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Ynyr (Tornians Book 3)

Page 33

by M. K. Eidem

  “Do not threaten me King Grim! Abby is my Lady and you, Vasteri or not, have no authority to take her from me. Not unless she requests it and she has told you no!” With that Ynyr left an opened mouth King and Queen behind him and went in search of his Lady.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Abby ignored the shocked looks on the guards' faces when she pulled open the doors and walked passed them.

  “Abby!” Ynyr came running after her. “Stop!” As one of the guards lunged to stop her Ynyr shoved him against the wall. “Do! Not! Touch! My! Lady!” Ynyr growled at him then followed Abby.

  “Abby!” He called out again “Where are you going?” He asked matching his stride to hers.

  “Brice is scared and hiding. He is not going to show himself to you. He may be young, but he knows if you catch him, he’s dead.”

  Ynyr stumbled at her words, spoken so dispassionately, as if he wasn’t a male she had rested with, had Joined with, had loved. Could she really believe he was so cold hearted?

  “He trusts me. He knows I won’t hurt him and that I will protect him. He will come out for me.” Her head turned towards him, but her eyes wouldn’t meet his. “But not if you are with me.”

  “Then we do not find him, for you are right. He does not matter to me, but not for the reason you think. You will always matter more to me than anyone else or anything in this universe. More than any offspring, we may have. More than my manno. More than my mother. More than my brothers in blood or my brothers in arms. You matter more to me than my honor or pride. I would forsake all of that to have you at my side, to have you look at me as you once did.”

  Abby’s steps faltered at Ynyr’s words because she wanted to believe them. Wanted to believe he meant them. When had she become so weak? So needy? Her mom and dad had done everything they could to help her build her confidence, to help her believe that she was worthy. How had she lost that? Was it when Luuken had struck her? Or was it when Risa had terrorized her? Abby didn’t know, but she refused to be that little girl again, the one that huddled in the corner, alone and forgotten. She was Abby Jamison and it was going to take more than some damn aliens to bring her down.

  “Where was the last place you saw him?” She demanded refusing to let his words sway her.

  “In the unused wing.” Ynyr followed as she navigated the maze of corridors, stunned as she led him to the Wing using a much shorter route than he had used to get to her. How had she known… then he remembered what she said on the Ascension, that when she saw something she remembered it.

  Approaching the Wing Abby saw that its doors, while larger than the ones leading to their… no, she corrected herself, her heart aching… to the Lord’s Wing, they were still smaller than the massive ones they had used to first enter the House itself. They were also wide open. Stepping into the Wing Abby let her eyes travel over the space. It was basically identical to the first level of the Lord’s Wing with the exception that here, both walls contained floor to ceiling windows and doors. It must have once been amazing to walk into this room and have it be filled with your people, to celebrate alongside them, to share in their joys and sorrows, in their accomplishments and losses, to know they would die to protect you and that you would kill to protect them, to know that you belonged… Now it was just a storage room long discarded and forgotten. The late afternoon sun barely penetrated through the grime on the windows.

  Pushing those thoughts away she looked at the Warriors were carrying energy stones in one hand and their swords in the other as they searched.

  “What do you think you are doing?!!” She demanded storming into the room. “You are looking for a three year old not Daco himself. Sheath your swords!”

  The males all looked to Ynyr. “Do as your Lady has commanded!” He ordered harshly and they immediately obeyed.

  “My Lord,” Korin stepped forward. “We have searched but cannot find him.”

  “Of course you can’t.” Abby said, walking deeper into the room, her voice so full of so much bitterness that it shocked every male in the room. “You have never had to hide in the dark, have never had those that should be protecting you, harm you instead. You have never had to survive when no one cared if you lived or died.”

  Abby’s eyes scanned the room, taking in the discarded furniture she could tell had been moved as they searched for Brice from the streaks in the dust and scuffs on the floor. She let her eyes look into the deep dark corners of the room and knew which one she would have chosen. Walking towards it, she went as far as the furniture allowed, then sat cross legged on the floor.

