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Page 3

by Marie York

  His hands ran up and down my back before settling on my ass and hoisting me up against the door. I instinctively hooked my legs around him, using the heel of my foot to urge him closer. I felt his erection strain against his jeans and press into my center.

  This wasn’t me. But I didn’t care. The old me was left somewhere in that alleyway and the new me wanted to stop thinking—stop planning what was next and savor the moment, relish in the fact that my sexual fantasy was coming to life.

  Every part of the new me wanted to feel his cock inside of me. Feel him fill me completely.

  The door left my back, and Jaxon moved us across his living room and down a hall. I kissed his neck, dragged my tongue to his ear and sucked lightly on his lobe. He kicked a door open and he eased me onto his bed.

  The comforter was crumpled at the foot of the bed and he ripped it off, tossing it to the floor. Before he came back to me he tugged his shirt over his head, and I swallowed at the sight of his perfectly sculpted abs. My tongue swiped at my lips desperately wanting a taste and to feel each hard ridge.

  His hand landed on his zipper, and he pulled it down then stepped out of his shorts, revealing his black boxer briefs and a large bulge. God he was beautiful.

  He put his knee on the bed and climbed on top of me, taking my face in his hands and capturing my lips with his. A low moan fell from my mouth, muffling against his.

  “Take this off,” he said, tugging at the hem of my shirt.

  I bit my lip and sat up, bringing my chest close to his. I reached for the bottom and he helped me pull it over my head. His eyes darkened at my black lace bra and his Adams apple bobbed just before he bent down and kissed the swell of my breasts. He grasped the clasp and unsnapped it with one quick motion. The cups fell away one after the other.

  The searing heat of his tongue dragged across my skin and caused me to arch into him. He reached down and pulled my skirt off. His eyes went a shade darker when he glanced down at the matching black lace thong, but just like the bra it came right off.

  He trailed a burning path of violent kisses down the length of my neck. His hand cupped my breast and he pinched my nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Pain mixed with pleasure sent a white hot jolt to my core, causing me to arch into him.

  His lips moved across my jaw, and I ran my hands through his hair, gripping and tugging at the dark locks. Warmth spread through me as his tongue swiped sensually behind my ear. I shivered at the onslaught of goose bumps popping up on my skin.

  “Kiss me,” he growled, and I complied, turning my mouth to his. His lips smashed into mine and I parted to let him in. Our tongues slid against each other in a wet passionate dance and just when I thought my body couldn’t handle another ounce of pleasure, he pushed two fingers inside of me.

  A moan rumbled up my throat, and I flung my head back relishing in his insatiable fervor.

  “Fuck me,” I pleaded.

  The movement of his fingers picked up speed driving into me with reckless abandon. He bit my lip, sucking it into his mouth. My pussy ached with desire and the only thing that would satisfy it was his cock.

  “Please,” I begged.

  “Not yet,” he groaned against my ear.

  “Please,” I said, but my words got lost to the whimper that pushed up my throat as his tongue dragged across my nipple. He pulled the tight pink peak into his mouth, and my eyes grew heavy, slipping shut and focusing only on the hot, slick feel of his tongue.

  He kissed his way over my breasts and down my stomach. His large hands gripped my small waist and he kneaded his fingers into my sides, then pulled my ass to the edge of the bed.

  He clutched my thighs and slowly moved them apart. “Spread your legs,” he said.

  I did as he asked.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured right before lowering his head and swiping his tongue up and down my folds. It was like an electric current shooting through my body, causing me to arch at the fiery invasion. My fingers dug into his white sheets as an uncontrollable whimper forced its way up my throat.

  Jax’s warm hand pressed into my stomach, pinning me to the bed. My body fought his restraint, but he held me in place as his tongue continued to send me over the edge with its mind-numbing ministrations.

  Heat exploded in my core spreading through my body and just as I was about to tumble off the edge his tongue slid away and travelled up the inside of my thigh. His lips pressed into my skin as he inched his mouth across my stomach.

