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THE EIGHTH TOWER: On Ultraterrestrials and the Superspectrum

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by Keel, John A.

  Levitation—defying gravity without mechanical aid—is an accomplished fact and an important part of the religious and psychic lore. Yet some of the engineers and scientists sucked into the UFO controversy cling to the belief that flying saucers operate on some technological antigravity principle. But the truth seems to be that gravity is a condition of our environment or reality, and the so-called law of gravity may not exist in the extradimensional realm we are exploring here. Since gravity can be nullified by people who merely will themselves aloft, there must be a subtle biological link between this force and ourselves.

  The superspectrum is made up of biological energies with gravity at the bottom of the scale (figure 7). Beyond gravity there are other biological forces that produce all psychic and occult manifestations.

  Members of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) have been studying and trying to test these super forces for years. They have found a weird natural phenomenon called “black streams.” These are harmful earth rays that affect chicken farmers by making chicks sickly and raise all kinds of havoc. “We find that wires, cables or iron drains passing over a black stream will carry the trouble along their length,” a British engineer noted in 1969. Other investigators have found that people living in houses built directly over these black streams have an unusually high rate of cancer.

  Closely allied with the black-stream phenomenon is the ancient and honorable art of dowsing—finding underground water by walking back and forth across a field with a forked stick. About one person in seven has the ability to do this. In Vietnam, the U.S. Marine Corps used dowsers to locate the enemy’s underground tunnels and buried supplies. Dowsing definitely seems dependent on some biological force. The forked stick acts as an antenna and the person holding it is a kind of biological radio receiver. Flowing water somehow generates an energy field that cannot be picked up by a mechanical instrument but can be sensed by a human receiver. Or, conversely, the human is radiating an energy that responds to alien force fields below the ground.

  We still don’t have an accepted name for these forces, but the dowsing ability is clearly connected with psychic ability and ESP. People who can receive and transmit thoughts to other people (and this is an ability that has been proven in thousands of laboratory tests) often make excellent dowsers. Many famous dowsers also have unique psychic talents. Some don’t have to walk in a field. They are so psychic they just hold their stick over a map and it dips down at the spot where water can be found.

  In 1939, Dr. I. I. Rabi of Columbia University observed: “Atoms can act like little radio transmitters broadcasting on ultrashort waves…Man himself, as well as all kinds of supposedly inert matter, constantly emits rays. The existence of such rays coming from man and all living things, and probably from the inanimate, has been suspected by a few scientists for many years.”

  We no longer merely “suspect.” We know.


  In my early teens I found that I could sometimes sense what other people were thinking, and I assumed that everybody had this ability. Eventually, of course, I learned that only a small percentage of the population have minds tuned to the superspectrum. Soon after I returned to the U.S. from my global wanderings in 1957, I received a phone call from an articulate, middle-aged man who said he was a scientist working on a government ESP project in Pensacola, Florida, He wanted me to travel to Pensacola at my own expense and submit to a series of tests. I didn’t go, and I have never heard a thing about the supposed project. Later, however, I did volunteer for a long series of tests at a parapsychology laboratory in New York headed by Dr. Karlis Osis, one of the superstars in physical research.

  My ESP powers are very unreliable. Like “The Girl with Something Extra” in the TV series, I find I can read some people all of the time, some part of the time, and some none of the time. I have had friends who were operating on my same wavelength to such a degree that conversation was almost unnecessary. Raw ESP does not deal with the transfer of words or whole thoughts, but with the feelings that lie behind the thoughts. I do not sense actual phrases, such as “What an ugly necktie he’s wearing!” Rather I sense the hostility behind the thought and somehow discern, accurately, that it is directed at my necktie.

  Now and then I encounter someone whose mind is actually vulnerable to my own. I cannot only sense what they are thinking, I can project my own thoughts into their mind and they accept those thoughts as their own. In short, I can control that person’s mind on a modest scale. There are people who have this power to a very developed degree. They can control others, even from a great distance. It is probable that some world leaders, especially the evil ones like Hitler, possessed and exercised this ability. One famous psychic claimed he could hand a railroad conductor a blank sheet of paper and the man would punch it, thinking it was a ticket.

  Intercepting the thoughts and feelings of others is a meager accomplishment compared with the next item on the scale—precognition. The ability to see the future. People with this ability are not just tuning into other human minds; their brains are somehow tuned to the superspectrum itself, and they are tapping the information stored in it. The future already exists in the superspectrum.

  The easiest analogy to this phenomenon is to compare the superspectrum with a boy with a microscope. When he peers at a drop of water on a slide, he is, in a sense, looking into another world quite separate from his own reality. In 30 seconds of his time, he can watch the entire life cycle of a microbe—its birth, its multiplying, and its death. Because of its very small size, if the microbe had a sense of time, those 30 seconds would seem like 30 of our years. Time, as Einstein observed, is not a real measurement but is relative. The microbe swimming about in his drop of water knows nothing about the universe outside his immediate environment, and the boy exists in a whole different dimension.

