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Descent From Grace: A Luxe Novella Book 1.5

Page 15

by Frost, H. Q.

  “I’d like you to meet my son.” He looked to his left, toward a group of men.

  Lilith quietly let out a sigh. The excitement she had once felt to build clientele was long gone; she felt bloated, exposed, and stiff in her five-inch heels.

  The round man seemed flustered as he waved a man over, calling his name. “Justin.”

  When Lilith finally looked at the man whose father had pulled him from a dull conversation, she felt a small flutter in her stomach that started traveling downward. Her eyes went from his deep blue eyes to his full lips. The second Justin approached, the small circle the three of them tightly stood in filled with the intoxicating smell of his cologne, or body wash, or aftershave. She couldn’t figure it out, but it caused an unexpected burning need between her legs.

  “She’s one of Jacks’ girls.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Justin pulled out his flirty smile and looked her over.

  “You too.” She smiled the tamest smile she could muster through the want to bite her lip, then his.

  “Justin attends many functions where he needs a girl by his side. We’ve been waiting for the right one.”

  Pulling her attention away from Justin’s mouth, she fixed her eyes on the red-cheeked man.

  “Mr. Jacks has a nice variety of women to choose from.”

  With a flustered scoff, the old man blabbered, “You’re one of those women, aren’t you?”

  “Yes. I’m sorry.” Her eyes went to Justin’s. “I am and I’d be more than happy to accompany you to any of your functions.”

  “He’s more worried about my public image than I am.” Justin chortled.

  “What do you do Mr? . . .”

  “Justin. He’s Mr. Borg, I’m Justin.” Justin looked at his uppity father.

  “We’re looking for a cleaner girl,” the old man blubbered, and Justin put his hand to his face to hide his embarrassment of his father more or less calling, quiet possibly the hottest girl he’d ever seen, a diseased whore.

  Lilith’s eyebrows rose from insult. “Cleaner?”

  “I know what those girls do at Luxe,” he grumbled like it offended him, yet he would set his son up with one of those girls.

  “I assure you, we’re all clean.”

  Justin couldn’t take it; he was offended for her. “He means wholesome. He thinks you look like the all American girl. Personally, I think you should be in a magazine I’m flipping through and keep going back to your picture, but he’s old, losing his eyesight.”

  “Will you shut up, boy! This is how you get into the trouble you do. You’re constantly yammering. Close the mouth, open the ears!”

  Lilith’s discomfort emanated from her, until Justin stifled a grin while making a playful face like he was in trouble.

  To keep from laughing, she quickly asked, “What do you do again?” She wanted to run into the kitchen to get away from the old man.

  Grinning, he responded, “I’m a lawyer.”

  Ready to make her escape, she smiled and politely said, “Well I’m Lilith and like I said, I would be more than happy to accompany you.”

  “Thank you, Lilith.” He grinned that irresistible smile at her, taking the last glass off her tray.

  Shifting foot to foot, the round man muttered, “We’ll be in contact with Jacks.”

  “Enjoy your evening.” She smiled at both of them, lingering on Justin, then headed toward the kitchen.

  Walking away, she heard his father ask, “What do you think?”

  “She’s hot.” Justin watched her plump ass in the little skirt.

  “Ohp!” the old man clamored. “Hot! Life’s not about hot, it’s about respect!”

  Lilith grinned, walking through the kitchen doors. While in the kitchen, she sat down, but as soon as she started getting too relaxed, she quickly refilled her tray and went back out.

  Justin was the youngest man at the party, appearing in his late twenties and she wasn’t sure why he’d be there. That was not where he wanted to be, until meeting her. Since their encounter, she noticed him everywhere she went and he was constantly staring when she looked his way.

  She had walked around with one last glass on her tray for fifteen minutes and desperately wished someone would take it so she could go in the back to rest a minute. Finally, a tall, lean, gray haired man took the glass, stopping her.

  “Let’s look you over a minute,” he insisted.

  Cocking an eyebrow, she held her tongue from going off on him and stiffened under his gaze. Only standing a few feet away, Justin noticed and it immediately pissed him off. It pissed him off kind of like when his father insinuated she might be diseased.

