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Ynyr (Tornians Book 3)

Page 35

by M. K. Eidem

  “Ynyr…” Ull set down the reports he had been reading and truly looked at his brother with clear eyes for maybe the first time. Ynyr was sitting behind the Lord’s desk and he looked right there. “Manno said something… back in Torino… about how you and Zev were treated by some of the males in our House.”

  “It does not matter.” Ynyr waved a dismissive hand.

  “It does. I want you to know I never knew. If I had…”

  “I know this Ull, for if you had you would have confronted them and that would have only made it worse.” Ynyr leaned back in his chair. “You are a fit and worthy male Ull. One I have always looked up to but you are sometimes quick to judge and once you have reached a decision you rarely change it, even if you are wrong.”

  “A Lord must stand by his decisions…” Ull began.

  “Even if they are the wrong decisions Ull? If they do more harm than good? Things change Ull, people change too. Our lives don’t have to be dictated by what has happened in the past. The blood in our veins doesn’t have to dictate who we must be… We decide how we live of lives and we must live with those decisions.”

  Ull was about to answer when part of the wall behind Ynyr suddenly opened. He was immediately up, gripping his sword, ready to defend his brother. When a yellow skinned child crawled out, he froze.

  Ynyr spun around in his chair, unable to believe what he was seeing.

  “Wasaki!” Brice gasped out, looking at Ynyr.

  “Who is this?” Ull asked.

  “Quiet Ull!” Ynyr ordered as he knelt down. “Brice, Wasaki is gone, he can’t hurt you anymore.” Frowning Ynyr looked behind Brice at the passage. Brice was supposed to be with Abby. Grabbing his comm he contacted Navon.

  “Where is Abby?!!” He demanded.

  “She is in the Wing with Brice my Lord.” Navon immediate reply. “Sunil and Saar are inside. Ja and myself are at the entrance. No one has entered or left.”

  “Then how is Brice in my Command Room?!!” Ynyr demanded.

  “What!” Ynyr could hear Navon shoving open the doors and running through the Wing hollering for Saar and Sunil.”

  “Wasaki!” Brice said impatiently, tugging on Ynyr’s hand.

  “She is not here my Lord! We can’t find her!” Navon informed her.

  “Brice where is Abby.” Ynyr asking, looking to the child.

  “Wasaki!” Brice told him for a third time, pulling him towards the passage. “Oscosh! Hurt Abby!”

  “Go!” Ynyr ordered Brice pointing to the passage and grabbing his sword crawled in after him.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  “Don’t touch me!” Abby commanded, side stepping Oscosh only to bump into Quant, who had suddenly appeared behind her.

  “Oh, you are soft.” Quant said as his finger dug deep into her arms. “I like soft things.”

  “Let me go!” Abby demanded again.

  “Oh no, we are going to have some fun with you.” Quant spun her around and jerked her off her feet so she was facing Oscosh.

  “Yes, we are.” Oscosh said running a rough finger down her cheek. “The entire Empire will turn on Ynyr when your dead and abused body is found.”

  “Ynyr is going to kill you!” Abby spat at him still struggling in Quant’s hands.

  “No, Lady Abby! I am going to kill you!” With that Oscosh gripped the top of her gown and ripped it open. “But not before we have some fun first.”

  Abby screamed. She was not going to let this happen. Throwing her head back, she felt it connect with Quant’s nose and heard the crunch of breaking bone. Quant cried out and immediately dropped her. Abby rolled as she hit the floor, grabbing for the dagger she had started to carry under her sleeve since Brice’s arrival.

  “Oh, I don’t think so…” Wasaki jerked her up by her hair and Abby blindly struck with the dagger.

  Abby watched Wasaki’s mouth dropped open, his eyes widening as they both looked at the dagger lodged in his chest.

  What… How… How had this little female ended him? Wasaki thought as he felt his life drain away. He didn’t notice Abby slipping from his now weak hand, he was dead before he hit the floor

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Ynyr followed Brice down the secret passage he hadn’t known existed and right now, didn’t care, as long as it was taking him to Abby.

  “What is all this?” Ull demanded, trying to look around the passage. “And where are we going!”

