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Cosmic Girl Rising Up

Page 9

by R S J Gregory

  Paul nods and grins, beaming with pride. The branch begins to shake more violently, then creaks as it bends down towards Paul.

  “Can you do this?” Paul asks and turns to Stuart, who’s standing a few feet away and watching intently.

  Stuart reaches out with his right hand towards a branch near him, but the branch remains motionless, except for when it’s buffeted by the strong easterly wind that picked up a few minutes ago.

  “Never mind, mate.” Paul says and then his eyes widen. “Hey, guys, look.”

  I look at what Paul is staring at. Stuart’s hands are beginning to glow white. Tiny blue tongues of lightning are snaking around his fingers and wrists. Stuart’s neat black hair is also standing on end, quivering in a hypnotic manner. Freaky.

  “Stuart, your hands.” I say.

  Stuart looks down and shakes his hands, but they’re still glowing.

  “Stop it.” Stuart moans and continues shaking them. “Guys, what’s happening?”

  He starts slamming his hands against the tree, making sparks shoot from his fingers as he hits the tree, breaking off chunks of bark.

  “Stuart, stop.” Beth calls out calmly and quickly runs over to him.

  Stuart’s shaking all over. He tries to bring both hands together. I can hear the crackling and static pops from several feet away, as the lightning flickers between his hands. There’s a look of horror on his face. But his eyes. They’re glowing blue, and illuminate his scared face with harsh blue light.

  “Calm down, Stuart.” Beth says as she stands in front of him.

  “Don’t come near me.” Stuart takes a step back.

  “Don’t be silly.” Beth replies and lunges forward. She grabs his hands in her delicate brown hands and looks him in the eyes.

  “There, see?” She says.

  Stuart looks down at his hands. The glowing eventually fades and his eyes begin to return back to his normal pale brown. I then hear a loud crack behind me. I turn to see Paul rubbing his head.

  “What happened?” I ask.

  He points to the ground. There lies the large thick branch he had been practicing on. Beth chuckles as she walks past. Paul shoots her a mischievous look. Almost immediately, she turns and glares at him. Paul winces and takes a step back with hands raised.

  “Okay. Peace.” Paul chuckles.

  Where’s Mitchell? I walk further towards the trees closer to a small body of water. I find him gazing out over the still pond, lost in thought.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask as I look up at his troubled face.

  “Why was this done to us?” He asks and looks down at me. “If this is permanent, then I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “We’re not normal, Britney.”

  “Were we ever?” I joke.

  “Hey, speak for yourself.”

  “Come on. We never really fit in before. So, what’s changed?”

  “A lot. Look at them. Look at us.”

  “I am. And I like what I see.” I say. I nudge him with my elbow. “You worry too much. Don’t you think this is sick?”

  He shakes his head and chuckles.

  “Trust a comic book nut to see the silver lining.”

  “Come on. Think of all the things we could do.” I say.

  “Yeah, we could operate a killer courier service.”

  “Hey. Don’t burst my bubble.” I say and cross my arms, pouting.

  I feel his warm arm around me as he pulls me close.

  “Hey, I was just kidding. I was never into comic books.”

  “What? Really?” I ask.

  “I never had time. Dad’s always keeping us busy with chores around the house. He would take us to his junk yard sometimes too, just to get us out of the house for a bit. He always finds something for us to do. I was never bored.”

  “Well, maybe I should take you all to my little piece of heaven.” I say.

  “Okay. Tomorrow then, after school.”

  “That’s a date.” I reply and smile. Oops. “I mean…it’s fine. We’ll go tomorrow.” I stammer.

  It’s not a date. No. No dating. Just friends, remember Britney? I tell myself.

  The next night, I’m restless as I lie in bed staring up at my ceiling. There are so many possibilities now. Beth can read minds. Paul’s now beginning to move objects with his mind. Stuart can produce electricity, and Mitchell is the strongest and fastest of us all. Things are getting very interesting.

  I eventually close my eyes I pull the duvet up and snuggle more into my pillow.

  A seagull cries beneath me as I fly over Lake Michigan. It makes a slow turn back towards the beach. I wave at some kids who are playing volleyball as I fly overhead, then I spread my arms wide. The warm breeze blows my long chestnut hair back over my shoulders and it’s whipped behind me. I begin to spin slowly as I head towards Michigan Avenue.

  I revolve on to my back and stare up at the deep azure blue sky. A few wispy clouds float by above me heading west.

  I’m not looking where I’m going and presently smack my head against something hard.

  “Huh?” I moan and rub my head.

  I look up at a mighty skyscraper towering above me. Its highly reflective glass windows mirror the clear blue sky. A gust of wind blows from the lake and I bob and bang my head again.


  I open my eyes as my head hits something hard.

  “What the?” I groan.

  As my eyes try to focus, I find my nose pressing against something white. I crane my neck and look at my bedroom wall as I slam against it again.

  “Stop it.” I groan as my eyes begin to focus more.