  Spinning his upward pointed finger, the gray haired man asked her, “Could you turn and bend a little?”

  Lilith’s lips parted and her eyes went wide; he was observing her like a dog at a dog show. About to object, she saw Ed watching her from across the room; her stomach flipped. Letting out a quiet sigh of defeat, she lowered her hand that held the tray and began to turn, when Justin grabbed her wrist.

  Without an ounce of care, he pulled her away from the slimy old man.

  “Ya know.” He grinned at her. “I’m not telling you how to do your job, but maybe if you brought out more than five glasses at a time you wouldn’t have to keep going back and forth so much.” His smirking lips were taunting.

  With grateful relief, she breathed, “Thank you.”

  “For?” He played dumb.

  “Oh,” she stammered. “I thought. Were you just? I thought—”

  Laughing, he dropped his head unable to take how incredibly cute she was. “You’re welcome.” His eyes locked on hers and the smile he wore wasn’t flirty or charming, it was genuine.

  With an unstoppable grin and blushing cheeks, she looked away, saying, “And this isn’t my job. I’m just doing what I’m told.”

  “Ahh.” He chuckled with a nod. “One of those. So you’re one of Ian’s new girls?”

  “I am.” Hearing Ian’s name, she suddenly felt guilty for being attracted to him. “This is my second week.”

  “How you liking it?”

  “It’s fine. I enjoy people’s company.”

  “Like mine?” He pulled his flirty smile back out.

  “I think I would. It helps when your client is attractive too.” She flashed him a seductive smile and eye, then said, “Excuse me,” and walked away, noticing Ed was still staring at her.

  Justin watched her until she was in the kitchen. Finding his father, he pulled the round man away from a group while he was mid-sentence.

  “Get me a date.”

  “With the one? The leggy one?”

  Nodding, her name eased from his mouth. “Lilith.” He was inadvertently nodding until his father grimaced at his odd behavior. “Nothing public yet, just one on one. Don’t barter either.”

  “He charges inordinate amounts for his women!” the grouchy man protested.

  “I’ll pay it for this one.” Justin walked away from his cantankerous father before his frugality angered him.

  The remainder of the night, Ed’s eyes stayed fixed on Lilith for two reasons: he liked what he saw, and he didn’t like what he saw when she was talking to Justin. Knowing she was being watched, she avoided Justin because the way he made her feel between her legs was readable on her face. At midnight there was twenty men left on the boat and her five hours was thankfully up.

  More than ready to leave, she emerged from the kitchen when Justin stopped her while wearing that undeniable smile.

  “Hey, I need another glass.”

  Playfully smirking, she said, “Kitchen’s right there. You’ll have to get it yourself. I’m off.”

  “We could both go get one at a bar around the corner.”

  “Enticing, but I don’t mix business with pleasure. I’m not on the market.”

  “Ahh.” He fiddled with the full glass in his hand. “Then I’ll have to stick to your business side.”

  “It’s just as fun but with al
lotted hours.” The grin on her face screamed fuck me, but he wasn’t reading it clearly.

  “I’ll have to put some money aside to make sure I fill most of those allotted hours.”

  She didn’t want to end the conversation, but Ed was waving her over to him.

  With a smile at Justin, she said, “Good night Mr.—” She paused. “Justin.”

  “Good night, Lilith.”

  Subduing her annoyance with Ed, she approached him.

  He put his hand on her hip. “You were great tonight. You’ll have a packed schedule soon.” He held a hundred dollar bill out to her. Her eyes slowly went from the bill to his eyes with a tinge of scorn.

  “I’m not a waitress, Mr. Jacks. Pay your son.” To save face, she leaned in and kissed his cheek, then headed for the door as quickly as her sore feet allowed her. She’d never felt the pain her feet felt that night from her heels. She was certain her body didn’t mix well with pregnancy.

  Opening the door for her, Tony asked, “Fun night, Lil?”

  She cringed. “Exhausting,” she huffed. “Tony, don’t call me Lil please. Reminds me of someone I don’t want to be reminded of.”

  “No problem. Headed out tonight, or right home?”


