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Engaging Evil (Warriors of Vhast Book 2)

Page 6

by Cary J Lenehan

  I may not be used to horses, but it was easy to see that Hulagu is amused by Bianca’s treatment of her horses. I was surprised at what she did and my Princess confided that she, being used to the ferocity of trained war animals, and also worried about leaving Esther tied up with the others, was amazed as Bianca casually treated hers as some palace girls treated their lap dogs.

  After all of the horses had been fed and watered. Bianca slapped her animals on the nose and told them to stay and guard the others before heading off. They were headed down the slope when Bianca had to stop and turn and stamp her foot before she could stop them following her—and obey her they did. Eventually they stopped at the top of the rise and they remained visible there, along with her packhorse, until they entered the trees.

  Astrid made them walk quickly, but allowed them a short break before they started climbing the slope. Theodora has taken my hand! It still feels strange to hold the hand of a paradēśī, a foreigner. That it is a woman and I love her is almost trivial beside that. They reached where they would climb. Astrid, as the stronger, went first. A rope was tied around her waist that led back to Thord at the rear. The others went between them. Theodora gave her hand a little squeeze before taking her place and letting go. It was strange holding her hand, but now I miss it. It was just a simple gesture of affection, but I want her to take my hand again. I miss it already. As they went up she took her place just in front of Thord. Rani noticed that most of the group had steadied themselves on the rope, but Ayesha walked free and moved up the slope with ease, helping others if they needed it.

  They reached the cleft well before dusk and settled down to sleep and wait. Astrid edged forward towards the shadows at the edge and then came back to report a similar scene to that she had seen before. Eventually she whispered, “The watcher this time is a mage.” Then, “It was three women who were chosen this time—no children.” Later still, “The mage has returned and is very upset. The dwarf and the mages are arguing discretely. I’ll bet they decide to send their carpet out to look for their people in the morning, unless Dharmal goes to his mineshaft. We will strike just in time.”

  However, it turned out that they were too late for the carpet and the mage on it. Astrid whispered back that one of the mages, a man who looked like he came from the Caliphate, took it out of the village, towards the gate, just before dark. They could not see the area near the valley entrance from here, but Astrid did not have its return to report.


  While we wait and rest above them, the village below is settling down into what must be its own form of quiet…one of the women who had been taken into the barracks cried out a few times in short involuntary bouts of pain that were quickly suppressed and then, while the guard walked rounds around the darkened buildings, all of the others below lapsed into sleep, or at least had gone silent. I need to see everything.

  After Astrid allowed a peak over the edge Rani surveyed the scene below. I do not have to change the plan much. The best time to attack is just before the first watch change when the soldier on duty will be sleepy and still tired from his day. When those among the attackers who had slept woke, everyone made final preparation. By Dhatri, god of enchantments, I have forgotten to check my little fire pot…luckily it is still smouldering inside and quite warm on the outside. She dug in a pouch and added some fresh dried paper-bark to the contents and blew into it until it glowed just a little bit more inside. My lover is lucky to work with the element of air. It is all around her and she needed to make no such preparation.



  Before he would allow them to attack, Father Christopher took Astrid, Basil and even Theodora aside one by one to quietly talk to them as they closed their eyes in prayer and the priest blessed them. Theodora even went back to her lover looking happy. They have all just made confession. I might die unshriven with what I have done still on my conscience before God. My soul…what of my soul? With horror she became conscious of an ache inside, not a physical hurt, but she could still almost feel the pain inside her. All of my life I have been governed by the rules of the Church, and I have tried as best as I could to live by them, and now I fear dying with my sins still there to be perhaps answered for before God without me having made an effort to atone. The priest may be a heretic, but I still crave to go to him and do the same as the others. Before she could make up her mind Father Christopher insisted on saying a quiet service over them all.

  “Not all of you are Christian,” he said quietly, “but you fight against evil. It will not hurt.” Except for Ayesha the others submitted. Ayesha moved aside and made a prayer for herself and included the others in it. She had indicated earlier that for her they might be kãfirũn, unbelievers, but they were also halĩf, allies, doing Allah’s work.

  “Except for Ayesha, who will choose for herself when she will strike, no one will attack until they hear noise from the main house,” said Rani, as a final instruction to them when they were all ready. Bianca crossed herself a last time. There is still an ache inside me over the peril my soul is now in. This anguish cannot be easily quenched.



  When the guard was out of sight Astrid took Thord’s rope and tested it. It was firm so she lowered it over the edge and gave the cable to the Muslim girl. Quickly Ayesha walked backwards down the cliff, her hands grasping the rope. When she had reached the roof she waved and Astrid pulled it back up as she lowered herself from the roof to the street. The last they saw of her was when she drew two blades and stepped into a shadow, where she seemed to just disappear. Astrid handed over the rope to Thord, kissed Basil and moved herself aside into the deeper shadow of a part of the cliff and stood up, stretching cramped muscles and readying her bow. I needed that stretch. First a normal arrow. She nocked one and held it down. My support role has started. The guard on duty—Astrid thought that it was one of the women—went in and out of sight. I could probably take her. Astrid flicked her eyes from doorway to doorway, looking for anyone coming outside. After what seemed to be forever the guard went into a shadow and did not reappear. In her place Ayesha stood, waving up at them, before again disappearing—this time towards the guardhouse.

