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Rhythm of My Heart: Speed, Book 3

Page 7

by Jess Dee

  “Jesus!” Zachary growled, pulling away from her. “Thank fucking God for small miracles.”

  He was carrying her again.

  This time it wasn’t because he doubted Eve’s ability to walk. He simply doubted her ability to get them into the bedroom fast enough.

  If Eve had hesitated even a second getting off that table, he’d have fucked her on top of it. Just pushed her back, stripped them of their jeans and fucked her, right there.

  But instinct told Zachary Eve wasn’t about a fast fuck on a handy surface. She was a woman to be appreciated. A treasure to be loved leisurely for hours and hours and hours.

  But just because he aimed to spend the rest of the night loving her, discovering her body, tasting every inch of her skin, didn’t mean he could wait to get her naked.

  Even the sixty-odd feet to the bedroom was hell. Thankfully the bed was now close enough to lay her down on it. Lay her down and whip off her white jeans. Get them as far away from her legs as he could toss them.

  Fuck, he wanted this woman. Wanted her like he’d never wanted anyone.

  Yeah, six months of abstinence played a role in his desperation, but with Eve it went way beyond the simple need to fuck. Something about her, something inexplicable had him hooked. It also had him feeling…protective.

  She’d been hurt. Badly. And God help him, he never wanted her to experience pain again.

  He took maybe half a second to appreciate her panties, then whipped those off too, almost forgetting to breathe when she lay naked on his bed.

  He couldn’t take her scar away, couldn’t reverse the damage that had been done. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on. Didn’t mean she didn’t taste like every fantasy he’d ever had, or feel better than the finest silk money could buy.

  Silky, soft, slick.

  Fu-uck! She tasted good.

  “Zachary.” Eve squealed his name. Not a loud squeal. Not even a high-pitched one. Just a yelp that made his balls draw tight and his cock stiffen uncomfortably.

  “Mm?” He couldn’t talk. His mouth was full, his tongue busy. He’d buried his head between Eve’s legs and greedily helped himself to a serving of her pussy.

  “That’s… You—! Oh, God.”

  She gave up trying to form coherent sentences and bent her legs, spreading her thighs as creamed honey spilled on his tongue and spurred something primal in his chest.

  Yeah, he lapped at her hungrily, loving the way her clit swelled against his lips and her slick folds invited deeper exploration. But he wanted more. He wanted everything from her. Zachary had an unshakable desire to stake his claim on her body and make her his, wholly and completely.

  The idea of sliding his dick home, of burying himself in her heat and becoming one with her did crazy things to his blood pressure.

  The physical side of his need he could comprehend. Feverish lust gripped him, throwing him headfirst into an unexpected infatuation with the gorgeous makeup artist. The emotional side he couldn’t. In his wildest fantasies he hadn’t imagined himself craving the company and the taste of any woman other than his redheaded destiny.

  But Eve. Jesus, Eve was changing all the rules, changing the game. Zachary couldn’t even focus on the redhead with any clarity. Didn’t want to. Not while his mouth covered the most intimate, most secret, most delicious part of this tiny woman.

  He lost himself to the flavor of her passion. Creamy. Sweet. A little salty. Her pussy had just hit number one on his list of temptations. A man could grow addicted to her taste. One lick would never be enough. Perhaps a sample once a day for the rest of his life might work. Okay, twice a day. Three times even.

  It’d be worth it. Her essence could replace food. It would sustain him. Nourish him.

  He stopped thinking and gave himself over to the gratification of licking her. Sucking on her clit. Kissing her pussy. Gorging on her.

  Take your time, Zachary. Appreciate what you have before you.

  Fuck, it was impossible. He couldn’t go slow, couldn’t take his time. He just needed to taste her. All of her. Make her scream with raw need. Rake her nails down his back with blistering desire. Make her come on his tongue, over and over again.

  Eve writhed on the bed, shivers rippling up her legs, making them quiver against his arms.

  He loved it. Grew fucking high on her response, her taste.