  “Ian’s having a few people over, you’re not heading over there?”

  “He is?” She pulled her phone out.

  “Yeah, few girls from work. Karen, naturally. I’m headed there. If you want I’ll give you a ride and get you home.”

  “No. Thanks. I’m tired,” she mumbled, reading the missed text.

  IAN: Was trying to head out but Karen invited the girls to my place tonight without me knowing so everyone showed up when I was ready to get her home. I’m sorry baby.

  Tony walked her to the door. “No boyfriend tonight?” He looked into the dark house.

  “He works late hours. Thanks, Tony.”

  “Night, Lily.”

  Lilith threw her heels to the tile and went to the refrigerator, starving.

  “God!” she growled, trying to tell herself she was annoyed there was nothing to eat, but the refrigerator was full.

  How could he be so insensitive and not go home when she told him she needed him for a few days? Nothing felt on the right track and all she wanted was to wake up to him until everything was back to normal, post abortion. As much as she tried not to think about the pregnancy, it was always at the back of her mind, making her feel guilty for being such a fuck up.

  Sitting down with a few olives and a glass of wine, the idea was to unwind and get a drowsy buzz so she could sleep. As she put the glass to her lips, the smell alone turned her stomach. The sink was closest so that was where she brought back up the few olives she’d gotten down minutes before. Painfully sick to her stomach, she cleaned the sink then wandered to her bedroom. Her daily routine was calling to her: shower, wash off her face, brush her teeth, change, but she was crawling into bed before she could stop herself. Telling herself she’d get back up in a minute, she pulled the covers up and closed her eyes, falling into a deep sleep within minutes. The thought that pregnancy didn’t agree with her was practical, she was newly pregnant and already felt nine months bloated and uncomfortable, but it was a sacrifice you made to bring a life into the world. A sacrifice she couldn’t bring herself to make.

  When Ashley showed up the next day, Lilith automatically knew she wanted to talk about the pregnancy. It was all over her face that wasn’t turned up with her usual asshole smirk.

  “We need to talk.” She pulled Lilith to the bed. “Do you really think terminating this pregnancy is the best idea? Have you considered other options? Have you considered Ian doesn’t want you to?”

  “I don’t want to consider anything except ending this. I am not ready for a child. I am not ready to carry a child for nine months. I can’t do it. I’ve thrown up for two days now, sick to my stomach. I’ve been a psychotic mess and the nastiest person to be around for three weeks. Me and pregnancy don’t mix. I understand your brother wants me to keep it, but I’m making compromises for him and he’s going to need to make compromises for me. Where in your right mind do you think I should mother a child with a man that can’t only be with me?” she scoffed. “My children will not have a part time father like I’m settling for a part time boyfriend—”

  “Husband,” Ashley mumbled.

  “I won’t force another life to go through the bullshit I’m willing to put up with for him.”

  “What about adoption?” Ashley’s hopeful sounding solution irked Lilith.

  “You carry a life with you for nine months then give it to someone else. I’m not that strong. This is what’s best right now and I get it, you obviously view this as inhumane, but it’s not your body, it’s not your choice, it’s not even your fucking problem.” She stood from the bed. “When you’re faced with something that is absolutely tearing your world apart, I’ll be by your side and I’ll want what’s best for you before I put an embryo before you. If I would have known you were going to hate me for this I would have never let you find out.” She stormed out of the bedroom, leaving Ashley bewildered.

  Ashley walked from the bedroom a minute later. “Well damn.” She chuckled. “I guess you put me in my place.”

  “I’m sorry,” Lilith breathed, stressfully leaning over the counter.

  “Come here. Come to mama.” Ashley chuckled, pulling her to stand and hug her. Lilith threw herself into her arms and squeezed her tightly.

  “You think you could deal with nine months of that?” Lilith let out a small laugh.

  “Kind of turned me on.” Ashley grinned. “You know how important you are to me. I don’t hate you and wouldn’t over something like this. It’s just like you said, I’m not for abortion. I am by your side and I will hold your hand the whole time. Not my body, not my choice, would be my niece or nephew, but you’re right, I wouldn’t want to see a child grow up with a part time father. Ian’s a dick.” Yanking the refrigerator open, she said, “He has no idea what he’s doing.” She popped the top to a beer, draining it to start the evening off right.