  Astrid gave a soft instruction and the rope was let back down and, after giving Astrid a quick return peck on the cheek, Basil lowered himself down the rope, not as neatly as Ayesha, but at least he moved under his own control, the rope rough beneath his hands. Next Bianca was lowered down on the end of the rope. She didn’t trust herself to climb down safely. Once other people were on the roof of the abandoned building they moved to the edge and climbed or were helped down to the street. Hulagu was lowered next. He is as elegant as a sack of potatoes once he is off his horse. I am worried about the noise he makes, but no one appears to have noticed. Theodora was the first mage down. She was without her outer armour but with a sword at her side and a shield strapped to her back. She went down in the same fashion as Ayesha. Rani had to be lowered. She makes Hulagu look like a mountaineer. She has tangled her sword between her legs…now she is about to hit the cliff with her helm. Thord walked backwards down the cliff confidently and without fuss while hanging on to the rope…He is a mountaineer…and then it was up to Stefan to go down last…clumsy under his own power. Astrid muttered an instruction to the priest, who pulled the rope back up.



  On the ground they fanned out, moving as quietly as they could, but without trying to hide. Stefan and Hulagu moved down the side of the street trying to stay in the shadows. Basil watched as they went to the door of the guard’s barracks where they took position and waited silently, one on each side of the door. He moved towards the main house. Behind him were the mages; he could hear them, and Bianca was behind them. Thord went in front. If the door was locked and barricaded it was his job to open it and, after that, to take care of Dharmal. Thord had demanded that job if he could get it. Basil took a position to the side as he watched Thord cautiously try to turn
the handle on the door. It was unlocked and swung open fairly quietly, easily and smoothly in front of the dwarf. If it were his door he would have liked the hinges oiled.

  Light flooded from the room out to where they stood, spilling into the courtyard and outlining Thord. They waited for a moment but nothing happened. Inside it stayed silent. The place smells like a tavern that has been carelessly looked after, a touch of the sour smell of vomit between planks and not properly washed, a little bit of spilt drinks, something of neglected dust and it is easy to imagine that there is more than a touch of despair. I have been in many taverns like it. They exist even in Darkreach. Basil quickly pushed past the mages as they went to step inside, his shortswords at the ready. He saw that the light came from something that was hanging from the ceiling—a crystal candelabrum without candles. It is obviously enchanted to give light all of the time; the light isn’t coming from magic just cast. He went further in and looked around as the others entered behind him. Walking as quietly as he could he could see that open doorways revealed empty rooms while a staircase climbed the wall to the right. I guess that the residents will be asleep up there. Bedrooms are usually upstairs. I wonder if they feel secure enough in their village to not lock their doors or set any traps on the way up. There is only one way to find out and it should be me who does it.

  Feeling his way quietly on the wooden floor he headed slowly towards the stairs. I have done this many times before in my work, but never against a house full of mages. At least this time I have strong magical support. As he put his foot on the first stair he checked behind. Rani had pushed past Theodora to follow him closely; Theodora followed her and then Bianca, with throwing knives in her hands. Thord, the only one of them in full armour, brought up the rear with a warhammer in one hand and a round shield on the other arm. The mages both had a wand in each hand, their swords still in their scabbards. Carefully and stealthily he mounted the stairs. I hope they don’t creak. They seem to be of solid construction and, unfortunately for the inhabitants, give out no noise. I am relieved at their lack of caution. At least, behind me, except for the unmistakeably faint and inevitable liquid chinking noise of Thord’s chain, my companions are managing to stay fairly silent. Usually when I do this I have other police to back me up and I know that I am with the stronger force. Now my best allies use stealth and surprise and we have no real idea about the opposition. My climb is taking a long time but as always, speed means noise.

  Reaching the top of the flight he discovered that, across a broad corridor, there were a further set of stairs ahead of him, which would logically go up to the roof. A balcony corridor ran to the left and to the right, going around a corner at each end to disappear behind a thin wall. Another light hung at each corner. Indicating that they should all stay still on the stairs he explored in both directions. Each of the other corridors ran back to the front of the house and each had a door just around the corner and another at the end. Damn. There were six doors, five targets and five of them in the assault. Listening at the three closest doors gave him nothing. They are identical and it will be pure luck for the right attackers to get the targets that they are best suited for. Here is where the plan starts coming apart… He stealthily moved back to Rani and quietly described what he had seen.