  He placed his hands beneath her ass, filled his palms with two firm butt cheeks and lifted her higher so he could worship more of her.

  He flattened his tongue against her slit and licked her from her pussy lips to her clit and back down again.

  Eve squealed. Her nails dug into his shoulders and she pushed her groin harder against her mouth.

  Zachary licked her again and again, loving the warmth beneath his tongue, the slick heat, the tight nub, the way her shivering increased until she trembled against his face.

  And still he licked steadily, squeezing her buttocks, heady from her scent and her reaction.

  “Oh, God…Zachary. I’m going to… Can’t stop. I…I! Oh, God. Oh, my fucking God.”

  Ah, Jesus. He wasn’t sure he could survive this. Wasn’t sure he could escape her release unscathed. Already she’d reached a part of him he’d never let a woman reach before. If she gave him everything, he might be forced to return her gift—with his heart.

  She convulsed around him, her pussy spasming beneath his tongue. A fresh burst of liquid heat spilled over his tongue as she came, her cries echoing through his ears.

  He’d been wrong. He could survive this, survive her rapture, her release—so long as he survived it a millions items over. In fact, now that he’d witnessed her breaking around him, he wasn’t sure he’d survive without it.

  But as her convulsions and trembling eased, a sense of arrogant smugness seized him. He’d done this to her. He’d brought her to this peak.

  Not enough. Not even close to enough.

  He needed to see her overwhelmed again—overwhelmed and coming on his tongue. Now.

  Zachary flipped her over. Just rolled her from her back to her stomach and bit her on the ass, hard enough to leave a tingle but not a mark.

  She gave a breathy laugh, and a fresh wave of blood hit his dick.

  “Climb onto your knees.”

  Eve tried. He could see the effort she made, but her legs were shaky and she flopped down on the bed with another breathless laugh.

  Jesus, Zachary burned to bury himself deep, deep, deep inside her.

  Instead he lifted her to her knees, supporting her before she collapsed again and urged her to lean forward so she was stretched out before him, her ass in the air, her breasts and shoulders resting on the bed.

  Her pussy glistened, pink and puffy and perfect, wet from her juices and his tongue. Again he buried his head between her thighs and feasted.

  He palmed her buttocks, kneading the flesh as he dipped his tongue inside her slit, fucking her with it.

  She gasped and twisted. “Can’t. No…please. Too sensitive.” But even as she spoke she relaxed against him, letting him dip his tongue inside her once more. “God, Zachary.” Her voice was muffled against the sheets. “What are you doing to me?”

  Whatever he could. This was just the beginning.

  Zachary feasted on her. Like a starving man he lapped and laved, nibbled and nipped, kissed and sucked. He let one finger trail over the curve of her ass and lightly tickled her hole.

  Eve jerked violently. Her moans reverberated through his ears and down his back. He slid his free hand around her hip and fingered her clit.

  She broke on his tongue with a low yelp.

  Her juices wet his lips and slid down his chin and he simply continued to lick her, caressing her clit as she came.

  It was only when she collapsed forward, squeezing her thighs shut, that Zachary ceased his torture. He tore himself off the bed, racing to the bathroom. Yeah, he’d sworn off sex, but he wasn’t a complete idiot. He always carried prot

  He was back in less than a minute, his jeans gone, his cock sheathed—and extra condoms in hand—and his chest ripped wide open, exposing his heart. She’d done it. Eve. She’d shredded his defenses, left his restraint in a pile backstage at the concert.

  She hadn’t moved. She lay exactly as he’d left her, naked on the bed, her thighs slightly parted, her ass exposed and her arms stretched in front of her.

  How easy it would be to kneel between her legs, mount her, take her from behind. How fucking incredible it would be.

  But when Zachary finally sank inside her, he intended to look into Eve’s eyes and let her see every emotion she brought out in him. That way she could understand how fucking much he wanted her.

  She’d also realize her scar was no repellent. Eve was perfect just the way she was. If he took her from behind this first time, her fears would in no way be allayed. The action would probably just convince her she’d been right in thinking her mark hideous.

