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The Billionaire's Saving Grace: A contemporary romance

Page 9

by Fiona Miers

“It’s fine. Ten years is quite an achievement for any association, and I should be here to celebrate tonight.”

  “Yes, you should. This house has saved countless lives, mine included.”

  “Pardon me?”

  He didn’t remember her as being someone who stayed at Eleanor’s House as a client. It hadn’t been on her resume. He would have made a note of that.

  “Oh, not as literally as some of the women, but when I applied for this position I was almost bankrupt and my husband had left me and my daughter with nothing. If you, or whomever hired me, hadn’t given me this chance then I don’t know where I would be.”


  Cindy looked up at him then with such a warm expression, he felt some of the ice around his heart crack and shatter. There was no calculation in her eyes, no aloof posture, only pure heart and thanks pouring from her. He hadn’t known women like this existed.

  “I… ah…” His throat tightened and he glanced away. What did you say to someone like that?

  “Nathan, Nathan!” He turned towards Emily’s voice and her radiance shone straight at him as she rushed forward, her hands flapping.

  “We’re about to do the speeches, are you sure you don’t want to speak?”

  “Very sure.”

  A fleeting flash of disappointment crossed over her face and then she took Cindy’s hand and they both walked over to the makeshift stage and podium. He stood back and stepped up close to the refreshment tables, his back as close to the wall as he could get it.

  The speeches began and Cindy thanked everyone for coming, listed off some rather impressive statistics on how many people they’d helped over the years and the coming improvements and expansion.

  Nathan let his brain drift in and out. The atmosphere of the room, although weirdly different and crowded, which would generally put him in a shitty mood, had him relaxing. His shoulders were dropped, his belly had calmed and his chest was no longer restricting his breathing.

  There was a family feel to the room that he’d felt only at rare friends’ homes in primary school. Photos everywhere, too much food. That strange warmth and clutter to a home where you know only good things happen.

  A round of applause signaled the end of Cindy’s speech and Emily stood, her full cheeks pink as she nervously glanced around the room and found him. Her smile brightened and she cleared her throat, speaking into the microphone.

  “I feel so honored to be standing here today, in what I consider one of the best not-for-profit organizations in Australia.” A round of applause greeted that heartfelt proclamation and Nathan grinned at the woman glowing from the center of the room. She was definitely one of a kind.

  Tonight he could see in her that beautiful young woman he met in the foyer of a grand hotel only last weekend. Glowing with happiness and good health, her aura had attracted him like no other had ever done.

  “I recently had the pleasure of meeting the man who set up the foundation that built Eleanor’s House, at a fundraiser where he was putting plans together for the extensions that Cindy talked about tonight. No one would recognize him because he never puts himself out into society proclaiming to be the hero I know he is, but I want to take the opportunity to publically thank Nathan Johnson, the man standing at the back of the room in the black suit with his arms crossed.” Fifty sets of eyes turned on him and Nathan’s stomach literally flipped over inside his belly.

  Cold prickled his skin and his cheeks drained of all blood. He tightened the arms that already wrapped around his chest and squeezed.

  So much for enjoying the atmosphere.


  Emily watched the horror-struck look as the color drained from Nathan’s cheeks and she felt a moment’s regret as acid dropped into the pit of her stomach.

  He needed to know what he’d done. His ability to hold himself aloof from everyone needed to be rectified. He’d constructed an ice tower around himself, it was obvious. But it was killing him.

  She pushed forward. “Nathan deserves to know how much he has affected everyone’s lives, so without rushing him, please feel free to speak to him throughout the night. He is a humble man, and I think it’s important he knows what his hard work has achieved. Thank you and enjoy the night.”

  There was silence and then a round of applause as people started to surge towards Nathan. Women, young and old, some dragging children, others by themselves. But all of them were walking towards Nate, one of the only men in the room.

  Emily glanced towards him and saw him backing towards the door. No, he couldn’t be leaving.