  I reach up and push myself away from the strange white surface. I move away from it and look down at my feet. Past them, I see my bed below me.

  I’m floating? I’m above my bedroom door.

  “Oh my god.”

  I hear Dad’s door open, then his heavy footsteps. Uh, oh.

  “Everything okay in there?” Dad asks from the hallway.

  “Umm, yeah. I’m…fine.” I reply and try to control the panic in my voice.

  “You sure?” I hear the door handle rattle.

  I quickly reach down and hold the door closed.

  “I’m fine, Dad. Just a nightmare, that’s all.” I say quickly.

  “Well, okay, then. Goodnight, Pumpkin.” Dad says, then I hear him retreat back to his room.

  “Goodnight.” I breathe a sigh of relief.

  How the hell am I going to get down? The panic returns now, as I float in the air.

  I feel tingly all over, like there’s an electrical current coursing through me. Weird.

  I grab the door and begin to climb down, using the doorframe. I swing my legs forward so that I’m upright, then use the door handle to pull myself down. I eventually place my bare feet on to the thick pink carpet. My toes sink into the thick shag-pile. I release the door handle and look up at where I had found myself.

  That was scary. What was this new development? I had floated in the air. Awesome!

  I stumble back to my bed and get back under the covers. I stare up at my ceiling as all manner of images spin in my mind. My brain eventually shuts up and I manage to get some sleep again.

  When I see Beth the next day in school, she looks at me. Her mouth drops open.

  “Sssh.” I whisper and put my finger to my lips.

  “Wow.” She whispers as she comes closer.

  “I’ll see you later. Please don’t tell the others yet.” I urge her before I slip into my first class, Physics. Hmm, this should be interesting.

  Stuart sits next to me as usual. I lean over and pat his arm.

  “You okay?” I ask.

  He smiles sadly at me, then looks down at his hands. He still looks pretty shaken up.

  “Hey, we’re all in this together, okay.” I say.

  He nods and opens his textbook.

  After school is over, I lure them all to Clark Street, wit
h the promise of some interesting teaching materials. I lead them towards Cosmic Comics and open the door for them.

  “Hi, Charlie.” I say as I enter last and close the door behind me.

  “Hey, Britney. Back so soon?” Charlie asks from behind the counter.

  “After something a little different today.” I reply and motion for Mitchell and the others to follow me.

  I head past the new gothic horror comics and saunter over to the old-school section. My favorite haunt.

  “Here we go.” I say.

  I start going through the old DC and Marvel comics.

  “Okay, guys. This is your training material. Everything that can happen to a hero has pretty much been written about already.” I pick up an issue of The Flash and hand it to Mitchell.

  “This one is definitely you.” I say and wink at him.

  I then move along and pick up an issue of Legion of Super-Heroes and hand it to Beth. She looks at the cover and then makes a face.

  “Who the hell are they?” Beth asks.

  “They’re okay. Saturn Girl can read minds, so I thought you might find her interesting.” I reply and then move along again.

  I pick up an issue of Black Lightning and hand it to Stuart. “You should find him interesting, Stuart.” I say.

  I grab an issue of the Uncanny X-Men and pass it to Paul.

  “This one should suit you perfectly.” I say. “Check out Jean Grey in particular.” I add.

  Paul shrugs and takes the comic book.

  “Okay. What I want you all to do, is to see how the characters use their powers. Make a mental note of their weaknesses.” I suggest and then point them to the counter so they can pay for their comic books.

  As we leave, I turn and lead them back the way we came.

  “Remember to experiment. Test and see what you all can do.” I say as we walk north.

  “I’ll see you all tomorrow. Enjoy your homework.” I say as we part ways.

  “Where are you going?” Mitchell asks.

  “I have homework too.” I say and wave goodbye and head home.

  Tomorrow is Friday, February 12th. Lincoln’s birthday, so a four day weekend. Yippee. I love public holidays. More time to practice.

  Jessica is eating a chicken salad in the kitchen when I enter whistling a tune.

  “You seem happy.” Jessica notes as I grab a Cherry Coke from the refrigerator.

  “Why shouldn’t I be?” I ask.

  “How about the person who kidnapped and tortured you and your friends? They’re still free, and out there right now. Who’s to say they won’t try it again. Are you happy about that?”

  “Of course I’m not happy about that.” I reply testily.

  “Well, then, what are you going to do about it?”

  “As it happens, I am doing something about it. It just takes time that’s all.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “I requested a copy of my death certificate.”


  “Of course. I have to start somewhere.”

  “Can I help?”

  “Not yet, Jess. I’m still waiting for the certificate.”

  “Okay.” She stands up from the table and walks towards me. “I’m glad you’re not dead, sis.” Jessica says, then hugs me.

  “Thanks.” I hug her back gently with my free arm.

  “So…” Jessica says as she steps back. “What’s it like being up and about now?”

  “It’s great. I just wish it hadn’t come at such a price.”