  Ynyr ignored him.

  “Here!” Brice said, pushing a spot and as the wall swung out Ynyr heard his Abby scream. Drawing his sword Ynyr went to her aid.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Oscosh was stunned as Wasaki dropped the female and he saw the blade embedded in his chest, right over his heart. The female had ended him. How in the name of the Goddess was that possible? Growling, he took a step towards her only to spin around when suddenly Ynyr came running out at him from the shadows, his sword drawn.

  Oscosh immediately lunged for Abby, meaning to use her as a shield, but she was too small and quick for him, having already scampered out of his reach. Turning, he drew his sword and faced Ynyr.

  “Lord Ynyr,” Oscosh sneered. “Well, this is truly going to be a glorious day for the Empire. Not only am I going to get to enjoy your female, but I am also going to get to end you.”

  “You can try Oscosh,” Ynyr’s eyes were cold and deadly as they looked at Oscosh. He had seen the condition of his Abby’s coverings, had seen the fear in her eyes. Oscosh would pay for both. “But we both know who the victor is going to be this day.”

  Oscosh barely had time to block Ynyr’s first strike as it sent him stumbling back. He had sparred with Ynyr before and his blows had always been difficult to block, but this… this was something he had never experienced before. This was more than strength… it was more than rage… this was a skill that could not be taught. It was a skill only a warrior blessed by the Goddess could have. If Oscosh hadn’t been on the receiving end of it, he would have been awed.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Ull moved to put himself between Abby and any possible harm. When Quant began inching towards the door, he pointed his sword at him and ordered, “Do not move!” Even as his eyes remained on his brother.

  Never in his life had Ull seen such a deadly display of skill. He had heard tales of Oscosh, tales that said he was a skilled warrior with great strength, but Ynyr was making him look like an untrained first year. Never again would Ull doubt that his brother had allowed him to win their matches because Ull knew he stood no chance against the male he was watching. Ynyr was a true Tornian Warrior.

  Ynyr showed Oscosh no mercy as he continued to drive him across the room. Blow after blow struck true while Oscosh’s blocks were becoming slower and less effective.

  This male had touched his Lady. This male had caused her to fear. This male had dishonored every Tornian male that had come before him. Ynyr would send him to Daco!

  Oscosh continued to stumble back under Ynyr’s attack. He was no match for this male. It was as if he had the strength of a God. As Oscosh’s arms began to tremble and the fingers gripping his sword went numb, he realized that this was the day his life would be ended. Too slow to block the next blow, his head separated from his body and Oscosh’s last thought was that he had never seen a sword blaze before.

  Abby watched Ynyr battle Oscosh. She never doubted for a moment who the victor in this battle was going to be. Ynyr was in his element, he was defending his empire against evil, he was defending his House and he was defending her, even though he knew what ran through her veins, he still defended. Ynyr was hers… her male… her Lord… and her love. Yes, they still had a lot to work out, but they would, never again would she doubt him.

  As she watched Oscosh’s head bounce across the chamber she could have sworn for the briefest of moments that Ynyr’s sword blazed.

  Ynyr’s chest was heaving as he watched Oscosh’s headless body fall to the floor. He felt no remorse for ending the male, Oscosh had d
eserved that and so much more for harming his Abby. Turning away from the still twitching body, he saw his Abby rise and sway for a moment before she was running to him. Dropping his bloody sword he opened his arms and she dove into them.

  “Are you harmed?” Ynyr demanded, carefully wrapping his arms around her.

  “No, I’m fine,” she promised, her arms wrapping around his neck. “You got here in time.”

  “Thank the Goddess…” Ynyr said, closing his eyes, then realized he owed someone else too. “And Brice.”

  “Brice?” Abby pushed back from him slightly, her eyes widened. “Oh Goddess! Brice! Where is he?”

  “He is there.” Ull said, pointing and they both turned to see Brice is standing in the shadowy corner.