  She rushed forward, cutting through the throng of women who all wanted to tell their stories to Nathan.

  His blue eyes were icy as she drew up next to him and turned to stand in front of him, blocking him like a shield with her body. She held up both of her hands and spoke to the nearest people.

  “Remember what I said about Nathan always working in the shadows. Please give him a little space until he settles in. Go enjoy the food and we’ll mingle in a moment.”

  The women all nodded and grinned at her with huge smiles, turning away with lingering glances at their handsome savior.

  “I cannot believe you did that to me.”

  The malice in his voice made her cringe as she turned around slowly and looked up at him. “What are you talking about? I thought you’d like hearing from the women you’ve helped so much.”

  “Me? I didn’t even want to come to this and now you’re pushing me straight into the limelight when you know I hate it.”

  Emily took a step back, taking a hard look at the man in front of her before swallowing hard. He was upset. His cheeks were slashed with an angry red, his jaw was tight and his arms were crossed across his chest.

  Maybe I pushed this a little too hard.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. I thought you’d be okay with it.”

  He made a growling sound and pushed past her, his tall figure cutting through the crowd like a hot knife through butter.

  She watched him go with a knot in her gut. Damn. How had she mucked that up so badly?

  Cindy came rushing up to her. “What happened? Did he leave?”

  “Yeah, ah… he was angry I told everyone to come and talk to him.”

  Cindy grimaced. “Yeah, I thought that was a bit much, considering how private he is.”

  “What do you mean? I thought it would be good for him.”

  Cindy sighed. “His body language was obviously uncomfortable. He doesn’t like crowds and he’s never stepped into Eleanor’s House for a reason, Em. It’s not really your place to throw him straight into the deep end.”

  Cindy’s words hit home hard and Emily glanced away, her eyes stinging with unshed tears. The words of disappointment from a woman she admired so much made her want to cry. She worked so hard to do the right thing, and her she’d hurt someone she cared about. How had she not picked up on that?

  “I didn’t mean to upset him.”

  Cindy lay a hand on Emily’s arm and Emily raised her wet eyes to look at her friend and mentor. “I know.”

  Cindy gave Emily a small smile and walked away, leaving Emily alone with her stomach ache.

  By the end of the night, Emily was ready to do anything to make it up to Nathan. The more she thought about it, the more she hated herself for pushing him into such an uncomfortable position. He may be an internationally successful businessman and a major hard-ass as far as most people were concerned, but if anyone knew that he had a soft side, it was her.

  And she felt like she’d taken advantage of it. Of him.

  Shit! I pushed him too far, and now anything might happen.

  Strangely, she wasn’t afraid of how he’d punish her. He could get her fired from her corporate position, kick her out of Eleanor’s House and personally humiliate her. But she wasn’t concerned about that. She was worried about him. Worried sick.

  And that was the strangest thing about all this. Since when did she care more about a man whom she b
arely knew than her livelihood?

  She smiled and chatted through the evening, even getting onto the dance floor with some of the older children when the music got cranked up, but inside she was battling the spreading cold and sadness.

  Midnight arrived and the music was turned off, the food and drinks were cleared away and the lights went down.

  Emily snuck into the office and pulled out the files on the new extension. She was sure she could find Nathan’s address in there somewhere. She had to apologize.

  And she couldn’t wait until Monday.

  She dug through a pile of paperwork, scanning and flicking through. Finally, she found the piece of paper she was looking for. She made note of the address in her phone and put everything away in its place.

  Surely he wouldn’t throw her out if she came to apologize?

  Call him maybe? Or message him, but she wanted to make sure he knew how sorry she was, and there was only one way to do that.

  She said goodbye to everyone and kissed Cindy goodnight. Meanwhile, her heart was thundering in her chest as she clung to her mobile phone.

  When she got into her car she plugged in his address, unsurprised to find he lived only a few streets from his work. Five minutes, max.