  Impatient I reached down, wrapping my hand around his hard cock. I tried to guide it to where I needed it most, but he smiled and shook his head.

  “Not yet,” he said again. This time his voice rough with want, and I knew it was only moments before he would finally lose his self-control.

  “I never expected you to be a tease,” I said.

  He kissed my shoulder then my mouth and when he drew away from me I wanted so desperately to yank him back. He rested his forehead against mine. “Do you know how much I’ve thought about this? You naked on my bed, wanting me, asking me to fuck you.”

  His finger trailed down my arm, shooting shivers up my spine and causing my nipples to tighten into hard beads. Words fled me at the realization that I wasn’t the only one thinking sexy thoughts about us.

  Unable to force any words out, I shook my head.

  His dark gaze penetrated mine, looking deep into my eyes, past the surface and right into my soul. “Too often. So I’m savoring the moment.”

  I nodded and reached up needing to touch him, to feel his warmth against my skin. I rested my hand against his cheek before snaking my fingers around his neck and pulling his lips to mine. His tongue swiped against my crease and without hesitation I parted, welcoming his delicious intrusion.

  He retreated and stepped out of his boxer briefs, kicking them off to the side then climbed back on top of me.

  His cock long and thick slid over my pussy in an excruciatingly slow caress. He pulled back, pressing his tip to my wet center before thrusting deep inside me. I gasped in sweet pleasure, my fingers gripping the sheets beneath them.

  Our bodies hot and slick slid against each other, and I let go of the sheets to trace my hands up and down the sheen of sweat on his back. He captured my wrists and pinned my hands above my head, lacing his fingers between mine.

  He moved in me hard and deep, and I bowed into the forceful thrusts, taking every one he gave me, immediately craving the next.

  My hands squeezed his as the pleasure ballooned inside of me, expanding until it was ready to explode. My muscles contracted, tightening around him, and I threw my head back ready for the carnal scream to rip from my throat.

  His fingers pinched my nipple, sending me flying over the edge. The balloon burst, the scream tore itself out, and my body convulsed against his.

  “That’s right come for me,” he said against my ear, sending me into another wave of pure ecstasy.

  He slowed his thrusts, riding out my orgasm, and when my body rested against the mattress, he picked me up and sat on the edge of the bed never pulling out of me. My legs wrapped around him and he nudged my chin with his nose. I tilted my head giving him access to my neck. He kissed and sucked and licked and then started to move again inside of me.

  I rocked with him, moving my hips to the rhythm he created. Our own personal beat. My eyes fluttered shut, and I focused on the wet sleek feel of our bodies moving as one.

  “Look at me,” he said his voice rough with hot, burning passion.

  I blinked and caught his dark intense gaze. He held my face and looked deep into my eyes. “I want to watch you when you come again,” he said.

  “You’re pretty confident about that, aren’t you?” As soon as the words left my mouth his fingers found my clit and he started rubbing sweet, precise circles, sending my head flinging back. He took advantage catching my nipple in his mouth. Sucking and biting until I felt myself heading toward the edge again.

  “Not pretty confident. Just confident,” he sai
d hot against my ear.

  The familiar heat swelled inside of me slowly spreading until it burst. Jaxon grabbed my face with his large, strong hands, and as the next orgasm overtook me, I stared into his eyes, meeting his intensity with my own.

  “That’s right, baby. Come for me.”

  My muscles tightened around his length, and he rested his forehead against mine, driving into me with hard, rapid thrusts until we both shuddered and collapsed against each other.


  I had never had sex with an almost stranger before, though Jaxon wasn’t a stranger, but he wasn’t all that familiar either. At least he wasn’t before I discovered every inch of his body. I didn’t know if I should leave or if I should stay.

  This was completely out of my comfort zone. But damn if that wasn’t the best sex I’d ever had. My body zinged with aftershock, my breathing still hadn’t calmed, and Jaxon was still inside of me.