  It wasn’t. It horrified him only because of the trauma she must have had to endure. One day soon, he’d ask her more about the scar. Ask her exactly how she’d gotten it. Just not now.


  She rolled her head languidly to the side to peer at him through dreamy eyes. “Mm?” It was a contented rumble of an answer.

  “You feel good?”

  “Mmm.” She practically purred her response.

  “Wanna feel even better?”

  “Not possible,” she murmured, making him grin.

  Zachary took a step closer, and her gaze landed on his erection. To his untold satisfaction, she squirmed on the bed.

  “Definitely possible,” was his whispered response. He stroked his hand down her spine and watched as goose bumps erupted over her skin. “Roll over, Tiny.”

  She did, taking her sweet time about it. Her hair was a wild mess, her neck and cheeks flushed with pleasure and her breasts swollen and magnificent. “You gonna fuck me now, Jonah?”

  “Do you want Jonah to fuck you now?”

  Eve stared at his cock before lifting her gaze to meet his. “No.”

  His heart sank. “No?”

  “Not Jonah. I want Zachary.”

  He growled. “You have Zachary.” Christ, she had more of him than she bargained for, since his heart was fast becoming hers. “But he’s not gonna fuck you.”

  Her eyes widened, distress turning her irises a dark blue, and her arm covered her torso, from her breastbone to her shoulder, exactly where her scar lay. Her other hand trailed shakily over her cheek.

  Zachary climbed on the bed and knelt between her legs. “He’s not gonna fuck you because he—I—am going to take my time making love to you.” He leaned over, wrapped his hands around each of her wrists and pulled her arms up and over her head.

  No fucking way was she concealing herself from him. Not any part of her.

  A soft sigh of relief left her lips.

  “Don’t hide from me, Eve.” He ran his fingers from each of her shoulders, down across her breasts and let his hands meet on her breastbone. “Don’t hide any part of yourself. There’s no need. You’re beautiful just the way you are.”

  And there they were again. The damn tears in her eyes.

  Zachary couldn’t stand them, couldn’t bear to see them, not if it meant Eve was hurting. He did the only thing he could think of to stop them. He leaned in and pressed his mouth to hers.

  The kiss hit fever pitch the second their lips touched and their tongues tangled. This time the fireworks Zachary saw had nothing to do with flashes and public displays of affection.

  Uh-uh, this time the fireworks were compliments of the intense heat that burned between him and Eve.

  Chapter Six


  She’d just climaxed twice and still she wanted more. She wanted to come again, this time wrapped around Zachary, his cock inside her, his mouth on hers.

  God knew, she should worry about her scars, the ones he hadn’t seen, the ones he unwittingly demanded she reveal, but she couldn’t focus on them now. Couldn’t focus on anything beside the delicious assault of his mouth, the naked body that covered hers, the hard shaft that pressed against her thigh, separated from her bare flesh by a slip of latex.

  She twisted this way then that, trying desperately to get to that hard shaft, to let it slide between her legs, push inside her…

  But Zachary was having none of it. Instead of giving in to her insistent moans and silent demands, he released her lips to dip his head lower and subject her breasts to the same exquisite torture he’d subjected her pussy to.

  He kissed them and suckled them, nipped them and nibbled them, whispering sensual words against her skin. He traced the scar with his lips and then with his tongue, leaving a burning trail of fire in his wake. By the time he lifted his head to look at her with passion-drunk eyes, she’d forgotten she had a scar.

  She knew only this man, his sinful mouth, his skilled hands and his silver tongue.



  “Make love to me.”

  “Mmm…” The rest of his purred response was cut off as he claimed her mouth again. He finally, finally arched his back, rocked his hips and let his cock slide between her legs.

  Eve gripped his thighs with hers, opening herself as wide as she could to his invasion. Her eyes slid shut. It was like she’d waited her entire life for this moment, for this joining.

  When the tip of his shaft finally touched the lips of her pussy, when her muscles gave way to his insistent yet gentle probing, every nerve ending leapt to life.