  “I’m here Brice. You can come out now.” She said quietly.

  “My Lord?” Ynyr held his hand, silencing Korin.

  “No one is going to hurt you. I promise. I won’t let them send you to Gehenna. You are going to stay with me. I’ll take care of you.” She paused, not really expecting an answer. “I didn’t hurt you before did I? I am not upset that you ate the food. It would have just gone to waste otherwise.”

  There was no sound or movement from the corner.

  “It’s starting to get late. Last meal will be served soon. What should we have? I’m still struggling with how different Tornian food is, some of it is really strange. Back on Earth, that’s where I’m from by the way, if I wanted to treat myself after a really bad day I would order an extra-large hand tossed pizza from this great place just down the block. I would get their special, sausage and pepperoni, then add mushrooms, onions and pepperoncini peppers. I would get extra cheese on it and last but not least I would add bacon because everything always tastes better with bacon on it. I would take that pie, sit down in the middle of the floor of my tiny little apartment and feast….” Everyone could hear the smile in her voice. “It always helped. Do you think there is anything like that here Brice? Because this has been a really crappy day.”

  Silence continued to greet her.

  “I vow to you Brice. They will have to end me before I let them harm you. I will make sure you are loved and cared for. That you’re safe. That you never have to be afraid and hide again. You matter Brice. You matter so much.”

  Abby opened her arms and before anyone could take another breath a small dark shape separated itself from the shadows and Brice was in her arms.

  Ynyr stayed close as Abby carried Brice through the halls of the House. He had wanted to carry the child, but Abby wouldn’t allow it and neither would Brice if the way he’d tightened his arms around her neck were any indication. Ynyr knew he had to be heavy for her, she was so small but he had underestimated her strength and determination. He had underestimated many things about his Abby.

  “Master Paganus, I will need you to get a new mattress put in the chamber nearest the Lord’s resting chamber. It will need sheets, pillows and blankets. I also want its cleansing room filled with all the necessities.”

  “Yes, my Lady.” Paganus looked at Korin, but said nothing, just lifted his comm to set things in motion.

  “Also make sure a meal is sent there. Something Brice will like and find me some clean coverings for him.”

  “Right away my Lady.”

  “Lord Ynyr.” Dai’s voice had Ynyr looking to him. “If you no longer need us, we will return to the training fields.” He indicated himself and the other Warriors.

  “That will be fine Captain.”

  “Will you be returning soon?” He continued.


  “Yes.” He and Abby spoke simultaneously.

  “I will be staying to assist you Abby.” Ynyr told her frowning.

  “That won’t be necessary.” Abby told him. “You have those worthy of your House to take care of. Brice and I will take care of each other.”

  Ynyr’s steps faltered at her words and he saw the others stiffen in confusion. When Abby reached their Wing the guards opened the doors.

  “Keep in contact with me Dai, Korin. I will be in my Wing for the remainder of the day.” With that Ynyr followed Abby.

  “Yes, my Lord.
” Korin said.

  “Yes, Lord Ynyr.” Dai responded.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Ynyr silently watched from the doorway as Abby made sure Brice was properly bathed. She first put him in the stall, clothes and all, and let the water flow over him. Ynyr couldn’t believe how dark the water was when it ran off him. How could one so small have so much dirt on him? When the water ran nearly clear she had filled the tub and ordered him in.

  Ynyr could remember how strenuously he used to protest bathing when he had been that age, but Brice didn’t say a word. Why was that? Was it because he was afraid to? Ynyr found that hard to believe. Brice wasn’t afraid of Abby. He had willingly revealed himself to her. Then why?

  Abby began to hum as she filled her hand with cleansing gel and began to work it into the mess that was Brice’s hair. It was then that Ynyr realized why Brice wasn’t protesting. Abby was giving him her attention, her care. For the first time in his life Brice had someone who cared for him. Ynyr felt his eyes fill. He knew what that felt like. To have Abby’s attention centered on you. To have her fight for you, protect you, care for you… It was the most amazing thing in the universe and he had somehow lost it.