  She drove there carefully, her hands shaking as she weighed the wisdom of her midnight apology idea. She pulled up outside a tall apartment building, her belly in knots and her mouth suddenly dry as a desert.

  Licking her lips, she swallowed hard. It was twelve-thirty. Would he be asleep already? It was a Saturday night so she hoped not.

  She stepped out of her car and stepped up to the intercom barring her way into the expensive building.

  She bit her lip. What to do now?

  She glanced down at her phone. Apartment thirty-two, which may be on level three, or it may be way up the top. Hmmm.

  A couple walked around the corner, arm in arm and opened the door with an electronic key.


  Emily smiled at them and followed them inside, trying to appear like she fit in by not looking around too much. It was a beautiful building, though. Modern, almost too clean.

  She stuck close by as the couple walked into the lift and used their key once again to gain admittance to the other floors.

  She tried not to stare at the attractive, obviously moneyed older couple. She hadn’t even thought about how she was going to get into his apartment.

  “You look lost, do you need some help?” the woman in the elevator asked her and Emily jumped a little, blood rushing into her cheeks as she met the blonde lady’s eye.

  “Ah, yes. I wanted to come visit a friend, as a surprise, and I know they live in apartment thirty-two, but I’m not sure what level that’s on.”

  The lady smiled brightly and pointed to level three and pushed the button so that it lit up yellow.

  “Level three, apartment two.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  The doors dinged open a moment later on level three and she jumped off, her heart thumping in her chest as she followed the sign to apartment two. She’d expected something a bit more penthouse, flashy and super-expensive. But she was also a little relieved that Nathan wasn’t pretentious.

  What a ridiculous thought. He’s your boss, nothing else.

  She raised her hand to knock and then stopped. It was almost 12:45 a.m. now, what was she doing?

  Ah, shit. You’re an idiot.

  She closed her eyes and hung her head, taking in slow breaths through her nose. She’d come this far, what the hell was she going to do now?

  Opening her eyes, she glanced behind her at the wall. Perhaps she should sit down and wait until morning?

  She snorted at herself and then squared her shoulders.

  A plan formed in her head. She’d knock twice, softly. If he was up he’d hear her, if he was asleep she would leave and no one would be any wiser.

  Clenching her jaw so that her teeth pressed together, she made a fist with her hand and knocked gently on the door below the silver numbers three and two.

  She waited. Nothing.

  A shuddering breath wracked her body, her belly flipping inside her like a landed fish. One more time.

  She knocked a little louder, held her breath, then let it out.


  Relief came out in a deep sigh but a niggling amount of disappointment surprised her as it crept up the back of her spine. Had she really wanted to see him that much?

  She turned on the ball of her foot to leave and the door flew open.

  “Emily? What the hell are you doing here?”

  Emily’s eyes betrayed her and dipped down, past his chiseled jaw and tan skin to his wide pecs and bare abs, hard and toned to the point of causing her mouth to actually drop open.

  Wow, oh fuck.

  She’d never seen a man in real life as perfectly sculpted as Nathan was. He could model for any magazine cover and fit right in.

  Fit is right.

  “Hello? Did you hear me?”

  Emily shook her head and forced herself to meet Nathan’s eyes, the frown on his forehead severe and causing wrinkles on his otherwise perfect face.

  “Ah, I…wanted to apologize for tonight.”

  He rolled his eyes at her. “You’re kidding me? It’s almost 1 a.m.”

  “I know, but I…” She looked up and down the hallway. “Can I come in for just a minute, and then I’ll leave you alone. I promise.”

  Nathan stepped back and waved her in, his expression still grumpy.

  Emily stepped inside, her eyes darting around the spacious lounge room filled with large, dark masculine furniture and no personal effects. Where were the photos or pictures on the walls? Even her toilet had quotes on the back of the door.

  “Go on, then.”