  Our young scientist can see an obstacle in the path of the microbe long before the latter is aware of it. Thus, the boy is able to predict the future of the microbe to a degree. By inserting the point of a needle into the water, the boy can manipulate the microbe. If it could see, the microbe would regard the needle as an inexplicable object that mysteriously appears and disappears. It would have no frame of reference for such an object, so it would have to speculate and theorize and invent an explanation. If you told the microbe the truth—that another whole world existed in a much larger dimension and that the phantom object was just a needle wielded by a child—the microbe would laugh in your face. Everyone knows, it would explain patiently, that the whole universe is liquid.

  The plastic masses of energy that form the nucleus of the UFO phenomenon exist outside our time in the same way, and, like the boy’s needle, only pass through our dimension occasionally. Being detached from our reality, they are unaffected by the natural laws that rule us. Earth’s gravity, for example, exerts no real influence on these masses. They don’t defy gravity mechanically. They just ignore it in the same way that the point of the boy’s needle ignores the minuscule currents in the microbe’s drop of water. Flying saucers don’t fly. They merely float as “ghosts” float.

  In hundreds of UFO reports, we find that the entities asked questions about time: “What is your time cycle?” “What time is it?” “Where are we in time?” In a way, they are as confused as the microbe would be if you tried to explain the boy’s time frame to it. They have entered our reality from a very different time field. The boy could watch several generations of microbes in a single afternoon. Perhaps the UFO energies can also span many human generations and move as easily from our past to our future as the boy’s needle. They are extradimensional, not extraterrestrial.

  The energy field of the superspectrum shares the space of our solar system, defying another one of our physical laws: Two bodies cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Because the energy of the superspectrum is markedly different from the energy of the electromagnetic spectrum, the two can occupy a single space.

  Our world is the drop of water. A
nother world of intelligent energy is intermingled with ours and is very aware of us while we are only vaguely aware of it. It not only has a clear view of future events in our dimension; it can manipulate past and present events to prepare the way for the more important future events. In other words, the future can control the present, just as thousands of people have received mysterious mental warnings not to take a certain plane or ship. Suppose, for example, that the grandfather of the inventor of the transistor had been booked on the Titanic. If he had sailed on the doomed ship, the inventor would not have been conceived. The grandfather would never know why a phantom voice warned him not to sail. It was not to save his skin, but it was to protect an event that was still far in the future—the development of a device that would change a large part of our technology.

  The extradimensional world is not a place where trees grow and politicians steal. It is a state of energy. All kinds of information about our trivial reality are stored in the energy field through a system of particles or units of energy in a negative or positive state, just as our brains store information by opening and closing billions of nerve switches called synapses. The field is like a massive radio wave, and certain human brains have the ability to tune into it. Some of these brains are adjusted to the frequency of the bank of future data. So they receive glimpses of the future in sudden thoughts, visions (images in the conscious mind), dreams (images in the unconscious mind), or a combination of all three. Since the superspectrum is outside our time frame, its system for measuring time is different from ours, and few humans with precognition are able to unscramble the time cycle of the future events. Even our best prophets have difficulty pinpointing the exact dates and times of future events.

  Some human receivers not only pick up information from this field, their minds are so sensitive that the data is translated into words in their native language and piped along their auditory nerves to their brains so they seem to hear a voice relating the information. This is called clairaudience.

  Like any conventional radio receiver, the brains of sensitives are subject to much static. The rubbish from the lower ESP band constantly filters through to becloud the information being received by precognition and clairaudience.

  While foretelling the future is a rare gift, millions of earthlings have some ESP powers. Their brains are channeled to the superspectrum band, which is largely devoid of any other kind of information. Imagine this as a CB (citizen’s band) radio frequency flooded with the charter of children using toy walkie-talkies, taxi-cab dispatchers, and housewives chatting with their neighbors on CB sets. It is a mess, and if you tune into it with a powerful receiver, you will pick up a torrent of nonsense and jabberwocky. The ESP band of the superspectrum is just as cluttered.

  Then, too, the capricious human mind throws up a smoke screen of its own. If it has been programmed to accept religious, occult, or scientific beliefs, the mind can inject these beliefs into the messages being received. But the receiver thinks he or she is hearing directly from God, the late Aunt Clara, or Ashtar, the big cheese in the Great Intergalactic Federation. The bodiless voice will even assume the chosen identity. Thousands of years ago men figured out that the “spirits” who came through in the séances were impostors and poseurs. The static from the ESP band creates mischievous, sometimes even evil patterns, because the majority of all human minds are preoccupied with greed, ego, and lust. If the clairvoyant’s mind is tuned more to the lower ESP scale than to the higher databank circuit, a large part of the information that comes through will be colored by the thought processes of the billions of minds groveling in everyday trivia. While all these minds may not be able to read each other, they are all broadcasting on the superspectrum, and that great energy field is blindly recording all that worthless material. A clairvoyant has to be able to tune to desired parts of the superspectrum selectively and not too many are able to do this successfully. So séances and even scientific experiments in parapsychology are cluttered with all kinds of garbage.

