still recall the feel of Katherine’s soft skin, and the smell and taste of her the night they spent together. It had been too soon for Katherine though, and if she was now over Tanya she had seen no sign of her wanting a new relationship, and certainly nothing to suggest she would with her. Maybe if we hadn’t had that night together something could have developed, but that blew it for us.

  There had been a few occasions when they went out for a night out, which included them visiting the few gay bars in town. Not surprisingly women had approached Katherine, and each time she had watched Katherine’s reactions, worried that Katherine would be interested, that she would go home with someone, or start dating. She was thankful that this hadn’t happened. Katherine hadn’t ever shown the slightest interest. She’s not ready. If Katherine was surprised that she hadn’t dated either then she hadn’t made it known.

  Over the last months they had fallen into a rhythm, she had to admit that she felt cared for. The thought of her house empty of Katherine wasn’t appealing. She had worked very hard to cover up her attraction, Katherine was beautiful and there were times when she felt aroused just being around her. She thought back to a few nights previously when she had come home from work at 7, and going into the courtyard Katherine appeared, walking towards her. She had come from the beach and had obviously just been swimming. She was wearing a bikini, yellow with white polka dots, which left little to the imagination, the cold highlighting her nipples through the bikini top. Her body was tanned and still dripping with water, as she used the towel she carried to dry her now almost white sun-bleached hair.


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