  He buried his head into the crook of my neck and pressed a kiss to my damp skin then pushed back, bringing me with him. He lowered himself onto the bed, resting his head against his pillow, and pulled me to his side.

  I traced his skin with my fingers, running them up and down the curves of his taut stomach. Remembering all those times I thought about touching them and being grateful for the chance now.

  His breathing evened out¸ and I glanced up to see his eyes slip shut. I laid there in his arms until my own sleep took over.

  An hour later my eyes popped open, and I searched the dark room for a clock. I found one on the nightstand next to the bed. It was two in the morning. I was sure Dee was looking for me.

  I maneuvered out of Jaxon’s hold and looked for my phone. There were boxes everywhere and very minimal things out. He was either moving out or moving in. Funny I hadn’t noticed. Then again I was so consumed in Jaxon and the way he made me feel that I was oblivious to my surroundings.

  I found my phone spilt from my open purse on the floor by the front door. The screen flashed and I could only imagine how many messages I had.

  I tapped my phone and was surprised to only see two.

  The first one was from Dee.

  Dee: I saw you leave with Jax. Cole said you’re in good hands so I’m not worried. Just remember moving day tomorrow.

  Crap! I forgot. Moving day yet I had nowhere to go. I was homeless. The last thing I wanted was to go home. I didn’t want to face my family and tell them

  The next message was from Kyle. I didn’t even want to look, but curiosity drove me.

  Kyle: I really am sorry.

  The only thing I could think to write back, I already said to him right before I walked away so I deleted the message and then his contact information. Though, it would take longer to delete from my mind, it still felt good to clear him out of my phone completely.

  I looked around Jaxon’s dark apartment and wondered how many girls he fucked on the couch and against the door. Then I shook my head and told myself to knock it off. I knew what I was getting into when I came over here. This was one night and nothing more.

  Guys like Jaxon didn’t do relationships. Plus I just ended one, and I wasn’t ready to set myself up for heartbreak again. There wouldn’t be another Jaxon to help me forget. Oh no. He was one of a kind.

  I gathered my clothes strewn around his room and pulled everything back into place. He was still sound asleep, and I watched him for a few moments, memorizing his dark hair, chiseled features and strong jaw before I slipped away.

  I knew the rules of a one night stand didn’t include a goodbye note, but I felt the need to write one anyway. I took a pen from my purse and ripped a piece of paper out of my planner.


  Thank you for helping me to forget and giving me a night I’ll always remember.


  His keys were on the floor so I scooped them up and placed them on the kitchen counter with my note. Then I left and never looked back.


  After five hours of sleep in my bed I awoke for the last time in my dorm. I stretched my arms and sat up. I startled at Dee sitting on the edge of my bed staring at me.

  “Jesus, you scared the shit out of me,” I said.

  “I’ve only been waiting two hours for your ass to wake up.” Her black hair was pulled into a loose ponytail and it swayed when she spoke.

  “I know. I know. It’s moving day. We have to pack.”

  “I could care less about that. I want to know about your night.”

  “What about it?” I shrugged it off, but Dee knew me too well and cocked a curious eyebrow at me.

  “Oh I don’t know. You left the bar with a certain hottie after your boyfriend sent you off crying.”

  “Ex-boyfriend,” I said and was surprised the word didn’t bring tears to my eyes.

  “I know. He told me. Fucking asshole. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I’m beginning to think it was for the best.”

  “Would a certain tall, dark, and handsome man have anything to do with that thought process?”

  “Not exactly, but he did show me that sex is a thousand times better than I ever thought it could be.”

  Dee swatted my shoulder. “You little slut, I knew it. So it was good, huh?”

  “Better than good. It was amazing. Just thinking about it…” A tremor ran up my spine and I shook it out.

  “Wow. That’s pretty damn good. So are you going to see him again?” she asked.

  “No. Of course not.”

  “Why not?”