  Rani nodded as Basil talked and thought for a moment. Who would occupy which room? She chose one of the rooms on the main corridor for herself and another for Thord. These seem to be the largest, so hopefully they will hold the chief mage and Dharmal. It is half and half which room they are in. She gave Theodora and Bianca one side corridor, the one towards the cliff, and Basil the other towards the front of the valley. Basil wanted to go with Theodora, but in whispers Rani pointed out that he was better at combat than Bianca and would have to deal with two doors and so possibly two people, until help could arrive. She would stand at one corner and Thord at the other. When she dropped her hand Thord would do the same and they would all count to three slowly to themselves as the two moved to the doors of the main rooms. On the count of four they would each try and open their doors and then they would attack. All of these instructions were given in quiet whispers as they all clustered at the top of the stairs. If anyone comes out of a room then it will be us who will be surprised. “Say your prayers and good luck to you all,” she concluded. They moved to their positions. I suppose they are trying to stay silent and stealthy, but it is with varying degrees of success.

  Rani looked around. Basil had chosen the end room first. That made sense. Thord waited at the other corner. The dwarf’s hand with the hammer in it was raised. Basil was looking at her. I was trained for battles between armies out in the open, not magical duels within knife fighting range inside a building. I hope that I don’t look as nervous as I feel. I am their leader and I need to look confident so as to give confidence to the others. All is as ready as it could be. The longer I wait the more chance there is of something going wrong.

  She dropped her hand and saw Thord drop his hammer hand, as she started moving towards her door and Thord moved to the other. One, and reach the door, two, reach for the handle and put my hand on it, three, pause now, four, and turn. It was unlocked. Open it. Light spilt into the room. Ahead was a large bed with posts at the corners and a canopy. A dimly seen figure lay on it with its feet towards her. Peripherally she registered a case of books and a writing table, on the other side a chest or two. I must have a mage. The figure was stirring. She used her wand and the figure let out a muffled scream in reflex as a small ball of fire hit it and the agony of the explosion brought it awake. Again and again and again balls of fire struck leaving small charred wounds, the bleeding staunched by the flame. The figure twisted, trying to evade the blasts and trying to comprehend what was happening to him. Her ears registered crashes and screams coming from the rooms from around her. She knew not whose they were.

  The figure is reaching out towards something that lies on that stand by the bed to her right. Again she fired. The figure screamed and grabbed something. It is a wand. Again she fired and the figure fell limp on the bed, dropping the wand. Success…no…wait. It convulsed briefly and most of the damage that she could see disappeared. Damn him, the mage is at least cautious enough to have a contingency cure operating. Again she fired. The figure reached for the wand again, but that was no longer on the table, it lay on the floor. The mage half leant and half fell out of bed onto the floor, receiving another bolt in the ribs as he did so. By Lakshmi, he now has cover from my fire. I must move to the right. The mage came into sight. This time he was raising his wand and they both fired. Rani felt a bolt glance off her helm and saw her ball strike home. Again they both fired and Rani felt a sudden explosion of pain in her torso and she went to fire again, but it was unneeded. The mage lay unmoving with eyes staring at her and a face distorted in a grimace of hate and pain—dead, unconscious, or faking it. I need to be sure which it is. Rani went over and drew her main-gauche, plunging it into the mage’s body where she thought his heart should be. He convulsed once, perhaps a reflex, and then went limp. She straightened, removing her blade. Blood gushed briefly from the wound. Only one contingency cure then.

  She smelled charred flesh and singed wool.



  “Holy Mary Mother of God, help me. Blessed St Ursula, I made this vow to you, please aid me in carrying it out.” Bianca spoke her prayer softly as she looked at the dwarf. Thord’s hand dropped and she nervously reached for the handle with her left hand. One…What if the door is locked?…Two…I am an apprentice trader damn it, not a soldier…Three…Oh my God, it is about to happen…Four and turn and open. Inside was a bed, its head against the wall. There was someone in it. On the carpeted floor to her right lay a naked woman. Now I know that my duty is to rescue another victim and wreak God’s revenge on the ungodly.

  Bianca felt determination flow into her. As hard as she could she threw the blade in her right hand at the person on the bed and
advanced, quickly drawing and throwing another blade. A gurgled scream marked that her aim was good. A wet ‘thunk’ announced that her second blade had struck as well. Another muffled yelp of pain came out of the bed. The figure on the floor was moving. She ignored the woman, noting in passing that she was blonde and light skinned. A series of small explosions were heard from behind her. She threw again and went to draw her fighting knives. The third blade hit as she threw herself on the figure on the bed, a blade in each hand stabbing down into the body. A moment of resistance said that both blades seemed to hit and then the figure just seemed to vanish and she was stabbing down into the bed. “What?” she said. The girl on the floor was now aware of what was happening and was screaming and scurrying across the floor to sit with her back against the wall, cowering into it. What did she think was happening? “Shut up you stupid woman. Where did he go?” The woman kept screaming. Maybe she didn’t speak Latin. She tried again in Hindi.

  “Don’t kill me,” came the reply.

  “Don’t be stupid. I’m here to free you, now where did he go?”

  The woman was terrified. All she could do was cower and babble, this time in Latin: “I don’t know. Don’t hurt me. I don’t know. Please—”

  “Damn,” said Bianca. She felt in the bed. My best throwing knives must still be in their target…wherever he now is. At least I still have my fighting knives. She got off the bed and headed for the door. She left the woman, still huddled naked, behind her on the floor in a pool of dampness and still babbling incoherently in fear.


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