  Ian walked in around the same time as Caesar.

  Caesar cocked his eyebrow. “You comin’ with us?”

  In return, Ian’s eyebrow cocked in question. “Why wouldn’t I?”

  With an impassive shrug, Caesar went scavenging for food.

  When Ashley was ready to play dress up with Lilith, she began urging her to get ready.

  “We’ll go in the spare room.” Lilith said, grabbing her makeup. “Caesar, will you order a pizza? I want pizza.”

  Ashley stopped dead in her tracks when she entered the bedroom. Her mouth dropped in awe as she slowly took in the shoe store.

  “Holy shit,” Ashley breathed.

  “I told you I had a lot of shoes.”

  “Christ, Lilith. Fuck, this is glorious.” There wasn’t time for her to explore the boxes in that room, but she promised, or threatened, that she would one day.

  After doing a dark, smoky eye and deep red, glossy lips on Lilith, Ashley handed over the lipstick tube.

  “I got this for you because I knew you’d be absolutely fuckable with it on. Mmm,” she growled and pinched Lilith’s ass. With a yelp and jump, Lilith looked in the mirror, pleased with the dark look. “I’m gonna fix your curls. They’re limp.” Ashley played with Lilith’s hair.

  “When do I get to play dress up with you?”

  “Oh, girl.” Offensive laughter bellowed from her. “As soon as I want to look like a wholesome catholic girl.”

  “Oh!” Lilith nudged her. “That’s hurtful. I think I’ve branched out. I’ve grown since being with Sloan.” She mumbled his name.

  “You have. You’re beautiful, Lilith. Even with all this makeup you’re still a natural and classic beauty. I’m more of a scary beautiful.” Ashley grinned, tapping the curling iron. “Can’t wait ‘til you see what I’m making you wear. You can’t tell me no either.”

  “Oh god.” She rolle
d her eyes. “How does that work?” While Ashley curled her hair, Lilith stared into her face. “You’re beautiful, Ashley. You’re not scary at all.”

  “Shh, before I burn you.”

  Lilith grinned, rolling her eyes. Running her fingers through her hair, her curls bounced, and in the mirror her glossy lips caught the light.

  Holding up a short, hot pink and neon green dress, Ashley proudly boasted, “I’m wearing this.”

  “Expected.” Lilith smirked with a nod.

  “You’re wearing this.” Ashley slowly pulled a black ball of a dress from the duffle bag.

  “Is that fishnet? What is that?” Lilith watched in horror as Ashley straightened out the tangled dress. “Oh no, Ashley!” She gasped, shaking her head no at the short, black, fishnet dress with spaghetti straps and a deep cleavage. “You can’t be serious.”

  “Put it on.”

  “Ian won’t like this.” Lilith held it in her hands, afraid to even hold it against her body.

  “Yeah he will!”

  “Oh my god,” she whispered, setting the dress on the bed.

  “You’re gonna be hot. Put it the fuck on and shut the fuck up.”

  “I’m scared,” Lilith breathed while pulling her shirt off. “How do I wear underwear?” She stood in her bra and thong, staring at the dress.

  “You don’t! Come on. Off!” Ashley snapped her fingers at her.

  “I’m going to freeze!”

  “You’re going to be sweating when you’re there. Get it on.”

  Lilith slid her bra off and Ashley picked up the dress to help her. Her eyes drifted to the faint scars across Lilith’s ribs, but she didn’t say a word about them.

  “I’m too bloated to wear this,” Lilith grumbled while Ashley pulled the dress over her breasts.

  “Oh god, shut it,” she huffed, tugging and pulling until it was straight. “Oh yes.” With a luscious grin and approving nod, she admired her muse. “Yes, yes, yes. Shit, I’d fuck the hell out of you in this dress.”

  “I look like a whore.”

  “You are a whore, shut it. You look like a fucking model and you’re going to be the best looking one there. I’m not bringing my muse around town in bullshit.”

  “My clothes are nice!” Lilith snapped.


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