  “Why did they torture you?”

  “I’ve no idea. They didn’t talk much.”

  “What are you gonna do when you find the person responsible?” Jessica asks eagerly.

  I’d like to rip them limb from limb, if I’m honest. But I don’t say anything, I just shrug.

  After dinner, I go to my room and get out my books. As well as the assignment I had set for my friends, we actually do have real homework as well. I get out my copy of Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen and get stuck into chapter nine.

  I finish at chapter fifteen, then put in my bookmark and set the book to one side. I’m enjoying the novel, despite its age. I picture Mitchell as Mr Darcy and chuckle at the image.

  I climb into bed, lean over and pick up a framed photo of my mom. She’s still young in the picture. She’s wearing a long flowing pale blue dress. She’s holding me in her arms. I was still in diapers. I must have been about ten months old, I don’t have much hair in the picture. We’re looking at each other and laughing.

  I can’t remember what we were laughing at, but it’s my favorite photo of her.

  “Goodnight, Mom.” I say and kiss the glass, then set the photo back on my bedside table.


  It’s still dark when I wake. I rub my eyes and climb out of bed as quietly as I can. I check my alarm clock. It’s 2:23 a.m. I get dressed quietly, then open my bedroom door. I listen for a few seconds, before creeping down the hall to the stairs. I hear my dad snore, and sigh heavily. Then I hear his bed creak as he moves. I wait a few more seconds, before sneaking downstairs. I carefully undo the latch and take the chain off. I look back up the stairs and wait again. Nothing. I smile mischievously, as I open the door and close it behind me. I hop down the steps and jog along the paved sidewalk towards the intersection.

  I look around quickly, before breaking into a run. The dark houses and cars blur past me as I race towards the lake. As soon as I get on to Lake Shore Drive, I turn left and accelerate. I leave the sonic boom and the city far behind me in a matter of seconds. I breathe in the night air as I hurtle north, zipping along the freeways through the inky darkness, dodging the occasional car and truck.

  I skid to a stop after a few more seconds. I’m on a highway that curves around a hill near an evergreen forest. It looks like the forest I had visited previously with the others. The only sound is the wind rustling the leaves and my heart thundering in my ears. I hear a vehicle approaching, so I step into the forest and begin to walk amongst the trees.

  It’s so dark I can barely see anything, so I feel my way along. After a few minutes, the trees begin to thin. I can see a clearing up ahead.

  As I step from the trees, I see a grassy area about ten feet wide. Trees tower above me on either side and make the clearing look like a long corridor, with tall conifers on either side. I walk to the center of the clearing and look around. Then I take a deep breath, and look up. There’s a half-moon tonight. Its pale light illuminates the trees and tall grass around me. It makes me feel like I’m on a stage, with the spotlight shining down on me. My only audience here are a couple of squirrels, who are sitting on a branch high above me. They look expectant, as I ready myself and stare up at the stars.

  Well, here goes nothing. If I screw up, no one will know.

  I spread my arms wide and think, up. The wind rushes past my face as I hurtle towards the heavens. I leave the trees far below me as I rocket into the night air.

  “Oh my god!” I blurt out in surprise as I see the ground recede in the blink of an eye below my feet.

  I gain a few thousand feet, when I realize I’m still climbing.

  That’s enough, stop. Stop! I stop abruptly, with my heart in my throat, while my blood thunders in my ears. I also notice something else. A warm tingly sensation, all over my body.

  The wind buffets me slightly as I gaze around. The landscape stretches out below me like a miniature model. Forests, rivers, the lit freeway and some smaller dark roads, the twinkling lights of a town in the distance.

  I giggle as I look past my feet at the dark earth far below and kick my legs. This is so amazing. I’m flying.

  I laugh and flip over on to my stomach. I start to fly towards a group of clouds. I start slowly at first, then speed up. I arch my back, perform a barrel roll, then fly back the way I came, while gazing up at the stars. I rest my hands behind my head as I slow down and marvel at the cosmic spectacle above me. The stars look beautiful. Colors I’ve never
seen before. Reds, purples and blues.

  “Wow.” I murmur as I see a light streak above me.

  A shooting star. Another meteorite entering our atmosphere. That gets me thinking about the rocks they used on us. The reason for my new powers. Lumps of cosmic rock from goodness knows where. Where were those rocks now? And why did they use them on us? Did they know what would happen? I shake my head. No, that doesn’t make sense. If they knew, why give powers to a bunch of nobodies? No, they couldn’t know what would happen. I remember the look of shock on the surgeon’s face when he couldn’t cut me.

  The image of his face in agony and his broken body flash in my mind. I cringe at the memory. It was an accident. I didn’t mean for it to happen. Did I?

  I sigh and shake the image from my mind. I need to be more careful. We all do.

  I flip over and gaze down as a cloud drifts by above me. The shadow of the cloud looks like an ant on the ground far below. Now, how do I get down?

  I look at the dark grass far below and think, down.


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