  She turned back to him. His arms were crossed over his chest and her belly twisted into even tighter knots.

  “Nathan, I know I shouldn’t have pushed that on you tonight. It was wrong.”

  “It was. Especially when I specifically asked you not to.”

  “You did, and I’m very sorry.”

  He eyed her critically, his arms dropping down to his sides, exposing his smooth chest. “I suppose you’re only here to beg for your job? I know how important it is to you.”

  She shook her head avidly, taking a step towards him. She needed him to understand it wasn’t about that. “No. I don’t care what you want to do about all that. We’ve spent time together lately and I feel like we’ve gotten to know each other a little. I shouldn’t have done what I did.”

  Nathan’s shoulders sagged. “You want a drink?”

  “Ah, sure.”

  She could use one, a hot one preferably. Her hands were frozen and her lips were quivering.

  “Red wine?”

  Her eyebrows rose high as she followed him into the sterile, ultra-modern white kitchen. She should probably ask for a cup of tea, as this wasn’t the atmosphere or the time of night for hot caffeine.

  “Ah, sure. Why not?”

  He didn’t bother pulling on a shirt or shoes, just continued to walk around in faded blue jeans. The confidence he had was incredible.

  Nathan stretched up and took down one red wine glass from a shelf in his fancy kitchen. The bulky muscles of his back and arms rippled and tightened as he moved. He opened the bottle and poured the alcohol, all with the grace of a leopard. The combination of strength and flexibility in his beautiful muscular frame as he moved around was hypnotizing to watch.

  She slid onto one of the stools, her legs a little unsteady as warmth began to invade her lower belly. She’d known he was attractive, but by all that was holy, he was more beautiful than she’d realized.

  He pushed a glass towards her and she took it, despite the fact that red wine was not on her list of favorite beverages. She’d make do tonight.

  “Cheers.” He tipped his glass of water towards her and drank without waiting for her to bring her own glass to his.

  A shiver
coursed through Emily. He was upset, and she wasn’t sure what she could do to fix what she’d broken.

  Despite needing that professional distance in the past, she was suddenly hating it now. A thin layer of ice seemed to have invaded the space between them and she didn’t want it there.

  “Nate, I am very sorry. I honestly thought that you’d love hearing the women’s stories tonight. I assumed that if I pushed a little…”

  “Yeah, you assumed and you know what they say about assumptions, right?”

  She nodded. She certainly did. “Yeah, one of my dad’s favorite expressions. If you ‘assume’ it makes an ass out of you and me.”

  He swallowed hard and stared at her with those striking blue eyes. “Yeah.”

  “You’d probably like my dad Nate, he’s very pragmatic.”

  Nate shrugged and kept his eyes on his glass.

  She didn’t like her dad, but he was still around vaguely in the background of her life. She was pretty sure Nate wouldn’t have the same answer if asked. “Do you and your dad get along?”

  His head came up so fast she almost fell off her chair.

  “That’s none of your business, Emily.”

  “I’m sorry. So sorry. I didn’t mean to pry. I just…” Hot tears stung at her eyes and she blinked rapidly, raising the glass to her lips and swallowing down the dry red with two big gulps. She was mucking everything up.

  She got up and grabbed the bag that had slipped off her shoulder and onto the floor.

  “Nate, Nathan. I…”

  Two tears slipped down and she twisted away, holding her breath and trying to get her emotions under control. This was getting ridiculous.

  She took one breath and then another, getting a handle on her feelings.

  Enough. Stop.

  She turned back around and gave Nathan a smile.

  “I’m very sorry to have barged in on you like this. I just simply wanted to apologize for being intrusive and I hope you will forgive me and we can continue with our business relationship.”

  Nathan put his glass down, his eyes burning as he stared at her.

  “How sorry are you, Emily?”

  His tone was strangely erotic.



  Nathan stalked forward and she backed up, the man in front of her grabbing around her waist and hauling her against his half-naked, muscled frame.


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