  “Oh Brice,” Abby wiggled in Ynyr’s arms and he reluctantly set her down, but refused to release her. He needed to touch her, needed to feel her touch, he needed to know she was safe. So he led her to Brice and when she dropped to her knees and opened her arms to him, Ynyr knelt beside her and wrapped his arms around them both.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Korin and Dai burst into the wing, answering Ynyr’s command over the comm. They hadn’t known what to expect, but it wasn’t this. Warrior Ull had his sword pointing at a bloody Quant who was lying on the floor. Wasaki was a few feet away, dead from the dagger sticking out of his chest, there was a body by the windows that no longer lad its head. Their Lord was helping their Lady up from the floor and she was trying to hold together her torn covering. What in the name of the Goddess had happened here?

  “Captain Dai, get some males in here and have them remove Wasaki and Oscosh’s bodies.” Ynyr ordered, keeping Abby close so she couldn’t see the bloody mess.

  “Yes, Lord…” Dai immediately began to answer, then his eyes flew back to the headless body. “Oscosh?” He asked.

  “Yes.” Ynyr’s eyes were hard when the Captain’s met his and seeing the other male’s shock, knew the Captain had no part of this.

  With a grim face Dai answered, “It will be done Lord Ynyr.” Lifting his comm he called for the males he wanted.


  “Yes, my Lord?” Korin moved to his side, his eyes taking in his Lady’s torn coverings and bruises.

  “I want you to question Quant. I want to know how they got into this House. I want to know who helped them. I don’t care what you do to get that information. Is that understood?”

  “With pleasure, my Lord.” Korin told him before turning hard eyes to the bloody Quant. This male had terrorized and beaten his brother. For once Korin was glad for the brutal way Bertos had trained him for he was going to use everything he had learned to get all the answers his Lord demanded.

  The sound of running feet had all of them turning to the entrance ready to defend when Safi and Tocho came charging in followed closely by Paganus. Relaxing slightly Ynyr turned back to Abby.

  “Come Abby,” he told her quietly, “let’s get you out of here, both of you.” He said looking to Brice.

  “Yes,” Abby said quietly. “But first I need to get my dagger.”

  When she moved, Ynyr blocked her, she didn’t need to see what she had done. “No Abby. Paganus!”

  Paganus, having heard his Lady’s words, immediately went and pulled the dagger from Wasaki’s chest, taking only a moment to admire how his Lady had managed to sink it in to the hilt, the perfect strike. How had his small, tiny Lady been able to do this? Wiping the blood off on Wasaki’s pant leg, Paganus moved to her.

  “Your dagger my Lady.” His voice was soft and full of respect as he handed it to her.

  “Th…thank you Paganus.” Abby said, beginning to tremble as she reached for it.

  Ynyr waited until she had sheathed the dagger before he swept her up in his arms. Already knowing what her protest was going to be he spoke to Paganus. “Paganus, you bring Brice. I want Navon notified we are on our way. I want a repair unit ready for us.”

  “Yes, my Lord.” Leaning down Paganus waited for Brice’s nod before he lifted him into his arms. Turning they followed their Lord and Lady.

  All four guards were standing the Wing’s entrance watching their Lord approach carrying their Lady. None of them knew what had happened or how she had been taken from the Wing, they only knew they had failed.

  “You have the repair unit?” Ynyr demanded as he stormed through the doors they had opened.

  “Here my Lord.” Navon said, holding up in his hand, following behind.

  “I’ll run it in our resting chamber.” He told him and once there, Ynyr carefully set Abby down on a couch. “Abby?” Ynyr’s concern was easily heard. His Abby had been too quiet while he had carried her, she’d clung to him and trembled but she hadn’t said a word.

  “Brice?” She asked now and Ynyr looked over his shoulder to see Paganus setting the male down on the opposite couch.

  “He is fine. He’s right there with Paganus.” His eyes returned to hers. “He came and got me Abby. He’s a very brave little male.”

  “Of course he is.” Abby told him. “His grandmanno’s blood runs through his veins.”

  “Yes, Captain Busto would be very proud of him. Now let me treat you.”

  “It’s just my arms where Quant’s fingers dug in as he lifted me off my feet.” She told him quietly and as she went to lift a sleeve, she forgot about her torn covering and it fell open revealing her creamy breasts.