  This, him, Zachary was all she wanted, all she needed. All she desired.

  Could he be all she’d ever desired?

  A long sigh shuddered from her mouth, and for once everything was right in the world. The past and scars and masks melted into insignificance, and the moment melded into a little piece of perfect.

  Eve murmured his name, a soft hum that floated between them. She leaned in and bit his neck, a sneaky nibble just above his collarbone.

  Zachary froze. And growled. A low, primal sound, echoing frustration, longing and compulsion. With an almost violent twist, he pulled out of her only to plunge all the way back in, burying himself inside her.

  Deep, deep inside her. Filling her. Claiming her.

  “Ah, fuck!” His cry bounced off the walls. “Eve.”

  She clutched his arms, ran her hands over his shoulders, slid them over his back, gloried in the contained strength in his muscles.

  Zachary dragged his cock out and drove it back in. The raw pleasure of his thrusts blinded her. He drove into her again and then again. Once, twice, forty times, each one more wanton, more wicked than before.

  Time stopped. The world ceased spinning.

  God, he felt good. Inside and out. Solid man. Solid muscle. Pure temptation. Unadulterated rapture. “Don’t stop,” she gasped. “Please, God, don’t ever stop.”

  “Can’t,” he gasped. “Won’t.”

  He shifted his weight on his arms, lifting himself a little higher, changing the angle of penetration, and rocked above her, burying himself inside her deeper than before.

  That was all it took. One second Eve climbed high on a wave, part of a stunning ride, and the next she crested it, flying over the top as sensation exploded within.

  She threw her head back, arched her spine and gave herself up to the blissful tide that took her beyond the edge of reason.

  Colors flared behind her eyelids as her pussy convulsed, her inner muscles grabbing at his driving cock while a billion pulses of heaven blazed through her.

  “Eve, Ah… Fuck. Tiny!” And then he too slipped over, plunging into her one last time before every muscle in his body tensed.

  He came with a roar, buried so deep inside her she lost all track of where she ended and he began. So deep inside her that the contractions in his cock as he came triggered fresh waves of bliss in her.

  Endless minutes passed as time spl
uttered back to life, as the world slowly began to spin again. Eve tried to get her heart beating normally, tried to find a rhythm in her breathing slower than a hurricane.

  She lost herself to the delicious weight of the man who’d collapsed on top of her, panting. Eve herself was buoyant, floating in a nirvana of Zachary’s making. Of being adored. Of feeling cherished.

  When he slipped out of her pussy with a groan and a shudder, Eve shivered as a last ripple of sweetness flowed through her.

  He hauled himself reluctantly off the bed, pausing to place a wonderfully decadent kiss on her lips. “I’ll be right back.”

  Zachary disappeared into the bathroom, leaving Eve to catch her breath, to wonder at everything that had gone down. To marvel at how trusting she’d been with him. She’d shown him the scar on her chest.

  When last had a man inspired such faith?


  She caught her hands above her head and stretched, extending every muscle from her calves to her fingers. Then she relaxed, falling back onto the mattress and letting the luxurious post-orgasmic lethargy flow through her.

  Zachary returned, inspiring a ridiculously large smile from Eve.

  “You look happy.” He returned her smile.

  “I am, Zachary. Like really, really happy.”

  He climbed onto the bed beside her, tugging her into his arms. “Ah, Tiny. Me too.” He ran his hand over her back. “Would you believe me if I told you I’ve never come that hard?” This said with a ragged breath.

  Eve could identify. Not only had she just had the climax of a lifetime, she’d had it after two other spectacular orgasms. She felt wonderfully sated. “You have me wrapped around your little finger. I’d believe anything you told me now.”

  “So long as you know I’m not just feeding you a line. Seriously, that was about the best sex I’ve ever had.”

  She tried to play it cool. “You’ve obviously never had sex with an Australian before.”

  Zachary stilled.

  His hesitation took her by surprise. “Oh, Lord.” She pushed against his chest so she could get a look at his face. “You have had sex with an Aussie before?”

  He cringed. “Well, uh, kinda.”


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