  He would get it back.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Abby ran her fingers through Brice’s long, silky clean hair. She couldn’t believe how thick it was or how dirty it had been. For a while she had thought the only way to get the snarls out would be to cut them, as Ronnie had to do with her but finally after some time and patience they had given way.

  Where Paganus had ever found him clean clothes that fit Abby would never know. She would have to thank him. She hadn’t missed the strange looks he was giving her. She needed to remember it wasn’t Paganus’ fault for the way things had turned out. He had been at her side since they had arrived, always helping, always doing everything she had asked. Yes, she needed to thank him before they left.

  When last meal had arrived and Abby couldn’t believe how much Brice ate. It was like he hadn’t just finished a Warrior sized sandwich just a few hours earlier. He still wasn’t speaking but that didn’t concern Abby, she hadn’t at first either, although Brice’s was probably due to Ynyr being there. Ynyr had even insisted on eating the meal with them. It was the first time she and Ynyr had ever eaten last meal together and Abby would have laughed at that fact if it didn’t make her heart hurt so much.

  Now she stood watching Brice sleep in a clean, comfortable bed and guessed it was the first time, if his reaction to it was any indication.

  “He is asleep Abby. Come to bed. You need to rest.” Ynyr stood in the doorway watching her. He could see the fatigue around her eyes. He wanted her to rest. He wanted her to rest in their bed. He wanted her in his arms.

  “I’ll rest here.” She told him gesturing to the large space beside Brice. “He is going to wake up and be scared. He will need to see me and know he is safe.”

  “Because that is how it was for you?” He asking moving to stand beside her.


  “I am sorry for what I said Abby.”

  “I’m sure you are… sorry that you said it, but that doesn’t mean it’s not what you feel and believe.” While Abby spoke quietly, her pain was easily heard, at least by Ynyr.

  “I… I will not give you an untruth Abby… that is something I will never do for you mean too much to me…” He ignored her disbelieving snort. “He and you are not the same to me.”

  “No, because even though I have tainted blood I can still give you offspring. Just like Risa did for so many.”

  “No!” Ynyr grabbed her arm, turning her so she faced him. “Never! Never! Compare yourself to her! You are nothing like Risa! Risa was cold and conniving. She selfishly used every male she came in contact with. She plotted and murdered. You! Goddess Abby, you are so warm and caring. You worry more about others than you do yourself. You…”

  “Don’t you touch her!” Brice suddenly exploded from the bed, his thin arms wrapping around Ynyr’s neck as he tried to pull him away from Abby.

  Shock and not the strength of the child, had Ynyr stumbling back. He had to admire Brice’s daring in attacking a full grown male, but that admiration quickly disappeared when the little caca bit him.

  Growling, Ynyr grabbed Brice by the scruff of his neck and pulled him off, giving Brice a little shake. “Never do that again!”

  “Ynyr! Don’t!” Abby was instantly there grabbing Brice from him. “Don’t hurt him!”

  “Don’t hurt him! Don’t hurt him? What about me? He bit me!” Ynyr demanded.

  “Oh get over it!” She told him dismissively, tucking Brice’s head under her chin. “You are a full grown Tornian male! He’s three! What was he supposed to do?”

  “Do? He wasn’t supposed to do anything! He was supposed to be resting!”

  “You were hurting her!” While the voice was small and weak, Brice’s eyes were blazing.

  “I would never hurt her! She is my Lady!” Ynyr couldn’t believe he was defending himself to a child! And not just any child, but Risa and Bertos’ child!

  “Leave Ynyr.” Abby’s quiet words had his eyes flying back to hers. “I will never get him to rest again if you don’t.”

  “I will only leave if you vow to rest in our chamber.”

  Brice’s whimper had Ynyr glaring at him.

  “No Ynyr. I am staying here.”

  With a frustrated growl Ynyr spun on his heel and left the room.

  Abby refused to admit it, even to herself that she was disappointed Ynyr gave up so easily, even though it’s what she had expected. Everyone always left her.