  “Out!” Ynyr ordered harshly over his shoulder, pulling her top back up.

  “Oh. Sorry.” She said and tears finally began to fill her eyes.

  “It is not your fault, my Abby, it is mine.”

  “It is mine, my Lord.” This time it was Navon who spoke.

  Ynyr growled as his head spun around to see the two males still there. What were they still doing here? He’d ordered them out

  “No, it’s not Navon, it’s mine. Ynyr stop growling.” Abby said, putting a hand on his cheek, trying to calm him. “He had no way of knowing about the passage Brice showed me.”

  “You are not to speak of this! Either of you!” Ynyr ordered angrily. He wanted no one to know of the passages, not until he had the chance to explore and secure them.

  “Of course not, my Lord!” Both Navon and Paganus quickly responded.

  Nodding Ynyr returned his attention to Abby. “Now leave so I can treat my Lady.” He ordered again and this time they moved to obey.

  “Come on Brice.” Paganus said, leaning down for the male.

  “He stays Paganus.” Ynyr’s words had Abby looking at him in shock. “I will check him once I am done with Abby.”

  “Yes, my Lord.” Bowing slightly Paganus left, closing the chamber’s door.

  Abby silently watched as Ynyr ran the repair unit over her arms and while the bruises didn’t disappear, they began to fade and their ache ease.

  “Anywhere else?” He asked quietly.

  “No, besides ripping my covering they didn’t have time for anything else.” Abby dipped her head to catch his eye. “I’m going to be fine Ynyr.”

  Nodding stiffly Ynyr turned his attention to Brice. “What about you? Are you hurt?”

  “No.” Brice told him quietly, then looked to Abby. “But I hungry.”

  Abby burst out laughing and found she had to wipe away the tears of relief that were running down her face. Brice was hungry… the world hadn’t ended… things were going to be all right.

  Brice gave her a tentative smile, even though he didn’t understand why Abby was crying at least she was smiling and laughing again.


  “No Abby, I will care for Brice. You need to change and rest.” Ynyr told her.

  “You’re sure?” She asked uncertainly, looking to Brice.

  “Yes. Brice and I will be fine, we are just going to talk while you cleanse and he eats.”

  “Is that okay with you Brice?” Abby asked, looking for Brice and after a moment, he nodded and Ynyr helped Abby to her feet.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ �

  Ynyr sat back on the couch and stared at Brice as they waited for his meal to arrive. What did a full grown Tornian male, a Lord, say to a three year old that had just saved his love’s life? A three year old whose eyes were too old?

  “I have done you a great injustice Brice.” He began. “I did to you what had always been done to me and didn’t even realize it. I judged you on something you had no control over, because of what you might do, and that was wrong of me.”

  Brice just silently sat there looking at him.

  “I was also wrong in saying I would send you to Gehenna. You are not unwanted nor unfit Brice and you will always have a home within this House.”

  “Vow?” His little voice asked.

  “Vow.” Ynyr told him and was surprised when Brice suddenly launched himself into his arms. Ynyr caught him and pulled his small body close. “Thank you Brice. Thank you for what you did for Abby.”

  “I love Abby.” Brice told him using the word, Abby always said to him. “We keep Abby safe.”

  “I love Abby too and yes, we will keep her safe. Do you want to know how?”

  “Yes.” Brice said, nodding his head up and down vigorously.

  “By you showing me all the secret passages you know about.” Ynyr saw Brice frown at that. “What if someone else finds them Brice? What if they use one to get to Abby when one of us isn’t with her? What if Wasaki had known about them?”

  It was his last question that had Brice’s eyes widening. Understanding filled them and then determination. “I show you.”

  “Thank you Brice.”

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Abby’s hand covered her mouth to stop any sound from escaping as she listened to Ynyr talk to Brice. She’d come out to tell Ynyr what Brice’s favorite foods were but when she heard what Ynyr was saying she’d paused.

  Here was the male she’d fallen in love with through that hedge. He was gentle and caring. He was honest, telling you truth, even if you or in this case he, didn’t like it. He truly was a fit and worthy male.


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