  “It was a one night stand. I went into it knowing that, and I’m okay with it. Besides I have more important things to worry about. Like where am I going to live.”

  “You can always come with me to Michigan,” Dee said.

  I smiled. “I would love too, but we both know that’s your dream. I need to find my own.”

  “We can brainstorm while we’re packing.” She smacked me with a pillow. “Now get your ass out of bed and help me.”


  Six hours later we were all packed, and I was still homeless. Technically we didn’t have to be out of the dorms till tomorrow, so I still had time. Not much, but some time. We decided to get a drink and headed back to O’Malley’s.

  A small part of me hoped I’d see Jaxon again, but I pushed that thought away. The afternoon at O’Malley’s wasn’t nearly as busy as the night. Dee and I grabbed a table in the corner and each ordered a glass of wine.

  I glanced out the window and across the street to Jaxon’s building, wondering what he was doing right now.

  “You’re being ridiculous. Go over there and talk to him.”

  “I told you. It was a one night stand. Nothing more.”

  “Says the person who can’t stop staring out the window and jumps every time the door opens.”

  I go to argue, but don’t. What’s the point? She’s right.

  “Do us both a favor and march your skinny little ass over to his place and just see what happens. Even if it turns into more sex, it’s totally worth it, don’t you think?”

  I gulped down the rest of my wine and sprung up from the booth like a woman on a mission.

  “That’s my girl!” Dee said and I gave her a wink before heading out the door.

  Once outside I questioned my sanity, but I let the wine do the thinking and went straight to Jaxon’s place. I got to the door and went to knock but it was open. I peered inside and my heart sunk.

  It was empty. I ran inside and into the bedroom. The bed that we just had the best sex of my life on was gone. The nightstand and clock too. I went back to the kitchen and scanned the counter. His keys and my note were also gone.

  Did he know he was leaving today? He must have; everything was packed up last night. That’s how I knew it meant nothing to him. Because if it did he would’ve told me he’d be gone in less than twenty-four hours.

  I dragged myself back to the O’Malley’s and went straight to the bathroom. I splashed some water on my face and fixed my lip-gloss then
went back to where I left Dee.

  Cole had joined her and they were in a deep conversation. I debated leaving, spare myself the embarrassment of defeat, but I didn’t want to be alone.

  I slid into the booth across from Dee and Cole and forced a smile. “Hi, Cole.”

  Cole smiled back and it was genuine and sincere.“Hey there, Lyla.”

  “So Jaxon left?” I asked because at this point I had no dignity left.

  “Less than an hour ago. You just missed him.”

  If I would’ve walked over there when we first got to O’Malley’s would I have caught him? Would things have worked out differently? Would he have stayed? Asked me to go with him?

  I nodded and then tried not to sound as desperate as I felt. “Do you know where he’s headed?”

  Cole shrugged. “No. I don’t even think he knows. I thought he’d stay here honestly, but he said he was ready to get away again.”

  “Oh.” What was he getting away from? I wondered if I didn’t sneak out in the middle of the night if we would’ve had breakfast together. If he would have told me where he was going. Though according to Cole he didn’t even know.

  I could never do that. Never leave with no game plan. No direction. Dread weighed heavy on my shoulders when I realized as of today, I didn’t have game plan. I had no direction. For the first time in my life, I had no idea what was next.

  “He left something for you,” Cole said, knocking me out of my mind.

  I perked up in my seat and stared at Cole waiting for him to reveal this mystery something. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a…key?

  “Jax said his place is paid for the rest of the month, so if you need a place to stay while you’re figuring things out, you can have it until the fifteenth.”

  “Is he serious?” I asked.

  “Jax is always serious.”

  I shook my head completely taken aback, trying to comprehend what was happening. “I couldn’t.”

  “Why not? It’s paid for.” Dee said and reached across the table, taking my hand in hers. “As of tomorrow you’re homeless. This is rent free for a month. You won’t have to figure everything out tonight. You can have time to make the right choice. The best choice for yourself.”


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