  Adjoining clairaudience is a purely medical phenomenon—schizophrenia. Schizoid personalities also hear voices. Very often these voices urge them to commit arson and murder. Psychiatric theories for this are numberless, but actually we don’t know much about schizophrenia. Some doctors now think it has a medical cause. A few years ago a substance found in the blood of schizophrenics was injected into spiders and they began to spin crazy, misshapen webs. Others have found that some schizophrenics respond to massive doses of vitamins. But the disease is still regarded as incurable.

  Like the clairvoyant, the schizophrenic clothes his voices with an identity. He thinks he is talking with a saint, a great personage from the past, or a Martian from outer space. In some cases, the unconscious mind seems to take over the conscious mind, and all of the victim’s repressed fears and hostilities surface in overt action. But it is possible that some schizoids are tuning in to the jumble of rubbish that fills the ESP band, and they are sorting out thoughts that represent their own attitudes and beliefs. Clairvoyants do not lose control of their own personalities, but schizoid types do. In many ways, schizophrenia is a kind of mediumship gone awry.

  And mediumship is the next point on the superspectrum. A medium is a person who surrenders his or her body to the cosmic energies. A medium lapses into a state of unconsciousness. The pulse slows. The body temperature goes down. The trance state is close to death. While he’s in this appalling condition, another consciousness occupies his body. A voice completely different from the medium’s own will emerge from his vocal cords. Sitters can conduct conversations with this intruder. It usually assumes a familiar identity, that of a known deceased person or an Indian “guide.” The flying-saucer lore really developed in 1946-47 when a medium named Mark Probert produced the consciousness of a UFO pilot and spelled out the secrets of outer space to Dr. Meade Layne and others. And, of course, nearly all our information about heaven and hell and the vagaries of death have been produced in this fashion.

  Séances can turn into hilarious games with multiple entities vying for control of the medium. Good guys and bad guys show up on that other plane, and silly information is laced with astonishingly accurate declarations.

  Usually the medium’s body remains completely inert throughout the performance, but there have been incidents in which the possessing force took control of the medium’s facial muscles, and the sitters felt they were talking directly to some supernatural entity.

  Spiritualism enjoyed great popularity toward the end of the 19th century, and materializations became quite common. The entranced medium would suddenly produce a quantity of luminous material called ectoplasm. Or, in many cases, an actual entity in human form would slowly take shape in front of the eyes of the amazed sitters. In recent years séance materializations have become a rarity.

  Countless cults and religions have always tended to separate and isolate these phenomena, but, as you can see, each is inexorably linked with the other. All are based upon human perceptive equipment. The degree of sophistication of that equipment is one important key. A brain tuned to only small part of the superspectrum is just as blind as an eye tuned to only one part of the visible radiations of the electromagnetic spectrum. A brain that ranges untuned over a broader section of the superspectrum is going to pick up nothing but confusion and cosmic trash. A brain that has been programmed to the ideas of a singular belief or frame of reference is going to color and distort anything it receives. A person who is colorblind may think the whole world is gray. And to him it is.

  A best-selling book and a hit movie have made millions aware of the age-old phenomenon of demonic possession. Yet possession is nothing more than an overt, involuntary version of mediumship. The victim’s body and consciousness are temporarily controlled by an exterior intelligence. If the victim and those who investigate his case and try to heal him believe in the devil, then the controlling force assumes that identity. The same thing happens in ufology with the entity claiming to be a spaceman. I’m embarrassed now
when I recall how I stood in darkened fields with contactees who suddenly began talking in a deep baritone, declaring themselves to be from outer space. No matter how devious and complicated the questions I asked, they always had a quick and reasonable answer. They seemed to know everything about everything, just as the demons in religious cases of possession know the most minute details about the lives of their exorcists, or as the spirits speaking through the mouths of trance mediums know where your Uncle George hid his valuable gold watch.

  I soon learned that this intelligence was also emotionally unstrung, childlike, even stupid. Battling this force is like battling a reel of tape in a computer. Unless it is following a carefully programmed procedure, it is discombobulated. There are clearcut rules to the games it plays, and you have to abide by those rules. Demonic possession is just a game perfected by countless believers across the centuries. Spiritualism is another. And, of course, the outer-space game is the latest development and currently the most important.


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