  “Come on squirt,” Abby said turning away from the door. “Time for you to rest.”

  “But what if he comes back?” Brice whispered, his eyes remaining on the open door, even as he yawned. “I need to protect you.”

  “I don’t need protecting from Ynyr, Brice.” Laying him down she pulled the covers up to his chin, making sure they were tucked snugly around him. “Ynyr would never hurt me Brice. He is a fit and worthy male.”


  “No buts. I know he has not treated you kindly, but he has his reasons, none of which you are responsible for. Now it’s time for you to rest.”

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Ynyr sat back in the chair he had dragged into the chamber that was now Brice’s. It had taken him a few minutes to calm down after Abby’s refusal to rest in their chamber. He had started to storm back into the chamber and demand she rest with him when he had heard her quiet words to Brice.

  She still believed him to be a fit and worthy male. She still believed he would never intentionally harm her. Ynyr straightened the shoulders that had started to sag at the thought of losing his Abby and the pain in his heart eased slightly. He had not lost her. If she could still believe that about him, then he still had a chance to win her back. Sending up a prayer of thanks to the Goddess he grabbed a chair. If she wouldn’t rest with him, he would rest with her.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Life changed in the House over the next week and few were happy about it.

  Paganus still came every day but Abby no longer felt the need to clean out the third level. It wasn’t hers any longer. It would belong to the next female Ynyr chose and she would have to decide what to do with it.

  When Cairbre contacted her so they could continue to tour the House via video, she told him it was no longer necessary and that he should just concentrate on the pieces already chosen. That too was a decision for Ynyr’s new Lady.

  When Lisa had contacted her, letting her know when the Raptor would arrive Abby had told her she wouldn’t need it. She hadn’t lied to Lisa when she told her that she and Ynyr were going to work it out, that it would just take some time. They would. It would just involve her and Brice leaving, instead of staying, as Lisa assumed.

  Brice still wasn’t telling how he was able to get in and out of the Wing, much to Ynyr’s frustration. Especially when Abby wouldn’t le
t him try to intimidate him. In response, Ynyr had placed two guards on the second level and demanded that all doors remained open.

  Right now, it was Sunil and Saar, one on each end of the second level, their eyes taking in everything. Navon and Ja were at the entrance, in a few hours they would switch. Only when Ynyr was here did the guards leave and that was worse for Abby.

  When Ynyr was there the pain of everything she was losing was right there in front of her. A living, breathing thing. Every night he would say it was time for them to go rest in their chamber and every night she would refuse. He would frown at her then take his rest in that chair in Brice’s room.

  When she tried to move her things into Brice’s room, Ynyr had growled at her and moved them all back, grumbling the entire way. It was all driving Abby crazy!

  “Goddess I wish we could get out of here!” Abby muttered under her breath, making sure Sunil and Saar couldn’t hear her. Brice looked at her with his big dark eyes for a moment then sliding off the chair he had been sitting on as they ate their midday meal, he walked around the table to silently take her hand.

  Abby frowned but stood, letting him lead her into Ynyr’s resting chamber.

  “My Lady?” Sunil asked as they walked by.

  “We’re fine Sunil.” Abby told him impatiently. She wasn’t going to tell the male that she had no clue what Brice was up to. She followed Brice up to the third level then deeper into Risa’s old wing then she had ever been. “Brice, where are you taking me?”

  Dropping her hand Brice stepped up a wall and reaching up pushed on a solid patch of silver. To Abby’s shock the wall began to open and a dimly lit passage appeared behind it.

  “What in the world???” Abby whispered taking a hesitant step forward. “Brice?” She looked down at him.

  “Out.” Brice said pointing then walked into the passage.

  Abby looked behind her, thinking she should go back and get Sunil, Ynyr was going to be upset… Wait. Why should she care? She was leaving wasn’t she? Eventually she was going to have to deal with things on her own, might as well start now. Taking a deep breath she stepped into the passage. “Wait for me Brice.” She called out, the wall closed behind her.


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